Is there anyone who is in there 40's ttc?

7 days late. No sign of AF. Nipples not so sensitive this morning. Another bfn on test. Guess I have to face facts. Probably starting the menopause. :(
7 days late. No sign of AF. Nipples not so sensitive this morning. Another bfn on test. Guess I have to face facts. Probably starting the menopause. :(

silly question, but have you got your dates right - maybe you OV later than you thought?
7 days late. No sign of AF. Nipples not so sensitive this morning. Another bfn on test. Guess I have to face facts. Probably starting the menopause. :(

silly question, but have you got your dates right - maybe you OV later than you thought?

lol I wish it were that honey. Bang on with my dates though :sad2:

Strange - what did Doc say?

Doc just said 'that's a negative' and me like an idiot replied with 'so what does that mean?' :p. he looked at me like I was a total cretin & said 'its negative'. Unfortunately the female doc who is hugely supportive wasn't there. Was talking to my sis today & she said when she was 45 (she's now 48) same thing happened to her. She thought she was preggo but the following month she had a very sudden very heavy AF. I think it's called flooding. I'll be 44 in January so am now thinking I'm not preggo it's probably like my sis :(
hi beautiful ladies
i did my second test today and by today it will be my day 19 after embryo transfere >>it was 2.51 and the a week be4 it was 2.04 >>not a promising progress :(>doctor asked me to stop all my meds to allow my regular cycle to go..he said there is still hope tho its very weak ..but i think i he said that to support my down spirit dunno should i keep watching this beta hcg next week or just stop thinking it might work this time.?
may be u hv had a late ov thats u should give it more time.

I don't understand all the stuff you're talking about honey but i take it you're having ivf? I don't know anything about that at all but i'm keeping my fingers crossed for you. I do hope you get your good news and I hope you'll be straight in here to tell us all.

I have always had 28 day cycle. There's a first time for everything I guess but did number 4 hpt this morning and it too is bfn. I just want AF to come so we can go again. I want to cry so much but think if I start i'll just never stop :cry:
may be u hv had a late ov thats u should give it more time.

I don't understand all the stuff you're talking about honey but i take it you're having ivf? I don't know anything about that at all but i'm keeping my fingers crossed for you. I do hope you get your good news and I hope you'll be straight in here to tell us all.

I have always had 28 day cycle. There's a first time for everything I guess but did number 4 hpt this morning and it too is bfn. I just want AF to come so we can go again. I want to cry so much but think if I start i'll just never stop :cry:

sorry you still don`t know what`s going on. This TTC is soooo fustrating. in life we can control everything we do, if we want something, we have it, but this is a totally different thing.

We have this deep longing for a baby, which will not go away, the feeling overwhelms us sometimes and we want it so bad, but it is out of our hands and thats whats so fustrating.

I keep thinking back to 12 months ago when I was PG, and saying this time last year I was so many weeks.

On 8th Dec last year, at 12 weeks we had our nuchal scan and it was perfect. A perfect little baby, which we were told was very healthy.

a week later our little one had died, but we didn`t find out for another month. I am not looking forward to my baby`s angelversary. I don`t think we will be able to go the Garden of rememberance on the day, as we will have the other 3 with us because it is a saturday and we wouldn`t want them to go through it.

My DH and I may go another day and take some flowers.

I also keep thinking back to my most recent PG that ended 9 weeks ago. It is longer now since i lost it, than the length of time I was PG!

I have been totally stressed and fustrated waiting to OV so i can get the NK killer test done. Missed last months OV but now it has been done and we are all systems go to try again.

Took 4 months with last one to get PG and that in itself is so fustrating, then if I do get PG we will have all the worry of being PAL.

when you are younger you are worried sick you will get PG by accident thinking it will happen all too easily, but for those of us who desperately want this, it turns out it is not that easy after all.

I now have 3 Little Angels who are looking down and I think of them all the time. I imagine the three of them together, looking after each other and holding hands.

here`s wishing us all lots of baby dust and for a very happy 2013!!!!!
Adele :hugs: just want to say my piece if that's okay? :flower: I too all my life have been regular as anything, 28/29 day cycle, but since I've been TTC I've had a few wierd one's :wacko: 18 days, 35-37 days you name it. Every so often I get a duff cycle thrown in, reckon it's my body saying I'm in control not you :haha: All I would say is that when I asked my Dr she said (and I know this may sound crap but....) if you're stressed then it prevents the production of prolactin which stimulates Ov. She reckoned this had happened to me so delaying ovulation and given me a longer cycle :shrug: I did google it and it seemed to ring true, well to me anyway :winkwink: but she did tell me to go away and try that 'R' word which just winds me up even more!!! :growlmad::haha:

Keep the faith hun, I hope AF is here for you soon as being in limbo is miserable :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
Adele, I know there's not really anything that can be said that will make you feel better about BFN, but you're not alone in feeling that way. Sometimes it feels like mother nature has played a cruel trick on all of us.
I can only repeat what others have said, since TTC (2 plus years), I've been all over the place with my cycle, shortest 24 days (after 1st IUI with clomid, but no cyclogest after), longest 36 days (no AI but convinced I was finally there, then BFN so like you feared the worst). I think sometimes when you want something do badly your body misbehaves in all kinds of ways. Did your doc mention the big M? How about going back to the female doc and explaining your concerns, don't know alot about how they tell but there must be some kind of tests they can do that would either reassure you that it's not M. If it is at least you'd know for sure and try to work out a way to cope. I really hope it's not, don't give up hope. xx
Dancareoi, Jax41 and Pussycat1,

Thank you all so much for your messages of support!! AF finally arrived last night at 37 days. That's definately a first for me. Disappointment at not being pregnant but huge relief that I can now go forward and try again.

There is a blood test that can be done to test for peri menopause so I think I may get that done and see where I stand.

Don't really want to spend all day every day in here. I find it stresses me out to a certain degree although the support from everyone is fantastic. I will check in from time to time to see how you are all doing. I wish only the best for you all and hope you get your bfp's.

Baby dust to all xxxxx
Phewy, glad she's here :hugs:

BnB is funny ole place, yes the support is amazing but sometimes with the old hormones flying around it can be tough, not to mention it being completely addictive :haha: Wishing you all the best, we're here when you need us :hugs:
hello ladies I try to keep up, dont always happen. good luck to the ladies here I only wish you all the best. As for me on cd16 still waiting for a positive OPK, after taking clomid 150mg cd 5-9. HUGS HUGS FRIENDS
Hi ladies can i join you ( im 44 oh 49 weve a beautiful girl of 13 ive had 2 mmc<s in last 3 years last one in july this year), had a break apart from each other after mmc we both found it hard, but back together again :) and we might try again(if my nerves can take it and if we are lucky enough !! at our age for it to happen).. i feel so negative at times and then i read posts like your,s and it gives hope loads os :dust::dust::dust::dust: to you all
I'm 44 and I have a 5- month old baby, a total "accident". Never thought we can squeeze in parenthood into our busy lives. Now, we decided we can be good at this, and we want one more!
hello ladies
Adele ..never lose on it , it might work once >prayers for ya.

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