It fell out! 2 births so far! :-)

Windswept that's brilliant that you're little one will grow up so close in age to the cousins. Having someone else to talk about how your feeling etc will be great aswell cos she'll know exactly how you're feeling. You mustn't worry about anything, you and little one are going to be fine. I hope they can sort out the pain for you Hun. Did telling your news last night bring all the excitement back?
Nat I really hope you're wrong and you don't get a visit from:witch:
As for me, well I'm still getting the cm that I've had for days but it's getting slightly heavier so I'm going to say I'm out :cry:It's been the strangest cycle! I'm going to stop taking the agnus cactus cos I'm wondering if that upset my cycle in some way as it's the only different vit I started taking this month. I also started taking a stronger dose of vit b, 100 complex instead of b50 complex, but I can't see why that would have upset things:shrug:
I've just called and asked for a doctor to call me back - fed up of being fobbed off by receptionists!
Toots - that's no good :( I'm still not taking it for certain though! Is it still 'spotting' though?

To be honest - I had two very distinct and very opposite feelings last night - the most overwhelming one was nervousness. Because she got so excited, it made me think that if something were to go wrong, it wasn't just Mr Windswept and I who would be heartbroken now. But then I couldn't help clapping my hands and grinning in between those thoughts, thinking of all that is to come!

It's an emotional rollercoaster - although not as bad as the frustration of trying to conceive, it is just as stressful.

I'm not knocking it though!
Toots, I do hope the :witch: stays away for you. You are having a weird cycle :wacko:

What is agnus cactus and what is it supposed to do? x
As much as I'd like to say I'm still in Hun I've got to face facts:cry: I've got an awful stomach ache come on and I feel pretty rubbish. What's a girl gotta do to get knocked up around here!:haha:
Oh and I were really hoping we'd cracked it this time, especially as we've got the hospital appointment next month. It would have been nice to have cancelled that. Hey ho, onwards and upwards! I shall now just participate in symptom spotting for you girls and obsess over our windswepts developing bump:hugs:
It's supposed to have a balancing affect on the hormones and help with the luteal phase. My doc wasn't sure about it when I told her I was taking it but I just thought that's because some docs don't believe in alternative remedies. Maybe increasing my vit b dose has had an affect as well:shrug: more probs for the hospital to solve!
Oh Toots :nope: Sorry to hear you're feeling rubbish now. Let us know how you get on today.

Is it 18th November your appointment? x
Yes it's the 18th, well remembered Hun! Not to long to wait. Oh is dreading it I think cos he'll have to provide a sample! We tend to be quite unlikely so I said to him it will come as no surprise to me if they end up saying he has a zero sperm count and ive got no ovaries!:haha:
I'm scared of going to docs cos of what they may say too :nope: But I definitely plan to in the New Year as pretty sure by that point I'll just want to find out what is going wrong and what we need to do.

I don't know how my OH will be giving a sample :shrug: He knows it may come to that and I think deep down he worries there may be a problem there. I've had thoughts like you - that maybe I have no womb, no ovaries or something :haha: But pretty sure I have as I have periods and feel my ovaries every month! But I guess that doesn't prove they are working correctly. I also worry about other problems that could be more hidden - for example, I have pretty light periods so worry I don't have enough womb lining or something! :wacko: Or what if my CM is 'hostile' and kills off his :spermy:? All these things could be wrong :cry:

Oh well. Off to make myself a cup of :coffee: and tuck into the Quality Street that OH's mom gave us to put away for Christmas :haha:
Morning all - what a complex bunch us women the stress of trying to concieve makes it harder but then the stress of being preggo turns us into hormonal maniacs!!!
Is there supposed to be a happy medium cos when they arrive it's more flaming stress!!! :haha:
You calling me a hormonal maniac??? Yeah, okay, you'd be right! I am glad I enjoyed my carefree single days and a couple of years with Mr Windswept before this madness began!
Morning Donna, how's you today?
Windswept didn't you become a mad preggie lady yesterday about the car blocking you in:haha:
Nat hopefully you won't need to go down the hospital route but I'll keep you updated with what happens to us. At least it'll give you a rough idea of what to expect. I was wondering to myself how these girls get pregnant by accident. There's me for example peeing on sticks to check for ovulation, drinking green tea like it's going out of fashion, taking handfuls of vits, dtd at the 'right' time then laying around for half an hour with my legs in the air like a right muppet! How does one get pregnant by 'accident'?!
Sorry I'm ranting. Just had an unwelcome visit from af.
Feeling a little crazy/mad/giddy for no apparent reason.
Windswept there's more fun to come - no tying shoelaces or putting sock on and as far as getting off the sofa late down the line :haha:
Toots me too! just glad I'm not a giraffe - could you imagine with those legs waving around !!!!
I totally agree with you Toots... We spend our whole sexual life doing our best not to get pregnant - sure that you are going to fall pregnant if the condom bursts, if you miss a pill. You think the morning after pill is the only reason you didn't get pregnant.

Then, when you are in a stable relationship, financially secure, mature enough to be a good parent, it suddenly becomes apparent that actually it's not so bloody simple.

However, some people are 'lucky/unlucky' - my best friend's condom burst on CD4, she got the MAP and kept it down okay... Then found out she was pregnant. The odds were pretty slim. And, while I was desperately trying, my dear friend aborted her baby. I don't judge her for it, it was the right thing for her, but it was tough to deal with at the time. So, you'll understand why I am in no rush to share my news with her, just yet!
Oh - just had a chat with the doctor - they want to see me this afternoon. The urine sample came back okay, so they want to have a little feel of my tummy. She mentioned complications - baby growing in fallopian tube being one of them.

Trying not to worry, but feel much better that they'll see me today.
Thanks ladies.
Windswept that must have been a tough situation for you to deal with. Supporting your friend in a decision that is right for her while ttc yourself. How do you think she'll be about your news?
I'm sure she'll be supportive and excited for me - but it might be a wee bit raw for her just now. She has a cracking wee boy already, so she'll be able to keep me right! Our other best friend has a 18 month old, and she is fabulous with him - I have no doubts she'll put her feelings to the side for our happiness. She knows how important it is for me.
Windswept just on the fallopian tube line if it was ectopic the symptoms I had were bleeding - bright red blood and a sharp stabbing pain which stayed for about an hour plus my hpt wasn't bright screaming preggie and that was @ 8+1
Thank you Donna - that is very reassuring. I haven't had any of those, except the pains. Sorry you had to go through that.
Windswept Hun don't start worrying, everything will be absolutely fine. I'm sure they just want to be 100% but at least they are seeing you today. Do let us know how you get on:hugs:

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