is/was your LO a really bad sleeper? support and advise thread!

How odd! Dominic woke at 5 this morning but dropped off again till 5:30 and then again at 6 till 7. He never usually does this! Wonder why there is so much early waking going on at present.
Must be something in the air - Alex was up at 4am today! Very unusual for him :-(
Could really have done with some extra sleep too!
Hm but that has never happened before. At least not in the last 5 months since he started sttn. Very strange!
and gael never woke up before 6am in his life!
I agree, very very strange
Ha early riser here too, kind of. His 3-6 hr awake time seems to have moved to 4am now and I get bored of trying to put him back to bed, when it's clearly morning already. Kids!
Well. We had another 5.15am wake up today :-(((
To make matters worse the last 2 nights I've had a touch of insomnia!!! Awful! I'm so tired so why can't I sleep???
Hugs to all.:hugs:
:hi: ladies!

Sorry I've been MIA for so long, things just seem to have been insanely busy and I have no idea where the time has gone. I do have a fairly positive update though...nope, not sleeping through the night yet (that would be a foolish assumption :haha: ) The sleep is much improved though! At around 18 months we suddenly had a change, virtually overnight, and he started sleeping for longer stretches and only waking twice a night - one of those just as I go to bed so I only have to get up once usually :happydance: We even had one amazing night at the weekend where he only woke up once. ONCE. Total shock!

No idea what prompted the change as we haven't done anything different, I guess it must just be age or something. We still have the odd bad night here and there and bedtime is a bit of a battle at the moment. He just Will. Not. Go. To. Sleep. Grrrrrr. Other than that though I feel (almost) like a new woman. It gives me hope that maybe one day he might actually sleep all night!!

:hugs: to everyone :flower:
hey firefly! was thinking you'd left us and joined the STTN world :winkwink:
twice a night sounds great! :happydance:
we had a bit of a change at 18 month too, as he started doing 5hr stretches! unfortunately that only lasted 4-5nights so far but I am hopeful it will come back! I too believe it must be age/developmentally ralted?
also, like yours he was also fighting sleep at bedtime, but the last couple of days were ok, I just had to wait a bit longer to take him to bed to be sure he's properly tired!!
Hi firefly! Glad things seem to be heading in the right direction:thumbup:
I guess I am overtired.... Now I know why babies can't sleep if they are too tired! Lol
Ladies I would like to join! I still feel defensive of my LO and have a hard time calling him a bad sleeper, lol. Just a wakeful baby ;) But by the page one criteria he definitely fits!

We bedshare, but he is in his room on a floor bed for the evening and some naps.

No birth trauma, had a home water birth. He was quite distressed after he was born though, screamed a lot. Didn't latch on until the next day...

BFing still, not planning on weaning anytime soon.

What was the third question??? Lol
Ladies I would like to join! I still feel defensive of my LO and have a hard time calling him a bad sleeper, lol. Just a wakeful baby ;) But by the page one criteria he definitely fits!

We bedshare, but he is in his room on a floor bed for the evening and some naps.

No birth trauma, had a home water birth. He was quite distressed after he was born though, screamed a lot. Didn't latch on until the next day...

BFing still, not planning on weaning anytime soon.

What was the third question??? Lol

welcome gaiagirl! :hi:
it's laways 'nice' to have new ladies joining the thread, which at the moment seems very quiet. How did you find us? I wonder if the mods could move it back to a more frequented area of the forum?

Do you know why your LO couldn't latch? Mine had the same problem for several days (we had to use a niple shield) and we then found out he was tongue tied.

Tell us a bit more about you ar your LO :flower:
I saw it in someone's signature!

I think he was just super sleepy, he would latch and then fall asleep or cry. We had a home birth but went to hospital to rule out any issues and of course as soon as we were admitted he latched and ate. Go figure. It was challengin to keep him awake to eat that first week though! Man, has he made up for it...he loooves nursing and is a very frequent grazer to this day!

As a newborn he slept pretty well actually, usually 10-2 then up for a bit then another 2-4 hour stretch. He has ALWAYS needed to nurse to sleep, even from the first week of his life. So that's what we do 95% of the time. Challenging but he is clearly not ready to change that.

He has a floor bed in his room where we do some naps (others I hold him on the couch and catch up on TV shows) and he takes 2 naps.

He also spends evenings in his room and comes to bed with us after we go to sleep.

More or less this works great, except when he pulls evenings like last night...won't unlatch, finally get him unlatched and he's awake in a few minutes. Gets a second wind, won't settle, is up until 10pm! Arg!

That's pretty classic teething for him, so I suspect molars. I know it's early but he had 8 teeth by 8 months and we had a small break. Now I think we are getting more...
I should add that his sleep by 3 months was down to 2 wakeups and then at about 3.5-4 months all hell broke loose. Lol. He has improved on and off but generally 3-6 wakeups a night, nursed back to sleep for all of them.
Hi everyone, sorry haven't been on here much. We've been away from home all summer so haven't been online much. Not got much to report other than that LO is back to waking up every 2 hours. We're way out of routine though so it's understandable. Also, she has been sick which doesn't help and I thinking she's getting molars now too. I'm a bit worried as she has had a cough that's been going on for almost 2 months. I'm scared it might be asthma. Going back to the doctors when we get home next week so hopefully we'll get some answers. Hope the lack of activity means that everyone is STTN!!
hi mrs hedgehog :wave: - nice to see you back but sorry to hear your LO is gone back to frequent wakings. if it's any consolation, we'd had a very good spell about a month or so ago when he was doing 5 hr stretches, and now, like yours is back to waking every two hours plus comfort sucking all night.
I was toatlly exhausted and frustrated the other night and I shouted at him :nope: I think he's teething too but also going through lots of changes at the moment, his comprehension and communication have really increased (not his spoken language though lol), so it might be that, but yesterday I was seriosuly considering to start night weaning him as I feel he's relying far too much on boob at the moment.
I always want to think that they will get it one day even if it takes them long, but I too worry that maybe I am not helping him at all :nope:

anyway, hope you had a nice summer, but how was your long haul flight??
I should add that his sleep by 3 months was down to 2 wakeups and then at about 3.5-4 months all hell broke loose. Lol. He has improved on and off but generally 3-6 wakeups a night, nursed back to sleep for all of them.

my LO was exactly the same!
by 3 months he was waking up only twice a night, and then at 3.5-4 months his sleep went totally mad and started to wake almost every hour :wacko:

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