Chocolala - Congrats on your OH's job, that's brilliant news (even if you didn't catch most of it

). Re cycles sleep, it's easy to believe it has a role when you're BF...hormones affect SO much that it's very plausible they could be implicated but
how they exactly affect it would be hard to work out. I mentioned that my LO is so easy for naps but fights like a ninja at bedtime. I'm starting to think it's because he's much more tired at the end of the day and this makes him more irritable and upset generally, hence why he cries regardless of what we do. Guessing, but it seems to be the case for us anyway.
Angel - your OH sounds amazing. I think you should lend him out

Glad you got some sleep.
Sorry for your sleep deprivation but you've definitely come to the right place for support and advice. Don't be shy to post - it's a lovely thread with lovely ladies who will always try their best to help if they can.
I'm happy to share my experience in case it helps but please do whatever YOU feel comfortable with as only you know your baby.
I had been thinking about it for a while after speaking to some ladies on here (particularly Flippityflop who has been very helpful) but I had always been so dead against it that it's taken me a while to come round to the idea tbh. I think I just got desperate enough, and the fact that my LO was crying whatever we did
anyway meant that the crying in itself couldn't really have been any worse with CC.
I decided to leave him for 2 mins at a time and to pick him up when I went in. This isn't standard but it's my version and was the only way I could really handle it at first. Anyway, when he woke 40 mins after the epic bedtime struggle I went in straightaway, picked him up, checked his nappy, burped him , offered BF but he refused, popped his dummy in and gave him cuddles and kisses whilst saying '"sleepy time" softly and when he was calm I put him in the cot. He cried when I walked out and continued to cry for the 2 mins I waited outside his room.
I then went in, picked him up, cuddles and kisses and dummy and repeating that it's sleepy time until he was settled a bit (no more than a min or two) and put him down again and left the room. Again he cried when I left but not as hard and I could tell it was a really tired, frustrated cry. I repeated my 2mins wait up to 8 mins then extended it to 5mins as it seemed to disturb him more because i was going in so frequently. His crying became softer and more sporadic after the first 10-15mins and I decided not to pick him up when I went in after this as he was getting sleepier and I didn't want to disrupt it too much, so I just stroked his head and whispered softly to him each time.
He cried, on and off, for a total of around 32 mins, which is significantly less than the 1.5hrs of crying we had most nights whilst he was in my arms. When I could tell he was getting close to sleep I stopped timing and played it by ear so as not to disturb him. He then slept for 5 hours straight and I was planning to repeat the process when he woke at night but I really didn't need to as he settled in his cot, awake, with less than 30secs of whinging (not really crying tbh).
I didn't have a specific limit in mind when I started but I think that the fact that he wasn't crying in a really hard way for more than 5-10mins total (with me going in inbetween) meant that it was easier to stick to. Once his cries became more sleepy moans it wasn't hard to wait it out as I knew he was trying to get himself to sleep and that I'd actually just ruin it for him by distracting him. In my head I was comparing it to how he cries when I try to rock him to sleep and if it was worse than that I'd have probably caved, but it really wasn't.
I hated it. But I also hated trying to rock or feed a screaming baby to sleep for over an hour every night only for him to wake and hour later and have to do it all again, ad infinitum. I was starting to really resent it, and LO was continuously distressed at bedtime, which I can't allow to continue. What I really wanted is either a baby who sleeps easily and well or to live a life where I can happily spend all my time trying to get him to sleep and function well on little sleep myself, but I don't live in that world unfortunately

so here we are.
I hope this helps you - please feel free to PM me if you want to know any more.
I also hope this doesn't offend anyone. I've tried to give an honest account of how it went for us but I'm not trying to promote it. I don't even know whether it will continue to work for us anyway. I truly WISH that I could just wait it out or work out a way to solve this issue with NO crying at all but I'm just not that clever or strong it appears.