It fell out! 2 births so far! :-)

Both bbs tender had a few cramps ,been very scatty last few days - so unlike me very level headed usually plus still little bloated too.
Not reading too much into them tho trying to keep calm not hope too much:flower:
Suprisingly yeah I am just taking it day by day should make it to saturday :thumbup:
I have a Halloween thing to go to with some of the girls from work this weekend. The thing is I don't want to drink just in case the symptoms I've been showing are pg symptoms and not af symptoms. Saying that though, I don't want to get my hopes up either :nope:
Some of the symptoms I've been getting are
  • Sensitive nipples (mainly the left side) keep in mind I don't usually get this as an AF symptom.
  • Lower backache
  • Stomach cramps
  • Frequent urinating (since 8am I've been to the toilet 5 times already)
  • Headache (I rarely suffer with headaches so I'm kinda thrown with this one)
  • This morning I ate brekkie and soon after felt nauseated, it quickly went away though. It was a light breakfast, croissant, strawberry jam, orange juice and a natural yoghurt.

The thing is though if I say i'm not drinking they're going to get very suspicious, not that I drink much but when I'm out with the girls I always enjoy 2 or 3 glasses of wine, depending on how late we stay out, but if there's even aa tiniest chance there's a little :baby: on the way I don't want to risk any alcohol.

Ahhhhh :growlmad: help me please!!
Hey Ladies

Firstly, Murdhuacha, I would go along and have a glass - sip it slowly and if anyone says anything say you have had a terrible headache and you don't want to make it worse. Make up something important you have to do in the morning! Your symptoms sound very promising - but just think how many women don't know they are pregnant and have a lot to drink and never harm their baby. I am not condoning drinking while you know you are pregnant, but at the moment you don't so to avoid the questioning I would participate in one just to keep them off your back!

Donna, not long to go - you seem very relaxed - well done!

Mamadonna - keep us posted. I am thinking of you a lot and really hope that everything works out okay. I am sure everything will be okay, but I know that won't help you just now. When is your scan???

I am feeling a bit better today - I managed to sleep for a full 6 hours without being woken up by my bladder! So, guessing the antibiotics are helping now, and I'm on the mend. Still peeing as much today though, and pain still there - but I am hopeful! About to make myself up a programme to keep me busy until the 12 week scan, try to stop thinking about it all!

Hope everyone is well today. Cx
my scan isnt till the 9th nov,just feel exhausted today bleeding seems to have slowed down and tests are still positive so we'll see,and thank you for showing your consern x
Thank you windswept, thats a good idea and yeah its true most people don't know and do all sorts of things in their first few weeks. My sister in law didn't know she was pregnant with her first child until she was a little over 5 months and she had been bungee jumping and swimming with sharks while on holiday. When she found out she worried about it up until the day she held him in her arms and the doctors told her he was a perfectly healthy baby. He's 10 years old now and loves climbing trees and jumping off, my brother told my sister in law it was her fault for bungee jumping when he was in her tummy, she gave him a taste for it. He's joking of course and she knows it and jokes with him saying he was the one that made her do it so really its his fault.

Mamadonna, I'm glad to hear you're still getting a positive on the test. Good luck with your scan on the 9th :hugs:
What's in the programme windswept that gonna keep you occupied? Are you actually going to try your hand at the 4 legged duck breeding?!:haha:
Your dogs look so lovely, I'd love a dog but my oh reckons that 5 cats is enough to be going on with!
Murdhuacha, you could also have a glass of wine but say you can't drink to much as your on antibiotics for an ear infection or something.
I thought that was hilarious ( sorry Windswept ) could you imagine a 4 legged duckling :rofl: still making me giggle now !
Hi Ladies

Have any of you taken a look at the video Live_in_Hope has posted on the Trying to Conceive forum? It shows the journey from conception to birth. Amazing :thumbup: I got quite emotional watching it :cry:

Yes, Nat - it is incredible! Made me go all weak and emotional!

Mamadonna - so glad you sound a little more positive - I think I speak for everyone when I wish you every little bit of luck for your scan. I'm thinking of you. I am sure everything will be okay...

Toots - dogs are very hard work at times. Our youngest is obsessed with water, which is not so great when you live 3 m from the sea (getting tiresome having to dry her after she's been out for a 'quick pee''). But I wouldn't change them for the world.

Have been trying to put all my travel books on ebay (need to clear space for bubba, and know I'll never get to visit all those amazing places now) - but fecking vodafone dongle is being a nightmare.

Seems I am 'leaking now' - sorry, TMI again! Hope that shifts itself pronto - not looking forward to having to go buy incontinence pads!
Aha, I see it has :thumbup: (it doesn't show it as you type the message does it!)

But I now want to change it, it will look better centred!! x
Toots, I'm so sorry, I've got your name wrong!! It's '95' not '85 :dohh:
Sorry ladies, having a 'signature' afternoon! :wacko:

Does anyone know where I could find a 'Christmas countdown'?? x

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