It fell out! 2 births so far! :-)

Poor soul - I hope it doesn't bother her too much - I guess if she's always known the pain it will make her tougher than you and I!

It's all one big worry - will we manage to conceive, will we make it to the 12 week scan, will we make it full term, will the baby be healthy??? Not to mention the worries for the rest of their lives. Remind me why we are doing this again?!

Only kidding - it is going to be worth all the pain, heart ache and stress.
You will have a fabulous, happy and healthy 9 months with a perfect little bundle at the end of it! The real stress begins when they hit the teenage years!
So I'm still obsessing over the whole implantation thing and have been looking at various sites online. It can last up to 13 days according to a couple of sites so I'm feeling a bit more positive for all the extra info.:thumbup:
Oooh - that sounds promising Nat & Mamadonna! The crampy pains, not the colds! Think the whole country seems to have snuffly noses just now!

Mamadonna - is that your puppy dog?!

It's sinking in well, yeah. Have brought my doctors appointment sooner as I can't wait til Thursday! So it should be confirmed tomorrow evening, and I'll hopefully have a widwife by the end of the week??? They are pretty quick up here. The doctor I am seeing is a friend, so it'll be nice to chat it over with her.

No symptoms really - but had terrible pains in my tummy this morning and for a little while yesterday, but am trying not to worry myself about them too much... Easier said than done though.

Any more news ladies?

yeah thats my little charlie not so little now tho he has not long turned 1,he's like having another son,i also have a bitch same breed(king charles) just a different colour they are both so loving
If it is because you are on your way to a BFP, just remember all the stretching and adjustments that your insides need to do - especially if this is your first - so implantation bleeding could last that bitty longer as your body sorts itself out to accommodate your little sticky bean! I'm certainly aware that IB can be from 6-12 days, yet a lot of women also get it when womanly week should be there, which throws them off the scent. There are ladies in the first tri forum who have spotting into 5 or 6 weeks. So, I guess there are no real rules.

I haven't had any bleeding/spotting and have only had watery CM. I had normal AF pains, emotions, irritability and even a skin break out (though worse than normal). So at your stage I wouldn't have known... In fact, I probably still wouldn't know! My 3 main symptoms have been the peeing, the drinking and the eating! Why can't you get a definite sign???

So, who is expecting AF and when?

Nat - Sat/Sun

sunday for me
I'm due af on thursday. I just wish we got flashing nipples or something to confirm it!:haha: Its such a nightmare really wanting something and you've just got to wait it out and keep guessing. Its comforting to know windswept that you wouldnt know if you hadnt have got the bfp. My boobs are a little tender but i normally get that around the time of af anyway.

:rofl::rofl:@flashing nipples that would be brill i think dh would be well impressed
well i've had a horrible day havent been able to lift my head off the settee all day,such a thumping headache but seems to have subsided now
Hey Mamadonna, How's things? Any new symptoms? It's getting so close for us all now! I'm having moments where I'm not thinking about it and others where I've got 2ww insanity:wacko:
i kno what you mean toots i'm trying my hardest not to ss but things keep cropping up which are getting me thinking like extremely sore bb's but that could be af also,but i have just felt terrible today
It could mean a good thing hun. I know that doesnt help when youre feeling so awful but it could be all because of a little bean!
I'll be so glad when thursday gets here and I can find out if af is going to arrive or not. I'm wearing myself out with this insanity:haha: I promise myself every month that I'll take the next cycle as it comes but it is mission impossible to do that!:wacko:
i'm still quite relaxed(more than usual anyway lol) i dont mind all the headaches and feeling like crap if there's a little baba in there needing all my goodness,i did suffer with bad headaches at the beginning of my other pregnancies so here's hoping,i've got my fingers crossed for thursday for you hun i hope that wicked witch stays away it would be really nice if we could all join windswept over in the 1st tri
Hopefully! Do you find yourself comparing symptoms from your other pregnancies? Are you going to hold off testing until af is late?
i didnt really get that many symptoms,just headaches and feeling really tired and sore bb's i never suffered from ms,i just remember having that feeling that i was,i'm gonna hold out and test next due sun but if she doesnt come i cant test on mon cos its my ds 11th birthday and i wanna make sure its his day,tues is a no no,i had to have a d&c 12 yrs ago on that date due to a mmc,so wed will be the next date where nothings happening,but if she doesnt show on sun i think i'll kno anyway as i'm never late
I'm feeling bit rubbish today too Mamadonna :wacko: I've had these little crampy pains on and off throughout the day, they seem to come and go and are only slight. But this stuffy nose is really getting on my nerves and I'm really tired (that's probably all the dreaming! :haha:) Also having slight shooting pains in bbs now too but that is usual before AF.

I won't test unless :witch: is late.

Anyone heard from Inkdchick? Not seen her on here today and I think her AF is due around now? x
Hey Nat, theres loads of horrible bugs around at the moment. My oh has come down with a cold, of course he's really ill! A case of man flu me thinks:haha:
Not heard from Inkdchick at all today, hope that means shes preoccupied by a bfp!
i hope inkdchick has gotten her bfp today!!

i keep getting shooting pains on my right side just hoping thats my lil bubs getting comfy,why is it when men get a little sniffle the whole world comes to a stand still,they can barely lift their heads off the pillow,but its a total different story for us we still have to get on with things,soft as claggy toffee they are lol
Hi Ladies :hi:

How is everyone doing today?

I'm back to feeling quite normal really. Tummy quiet today so far after the little crampy pains of yesterday and nose is less stuffy, although still there a bit. Nothing else going on really except maybe nips a bit sensitive :blush:

I'm guessing I'm 9dpo now but obviously this is an estimate as I never got my peak :growlmad:

Morning all! Hope everyones feeling good today.
Nat, I've not got sensitive nips but boobs feel tender when poked, maybe I should stop poking them then:haha: but also they feel a bit tender when I walk. Glad to hear your feeling a bit better from the cold symptoms. I did a hpt this morning but it was negative, I dont feel to bad about that cos I know its still a few days early. Do you temp?
I am 'aware' of my bbs, in that I am getting the occasional shooting pains in them and a kind of 'tingling' sensation around nips a bit too. But they aren't sore when poked :haha:

I don't temp no, never have. I can't be bothered with taking my temperature all the time and just don't think I'd be very good at interpreting it :dohh:

Is it about Thursday you are due AF? x
Yes its due thursday. Had a bit of pink cm this morning but nothing since then. I would normally start to get get spotting on average about 3 days before af is due so I'll see how it goes today, but this is the eighth day now that I've had some form of brown or pink cm. Its been a v strange cycle this time:wacko: Problem with a strange cycle is that I end up reading way to much into it! My right knee has also been so painful pretty much since ovulation so of course thats a sign!:haha:

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