is/was your LO a really bad sleeper? support and advise thread!

Oh Crikey I'm really hoping this 2/3/4/5 hour wakings are just a phase. I've always been able to get him back to sleep again even if just for an hour (apart from when he was doing the 20 min wakings :wacko:).

I just can't see why after a few weeks doing amazingly well with his sleeping, he's regressed. Maybe because he's becoming more active and starting to crawl? :shrug:

I really hate to say this, but maybe it's the 8 month sleep regression...?? :wacko:
We had a pretty good night, just 4 or 5 wake ups I think between 10pm and 8am. I'm still knackered though as LO takes up half the bed and I end up squashed in the middle between her and DH so I don't get a decent sleep really. I'm going back to work tomorrow and I'm dreading it. I can't concentrate with so little sleep. I had to go in for a meeting today and I felt so out of it. I'm only doing 2 days a week but it's going to be tough and I've no idea how LO will cope.

Kosh, sorry your not feeling great. I think the lack of sleep makes every other problem seem 100 times worse. I feel so much more able to cope with everything if I've had a decent nights sleep.
Well, I've never been in the lounge area before...thought the thread had vanished and I must have imagined it all up in my sleep-deprived state.

Kosh - :hugs::hugs: Do you think how you feel is down to the lack of sleep or is it more than that?

Gemma - I hope it's not a regression. TNH I never noticed the regressions as such but that's because we really didn't have much to regress from.

I would love it if we all lived close enough to meet up. Would be SO good to moan to people who actually 'get it'.

Mrs Hedgehog - I hope going back to work is better than you're anticipating. I'm not going back just yet but am already worrying about it.

AFM - we've had a run of really bad nights. We were at my parents for the weekend so all in the same room which didn't help I think. The good news is that he seems to be over his virus and the poo situation is now MUCH less gross, but all the allowances made during his illness seem to have come back to bite me on the bum as now he's waking every hour again and last night was up from 2-3am, then 4-5.30am just AWAKE regardless of what i did. So tired now, and fed up with it. LO is really whinging today because he's tired which isn't helping. Boo hiss.

I'm so tired of being tired. And i'm tired of moaning about being tired. I feel like it takes up the whole of my brain.

:hugs: everyone
Well, I've never been in the lounge area before...thought the thread had vanished and I must have imagined it all up in my sleep-deprived state.

Kosh - :hugs::hugs: Do you think how you feel is down to the lack of sleep or is it more than that?

Gemma - I hope it's not a regression. TNH I never noticed the regressions as such but that's because we really didn't have much to regress from.

I would love it if we all lived close enough to meet up. Would be SO good to moan to people who actually 'get it'.

Mrs Hedgehog - I hope going back to work is better than you're anticipating. I'm not going back just yet but am already worrying about it.

AFM - we've had a run of really bad nights. We were at my parents for the weekend so all in the same room which didn't help I think. The good news is that he seems to be over his virus and the poo situation is now MUCH less gross, but all the allowances made during his illness seem to have come back to bite me on the bum as now he's waking every hour again and last night was up from 2-3am, then 4-5.30am just AWAKE regardless of what i did. So tired now, and fed up with it. LO is really whinging today because he's tired which isn't helping. Boo hiss.

I'm so tired of being tired. And i'm tired of moaning about being tired. I feel like it takes up the whole of my brain.

:hugs: everyone


Lisa, glad the poo situation has calmed down for you too :haha:

Gemma, you're actually not a million miles away from us, we're about 20 minutes west of Basingstoke!

A bad sleepers commiseration/natter/sympathy coffee meet up would be brilliant! If only it was possible!
I'm so tired of being tired. And i'm tired of moaning about being tired. I feel like it takes up the whole of my brain.

:hugs: everyone


^^ME TOO! And as it turns out my OH is also tired of me being tired and my moaning about being so tired :wacko: lol. But all is well again here, we made up. :)
Do you ladies too feel as though the weeks are just passing in a haze and all you seem to think about is the dread (and hope) of the next night? I cannot believe that my boys are nearly 6 months old and that for the entire time of their lives I have pretty much thought of nothing but sleep and the lack thereof. (I exaggerate but I am sure you know what I mean).
I'm so tired of being tired. And i'm tired of moaning about being tired. I feel like it takes up the whole of my brain.

:hugs: everyone


^^ME TOO! And as it turns out my OH is also tired of me being tired and my moaning about being so tired :wacko: lol. But all is well again here, we made up. :)
Do you ladies too feel as though the weeks are just passing in a haze and all you seem to think about is the dread (and hope) of the next night? I cannot believe that my boys are nearly 6 months old and that for the entire time of their lives I have pretty much thought of nothing but sleep and the lack thereof. (I exaggerate but I am sure you know what I mean).

It does seem like everything's passing by in a haze!!! My son is 8 months old today!!! Can't believe I've been off work nearly 9 months and have to go back after Xmas, if not sooner. I don't seem to have got much done in my time off as I've been so tired :dohh:

Ooooh firefly that's not far at all! We could try and meet sometime! :flower:
Glad you and OH made up angel!
Me and OH are constantly bickering over stupid things - but them he has no grounds to be annoyed with me when I do every night with Alex. He puts his earplugs in, goes to bed about midnight and snores away till 10am or later every morning grrrrr
I'm so tired of being tired. And i'm tired of moaning about being tired. I feel like it takes up the whole of my brain.

:hugs: everyone


^^ME TOO! And as it turns out my OH is also tired of me being tired and my moaning about being so tired :wacko: lol. But all is well again here, we made up. :)
Do you ladies too feel as though the weeks are just passing in a haze and all you seem to think about is the dread (and hope) of the next night? I cannot believe that my boys are nearly 6 months old and that for the entire time of their lives I have pretty much thought of nothing but sleep and the lack thereof. (I exaggerate but I am sure you know what I mean).

It does seem like everything's passing by in a haze!!! My son is 8 months old today!!! Can't believe I've been off work nearly 9 months and have to go back after Xmas, if not sooner. I don't seem to have got much done in my time off as I've been so tired :dohh:

Ooooh firefly that's not far at all! We could try and meet sometime! :flower:

It would be doable! :flower:
Cool! I'm busy this week and away 3rd to 8th oct but pretty much free other than that, and have transport so can meet anywhere :-)
I am always reluctant to join baby and mothers groups in real life cause I always think what would I have in common with these mummies (except babies) but if you ladies lived closer I know we would have a lot of fun :)!

kosh sweetie, is there anything we can do to help or is it just one of those things? Have you considered talking to your GP or do you think it is mainly lack of sleep? I am not feeling too upbeat myself today but I know for me it is just lack of sleep. If it would help you I am here for you if you want to vent via PM. Sending you loads of :hugs:

^^^ I agree. It's so nice to know that we are all int he same boat regarding the crap sleep!:winkwink:
How far into London do you live Angel? I pop into town (London) every so often and my Mum lives in outer West London.
claire - :hugs: 5.45am wake ups :wacko:

firefly - glad yours was ok!

sorry, i don't have many words today.i feel i can't cope anymore

Yes Kosh,5.45am is not my favourite time of the day to be woken!!:wacko: Last week she wasn't waking for the day until 6.45-7am so not sure what's different for the last few days???
I hope you feel better tomorrow, it's so hard to feel upbeat when it all gets on top of you.:hugs::hugs:
It's a shame we don't all live closer together we could meet for a coffee and a good old moan:coffee:!!! that always seems to make me feel a little better. I guess we have to settle for the virtual coffee and moan instead:winkwink:

Hugs to all :hugs::hugs:

that'd be ideal! we could all meet up and get our LOs to discuss sleeping tricks :winkwink:

Yes, would be wonderful! just think Newcastle is tad too far for a coffee :wacko:
you and your OH don't fancy moving "down south" do you?? lol :winkwink:


mmm lol unfortunately not, how about you, you know that ppl 'up north' are more friendly! :winkwink:

LOL, Kosh, I know that northerner's are a really friendly bunch. My Granddadwas a Durham man and my last serious relationship before DF was with a Hull man.
I am always reluctant to join baby and mothers groups in real life cause I always think what would I have in common with these mummies (except babies) but if you ladies lived closer I know we would have a lot of fun :)!

kosh sweetie, is there anything we can do to help or is it just one of those things? Have you considered talking to your GP or do you think it is mainly lack of sleep? I am not feeling too upbeat myself today but I know for me it is just lack of sleep. If it would help you I am here for you if you want to vent via PM. Sending you loads of :hugs:

^^^ I agree. It's so nice to know that we are all int he same boat regarding the crap sleep!:winkwink:
How far into London do you live Angel? I pop into town (London) every so often and my Mum lives in outer West London.

I'm just outside London too! 25 mins by train! Maybe we are not all so far apart after all? Lol
Kosh big hugs!!! Hope you feel better soon hun :flower:

I've often thought its a shame we can't meet up, I'm in Woking in Surrey for 3 weeks of the month then Cardiff for the last week but don't think any of you are near me? Shame we can't meet in a central easier place like London or hope on a megabus or something lol! We should do a poll to see where everyone is!

Not a great night for us, went to bed at 7, but woke fully at 10, 12, & 1. He then woke fully at 3, and was still awake when I fell asleep at 6.45. He must have fallen asleep to at some point but was awake at 8.45am.

Just don't know what to do so stop him waking for hours in the night? Keeping him up later doesn't work...
I kind of half took my hv's advice and have him no stimulation - I just went in every 15-20 mins, repositioned him and gave him back his dummy, so hopefully tonight he will realise he is not going to get cuddles or be fed and go to sleep? The thing is, I'd be happy to feed him all he wants and cuddle him all he wants if it helped him sleep, but it doesn't :shrug:

I'm always zipping up the M25 on my way to Tunbridge Wells (were my sister lives) Woking isn't gazillion miles away for me TBH.
I live in SW6, Fulham. No idea in which direction from me you are?
Well, I've never been in the lounge area before...thought the thread had vanished and I must have imagined it all up in my sleep-deprived state.

Kosh - :hugs::hugs: Do you think how you feel is down to the lack of sleep or is it more than that?

Gemma - I hope it's not a regression. TNH I never noticed the regressions as such but that's because we really didn't have much to regress from.

I would love it if we all lived close enough to meet up. Would be SO good to moan to people who actually 'get it'.

Mrs Hedgehog - I hope going back to work is better than you're anticipating. I'm not going back just yet but am already worrying about it.

AFM - we've had a run of really bad nights. We were at my parents for the weekend so all in the same room which didn't help I think. The good news is that he seems to be over his virus and the poo situation is now MUCH less gross, but all the allowances made during his illness seem to have come back to bite me on the bum as now he's waking every hour again and last night was up from 2-3am, then 4-5.30am just AWAKE regardless of what i did. So tired now, and fed up with it. LO is really whinging today because he's tired which isn't helping. Boo hiss.

I'm so tired of being tired. And i'm tired of moaning about being tired. I feel like it takes up the whole of my brain.

:hugs: everyone


Lisa, glad the poo situation has calmed down for you too :haha:

Gemma, you're actually not a million miles away from us, we're about 20 minutes west of Basingstoke!

A bad sleepers commiseration/natter/sympathy coffee meet up would be brilliant! If only it was possible!

How far down the M3 are you Firefly?
I'm sure if we wanted to some of us could manage a meet up??
Maybe we could organise something? Would be nice to meet! Either in central London if it's easy for us all to get to, or somewhere close to m25/m3? :-)
I live in SW6, Fulham. No idea in which direction from me you are?

I'm in Hertfordshire and I think you would say I'm North West way from Fulham.
I attend the chelsea and Westminster hospital for a hand condition I'm being treated for, so am always around -ish.
Ooooh, could be possible then ladies?
I drive,so can go anywhere really.
Perhaps we should all visit MrsHedgehog in Italy for some "proper" coffee or vino LOL!!:winkwink:
Claire well that certainly is not at all far from me! This month would be hard for me though as I have the christening at the end of it and a stream of family and friends descending upon me from the end of this week onwards. :wacko: I am exhausted just thinking about it lol

OMG the thought of going to Italy is soooo lovely! Gah!

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