is/was your LO a really bad sleeper? support and advise thread!

had a really good night last night - bed at 8pm then woke at 11pm, 1am, 4am and up for the day at 7am! i went to bed at 11:30pm so he only woke me up twice during the night!! :thumbup::happydance:

how's everyone else?
We had a very good night too ... bed at 7.30pm. woke to be settled at 8, 9.30 and 10.30 but then slept until 6.15 and got up for the day. A great stretch!!x
Not such a great night for me last night, but I think things are getting slightly better? have I jinxed it now? lol
Yay for Kosh and LuLu's good nights! long may they continue:thumbup:
Well, I'm still up. Been trying to put her to bed since 7.30. Tried going to bed myself at 10 and gave up and came back downstairs at 11 so OH can sleep. She drops off for two t three minutes then kicks off. There nothing wrong, I've checked EVERYTHING!! I just want some sleep! Hope the nights a re going slightly better where you are!x
Oh LuLu,you poor thing!:hugs::hugs: how are you coping with the bad nights and being pregnant too?? can't your DH take her for a bit in the evening and let you rest? Although if she is anything like my Lucy,it's Mummy or nothing:dohh:
Our nights are average for us. usualy a 2-3 hours stretch at the begining of the night after she goes down and then waking up every hour or so through the night - maybe less, but I can never muster the energy to even look at the time. She has been quite clingy in the night of late, but last night was better. Sadly when she woke for milk at 6am this morning I had to change her nappy and sleep sack as her nappy had leaked (very full wet one) then I couldn't get her back down:nope: which isn't great as she had a late bedtime of 8.30pm - so she should have slept longer than that!:growlmad:

How is everyone else??
Hugs to all:hugs::hugs:
He's really good with her but even when he ges up with her, I still end up awake. He's getting up tonight as my SPD is horrendous. I eventually got into bed at 3.15am. She woke to be settled a 4.40am, I woke being sick at 5.15, she woke at 6am then got up for the day at 6.45.

I'm off to bed now!xx
Hello! How are you all? I've not been on here in ages, been really busy with work and home renovations.
LOs sleep has been much better the past few nights. After months of trying to figure out her routine and follow her cues I'd had enough of trying to guess when she should go to bed so now I've set a schedule for her. I now wake her up for the day at the exact same time every day, put her down for her nap at the same time and put her to bed at the same time regardless of wether she looks sleepy or not. So far it's working and she's going to bed much easier and sleeping better (last night only 3 wakings all night!). She's also eating better during the day. I hope it's going to continue and it's not just a fluke. The downside is that I have to be military now about her schedule, making sure we're home in time for her nap etc. If it means I get a decent night sleep though then I don't care.

Hope the rest of you are getting some sleep :hugs:
That's great news MrsHedgehog! Lucy has a routine, but it doesn't seem to do much for the nightime sleep?:wacko: oh well,in time she will sleep....right? lol:haha:
How is everyone else doing?
Never thought id ever say this, but For the first time in my life I DO NOT want Alex to go to sleep!!!

I got home from work at 5, and Alex was in the bath with OH. I took him put and went to dry/dress him, and noticed a rash on his belly and back.
I left him in his nappy but the rash has now spread to his legs and arms, but not face. Went tesco for thermometer and showed pharmacist a photo and he said it looks like allergy rash and gave me piriton. If it gets worse or he seems poorly to call gp. He's fine - in bed giggling away like mad! But I'm scared now because he was stressing about if he seems In Pain or unresponsive.

Going to sleep in the spare room with him to keep an eye on him. Looking forward to cuddles lol

And the bloody thermometer cost me £25 and gives a different reading each time :wacko:
Phew it's not chicken pox. I called out of hours as it spread to his face, arms & hands and feet. Thames doc asked me to take him to woking hospital and the dr said Viral infection. Gotta keep eye on him and dose him up with paracetamol and piriton as his temp was high end of normal and his ears and throat slightly inflamed.

Seems happy in himself and hasn't started giggling all day :-)
:hugs: Gemma. It's so scary when they're poorly. LO had a high temp and developed a rash when she was about 6 months old. I was terrified even though it didn't look like a meningitis rash. I took her to the doctors and they said it was a virus too. She was ok after a day or two. Hope Alex gets better soon x x
Hey ladies

Glad LO is picking up Gemma.

Things jus go from bad to worse here, I'm not coping very well at all. I've been trying to put Ava down for her nap for an hour. I can't even get her to,lie down.

I'm a grown woman, sat on my bed crying on a Sunday morning, I think I might actually be getting depressed.

It took 3 hours to get her to bed last night and then she woke every 45 minutes the whole night. Of I sit in her room, as soon as I move a muscle she screams the place down. If I leave her she stands in her cot screaming. She's exhausted. I'm exhausted. I've pulled a muscle in my tummy and I'm jus so tired. I feel so useless. What on earth am I going to do when the baby arrives?

There must be someone, somewhere who can help. I just feel that there's nothing left to try :( x
:hugs: Lulu, so sorry you are feeling this way. I hear what you are saying about the depression. There have been times when LOs sleep has been so dreadful and it feels like I'm sinking. However, usually when I feel like things will never get better LO surprises me and makes a little improvement. Her sleep is still atrocious for an 18month old but she is now at least mostly going to bed easily at night and going down for naps easily. One thing I've found is that when she fights sleep it's usually because we've messed up her schedule a bit and are either putting her down to sleep too early or too late. We have to get the exact right moment or she'll really fight it. In the past week I've set a strict schedule for LO and it's really helped. She's still not sleeping that great really but she's going down for the night much easier. What is your LOs schedule like? I really wish there was something I could do to help.
:hugs: Lulu, so sorry you are feeling this way. I hear what you are saying about the depression. There have been times when LOs sleep has been so dreadful and it feels like I'm sinking. However, usually when I feel like things will never get better LO surprises me and makes a little improvement. Her sleep is still atrocious for an 18month old but she is now at least mostly going to bed easily at night and going down for naps easily. One thing I've found is that when she fights sleep it's usually because we've messed up her schedule a bit and are either putting her down to sleep too early or too late. We have to get the exact right moment or she'll really fight it. In the past week I've set a strict schedule for LO and it's really helped. She's still not sleeping that great really but she's going down for the night much easier. What is your LOs schedule like? I really wish there was something I could do to help.

Thank you. Tis afternoon was terrible. My eyes still hurt from all the crying! We have a good routine (I thought we did!).

I pulled myself together a bit this evening and completely changed tact. We did pick up out down with the gradual retreat. I lay her down 107 times but by the end, when she got up, I just put my hand on her back and she lay down again. It only took an hour and there were no tears or screaming. I'm not sure how long the first stretch will last but she is asleep for now. Just a bedtime or nap time without feeling s much stress is nice for now!

She is the same with being overtired. Everyone keeps telling me to keep her awake past the point of tiredness Neil Sheila so exhausted she can't stay awake any longer but I just can't. She'd be s upset, I just think its so mean if she's clearly too tired to function!

Sorry about my meltdown earlier ladies, that's pretty much as low as I've been.

Wishing for yo all to have a manageable
Oh LuLu, I'm so sorry you are having such a hard time! The bad sleep issues are the worst thing ever! It is so hard to remain calm and collected when you are sos tired and just want to rest.
I wish I could give you some advice, but alas we are all on this thread for the same reason:winkwink: and if I knew what to do I would be doing it!! lol all I can do is offer hugs and support and let you know that what you experienced with the crying/meltdown today is very,very normal.
I hope she stays down for a good bit tonight!!
:hugs: hugs lulu - dont worry, your not alone. I've had more meltdowns than I car to remember :nope:
It's so hard. There's a reason why sleep deprivation is used as a form or torture :wacko:

We had to go down the CC route in the end or I really believe I would have lost my mind! Worked well in the beginning at 8 months but sometimes recently it hasn't worked so well. At the end of the day she is safe in their cots and that's all that matters.

Alex went to bed shattered at 7.15. He's in a really good routine at the mo and doesn't seem to like me to stay, so I change his nappy, put his pjs on and lay him in bed with his bottle and leave. Recently he has stayed in his cot quite happily chatting for up to an hour or so. Tonight he cried after 10 mins so I went up and cuddled him, lay him down and he was out like a light before I'd reached the door, poor little monkey.

Drs tomorrow as it seems to be turning into spots rather than the patchy rash it was. Typical - it's OH's sisters wedding Friday and Alex is an unofficial page boy (what with him not being able to walk down the aisle yet lol).

Omg I'm getting so broody it's ridiculous! We haven't really got the money or space for another, and while Alex's sleep is so much better, he's still all over the place. But I can't stop thinking about trying for #2.
I just mentioned it to Phil and head a mini rant about how I said no way when he mentioned it 6 months ago lol
We did c trolled crying too Gemma, and it worked for us for about 3 months but the last 5 weeks have been hell! The new tactics seem to have worked fr the time being so fingers crossed!xx

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