It fell out! 2 births so far! :-)

I hope everything goes really well for you - and really quick too! Your hubby sounds lovely - you are lucky to have his support and distraction! How long have you two been together?

Yes - I am going to be childminder extraordinaire! I have always thought this is what I'd do if we had our own family. My mum was a childminder while we were growing up, and it was a great experience for everyone. There seems no alternative now, as I live 42 miles from work (on a very dodgy single track road) and there is no childcare near home, and I don't want my poor bubba have the long days I do (12 hours) by dragging them up to a minder in town. So, my plan is to do the course and register before going off on maternity leave. Take my entitlement from my employers (6 months full pay, 3 months statutory), then go back to work for the 2 months I need to to justify the maternity benefits (while OH, grannies and I take leave in turns to cover) - then quit and become a full time stay at home Mum who earns by surrounding herself with lovely little people to keep everything exciting!

Busy working on my 'policies and procedures' - planning my days out, activities and diet for the mindees. It's gonna be great fun! Gonna give them a veggie patch on my plot to grow their own, they can grow flowers from seed in my greenhouse, I'll take them beachcombing, birdspotting, picking fruits and making jam, etc, we'll do baking, arts and crafts, visiting, shopping, swimming, library and toy library visits. I'll teach them all about nature and nice things, and teach them how to respect others and be mannerly good little people.

I can't wait - it's gonna beat my current job... Which isn't quite what I was hoping it would be.
You seem very focused and excited about your new career that's to be admired not many can say their career path is what they really want it to be.

Oh and good morning all
Hi Ladies :hi:

How are we all? Mamadonna, how are you today?

Windswept, I hope docs can give you more answers today about your concerns. Does really sound like some kind of UTI to me though as the pain comes when you pee!

Childminding is a really good idea. Means you can stay home with your little one but still have money coming in from looking after others :thumbup:.

I was made redundant from my full-time job in June this year after having worked there nearly 19 years (only place I have worked). Was a big shock but I am starting a new part-time job in the NHS next week, as a medical secretary, which is one thing I have always wanted to do as I love anything medical :happydance:. I am also currently doing creative writing and proofreading on home study courses. My future plan is to work part-time in the NHS and then do either writing or proofreading freelance from home the other couple of days. Hopefully then one day I may get either writing or proofreading off the ground to such a degree that I can work completely from home, which would really suit if a :baby: does eventually come along! x
That sounds like a fab idea too Nat - it's such a lovely thought to work from home! Congratulations on the new job too - hope it goes well. Does that start on Monday?

You are right Donna, I am so enthusiastic about this and really hope it works out. It will be a pay drop - and isn't as secure - but it will be so rewarding and fulfilling! And, I actually think I might be good at it!
I'd say that you will be an excellent childminder sound like you have a creative mind and will have plenty to keep little minds occupied.

Hey Nat another NHS worker - me too been here 2 years.
I start my job next Wednesday as am going to be working 3 days a week - Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays x
Windswept, let us know how you got on with doc. I've been with my oh since I was 16 (16 years!) I think you career change plans sound brilliant, it's sounds like you'll make a great childminder!
Hey nat, good luck for Wednesday, are you nervous?!
Donna, anything new with you today?
hi Toots still the same !! the bloated/gassy thing is really annoying now and the bbs still tender.
trying not to read too much into it at the minute.
How's you ?
The 2ww is a killer isn't it?!! When are you planning on testing? I'm ok today, just want to get on with this next cycle with complete determination! :haha:
Not gonna be able to test until at least Saturday - :witch: due Monday should be okay till then not hoping for much so then won't want to :cry:
Hey ladies

Thank you for your encouragement with the whole career change thing!

I feel pants. Docs weren't able to be any clearer, but she was reassuring. She said that there were signs of a UTI - so more antibiotics, for a week this time. I'm feverish and the pain that has developed over the past few hours in my back is also down to the infection. She told me to take it easy, drink lots, pee when I need to and to keep on taking the antibiotics for as long as I need to. She said that UTIs in pregnancy can be really nasty and make you feel much worse than normal, and as I am prone to cystitis she reckons that's all it is and not to worry. She said when she was pregnant she worried about every little thing too!

So, I am in my bed with a hot water bottle and about to have a nice long nap! Hope to make it to the childminding course, but if not the lady is very helpful and will go over it with me I am sure...

Hope you are all having a good day?
Sending you lots of:hug: windswept. Snuggle up with your hotwater bottle Hun and I hope you feel better when you wake up. Is it barley water that's supposed to help with those sort of infections?
hello just thought i'd let you all kno the bleeding has got heavier,went to the docs this afternoon and she has booked me in for a scan,its not for another 2 wks!! but think it'll be a waste of time,just dont think there's a lil bean in there anymore :cry:
Oh mamadonna:hugs: I'm so sorry. Is it at all possible for the little bean to still be there Hun? What did the doc say?:hugs:
doctor said to consider myself pg unless i pain and really heavy bleeding like heavier than a period.i p'd in a cup b4 to take another test and it was blood,sorry for the tmi,anyway i took a test and there is a v v v faint line on there i'll do another in the morning but i think its over :cry:
No - Mamadonna don't think like that - the doc is right, you have no pain so that's a good sign... Lots of people bleed - have a wee scan over the threads in first tri. I am so sorry it got heavier, I understand why you are worried, but sincerely hope your doctor is right and you are wrong.

What a horrible 2 week wait - worse than the normal 2ww... Let us help it pass quicker for you.

Lots of love and bestest wishes, Cx
Stay positive mamadonna. Take it easy and try not to worry hun.:hugs::kiss:
Windswept are you feeling any better after your nap this afternoon?
Mamadonna, so sorry your bleeding has got heavier :nope: I hope it settles down and you do still have a sticky bean in there. At least you still got a positive test, so surely still there at the moment? Keep us posted and sending you lots of :hugs:

Windswept - drink lots of cranberry juice!! Supposedly very good for any water infections. It has something in it apparently that stops the bacteria sticking to the bladder wall so flushes them all out x
Mamadonna i to have everything possible crossed for you that this is all ok and im sure it will be lots of rest hun xx :hugs:
Windswept , Nat is right lots and lots of cranberry juice will help sort out that nasty infection hun in no time xx
Hi Nat how are you xx

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