hugs lulu - dont worry, your not alone. I've had more meltdowns than I car to remember

It's so hard. There's a reason why sleep deprivation is used as a form or torture
We had to go down the CC route in the end or I really believe I would have lost my mind! Worked well in the beginning at 8 months but sometimes recently it hasn't worked so well. At the end of the day she is safe in their cots and that's all that matters.
Alex went to bed shattered at 7.15. He's in a really good routine at the mo and doesn't seem to like me to stay, so I change his nappy, put his pjs on and lay him in bed with his bottle and leave. Recently he has stayed in his cot quite happily chatting for up to an hour or so. Tonight he cried after 10 mins so I went up and cuddled him, lay him down and he was out like a light before I'd reached the door, poor little monkey.
Drs tomorrow as it seems to be turning into spots rather than the patchy rash it was. Typical - it's OH's sisters wedding Friday and Alex is an unofficial page boy (what with him not being able to walk down the aisle yet lol).
Omg I'm getting so broody it's ridiculous! We haven't really got the money or space for another, and while Alex's sleep is so much better, he's still all over the place. But I can't stop thinking about trying for #2.
I just mentioned it to Phil and head a mini rant about how I said no way when he mentioned it 6 months ago lol