Is there anyone who is in there 40's ttc?

Happy Friday everyone!!!

Happy Friday everyone!!

All the talk about soy makes me think....maybe. I think I'm out this cycle just a feeling. My temp dropped this am not below coverline but noticeably so:shrug: No real signs of af but I don't know. Feeling a bit down and even cried this am when I saw my temp. I took it again just to make sure. It just goes to show a really good looking chart does not necessarily equal a BFP. We will see what happens tomorrow I guess.
Madeline- I hope you get your BFP!! Sounds like you are working pretty hard at your workouts! Good for you. As far as eating I do tend to graze a bit all day but still have 3 meals. I have never had a weight issue so have just tried to eat healthy and also eat when I'm hungry?
Cranberry crap has never helped me at all. I did get some D mannose at the vitamin shoppe and that is what Dr. Oz suggested so I'm giving it try. It is safe even when you are pregnant. I think you can get at whole foods too. My doctor even suggested it...:thumbup:[/QUOTE]

I just love Dr. Oz. He could tell me to swallow dog poo and I'd probably do it.

MG - I don't know about the soy - kind of wishing I hadn't started it this month because I don't want to be the cause of my fertility. I have 2 more days of it and think I'll take lower doses. I wouldn't worry about your lower temp with it still being above the cover line. I've read lots of posts where women had terrible looking charts and they ended up with BFPs. Hang in there!
hi guys

thks for your support:) its not good news I am afraid... Today is day 22 for me and I had this light brown mucousy discharge. I guess that means AF is coming and possibly early. I had a real down today emotionally as well. Which is pretty infantile I know... in my defence it is out of character I am pretty even normally.. Anyway I picked myself up and went for a run this afternoon. I still feel a bit I am relying heavily on very good news from you all as I will be thinking very positive thoughts that you will get your BFP's this month.

Madeline xxxx
Thanks Garnet - Yikes. I found lots of women taking 180 - 200mg and getting BFPs so I figured I wouldn't mess around with low doses and just take the higher ones but you're right. We are all built different and what if I'm preventing it with soy! Gads. Too much. Well I'm not doing the vitex so hey I've got that going for me :)

i tried the vitex b4 soy and had a 17 day cycle so i am taking nothing now going natural all the way xx also the last thread i was on where we all took soy the 3 that got bfps very sadly all lost there babys i dont know if it was the soy but looking into it it does happen quite a lot xx
Thanks Garnet - Yikes. I found lots of women taking 180 - 200mg and getting BFPs so I figured I wouldn't mess around with low doses and just take the higher ones but you're right. We are all built different and what if I'm preventing it with soy! Gads. Too much. Well I'm not doing the vitex so hey I've got that going for me :)

i tried the vitex b4 soy and had a 17 day cycle so i am taking nothing now going natural all the way xx also the last thread i was on where we all took soy the 3 that got bfps very sadly all lost there babys i dont know if it was the soy but looking into it it does happen quite a lot xx

Wow that does seem more than a coincidence? I wonder if when we try to "force" conception with all of our supplements it is doomed to fail because it wouldn't have happened naturally? I struggle with this a lot in my mind.... I got my last BFP having acupuncture weekly and after I lost the baby at 12 weeks I felt like I should just "let it happen" and not mess with nature. What do you think ladies??
Madeline- so sorry but could be ib???? It is around the right time I would say?
AFM- feeling sad as well. Pretty sure I'm out as well. Was so positive this cycle but temp has dropped the last 2 days in a row. Don't feel af coming yet I'm thinking tomorrow.:cry::hugs:
Thanks Garnet - Yikes. I found lots of women taking 180 - 200mg and getting BFPs so I figured I wouldn't mess around with low doses and just take the higher ones but you're right. We are all built different and what if I'm preventing it with soy! Gads. Too much. Well I'm not doing the vitex so hey I've got that going for me :)

i tried the vitex b4 soy and had a 17 day cycle so i am taking nothing now going natural all the way xx also the last thread i was on where we all took soy the 3 that got bfps very sadly all lost there babys i dont know if it was the soy but looking into it it does happen quite a lot xx

Wow that does seem more than a coincidence? I wonder if when we try to "force" conception with all of our supplements it is doomed to fail because it wouldn't have happened naturally? I struggle with this a lot in my mind.... I got my last BFP having acupuncture weekly and after I lost the baby at 12 weeks I felt like I should just "let it happen" and not mess with nature. What do you think ladies??
Madeline- so sorry but could be ib???? It is around the right time I would say?
AFM- feeling sad as well. Pretty sure I'm out as well. Was so positive this cycle but temp has dropped the last 2 days in a row. Don't feel af coming yet I'm thinking tomorrow.:cry::hugs:

that made me think the same xx
hi guys

thks for your support:) its not good news I am afraid... Today is day 22 for me and I had this light brown mucousy discharge. I guess that means AF is coming and possibly early. I had a real down today emotionally as well. Which is pretty infantile I know... in my defence it is out of character I am pretty even normally.. Anyway I picked myself up and went for a run this afternoon. I still feel a bit I am relying heavily on very good news from you all as I will be thinking very positive thoughts that you will get your BFP's this month.

Madeline xxxx

Madeline, it is okay to feel down. We all do :) I've been at this for 3 years and it can drain u. Just gotta think positive and hope that I baby will come an d visit soon.
Thanks Garnet - Yikes. I found lots of women taking 180 - 200mg and getting BFPs so I figured I wouldn't mess around with low doses and just take the higher ones but you're right. We are all built different and what if I'm preventing it with soy! Gads. Too much. Well I'm not doing the vitex so hey I've got that going for me :)

i tried the vitex b4 soy and had a 17 day cycle so i am taking nothing now going natural all the way xx also the last thread i was on where we all took soy the 3 that got bfps very sadly all lost there babys i dont know if it was the soy but looking into it it does happen quite a lot xx
I don't know if it is the soy because there at least 50 women who have successfully had babies some which are younger and some older. I know right now there are at least 4 ladies that are in their second trimester that took soy. I think it works for some then doesn't work for others. Also again it come down to fertiz
ling a healthy egg.
Thanks Garnet - Yikes. I found lots of women taking 180 - 200mg and getting BFPs so I figured I wouldn't mess around with low doses and just take the higher ones but you're right. We are all built different and what if I'm preventing it with soy! Gads. Too much. Well I'm not doing the vitex so hey I've got that going for me :)

i tried the vitex b4 soy and had a 17 day cycle so i am taking nothing now going natural all the way xx also the last thread i was on where we all took soy the 3 that got bfps very sadly all lost there babys i dont know if it was the soy but looking into it it does happen quite a lot xx

Wow that does seem more than a coincidence? I wonder if when we try to "force" conception with all of our supplements it is doomed to fail because it wouldn't have happened naturally? I struggle with this a lot in my mind.... I got my last BFP having acupuncture weekly and after I lost the baby at 12 weeks I felt like I should just "let it happen" and not mess with nature. What do you think ladies??
Madeline- so sorry but could be ib???? It is around the right time I would say?
AFM- feeling sad as well. Pretty sure I'm out as well. Was so positive this cycle but temp has dropped the last 2 days in a row. Don't feel af coming yet I'm thinking tomorrow.:cry::hugs:

Well for myself, I can't get get pregnant naturally. I tried to a year and nothing and at my age I can't waste time.
Thanks Garnet - Yikes. I found lots of women taking 180 - 200mg and getting BFPs so I figured I wouldn't mess around with low doses and just take the higher ones but you're right. We are all built different and what if I'm preventing it with soy! Gads. Too much. Well I'm not doing the vitex so hey I've got that going for me :)

i tried the vitex b4 soy and had a 17 day cycle so i am taking nothing now going natural all the way xx also the last thread i was on where we all took soy the 3 that got bfps very sadly all lost there babys i dont know if it was the soy but looking into it it does happen quite a lot xx

Wow that does seem more than a coincidence? I wonder if when we try to "force" conception with all of our supplements it is doomed to fail because it wouldn't have happened naturally? I struggle with this a lot in my mind.... I got my last BFP having acupuncture weekly and after I lost the baby at 12 weeks I felt like I should just "let it happen" and not mess with nature. What do you think ladies??
Madeline- so sorry but could be ib???? It is around the right time I would say?
AFM- feeling sad as well. Pretty sure I'm out as well. Was so positive this cycle but temp has dropped the last 2 days in a row. Don't feel af coming yet I'm thinking tomorrow.:cry::hugs:

I'm starting to feel the same. Prior to starting with the various supplements, I had no trouble with my cycles. It was clockwork regular at 30 to 31 days, and AF was what I would call normal at 5 days. The 2nd month after I started supplementing, AF was shortened to 2, then 3 days, and now 1.5 days, not to mention that my cycles started to fluctuate from 35 to 29 days.

I feel so dumb for messing with my cycles. 2 months ago, I stopped everything except for folic acid and coq10. But it didn't seem to work, with the most recent AF being 1.5 days only. I worry my body will be out of whack for a long time :nope: Wahhhh...why must it be so complicated??
hi guys

thks for your support:) its not good news I am afraid... Today is day 22 for me and I had this light brown mucousy discharge. I guess that means AF is coming and possibly early. I had a real down today emotionally as well. Which is pretty infantile I know... in my defence it is out of character I am pretty even normally.. Anyway I picked myself up and went for a run this afternoon. I still feel a bit I am relying heavily on very good news from you all as I will be thinking very positive thoughts that you will get your BFP's this month.

Madeline xxxx

Madeline, it is okay to feel down. We all do :) I've been at this for 3 years and it can drain u. Just gotta think positive and hope that I baby will come an d visit soon.

wow garnet :hugs: 3 years i feel for you i have only been trying 20 months and i get down xx
L8- don't stress about what you have done. You can only move forward from here. I would strongly suggest trying a consultation with a TCM doctor just to get your cycles back to normal. I have done a lot of reading about this and know that that is the first step in you getting your BFP. Short menstral periods may be a sign of insufficient uterine lining or a blood deficiency issue?
L8- don't stress about what you have done. You can only move forward from here. I would strongly suggest trying a consultation with a TCM doctor just to get your cycles back to normal. I have done a lot of reading about this and know that that is the first step in you getting your BFP. Short menstral periods may be a sign of insufficient uterine lining or a blood deficiency issue?

really ??? i might look into that some ov my periods only last 2 days then others can be 10 xx
I also wanted to add that I know someone that went through IVF and she took all the supplements went on healthy diet and all and she had her eggs harvested, fertilized, and tested and of the 9 eggs they harvested only 1 egg was viable. She was in her 40s too. She did end up having a healthy baby. She is going to do the same thing soon but she has to do it quick because she turns 44 soon.
I also wanted to add that I know someone that went through IVF and she took all the supplements went on healthy diet and all and she had her eggs harvested, fertilized, and tested and of the 9 eggs they harvested only 1 egg was viable. She was in her 40s too. She did end up having a healthy baby. She is going to do the same thing soon but she has to do it quick because she turns 44 soon.

Wow that just seems so unfair. I am reading a book right now very insightful it's called the Infertlity cure all about TCM. Here is a quote from the book, sorry it'd a bit long.
"Through TCM, we can help direct the body's attention to the midbrain, pituitary, ovaries and uterus, as well as create the spiritual, mental, and emotional health required to produce healthy eggs, provide appropriate conditions for their fertilization, and foster a welcoming environment in the uterus do the egg may be implanted, grow into a fetus, and be carried to term."
I also wanted to add that I know someone that went through IVF and she took all the supplements went on healthy diet and all and she had her eggs harvested, fertilized, and tested and of the 9 eggs they harvested only 1 egg was viable. She was in her 40s too. She did end up having a healthy baby. She is going to do the same thing soon but she has to do it quick because she turns 44 soon.

Wow that just seems so unfair. I am reading a book right now very insightful it's called the Infertlity cure all about TCM. Here is a quote from the book, sorry it'd a bit long.
"Through TCM, we can help direct the body's attention to the midbrain, pituitary, ovaries and uterus, as well as create the spiritual, mental, and emotional health required to produce healthy eggs, provide appropriate conditions for their fertilization, and foster a welcoming environment in the uterus do the egg may be implanted, grow into a fetus, and be carried to term."
What is TCM¿
I also wanted to add that I know someone that went through IVF and she took all the supplements went on healthy diet and all and she had her eggs harvested, fertilized, and tested and of the 9 eggs they harvested only 1 egg was viable. She was in her 40s too. She did end up having a healthy baby. She is going to do the same thing soon but she has to do it quick because she turns 44 soon.

Wow that just seems so unfair. I am reading a book right now very insightful it's called the Infertlity cure all about TCM. Here is a quote from the book, sorry it'd a bit long.
"Through TCM, we can help direct the body's attention to the midbrain, pituitary, ovaries and uterus, as well as create the spiritual, mental, and emotional health required to produce healthy eggs, provide appropriate conditions for their fertilization, and foster a welcoming environment in the uterus do the egg may be implanted, grow into a fetus, and be carried to term."
What is TCM¿
Traditional Chinese Medecine
Hello and new here, and over 40.

Our experience is this:

Underwent a FSH about a year and a half ago, to ensure the fallopian tubes were clear, and had to have a polyp removed. We then proceeded with 3 IUIs, and when they didn't work, IVFs. Had our 3rd IVF last week, and it was unsuccessful.

The first IVF no mature eggs were recovered, so there was no attempt at fertilization; the second IVF there were two mature eggs, one fertilized, it was transferred back, but it didn't take; this third IVF of 13 eggs retrieved only 2 were mature and neither fertilized. desperately looking for ways to improve egg quality.

The doctor said further IVFs would be to only play on hope. He said there were other, alternative 'unproven' methods we could consider. He mentioned Human Growth Hormone, and DHEA.

I'm here to learn more.
Garnet - did she conceive with that one good egg, or from further ttc?

I also wanted to add that I know someone that went through IVF and she took all the supplements went on healthy diet and all and she had her eggs harvested, fertilized, and tested and of the 9 eggs they harvested only 1 egg was viable. She was in her 40s too. She did end up having a healthy baby. She is going to do the same thing soon but she has to do it quick because she turns 44 soon.

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