It fell out! 2 births so far! :-)

Hey girls!

Nat- I'm still SO excited for you :happydance: It's amazing how early you got a BFP this time. I can understand you being cautious but hopefully that's a really good sign :thumbup: Clearly, your little bean wanted you and your OH to have a nice holiday before he/she came along :winkwink:

Right, here is my birth story. Don't let it put you off Nat!!

Well, Alex William was born safely on Sunday at 8.14am, weighing 8lb 12oz. Had a slightly traumatic time of it, so I'll try and condense it as best I can!

Went in for the induction at 1.30pm, and had the first pessary at 4pm to get things moving. Went for a looooong walk around the hospital to try and encourage him to get a move on (wasn't dilated or effaced at all when the induction started) and I was checked again at 10pm. Didn't need another pessary as I was having contractions and 2cm dilated, so was put on a monitor. The midwife noticed that the baby's heart rate was dropping slightly with each contraction, so had me transferred to the labour ward so it could be checked by a doctor. A lot of the labour is a blur after that to be honest. They kept a very close eye on me and the baby to check he wasn't in any distress, and they decided to do a trace on his head to make sure. By 4.30am, I was only 4cm and because they were concerned about labour lasting a long time with baby's readings being borderline, they cranked up the hormones in the drip to get things moving along more quickly. It certainly worked, as the pain became intolerable. I ended up having an epidural which I was determined to try not to have, but I know I wouldn't have been able to get through it otherwise. According to my OH, they were seriously discussing an emergency c-section but when they checked me again at just before 8am, I was fully dilated. Because his head was so low, they decided it would be quicker to deliver him vaginally and a consultant came to assist. I had an episiotomy and he had to be rotated because he was in the wrong position, but Alex William was then born in 6 pushes with forceps- absolutely perfect. However, all of the drama kicked off afterwards. Because of all of the hormones I'd been on to get labour progressing quickly, my womb didn't contract properly and along with the cut and other tears I had, I started to bleed heavily and had a post partum haemorrage. I ended up losing 3 litres of blood so had to have a blood transfusion using 6 units of blood and 2 of plasma amongst other things (made me grateful that I give blood). Thankfully, I can't remember a lot about it but I think my OH was pretty terrified- he said there were about 10 people in the room at the scariest point and the care I received, was second to none. I was on oxygen for most of the day, and spent the night in the same high dependancy delivery room that I gave birth to Alex in. My OH was absolutely fantastic, and looked after him from the moment he was born. Strangely, they seemed to have bonded because of that amazingly well.

I was allowed to go home yesterday afternoon (Tuesday), and we're all settling in well. It's going to be a bit of a long road to recover but he is worth every single second. I can't stop looking at him and thinking how perfect he is. I still can't get over that we made him and I carried him- I'm so in love :cloud9:


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Oh Kim he is absolutely adorable! What a precious little face he's got. Who is he most like at the moment, you or oh?
That is a very dramatic birth story! You couldn't keep it simple eh!:haha::winkwink:
Seriously though it does sound as if you went through the mill a wee bit. Are you very sore now?
Huge congratulations to you and mr stork Hun. I look forward to hearing all about how baby Alex progresses and maybe see him in his little utd outfit:D
My oh wanted to know if he's named after 'the great man'!
omg congrats nat thats the best news i am so happy for you!!!!!!!!!

kim,he is adorable:hugs:

afm,i have been to see the thyroid specialist today,the best thing for me is surgery,its gonna have me ttc quicker:thumbup:
:haha: My husband happened to peeked over my shoulder as I was looking at your new baby boy pictures and he said he's cute. :thumbup: I agree- your baby looks awesome. Great job momma Waitin!
Kim, he is absolutely gorgeous :hugs: We certainly now have two very handsome little guys on the 'It Fell Out' crew :thumbup: And of course all of our gorgeous OH's too :winkwink:

Sorry you had a traumatic time but, like you say, I am sure he is totally worth it :thumbup: Hope you recover quickly hun.

Thanks for the congrats Mama. When will your surgery be?

I'm feeling ok but had forgotten how scary all these twinges and pains get :wacko: I know from last time that they are normal (remember doc telling me to expect them last time too). Had them very strong last night as I went to bed and really thought I was going to get AF! But thankfully no sign as yet (due today) and done another HPT this afternoon, which has got darker, so seems to show progression :thumbup: I said I wouldn't keep doing tests, as I know from last time that they don't prove all is ok unfortunately, but I think it's just because I tested so early this time and am just waiting to be past the scary 'AF due' time x
i'm hoping my surgery will be within the next few months,totally crapping myself but needs must!

i kno its hard to ignore all the little twinges extra,will they give u an early scan?
Hey nat, how's the weather up there on :cloud9:? I totally understand any worries you've got about twinges etc but everything will be fine this time Hun. Are you telling any family members your happy news or waiting a while?

Mama, I'm glad to hear things are moving forward for you. Hopefully you'll be back to ttc really soon:thumbup:

Kim, hope baby Alex is settling in. How are you feeling?

Stina, how's you and little Archie getting on?

DG, anything new with you?

Donna, ink, how are you girls?

Nothing much going on with me. Made millionaire shortbread today, yummy!! Any of you girls been in areas where the rioting has been going on? It's disgusting isn't it!
:nope: Nothing new to report here... I'm just waiting for ovulation day to come and redeem itself. AF ended like 2 days ago. I'm just busy occupied with work starting up again- sport camp ends tomorrow and I go back to work officially tomorrow with my 3rd shift starting on Sunday. :yipee: I can't wait to see the Elementary girls (they're drama free thank goodness- at least from the boys and stuff). It doesn't mean they'll be without an attitude though. :dohh: I'm eager to start school myself- my classes won't start for another week or so. :thumbup: I don't have everything I need for school but I will make do and have what I absolutely must have by that point (the books required and I have papers/pens here at home).
Mama, I will most definitely be getting an early scan. Not seen docs yet, will probably make an appointment some time next week. Will certainly ask if can get one on NHS. Also remember MW telling me last time that 37 is the age you are promoted up to 'Obstetrician Care' rather than 'midwife led care', as you are then considered an older mother(!), which I think means they keep a closer eye on you. She told me that because I was just still 36 last time so just missed out on it. So I will be mentioning that to the doc and seeing if this 'extra care' can mean an early scan :thumbup: But if I don't get one on NHS, I will pay for one private. There is no way I am going all the way to 12 weeks again :nope:

Lou, I'm still not quite feeling :cloud9: just yet. Having a bit of a more worrying day today, think just because it's the day AF is due. Trying to figure out what my instinct is telling me - pretty sure I feel better about things than last time and even got a strong :blue: feeling!! I even patted my tummy last night and said to OH "this is our little boy in here". Weird :wacko: I never had any gender feeling whatsoever last time - maybe that was a sign things weren't going to work out :shrug: Feel sorry for our little bean if it's a little princess in there :haha:

Re riots, yes it has happened by us. We live in Wolverhampton, I work in West Bromwich and OH works in Birmingham City Centre :wacko: All these places were hit. Scary stuff and it makes me so angry x
I already have a BS degree in Elementary Education- so I'm not sure where to go from here. I'm going to be in an ASL (American Sign Language) Program for a AA degree and see where that pulls me. It's possible (very likely) I'll aim for becoming an ASL professor/teacher for high school or college level but I could also study to become a deaf interpreter (meaning they'd hire me to interpret a deaf client, and usually they'll include a hearing interpreter to interpret what I understood the deaf client to say) but that might be a lot of work so not sure if that's what I want to do and I'm not sure if there's a high demand for that as opposed to teaching ASL. Who knows, maybe after taking a few classes in the program, I get a completely bright idea that is so different from those two. :shrug: Time will tell. I know for sure I need to go for a masters or phd of some kind after completing this program but don't know where/what yet.

Nat- :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: Stay safe, ok? It sounds scary to have those riots happening near you.
How dare they consider 37 old!!:haha:. But on the plus side Nat perhaps it'll be easier to get an early scan etc:thumbup:. It'll be v impressive if you get the sex right this early on, our very own 'it fell out sage'!:haha:
My pressed arrived yesterday. I figured that if my cm is hostile then this may be the way forward:thumbup:, not the sexiest thing in the world to do right beforehand though!:haha:. The things us girls have to do:dohh:
Good for you dg:thumbup:. Sounds as though the qualifications can give you various options so I guess you can take your time in deciding which route to take. Did anything ever come of the possibility of fostering the little girl you were looking into to?
I think she got placed with the other family. That's ok. I can just focus on school and stuff. We need to finish up the requirements (like um... fingerprints) for that... :dohh: We just didn't have money for doing that :nope: during the summer even though the agency would have paid back the money we paid for that. :shrug:
Lou, I don't blame you for trying the preseed, anything is worth a go :thumbup: I think it may very well be that your body is just too efficient at killing off the little invaders :haha: As all your tests came back fine. I know it won't be the most romantic of things but, hey, if it works fab :thumbup: You really deserve a stroke of good luck now and I'm sure I speak for all the ladies in hoping it is your time very soon :hugs:

Are you past ov this month now? x
Ladies, I've had a worrying day :cry: I am fearing for our little bean :nope:

I have been spotting brown all day pretty much and it has been accompanied by a fair few twinges :nope: It has been extremely light, literally just when I wipe. Just a bit about the size of a 5p piece reached a pad, so it's really not much at all. But I'm so worried this is the start of mc no 2 :cry: The twinges have calmed down a lot this afternoon from what they were this morning and I have actually just been to the loo when I got home and for the first time today there was actually nothing on the tissue :thumbup: But still very worried and just got to wait and see what the weekend brings I think. Please pray for our little one that this is just old blood from implantation and settles down [-o< I never had any spotting at all with the last one though.

Whatever happens over the weekend, I now have a docs appointment at 9.50 Monday morning. If things go horrid over the weekend, at least I can confirm a second mc and see if I can get any testing done. If things settle down (please god) I will confirm second pregnancy and maybe even the spotting could help me get an early scan :shrug:

Hope everyone else is doing ok. Sorry to bring a downer to the thread x
Oh my goodness - lots happening. I really, really hope that we will be celebrating for you Nat... It must be really, very scarey at the moment, and I wish you every best wish for the next few days/weeks until it is confirmed and bean is well and truelly in place!

Kim - your birth story is pretty traumatic - but your little man looks well worth it! I doubt you'll ever forget, but I guess it all seems irrelevant now you have fallen in love with your wee man? Dare I ask about feeding? Sleeping? Coping?!

Archie is doing great - had his first jabs today - he was so brave at the time, but ended up with a wee temperature and temper tantrum this evening. He's been so contented of late that hearing him scream was a shock to the system! Honestly, since we heard about his heart he has hardly cried at all... It's like he knows we'd be hypersensitive. Our trip to the mainland for his latest appointment went well - the doctors reassured us well and don't want to see him again until December... They'll decide then when the op will be, probably early spring. That's good news in that they feel he is strong enough to wait, but bad news that I will be very close to going back to work after his op. We've decided that Archie comes first and going back to work will not be an option so soon after our poor boy has his heart stopped, his chest opened up and all the rest... Need to work on a long term plan, as Mr W's wage won't sustain us forever.

Hope everyone has a lovely weekend. I am off to clean my little holiday cottage tomorrow for the next guests - my cleaner is off. Next year I won't have a cleaner!

keeping everything crossed for u nat,this sounds like what happened when i was pg with zakk and he was perfectly fine,i had a little shelf up in my uterus where old blood had collected,and with the changes that was going on in there it was pushed out,hopefully its just something like that:hugs:
Hi Ladies :flower:

Stina, great to hear from you and that Archie is doing well :thumbup: That's great news :happydance:

Mama, thanks for that reassurance. Spotting stopped from about 5pm yesterday but then I have just had a bit more :nope: So it seems a bit intermittent at the moment. It is still only brown. Could my having a retroverted uterus mean old blood hangs around and eventually works its way out?

I took another FRER yesterday afternoon and a digital this morning and got the below. Very reassured by the strength of these tests but also confused as I am pretty sure I only conceived just over 2 weeks ago, not 3 or more?? :shrug: So my hormones seem quite high :wacko:
That's a bit strange- having a test say you're more than 3 weeks. Hmm... Don't know what to make of it. Try not to worry too much about the old blood being pushed out but if it takes getting tests done and stuff to get that checked out for a peace of mind, then do that instead of worrying for a while about it.

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