Bedtime is not going well for us
LO is 10 weeks. I just don't feel like we have the evening routine sorted yet. He is feeding 3/4 hourly (FF) and that puts his evening bottle around 7 or 7.30. So we do bath then bottle at that time. A few weeks ago we started then putting him down in his Moses basket after that bottle in a room on his own (dining room so just next to us). The first 2 nights he went off no trouble in fact from awake a couple of times! We thought we ha cracked it.
Then gradually he seems to have got worse and worse at the routine. He is now wide awake after his evening bottle no matter what time we do it. He is not upset just wants to look round and play! If we put him down like that he just screams. So I started waiting until he was drowsy and then putting him down which worked for a bit. Now he is even worse in that it can be over an hour after his last bottle that he is drowsy so that wasn't working either! We thought maybe being downstairs was affecting him so have put his Moses basket into his cot to see if that works
Tonight he had his bottle at 7 as he was hungry. Bath first. Seemed really tired after bottle and fell straight asleep in my arms. I put him down at 7.50 and he was asleep. By 8 he was wide awake in his basket! Now no matter how much rocking we do he won't sleep
Forgot to mention he likes to suck a dummy but is completely incapable of keeping it in himself

If we could find a dummy that didn't fall out we'd be laughing. As it is we can't stand next to his Moses basket holding his dummy in forever!!
Once he's asleep he's fine. But I just have this sinking feeling that we're doing something totally wrong with his bedtime routine as he just doesn't fall sleepy on his last bottle like he should
I'm downstairs in tears at the mo whilst OH sits up there with him and our tea is going cold