is/was your LO a really bad sleeper? support and advise thread!

I saw it in someone's signature!

it must have been in mine then :winkwink:

I think he was just super sleepy, he would latch and then fall asleep or cry. We had a home birth but went to hospital to rule out any issues and of course as soon as we were admitted he latched and ate. Go figure. It was challengin to keep him awake to eat that first week though! Man, has he made up for it...he loooves nursing and is a very frequent grazer to this day!

mine was a frequent eater too.
I remember my mum would always look surprised and said 'was that it'?

As a newborn he slept pretty well actually, usually 10-2 then up for a bit then another 2-4 hour stretch. He has ALWAYS needed to nurse to sleep, even from the first week of his life. So that's what we do 95% of the time. Challenging but he is clearly not ready to change that.

can he go to sleep in any other way? can your DH settle him?
Nope, and we haven't pushed it at this point because it involves very hysterical tears, beyond just fussing. He will sleep in a carrier or car sometimes but otherwise...boob required.

DH has done a couple naps when I was out and he did cry for a few minutes but ultimately it was fine. I will be working 2 days a week after 12 months so DH and my mom will have to figure out a way to get him to nap those days!
Hello there, I'm still lurking around, still no sleep. He seems to be pushing new limits, up for at least 4 hrs a night now, was 5 last night. Fed up is not the word. I feel bad for him, how can it be enough sleep??

Kosh have you done anything about night weaning? (sorry if I've missed something).
Hello there, I'm still lurking around, still no sleep. He seems to be pushing new limits, up for at least 4 hrs a night now, was 5 last night. Fed up is not the word. I feel bad for him, how can it be enough sleep??

Kosh have you done anything about night weaning? (sorry if I've missed something).

sorry for the late reply!

nope, haven't done anything more than reading about it :blush:
I really don't knwo what to do! after a very bad night when I feel exhausted I think something has to change, but then I chicken out! but I found a couple of very interesting blogs with good advise and tips if you are interested.
but at least I should start telling him that he will not have boob all his life :dohh:

I replied to a thread of yours long ago re. wind and bad sleep, don't know if you saw it. have you tried an elimination diet? we used to have lots of problems with gas/tummy pain and I came to the conclusion he might have a mild lactose intolerance.
Yes would def be interested in the blogs. I always chicken out of night weaning, not sure I'm ready as weird as that is! That said, my oh has started putting him to bed (skipping the bedtime feed), and then I'm not feeding him until midnight, with the aim of stretching this out in a few weeks. On day 4 and it's not good, he isn't bothered by no bf but is waking 10 mins- hourly until midnight. Clearly not working Lol.

No I haven't tried elimination diet, partly because he is off food cutting his canines, partly because it's hard, and maintaining the status quo seems easier.
Hmph just lost in a fog of sleep deprivation, keep telling myself it will end someday.
Thought I might offer an update.
My twins are doing MUCH better with sleep now. One - two wake ups a night and maybe one or two nights a week of sleeping through.
Lately it's been exceptionally horrible because the girls have all four molars coming in.
Teeth, I now realize, have been the culprit for the worst of the worst nights.

I also tried night weaning and after one night of a two hour battle FULL of tears I decided NO - I will not do this and I will wait till my girls are ready. I also regretfully introduced a pacifier (at 20 months old, what the hell?) to see if it would help and they both love it, but does not replace the boob in the night for them, so :wacko:

There's light at the end of the tunnel ladies!
thanks for your pdate ellebelle and really glad it's going so well for you and the twins!! :flower:
we're going through a particularly bad patch (again!) and I too wonder if teething is the culprit.
can you tell if anything else has helped them to sleep better?
I still have no idea.
Some random nights are still absolute nightmares.
I cut co-sleeping out. That might've helped?
Hi everyone, how are you all getting on? We've been having some slightly better nights after moving LO into a bed. She's still in our room but she loves her bed and doesn't want to sleep in my bed anymore. Only downside is that sometimes she wants me to sleep in her bed with her and it's a bit of a squash! She'll be 2 in a couple of weeks and I can't believe she is still waking at least twice a night, and usually more. Still, it's so much better than it was so I can't really complain.
Hi ladies, I'm still here and well and truly a member of this "club"
Nothing to report really. Some ok nights but mostly pretty rubbish :-(
I'm hoping to try her in her toddler bed sometime next month- not sure how that's going to go though?
Hugs to all.
Hi ladies :hi:

Just thought I'd pop in and give an update on our sleep situation. Very happy to report that things are heading in the right direction and...drumroll...William has slept through the night TWICE! The first time was a couple of days after he turned 2 and then again a week later. The 2nd time he slept for 13 hours without needing boob or cuddles. I almost died of shock and had to seriously fight the urge to dork dance around the room in celebration :blush: In the end, the enjoyment of having woken up after a full night's sleep for the first time in more than 2 years won and I stayed in bed :haha:
No repeats of that since, but he does have his last 4 molars cutting at the moment which is to blame for the waking. Even so, he's still only waking once a night now so YAY! (Please, do not go pear shaped tonight because I said that!!).

I was reading some comments about night weaning and, nope, I haven't been brave enough to do it either and we're now at almost 25 months. Sigh. Never in a million years would I have imagined still night feeding at gone 2, but here we are and given how crap things used to be I don't want to mess with anything that might set us back again.

Hope everyone else is ok and plodding on towards that promised land of children who sleep all night :hugs:
how odd firefly! I was actually thinking about this thread yesterday and how it had died out, presumibly out of sheer sleep deprivation...
Great news your LO STTN twice!!! :happydance::happydance: and even one wake up a night sounds great for my standards!
We are still on multiple (3+) wake ups per night....:wacko: did have a couple of night with only 2 wake ups and also a night when he did a 6hr stretch, but that was a one off.
we too are still BF at 22 months and although I was considering night weaning him I haven't actually made a proper plan yet. I have started a new job and can't afford to loose more sleep at the moment.

Can you tell what 'made' your LO STTN, or do you think it is just a question of time?

anyway, great to hear from you!
Any other ladies around?
:hugs: to all
Hey kosh, I hate to say this, we night weaned and 4 weeks later he sttn. Well technically he woke a couple of times, but just came and snuggled and went back to sleep.

I never dreamed it would happen so early, and i don't count on it lasting, but loving it.

Hope you get some sleep soon.
wow, BigAl that's great news!
can I ask you how did you go about it and was it very traumatic?
are you still BF during the day?
Wow, that's great news firefly!!
We too are still night feeding as trying to wean just hasn't been the right thing for our situation at the moment.
You never know kosh, when ours turn 2 they might all of a sudden sttn??!! Lol
What a nice gift that would be!
I'm like kosh, still multiple wakes per night.
Wow, that's great news firefly!!
We too are still night feeding as trying to wean just hasn't been the right thing for our situation at the moment.
You never know kosh, when ours turn 2 they might all of a sudden sttn??!! Lol
What a nice gift that would be!
I'm like kosh, still multiple wakes per night.

that'd be a nice present for mummy!!:winkwink:
Hello All, we've had much better sleep too of late. Not STTN but sometimes we're almost there. We've pretty much night weaned though. LO wasn't really settling well at night even with nursing, she would nurse for 10 or 15 mins and still not be asleep, so I decided it would be easier just to get her back to sleep without boob. I did it kind of gradually and now she nurses before going to sleep and then the rule is no more until it's light outside which is around 6am, then she goes back to sleep until 8am. Between bedtime and 6am she wakes at least once but mostly twice and sometimes three times. Sometimes it still takes quite a while to settle her back to sleep and asks to nurse but usually with snuggles and lots of back patting she eventually drifts off again. Far from perfect but so so much better. I really think she is just getting there in her own time. A few months ago it felt like she'd never sleep through the night and night weaning seemed impossible but it's amazing the difference a few months make. We're still a long way from STTN but I can handle 2 or 3 wake ups and I can now see a pinprick of light at the end of the tunnel.
Hey ladies!!
Wasn't going to post as I felt a bit guilty as Alex has done a complete u-turn - and is an absolute angel in regards to sleep now!
But I thought it may give you hope that the light at the end of the tunnel IS there!!!

Been a manic few months! Can't remember when I last posted? I know I posted my grandad was diagnosed with a terminal brain tumour and given 48 hours to live. We became home and lasted 2 and a half months before he passed away peacefully in July, 3 days after my birthday. So I've been up and down the m4 from surrey to wales to look after my nan a lot of weekends, which while exhausting, is lovely, and she and alex adore each other and its no nice to see them build a close bond.

I found out I'm pregnant again, and due 24th feb (but being induced 10th). First 12 weeks were fine - much better than my pregnancy with Alex!). But woke up day after my scan bleeding heavily and I passed out, and OH had to phone an ambulance and I was monitored on labour ward, but all was fine, but they had no idea why or where I was bleeding. Happened 3 times, coupled with fainting and dizzy spells so had 5 weeks bed rest and was still poorly for a while but 2 weeks ago at 25 weeks finally go my sudden burst of energy back and im pleased to report all is well and we are really excited for feb! Including Alex, who is going to have a little brother!

My oh also finally got a job, after 3 years of being out of work after being made redundant!! And it's a good one! Project manager working for Houses of Parliament!
Our luck is finally turning around, after having the most unbelievably awful 3 years in most aspects of our lives (apart from having my surprise gorgous baby boy Alex lol!)!!!

Phil getting a job had meant that hopefully when my maternity ends in jan15, I can become a sahm as wed always planned! Alex has also had to start full time nursery, until I can start my maternity leave - and it's done him the world of good and he's coming on in leaps and bounds, so he will hopefully be staying on for 2 or 3 days a week while I'm on leave. He just absolutely loves it!!

So my last 6 months have been an absolute whirlwind!
Alex is often asking to go to bed at 6.30/7 as he is shattered from nursery, sleeping right through to when I wake him at 7, crying saying 'mummy nooooo' as he would quite happily sleep till 9 if he could!
My non-sleeper has turned into a complete lazy-boy, although he is crazily active during all awake time and nursery are monitoring him for signs of ADHD or something similar (although the specialist at the nursery said its ridiculous and he's just a normal, happy, boisterous confident boy lol).

Really, really really hope things improve real soon for you ladies.
I must admit when I night weaned back in feb - he literally changed overnight! Although I did only feed him at night anyway.
He had a bottle before bed, up until 2/3 weeks ago, but now just has a dummy. He wasn't overly bothered with the dummy before but now goes nuts for it - so hoping to weaning him off that soon, and potty train as he's showing signs of being ready.

You never know ladies....give me 6 months and I'm sure ill belong right back here with my monkey #2!!! Lol

Take care and hope your all well xxx
Great to hear Alex's sleep is better and that your OH got a job and that you are pregnant! What an exciting time for you all.

LO slept for 8 hours straight last night IN HER OWN BED!!!!! I'm sure it was a fluke as usually she has no longer than a 5 hour stretch and that's being in beside me. It was my birthday today so it was a nice present!!
Wow mrs hedgehog! Bet you feel like a new woman!
Well done to your LO and happy birthday! :-)

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