It fell out! 2 births so far! :-)

Morning ladies, how's everyone today?
Windswept how did you get on at the docs?
That's the tiredness kicked in girls - am still not even on my way to work, just feeling absolutely floored, with a lovely bout of nausea and headache all rolled in! At least my body is telling me I am pregnant!

Doctors was a bit of a disappointment really - they didn't retest, didn't feel my tummy, didn't even take my blood pressure. They did take a urine sample as a wee bit worried about the pain in my right ovary when I pee (might be a wee UTI). And, they referred me to the midwife. My appointment is on 4 November at 4 pm, that will be almost 8 weeks.

The most disappointing thing was that they don't think I will get a scan before my 12-13 week one :( I don't think I can wait that long! Without seeing it you kinda worry that it's not there or that it is poorly.

I got a good book - Dr Miriam Stoppard's 'conception, pregnancy and birth' and it is a great read... Been glued to it!

How is everyone else? Any sign of AF Toots?

Can't believe the ground is white outside - hail rather than snow, but really feeling the cold!

I thought more happened at the docs than that aswell. What will they give you for the possible prob in your ovary? Never mind about the scan Hun the sickness, tiredness and headaches are more than enough to let you know that the little one is there! Will you have a scan pic in time for Xmas? Oh and I were chatting about that last night, if we had a scan pic we'd make Xmas cards with that on the front! I'm losing a bit of my pma today cos I had a small amount of pink/light red cm this morning, it wasn't v much but it's not v hopeful considering af is due tomorrow. One strange thing I'm getting is that my boobs are really tender all over, normally they only get tender at the sides. I swear they look bigger aswell but that could be my imagination! I had a road map of blue veins on them last night but that seems to have all but disappeared this morning. I just don't know what to think:shrug:
No that's usually it as far as the doctors appointment - the midwife is the one that does all the rest you bloods will be done on your first visit along with your blood pressure and examination plus you'll get your maternity record there aswell.
Morning ladies :hi:

Windswept, good to hear all is going well for you. They probably don't do an earlier scan unless there is any reason to. They must think all is fine so please don't worry :thumbup:. I can understand you wanting an earlier one though, so you can see little bean. Your midwife will probably do the blood pressure, blood tests etc. I am a bit surprised they didn't do their own pregnancy test though to confirm but I guess home ones are so accurate now that theirs wouldn't be any different anyway.

Toots, are you still spotting?

I'm now 10dpo I think. I have had a few really sharp crampy pains this morning when I got up, Stomach also feels kind of 'tight' (best way I can describe it) and my back is a bit achy too. Also woke up with a bit of a headache but that has now gone after I've had my brekkie. A weird thing I have noticed yesterday and today is that my fave perfume seems to smell different - anyone ever had this?? It just doesn't smell the same for some reason :wacko: And not just when its on me, when I spritz it anywhere.

My OH was out last night, took his nephew to the Doctor Who Live show for his birthday. He bought one of those programmes back and it really smelt strong (it did to him though too). But I was having a look through it this morning and I had to give up as the smell made me feel sick! Still got stuffy nose too :shrug: I have never had a stuffy nose this long without it developing into a proper cold. And the stuffiness obviously hasn't affected my sense of smell as that seems pretty strong.

So, there it is, my symptoms at 10dpo. Of course though, I just think this is all the lead up to AF, which I am now pretty sure is due around this weekend. I am not reading into anything, I have different symptoms every month and so far they have meant nothing x
I still think it sounds promising nat. The stuffy nose has been dragging on now, you'd think it would have developed into a cold by now. I just want to get tomorrow over and done with, is :witch: coming or not! This has been one of the strangest cycles I've had!
Toots - don't give up on your PMA - the boob thing sounds very promising! And I a not convinced that this ongoing spotting is anything to worry about - as you read, spotting from implantation bleeding could last for 13 days.

I will have a scan around 6 December - so will have the picture in plenty of time to do Xmas cards! That is a fab idea! I think I would do a pretty picture on the outside, then on the inside a wee scan photo with some blurb about when we are expecting, etc.

The doc said that they normally avoid antibiotics in pregnancy, but for a UTI it might be necessary :(

Donna - thank you for your reassurance!

Nat - these symptoms all sounds VERY promising! Most of those I have had to a greater or lesser extent, so you can be quietly confident. But, as we all know, most of these can be the witch's doing too... Let's hope she's not in the picture!

I have finally managed a bite to eat - couldn't face food before now, but was too hungry and dizzy to drive - so feel ready to set off for work. I have my IBS to blame until my colleagues know!
I really hope the :witch: stays away for you Toots. You have had a strange one with all the spotting. I really think our bodies mess us around so much when we are ttc, it is really like it is 'mind over matter'.

This stuffy nose is strange. I don't know if it's some kind of hayfever or what. It doesn't keep me awake or anything, I am sleeping really well. Oh, and still dreaming!! Dreamt something about rowing across the sea in a yellow and red really flimsy boat last night, I had a little toddler boy(!) in a little boat next to me (his boat was blue and yellow) that I was helping along too. When we got to shore (which we did amazingly easily!) the toddler turned into my brother, who is 29!! :saywhat: Then we were in some kind of locker room to change into our normal clothes from our swimming stuff and we had forgot which locker our stuff was in. We then remembered it was Locker 48 but then couldn't find the key!

I am honestly not making these dreams up, these are the kind of dreams I really have!

I am aware of my bbs the past couple of days too, they are not tender to touch (I keep poking to check this :haha:), but they just feel kind of 'tingly'. Don't look any different though x
:hugs: hope you feel better windswept, having something in your tummy should help now. Have you had any vomiting yet or just a queasy feeling?
Your dreams are great nat! It's strange that most of them involve a child in some way. Gotta good feeling about you! I think your laid back approach is doing some good.:thumbup: I'll try and stay positive but I'm in a bit of a 50/50 state at the moment, fingers crossed though! Has anyone heard how inkdchick got on?
I was wondering that too, haven't heard anything from her in a while. I don't think I've noticed her name on any other threads this week either. Hope she's ok x
Hello again girls

Well my pains are really getting on my nerves now. Having lots of backache, aching hips and pains across tummy, like 'tight' feeling and kind of in the middle but a bit at the sides too. If this is AF on the way, I just wish she'd hurry up now and start so these ease off! :growlmad:

Just had a spooky thing happen too though that just wanted to tell you all about! I am quite into those kind of 'spiritual' books, like 'Soul & Spirit', 'Spirit & Destiny' etc. I have reiki occasionally and the guy who does it always says to me that my guardian angel is with me and to look for signs from my angels for the answers I want.

Anyway, just done my food shopping and bought a copy of the latest 'Soul & Spirit'. Was attracted to it as it had a free packet of Angel cards with it, which my reiki healer uses with me at the end of each session. They have been spookily accurate so far, in giving signs of my new job, my home study courses etc. Anyway, I opened the packet when I got home and just thought to myself "will be interested to see which card is the top one". Guess what the hell it was?? It was only one with an angel with a baby saying "There is nothing as pure as the love of a newborn. Angels love you unconditionally, no strings attached." :shrug:

God I hope this is a sign :thumbup: x
I hope you are right Nat! That's exciting! I have a very good feeling that this might be your month! Are you going to cave and do a hpt? Or will you be a good girl and wait until next week?

My first signs included a mild pain in my lower back that went with the cramping/pulling/twinges in my tummy... Middle and right hand side!

Sitting at my desk now, feeling awful. Just lost the head at Mr Windswept on the phone, as he called to see if I was okay and followed that with 'you must be, it's the afternoon now, you can't get morning sickness in the afternoon'. Stupid git!

On the plus side, we are going to tell his brother and sister in law tomorrow - she is due end of March, so will be fab to share the journey with her. No-one else will be told until my Daddy comes up on 6th Nov!
I'll probably wait. OH is away this weekend, going down to London for a footie match and staying there Friday and Saturday nights. It is my mom's birthday Saturday and I am going over there to go for a meal with mom, dad, my brother and his girlfriend Friday night then will stay over there Saturday too as OH is away (think going shopping with mommy on Saturday :happydance:). So will definitely not test until at least Monday (when AF will be a bit late if she hasn't arrived). I still think she will though - I know, no PMA! :nope:

Poor Mr Windswept :cry: Are you feeling pretty rubbish today then with the sickness? Just remember, it's in such a good cause :thumbup:

Sounds like a nice busy weekend to stop you from thinking too much about it! We'll be here to hear what happens!

Poor Mr Windswept?! Yeah, okay, he has a lot to put up with with my hormones and irritability. But to help I sent him this website link...

It's quite a good website - keeps it simple and doesn't go into 'too much information' mode for them!!!
Men can be so dozy windswept! Just cos its called morning sickness doesn't mean there's a shut off valve for midday:haha: is there anything you have found that will ease it a bit? It'll be lovely for you to share your wonderful news and to have someone close to share it with will be great. Just a quick question Hun, did you have any af pains or the feeling that af was going to come?
Nat that is so strange! With the pains in your stomach, is that a feeling you would normally get if af was approaching? It's still kind of early for them to be anything to do with af isn't it?
I got some tarot cards a while ago to try and teach myself how to do readings and on a practise run I asked the cards if I would get pregnant. The reading indicated I would but unfortunately didn't give me a date!
Toots - I can tell you that the pains I had felt very definitely like AF pains. The needing to pee and the slight lower backache made it more obvious.

Sometimes the cramps were so low down and the pressure so incredible that I thought I would be bleeding any second.

Hope this helps.
Gingernut biscuits nibbled slowly worked for me - something to do with ginger being calming and the sugar in them helps too - might work for you
Thanks windswept, I just feel convinced af is going to come! Where's my pma gone:dohh:
Thanks Donna - I'm going to pick some up later! My Mr Windswept thinks that ginger being calming is hilarious, as he is the most ginger person I've ever met!

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