It fell out! 2 births so far! :-)

Goodness me, this thread has moved along quickly in the past day or two! So, how is everyone doing?

Inkd- I'm so sorry that AF got you :( So cruel that your body behaves in one way, and then AF comes along. I really hope you'll get your chance soon.

Lou- I've never heard of wild yam supplements (and I thought I was trying most things when TTC!). I know it's not a supplement, but did you ever give Conceive Plus a go? As for the clairvoyant, I've always wanted to see one but been a little afraid of what they might say. If I could persuade one of my friends to go with me, I may give it a try one day.

Nat- glad to hear you're playing your little Chinese man another visit- I'm convinced it will help :) You never know- he may encourage you to release 2 eggs, so you get those twins ;)

DG- hope the funeral went ok *hugs*.

Stina- you and your little guy really will be going on a big adventure!! Are the scans related to the cysts? I'm sorry that your MiL is driving you crazy (as expected). Sounds like you'll need the trip to the mainland to have a break from her!

On the topic of moral/ethical reasons to have/not have IUI or IVF, I firmly believe that some people are meant to be parents and if those people sometimes need some assistance, then it has to be done. There's no way that fate/God/whatever you believe in could let some of the scummy people of this world (like those on Jermey Kyle for example) keep producing children but depriving the likes of Lou and Nat from having children at all. Just doesn't add up to me. Like Nat says, I think people who would be amazing parents but struggle a little to conceive, are meant to even up the bad parents of the world. Just my personal opinion ;)

As for me, all is pretty quiet still. Trying to rest today in view of my higher BP (people keep telling me to make the most of it whilst I still can!). Had a few Braxton Hicks again but that's it- I'm pretty sure he's going to be hanging around for a while yet! It's a little difficult being in this weird limbo state as we can't really make any plans or anything- we're just taking each day as it comes. It's driving the organiser in me, batty! I think the last 2 weekends, we've said 'This could be the last weekend just us two' yet here we are again, with the weekend almost upon us now lol. I'm just going to try and keep my mind occupied as best I can so I don't end up going nuts lol. I'm just so desperate to have my boy in my arms now.
Hey Kim, it won't be long now! As you said, make the most of what could be your last weekend with just you and oh. Have you bought any man u stuff for little one?
Also what's your birth plan?:happydance:
Hi Ladies :flower:

Hope everyone is well.

Stina, glad to hear Archie is doing so well. You'll have to post a pic every now and again as he'll change so fast!

Kim, not long now! So you are due 27th July then by looks of it? I think I predicted 31st July a good while back? :shrug:

My friend had a baby girl last night :happydance: Her second daughter. She is the one who had an early mc last year then fell pregnant again the very next month. She was due to be induced today so looks like she just made it going into labour herself. So I'll have a little newborn to go and see soon :happydance: Can use it as a bit of practice for the :baby: I'm determined I WILL have one day! Baby was a good weight like her sister was - 9lb 1oz (exact same weight as I was :haha: I often use this as an excuse as to why I've never been a skinny minny and never will be :haha:)

Lou, any more thoughts on IUI now you've heard us ladies' opinions?

Well Nat its been good to hear all your opinions on the iui issue and to be honest you are probably right that us good people do need to produce some little good people for this planet! I suppose iui and ivf would never have been invented if it wasn't ok to use it:thumbup:. Oh and I think that we'll have a while longer trying on our own but it is probably something we will delve into if we don't have any luck:thumbup:. I'm considering trying wild yam but I'm going to try and find out a bit more about it first cos I don't want to end up taking something that could act as a contraceptive!:wacko:. Apparently there is a country that has a high rate of multiple births (can't remember where) and they did a study on it and found that part of the staple diet for the people is wild yam and they reckon thats why the multiples are so high. Because it raises progesterone levels it is supposed to help with implantation as well.
Ink, I did wonder if maybe it could help you:shrug:
How has everyones day been?
Lol Lou, I may have bought a couple of odd United things :blush: Actually haven't had to buy a lot in that way though- we've had lots of United related presents already!
As for a birth plan, I haven't written one out as such because I want to try and be as flexible as possible and not have high expectations if things don't go smoothly. At the moment, I'm still classed as low risk which means I'd be able to use the birthing pool if available (which would apparently be very helpful with the PGP pain) but if my blood pressure is still on the high side when I see the midwife next week, there's a chance I might not be low risk anymore and that would rule out the birthing pool. In terms of pain relief, the only thing I'm determined about is not having diamorphine because it crosses the placenta and into baby's system and can have side effects. I would prefer not to have an epidural but I'm keeping open minded about it. If I have to have one, then so be it.

Nat- yep, due date is 27th July but originally (before the dating scan), it was 1st August. So you never know- you might be close with 31st July :thumbup: If I could choose, I'd love him to be a July baby because we have no family birthdays in July, but a pretty congested August (especially at the beginning) and I'd really like him to have his own birthday and not be sharing with a cousin. I guess he'll just come when he's ready!

I was having a little look right at the start of this thread earlier. It's amazing how long we've all been talking on here, even though I did gatecrash a little late when the rest of you had all been talking for weeks! I love that we all still have a bond :flower:
:haha: I knew there would be some utd bits and bobs! The birthing pool would be an experience wouldn't it, I would imagine laying in the water must have quite a nice effect. Your'e definately right to keep an open mind about the epidural because nobody knows how they will react to the contractions on the day. With any luck you'll stay low risk so you can keep your options open:thumbup:. Can't believe he's nearly here!
I was only thinking myself the other day how long us girls have been chatting. Strange to think that the 'it feel out crew' already has 1 birth and very soon to be 2. Hopefully you'll be able to stick around with us once :baby: is here but obviously you won't have nearly as much time on your hands! Its nice just to come on here for a chat with friends isn't it.
I definitely won't be going anywhere! I know I won't be able to come on here as often, but there's no way I'm leaving you girls! I'll come on here as much as I can still and if anyone from here wants to add me on Facebook or anything, just send me a PM :)
I'm glad it's not just me who is so over the moon that we've all stuck together! It's hard to come on so often, as you say Toots but I feel a bond and the need to check that all is well in your worlds! I do, however, sometimes feel a little guilty for coming on here with wonderful tales of motherhood... But only hope you appreciate it is because it is the only important thing in my world just now, and it's not to make you guys feel deprived... In fact, I'll share the horror stories as well just to even it out! For example, yesterday morning my little angel wouldn't go back down after his 4 am feed - he just screamed and cried all morning. It was 1 pm before I managed to dress, wash and feed myself! The time was spent trying to comfort a very upset little boy! He's a sleep fighter, and has a 'great' set of lungs on him!

Kim, I can't wait to hear your news! Birth plans make no sense to me! As if you have control over what actually happens - right from the start baby is boss! I hope all goes well for you, I really do - a water birth and no drugs would be perfect, but you are right to keep an open mind. I'm an August child, so I'm secretly hoping he holds out til then, but for your sake I'd like to think you're going to go into labour on Sunday evening and baby will be here on Monday morning... I think he's going to be a decent size - perhaps 7 lb 13 oz or just over 8 lb... Not too much bigger for your sake!

Off to health visitor to have Archie weighed, then into town (on our own, for the first time) as I can drive again!!! Super excited about our little outing!

Toots - start eating yams by the tonne! We need another BFP on here soon to keep things moving along as they have been!

Here's my boy...

The first one is his windy smile, not a true smile - that's still to happen...


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toots im taking agnus castus 7 days before af is due to keep my already high progesterone up to sustain anything that may want to try and stay but it seems to get closer and closer these last two cycles, so this cycle im taking soy from cd2 - cd6 120mg a day and see if that helps boost things too, im also taking folic acid, iron supps, vit D, and zinc as zinc seems to be a really important thing to take over 40 + so i will see if it helps me this cycle o and we are not trying as in charting, cm watching or anything like that just letting the mood take us and believe me it was great last cycle really enjoyed myself ,and gonna have a pimms again tonight to start getting in the mood seeings how period will finish tomorrow yippee back to having fun !!!!!
O AND THE YAM THING IS IN AFRICA somewhere ( sorry about the caps i hit it by mistake lol), i read it only the other day but i hate yams make me sick !!!!!! but good luck trying it anyone who wants to x
Hi Ladies :flower:

Stina, Archie is absolutely gorgeous :hugs: He's a real handsome little man and looks like he's growing already :thumbup: How much did he weigh today?

Well this seems to be a week of hearing about births - my friend on Wednesday and now yesterday afternoon a couple I used to work with announced the arrival of their little girl. Things come in 3's so Kim maybe you're going to be soon! :shrug:

I am so pleased for the two people I know who have had babies this week but I also can't help but feel a pang of bitterness - I should have been about 26 weeks pregnant now and only 3 months away from having my own :cry: A lot of ladies on the loss forums post when they get to their due date about how hard they find it - it would be so much easier if I could get preg again by 30th October. But that only gives me 3 months :nope: At the moment I'm really not that into trying this month. We haven't :sex: since last weekend and I'm already on CD14. No signs of me being anywhere near ov yet though so think I'm on for another long cycle :growlmad: Not using my monitor this month either so it will all be guesswork. It was too late to set it when we got back from hols x
well im not using any forms of predicting ov and dont intend to am having a bleed still so any forms of bding will have to wait i just hope that aucupuncture on weds cd8 will bring ov forward a little as it always does and then well we will do the deed when we feel like it and see what happens. I've had a headace for 3 days now and wonder if its the soy doing it , ive never had them before with it but havent been on it for months and thought i would try for this last time acutually wished i hadnt at the mo lol but oh well only 2 more days to take it and then no more !
Afternoon nat, I had a busy weekend. Worked all day Saturday so Sunday was my only day off to catch up with a million jobs! Typically other half parents decided that Sunday was the day to pop round for a coffee in the afternoon and then my brother decided to call in during the evening. Lovely to see them but really could have done without it yesterday, to much to do and so little time:dohh:. Our niece that has cerebal palsy went to hospital end of last week to have Botox put in her leg to try and relax the muscles so she's not in so much pain. She's now got both legs in plaster while everything sets and she's such a little trooper, never moans! She informs me that she opted for pink plaster on her leg. Hopefully the plaster will come off before her bday at the beginning of august.
It's really warm here today and it was awful last night, I hardly slept cos it was so muggy. How was your weekend?
How's everybody else doing?
Morning all :hi:
how are we ?
Stina , Archie is adorable, a very handsome little man.
Kim , how are you ?
Toots, Ink, Nat what are you all up to ? x x
Morning Donna, I'm good thanks. I'm looking forward to next week cos I've got a couple of weeks off and the patients are driving me nuts at the moment so it definately time for a break! How's things with you? Anything new or exciting going on?
Hi girls, how are we all? Hope everyone has had a good weekend :)

I'm afraid there's nothing to report here. All still quiet, despite my best efforts over the weekend to get things moving (curry, long walks, raspberry leaf tea AND capsules, dtd, bouncing on my birthing ball, baths in clary sage oil....). Have got an appointment with the midwife tomorrow, where I may well cling onto her ankle and beg her to do something lol. I was awake every hour last night because of the PGP pain- I think I'd have more sleep if bubba was here! And I really hate being whingy like this and I SWORE when we were TTC, that I wouldn't spend a second of my pregnancy moaning because I would just be so grateful. I need to give myself a slap really, and be thankful especially considering what you ladies have been going through. I'm just so desperate to hold our boy in my arms and know that he's safe.
Morning Kim, I actually don't think you've moaned once on here during your entire pregnancy so I think you're entitled to a little whinge now if you want! It won't be long now and your little man will be here. How is your oh feeling about the whole labour process? Do you think he'll be a good help to you on the day?:thumbup:
I do feel like a spoilt cow for whinging! I'm going to snap myself out of it. I think I just have too much time to sit around and wait, especially when OH is at work.

OH seems calm about the whole labour process, although that could all change once it's actually happening ;) I was really proud of him at the NCT and NHS antenatal classes, as he really took it all in and is pretty clued up about it all. The only think I don't think he'll handle well is seeing me in pain- he already hates how much the PGP is hurting me! But it's all for a good reason, and that's the main thing.

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