It fell out! 2 births so far! :-)

Oh Lou, I think we've all come up to a point where we've all had a meltdown and to be honest, you have had a lot more to put up with than most so I think it's amazing you've even got to this point without having one before! I think having a good heart to heart with your OH about which way to go now is an excellent idea. How is he coping with it all?

Hi clairmichael :hi:
We've all tried/used different things to help get our BFP. A few of us have had some manuka honey every day, grapefruit juice I think was also mentioned?! Have you looked at using anything like Conceive Plus or Preseed? I used Conceive Plus and I'm sure it helped things along a bit! I was also doing acupuncture and taking chinese herbs but I think that's more of a long term thing that just one cycle.

Ooh actually Lou, have you thought about giving Conceive Plus a try? If it helps with getting the right PH balance for helping sperm to where it needs to go, it might be worth a try?
Oh, and this is my latest bump pic although it's a couple of weeks old now....


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hey ladies i feel like im goin totally crazy now ok right here's my story lol

i started usin opk pickd my pos sunday 6th monday 7th tues 8th n neg slightly pos not sure wed defo neg thurs through out tww alot of crampin wen should of sore bb's lots n lots of creamy thick cm tired heartburn etc u name it i got but seein as ive been ttc 4 a little under a yr all them symptoms were new do anyways 10dpo tested bfn n a few after that 2 but all bfn well af was due sunday but didnt show n im never ever late never! yesterday af crampin late last nite very very light bleed not even worthy a tampon wen normal soon as she shows woooow i flood nothin again through the night this morn very very light spottin on a towel but still very dull ache in back n lower belly just been 2 toilet n nothin????????? wot could this b xxxx
hey ladies im wonderin if you could poss help as this will b my last month in ttc u c im bipolar and have come off my meds 2 ttc but as if ttc isnt hard enough so my df n i have decided 2 giv it 1 last go...... im on cd 1 af showed this eve im signed up 2 fertilty friend now ive brought a thermometer but im not sure which opks i should get as ive used a few but last few months been buyin tesco brand and been getting about 3 -4days worth of positives so wud really like ur opinions and any other things or ideas that u ladies could recommend this will b my last month 4 a while so plz i really need 2 give it my last shot xxxxx

hi hun , ive same trouble im bi-polar im on 4 medications at mo and doc knows im ttc , when i get BFP or if i get BFP .doc will stop my valiumand reduce it , im only on tiny amount thoe.

my gyno said its safe ttc onmy meds so ladies please dont shout at me lol

i just wondered what meds you have stopped and if you stopped them under medical care cuz our condition is serious ,you have risk of relasp if stopped alone.Sorry hunnot giving you 3rd degree , just wanna makesure your be ok without meds .

goodluck ttc hun yes opks are way forward , clear blue opks very pricey , id buy in bulk off ebay/amazon get 20 tests for 2.50hun soid opt for ebay ones they both work same for me, my cheap opks always matched big brands results .i also own a clearblue fertility mointor again same results .
clairmichael, this could be imbedding/implantation hun just take it easy and dont strain if you need to go to the loo coz that will make you bleed apparantly its the straining to go, i wish you all the best and really hope that this is your month hun xx :hugs:
Morning ladies :flower:

How is everyone?

Kim, fab bump pic :thumbup: Coming along nicely :happydance:

I've put a bra on this morning that I haven't worn for over a week and noticed that I think my boobies are a bit bigger :happydance: Bra is tighter :thumbup: They haven't grown much but think there is now a bit more fullness to them definitely. Still definitely got my little bloat too :haha:

Off out in a bit. Going to see one of my friends to drop her daughter's birthday pressie off and to tell her our news :thumbup: I reckon she might cry! She's been waiting for years for me to have a :baby: and will be very excited :haha: After that then, going over to mom and dad's as there is a service at 1.30pm today to bury my uncle's ashes in with my grandad's grave (the uncle who died just before Christmas). So that will be sad :cry:

Hopefully will pop back on later girlies. Have a good day all.

Lou, how are you feeling? x
well im off in two hours to go to the acupunturist excited but really dont know what to expect ooooooh cant wait to see if this works for us x
Ooh Inkd, how exciting!! Make sure you let us know how it goes :)

Lol Nat- the beginnings of bigger boobies has started for you! I'm still in the same size and same bras that I wore before my BFP- I think it's God's way of telling me that they're big enough already :haha:
I hope that the service for your uncle went ok hon :hugs:

I had an interesting midwife appointment yesterday. Everything was great- blood pressure perfect, sample and bloods were clear....lastly, she just wanted to check bubba's heartbeat. Well, she tried. And tried. And tried. Almost 20 minutes passed with no luck :nope: The weird thing was, I could feel him kicking and moving away every time she put the doppler on my stomach but she said she was worried. She was literally about to get on the phone to the hospital to book me in for an emergency scan when she found it- clear as a bell, and exactly how it should be. It seems like he was just giving her the run around :blush: I was so relieved at the end and so was she- think we could both do without any appointments like that in the future!
Hi Ladies :flower:

Well the service for my uncle was really nice. Just a simple 15 minute service at the graveside and the little casket of his ashes was lowered in to be with my grandad (his dad) :thumbup:. Weather was absolutely gorgeous. We all then went for a nice lunch afterwards.

My friend was very excited at our news when I told her, she did fill up with tears as I thought :hugs:

Ink, how did acupuncture go?

Aww Kim, your little guy sounds a right little character :haha: At your scan he kept kicking the scanner off your tummy and now he doesn't want his heartbeat heard :haha: Bless x
Glad to hear that the service went well Nat. Must have been hard for you all *hugs*.

How is everyone else? Hoping that Lou is ok and just taking a little break from the board for a while.
:shrug: tbh I'm bored right now.. Only another hour or so before I can wake the kids up for school... How are you?
Morning ladies :flower:

Deafgal, I love your siggy! :haha:

I'm off work today and tomorrow, got 2 days holiday to use by the end of March so just relaxing :coffee: Although have housework to do so will have to move at some point soon :wacko:

Spoke to my friend in New Zealand this morning, she seems ok, is relieved that she has now miscarried the :baby: and they are going to try again :thumbup: I felt really bad as I lied through my teeth to her, saying we are still trying (I just couldn't tell her I was preg yet with what she's just been through :nope:) Also, I am still very cautious that all is ok with me. Can't wait to see midwife tomorrow!

Hoping everyone is ok x
Thanks Nat! I'm working on another one related to being pregnant... I'll need some help so gonna look through the pregnant journals for ideas... I have a start to it though... :-=
hiya girls, well first session of acupuncture done and next one next weds, cant wait she says that i should be ovlating today and to get busy until next tues just to cover it ,i feel fantastic a little tired today though but put that down to being woken up by the blody morning chorus of the birds that have nested in the eaves of the house GRRRRR!!!!!, so will be heading off to bed early tonight. deafgal01, go onto decaff coffee hun tastes the same just no caffiene to harm bubs and you can drink up to 4 cups a day on that too wine is ok as long as its red and only half a glass every now and again so dont panic, all these warnings that r out there are for those who over do everything like the binge drinkers and the chain smokers, so dont worry a little of what you fancy does you good as all nanna's used to say !, and they are right good luck xx
Hi Ink :hi:

Fab about the acupuncture :thumbup: Yes, get busy girl!

I had a funny sensation earlier today :wacko: One time when I stood up from the sofa it felt like something 'moved' inside me :shrug: It didn't hurt, wasn't a pain, more of a 'sensation'. Was very low down and central, right where I'm sure my womb is - not had anything since and feel fine so will just mention it to midwife tomorrow :shrug: It felt like my womb moved a bit!? Could be just things shifting around maybe?? :wacko:

I just found this post because my hubby and I :sex: this morning but then I had to get up straight away as had four horses waiting for their breakfasts!

So I doubt this morning was any use... It is such hard work this TTC business. But bloody good fun too :D
Hi girls, hope you're all well. I haven't been on cos I've used up all my internet time on my phone and I don't get any more until the 4th april! It's so boring at work and I miss not being able to come on and chat! I'm at home now on the laptop:thumbup:
Oh and I have decided to try again this month although I think we both know its a waste of time. I'm still eating the manuka honey and drinking grapefruit juice but as our boiler has gone wrong there is'nt any spare cash for acupuncture:cry:, its a shame but theres not a lot I can do about it. Half way through my 2ww this cycle I will be making arrangements to start iui just in case we're not successful again. At least the appointment will be made and waiting for us, I dont want to arrange it just yet cos I think the treatment starts pretty much straight away. I'm not at all happy about having to go down such an unnatural route but it may be the only way we can have our very own bubba.
:hugs: to everyone and hopefully I'll catch you all tomorrow:hugs:
:hugs: Toots I hope you hurry back. It's no fun to not have access when you are used to having access...
Hey Lou, good to hear from you :thumbup:

Glad to hear you are trying again this month. Isn't grapefruit juice meant to change CM and possibly make it friendlier to :spermy:? Certainly worth a try drinking plenty of that in case it helps. Also the thing Kim mentioned, Conceive Plus?

Please don't worry about how you get your :baby: in the end Lou. If you need to have IUI, then so be it. There are plenty of ladies who have that or IVF. We can't help nature and she is sometimes just a pain in the a**e!!

Speak again soon hun :hugs:
How long have you all been ttc?

Is this your first or do you already have babies?

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