Kosh - my LO used to cry instantly every time he woke, but like Flippity I now see that it was because he was tired and didn't want to be awake but couldn't get back to sleep. I used to rush in right away and make it worse I think.
If your LO is very gassy and seems to be in discomfort it could be a tummy issue. Have you tried anything like infacol etc? What have you decided about trying an exclusion diet for a while?
WHybird - could she be uncomfortable, like teething or something? I'd agree with the white noise...I've turned our monitor down to the lowest setting so that I don't hear every noise as i can't sleep through it. TBH I can hear him if he really cries without the monitor on anyway as he's just nextdoor to us.
Angel - hopefully your night tonight will be better
How is everyone else? Mrs Hedgehog? How's the holiday Claire? Chocolala?
Our night was a bit more unsettled than the ones before (still a million miles better than it used to be though so I'm not complaining).
TBH I think it was my fault really. He slept from 8.30pm to 2am (seems to be a pattern now), when OH tried to resettle him with water. He went back to sleep within 5 minutes with 10secs crying when OH left his room.
He then woke up 45 mins later so I assumed he MUST be hungry and went in to BF him. He fed a tiny bit (literally a few seconds after some coaxing) so I'm not really sure if he
was actually hungry really

. Anyway, I was tired and he was quite awake so I made the mistake of taking him into the bed in the nursery with me. After around 2 hours of shuffling and stirring and waking every 10mins I had had anough and put him back in his cot, awake, and left the room. He cried for 5secs and then went to sleep until 8am

So I'm pretty sure if I had just left him to it at 3am he'd have probably settle back to sleep himself and I was actually keeping him up and disturbing him by putting him in the bed with me. Honestly, you'd think I'd have learned by now...whatever i
think I should do, I should actually do the opposite

So much for mother's intuition

Oh well, you live and learn.