It fell out! 2 births so far! :-)

Morning Ladies

A lovely morning here too. We never had any guisers - but we weren't expecting any so we didn't have any goodies in anyway!!

I am feeling a tad better, though not as good as I was yesterday. Didn't get any sleep last night, which didn't help. Am back at work, hoping the day is going to fly by... And this week... And the next month... So that I can get out of this first trimester horrible phase!

I am really growing - not sure if it is as I am eating more to stop the hunger or if the baby is actually growing. A thought occurred to me this morning about the size I am now... Maybe there's more than one baby in there!! I'll remove that thought from my head now that I've let it out!! Boobies are definitely bigger even than the other day, feeling very curvaceous! Only symptoms I am having are hunger, heartburn and slight queasiness if I am hungry.

Where is Donna?!

I second Inkdchick's comment about the FRER tests - definitely the best. But don't be too disappointed if nothing at this stage, my line was super faint when I got a positive at 3 days before AF... Did you get away with sipping wine on Saturday?!
Are you feeling positive inkdchick?
Murd, never mind about the bfn cos it's super early. How are you feeling?
I had a nice weekend, over way to quick! Dtd every other day so I'm hoping it works this time.
Yeah I know I shouldn't have done it but in a way I'm glad I did, at least now if I get a BFN my hopes aren't as high as they would have been. If that makes sense, not having a negative attitude or anything just a realistic one.

I'm still feeling kind of off actually, I went out with the girls last night didn't drink though, I used the antibiotic excuse and it wasn't too bad because one of the other girls is actually on antibiotics for a chest infection so she wasn't drinking either.

I've been getting heartburn and headaches a lot, I rarely get headaches so thats kinda strange, I'm still peeing at least once an hour lol, the sickness isn't too bad now but the sore bbs are still there and stomach cramps although they're really dull right now.

Ok I'm going to shut up now lol, how are you lovely ladies?
Are you feeling positive inkdchick?
Murd, never mind about the bfn cos it's super early. How are you feeling?
I had a nice weekend, over way to quick! Dtd every other day so I'm hoping it works this time.

well i dont know really havent really thought about it i just know that my af is due in 7 days and thats it these niggly pains started last night late so i dont know not thinking about it really and not holding out much hope although ive never had this before weird ! but hey,
how about you are you feeling positive about this month !
Morning Ladies

A lovely morning here too. We never had any guisers - but we weren't expecting any so we didn't have any goodies in anyway!!

I am feeling a tad better, though not as good as I was yesterday. Didn't get any sleep last night, which didn't help. Am back at work, hoping the day is going to fly by... And this week... And the next month... So that I can get out of this first trimester horrible phase!

I am really growing - not sure if it is as I am eating more to stop the hunger or if the baby is actually growing. A thought occurred to me this morning about the size I am now... Maybe there's more than one baby in there!! I'll remove that thought from my head now that I've let it out!! Boobies are definitely bigger even than the other day, feeling very curvaceous! Only symptoms I am having are hunger, heartburn and slight queasiness if I am hungry.

Where is Donna?!

I second Inkdchick's comment about the FRER tests - definitely the best. But don't be too disappointed if nothing at this stage, my line was super faint when I got a positive at 3 days before AF... Did you get away with sipping wine on Saturday?!

Poor you not getting any sleep :( hopefully you have a nice rest when you get home from work.

Oh wow, how exciting at the thought of more than one baby in there. I'd love twins, my friend has twin boys and they're the cutest little things ever.

Thank you, I'll get that when I'm out later today. No the Saturday night was rearranged to last night instead. I didn't drink, I really didn't feel like it though but they didn't question me too much because there was another girl there on antibiotics and she couldn't drink so they just accepted my excuse lol.
Just imagine if you have got 2 in there windswept:haha::baby::baby:
Murd, the peeing every hour is a positive sign!
Well inkdchick I'm going to try and take it as it comes this month, I'm saying that now but wait till the 2ww:haha: I don't feel particularly hopeful but maybe I'll get a nice surprise! Think I'm about to ovulate so I'll have to pester oh, want to try everyday during ovulation:thumbup:
Morning Windswept aww hun i hope you feel better soon but so good that you dont have many horrid symtoms tho, i havent seen Donna on here in a while ! xx
Murdhuacha i really wish you all the best when you test again sooo exciting xx
I think if I have got two in there Mr Windswept would happily give one to one of you lovely ladies! He's really scared about twins - whereas, I'd be over the moon. I'll not think too much about it - but I would like some explanation to why my belly has grown so much at this early stage!

I am liking all the positivity on here this morning!
Hello all and good morning - yes I am still alive just - been poorly all w/end have cyst in left bb that is infected ( hence two tender bbs last few weeks ) feel crap.
Did test yesterday BFN not too suprised tho.
Maybe that would explain why youve been feeling so poorly windswept, am I right in thinking that ladies expecting twins get stronger symptoms very early on?
That sounds painful Donna. Are you feeling any better today? How long till af is due now?
well if it is two hun you will be the one shot got the lot Mamma !! :rofl: how exciting oooh you will have to let us kow when you have your scan it will show lol.

I dont know if im positive thinking tbh im just not thinking about it at all, am off to rome again on friday so that will take my mind of it , off to see my inlaws so brushing up on more italian this week so hard !!!, i know a fair amount but its the slang and roman slang i cant get the hang off and i'e got to learn it as my inlaws know no english and we are moving back to there in around two years so got to get my skates on lol.
So no not thinking about it and i got 7 days to go.
Just looking out for all you lovely ladies thats enough for me as really ive given up as i really dont think its gonna happen so that why im not thinking
aww donna thats sounds really painful, really hope that you start to feel better soon hun xx
Owch - poor Donna... Are you feeling any better now?

Inkdchick - it's a good idea to divert your attention - sounds like learning Italian will be enough to keep your mind off it!
It is right on the bloody side my arm catches it every time I move - Haha idea don't move !!!!!!!!!!! Antibiotics should start to kick in now been on them since Sat morning.
AF due today.
Right that's my whinging over with - Wow Windswept twins ??? amazing would love twins.
I shouldn't have said anything - I doubt it is - it'll just be me getting fat! My tummy is normally flat, so it's strange to see it flubbering about as much, I am just making (very appealing) excuses for it!

That sounds horrible. Hope the pills kick in very soon!
morning every1,hope you all had a nice weekend.

i had shooting pains inkdchick around a week after ov so here's hoping its a good sign for you :thumbup:

sorry u've had an uncomfortable weekend donna,hope it all gets better soon,fingers crossed af stays away :thumbup:

wow windswept twins would be fab,:baby::baby:

afm i'm feeling ok,just wanting this week to be over with so i can go for my scan,didnt test this morning,thought i'd leave it a few days(never in my life have i spent so much on pg tests)
Morning Ladies :flower:

Well it's my last week as a 'lady of leisure' - start my job on Wednesday. Probably going to get a bit nervous tomorrow or Wednesday morning :wacko:

We did have some little Hallowe'eners to the door, about 4 lots of them! So we opened a big tin of Quality Street we had in for Christmas and they had some of those (plus we had a few too!) Still got a big tin of Roses upstairs ready for Christmas anyway.

Twins eh Windswept :baby::baby:! That would be sooo cute. I take it you won't have a scan until about 12 weeks?

Donna, sorry you're feeling poorly, hope you feel better soon :hugs: x
good luck with the new job nat

we had loads of halloweeners,ran out of sweets in the end
Morning Nat, enjoy your last couple of days off. Good luck for Wednesday, you'll be absolutely fine!:thumbup:
thanks - at least I no the sore bb wasn't from me having the occasional prod :blush: !!

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