Kosh - definitely worth a go if he's very gassy. I have coeliac disease which is a gluten allergy (in wheat, barley, rye etc) and if I eat it....let's just say it's not pleasant

I'd say dairy is a more likely candidate in babies really but eliminating one thing at a time would definitely be the way to go. Fingers crossed it alleviates any discomfort and you uncover an amazing sleeper!
Firefly -

for your bad night. I sympathise with dreading the nights. I'm also 32 and whenever OH is out late or working nights I spend all day stressing about the evening

Who knew that it could be so stressful
Lulu - yay for a good night even if it came after a stressful evening. Hopefully it'll improve as time goes on. My OH also has a bad habit of randomly coming up with theories based on nothing which go against what I'm doing. I've found a death stare followed by pointedly ignoring him and continuing as planned works pretty well
Angel - I hope you managed some sleep
Nic - how did it go? Was she asleep when you went in?
Well ladies, I broke. After taking 1.5 hours of screaming to get him to bed, then him waking up after 40mins I decided to try CC as NOTHING I was doing was working and he was clearly exhausted.
It sucked, I won't lie, but it wasn't actually as bad as I had imagined it would be, and he cried less overall than he's cried for AGES. He fed once overnight then went straight back down with 30secs of crying, then woke again at 5.45am but OH settled him with some water in less than 5 mins. I actually had to wake him at 8am!
I don't want to turn this thread into a CC-fest as that's not what it's for and I know many are uncomfortable with it (understandably. I was/am too), so I won't go into lots of detail unless people want me to, but I'm planning to try to continue with it as it surprised me with how quickly it worked last night. I'm not kidding myself that it'll always be this easy but I'm going to play it by ear.
I never thought I'd do it, and it's tough (maybe more for me than LO though it seems

) but I feel so much happier today. We've been playing with his toys, singing songs etc, all the things I want to do everyday but have been too tired to do with enthusiasm if I'm honest. I'm really not trying to justify it or recommend it to anyone as I can totally see that it's not for everyone, but it's given me a little hope that things may improve more quickly than I imagined.
I hope everyone else's nights were sleep-filled