IUI December Buddies

I was started on 75iu because I had 10 follicles on each side. They didn't want to over stimulate.

I stimmed for 9 days. On day 10 I triggered & did not do bravelle, day 11 & 12 did IUI.

Ok awesome! I'm hoping that is the same for me. I have heard of people having an IUI done as early as cd10! Crazy! But cd11 or 12 seems to be the cd's that I see the most.

With dd 2, I forgot I triggered on cd10 and had iui on cd12. I'm cd8 today with uss and cons review tomorrow. I might get to do iui fri or sat! How exciting, I was thinking Monday as it normally would be! What a good week this is turning out to be :happydance:
Can I join too? Was hoping I wouldn't have to but got told today this months IUI has been cancelled as I've over responded, been threatening all week to happen but after today's scan there is no way they'll let it go ahead. I'm gutted and now just want this cycle over and done with so we can try again but now have a 2-3 week wait for AF.

Tink, can I ask a really dumb question,.??.. If you're sent home because you over produced, can't you just do the deed with hubby and go for it with all those ready follicles... it's not IUI, but surely your chances would be greater than normal? I'm new to all this, so just thought I'd ask as I'm trying to understand how it all works. :)
Thanks Bma wow I had no idea....well I am here just waiting...I will test on Friday just to see if I can have some wine on friday night...that is if I feel better by then. Thing is my DH has a cold also so I do feel it is just a bug I am getting that everyone has.

Charlie - woohoo soooo excited for you....let us know how it goes!!!!!
Hmommy, your signature sounds like what I'm avoiding! Missing my crossfit!!! But I do get Starbucks half caf... :) drs say one cup of coffee is okay!!!
Can I join too? Was hoping I wouldn't have to but got told today this months IUI has been cancelled as I've over responded, been threatening all week to happen but after today's scan there is no way they'll let it go ahead. I'm gutted and now just want this cycle over and done with so we can try again but now have a 2-3 week wait for AF.

Tink, can I ask a really dumb question,.??.. If you're sent home because you over produced, can't you just do the deed with hubby and go for it with all those ready follicles... it's not IUI, but surely your chances would be greater than normal? I'm new to all this, so just thought I'd ask as I'm trying to understand how it all works. :)

DH and I were just talking about this today since we'll be doing our 1st IUI and don't know much about it yet. What is the cutoff usually for cancellation? How many follicles is usually too many? We were joking around that if that happened to us we would BD anyways, because what are the chances of winding up with higher order multiples, right? Haha famous last words...

I was started on 75iu because I had 10 follicles on each side. They didn't want to over stimulate.

I stimmed for 9 days. On day 10 I triggered & did not do bravelle, day 11 & 12 did IUI.

Ok awesome! I'm hoping that is the same for me. I have heard of people having an IUI done as early as cd10! Crazy! But cd11 or 12 seems to be the cd's that I see the most.

With dd 2, I forgot I triggered on cd10 and had iui on cd12. I'm cd8 today with uss and cons review tomorrow. I might get to do iui fri or sat! How exciting, I was thinking Monday as it normally would be! What a good week this is turning out to be :happydance:

Good luck charliegirl!
So my period arrived today and I spoke with the nurse at my RE's office. I'm all set and will be doing femara cd3-7 and ovidrel trigger :thumbup:
Hope everyone had a good Monday!

Green orchid- yeah for starting your cycle!

Charliegirl - hope you've got some follies in there growing!
Hmommy- I am wondering the same thing. We are fixing to go through our first IUI and I'm wondering if I over stimulate and they cancel but we have TI. I guess it is a personal choice because if they do all fertilize then there's an issue with selective reduction. Right? I am wondering what other people feel about this.
Hi all

Hoping this is a good thread to catch on to - I'm new to the forum and have just ended a cycle, so my next hope is late December. Sadly tested this morning at 13dpiui and it was neg, even after some vaguely hopeful signs during the TWW ](*,)

So far I've done x3 ov inductions with Clomid, and x3 IUIs.

We're away over ov week so no actual IUI this month - just the prep drugs (provera tablets and puregon FSH injections - usually no trigger needed although ov then around D18)... and then strategic BDing while on holiday!

Getting my head round the science - I guess I have a long follicular phase as ov tends to be around D18, but can anyone advise re my luteal phase? I take duphaston after IUI for x15 days to boost progesterone etc... Is it likely that implantation (if and when it occurs!) might be on the late side too?
My wife and I are currently in the two week waiting period.
She was on clomid for CD 5-9, then day 14 she came back in for an ultrasound. We were delighted to see TWO follicles on her left side that were really good size. Both were 20 mm. My first question is this. When she was given the HCG shot, will that release both follicles, or just one?

On day 16, she came back in for the IUI procedure. Doc said the sperm sample looked good. They also said the cervical mucus was in really good shape.

I have read that the advantages of the IUI are basically that the sperm's journey to the egg is shorter, and a thicker cervical mucus. Anyone care to shed any light on the pros of IUI. Are most successful on the first try, or am i making a mistake by getting my hopes up? Any thoughts would be appreciated! Thank you!
Hmommy- I am wondering the same thing. We are fixing to go through our first IUI and I'm wondering if I over stimulate and they cancel but we have TI. I guess it is a personal choice because if they do all fertilize then there's an issue with selective reduction. Right? I am wondering what other people feel about this.

When you go in for your baseline, they will be able to tell how many follicles on each side. From there your RE will tell you how much of the dosage you should take. They also monitor you every 2-3 days to make sure you are not over or under responding. I believe tink said that they didn't really listen to her, so that kind of worries me in general. I think if you are being monitored closely, your chances of cancellation are slim. If anything I would definetly express my concerns to the nurses or RE, before starting.

Personally, I would never think of selective reduction. I'm trying so hard to get pregnant that I'd take anything. With that being said, if I was prego with three + and dr said its either reducing or bed rest from month 2-9 & all these other risks, then I'd have something to consider. If it put all my babies in danger of losing all of them, I think I would do it.
My wife and I are currently in the two week waiting period.
She was on clomid for CD 5-9, then day 14 she came back in for an ultrasound. We were delighted to see TWO follicles on her left side that were really good size. Both were 20 mm. My first question is this. When she was given the HCG shot, will that release both follicles, or just one?

On day 16, she came back in for the IUI procedure. Doc said the sperm sample looked good. They also said the cervical mucus was in really good shape.

I have read that the advantages of the IUI are basically that the sperm's journey to the egg is shorter, and a thicker cervical mucus. Anyone care to shed any light on the pros of IUI. Are most successful on the first try, or am i making a mistake by getting my hopes up? Any thoughts would be appreciated! Thank you!

That's pretty awesome, I did two rounds of clomid and only produced one follicle each time.
The trigger will make her ovulate, and yes she will most likely ovulate with both!!! And it's totally possible to get pregnant in your first IUI. Especially with two follicles. IUI obviously bypasses any cervical issues and male infertility factor by injecting the sperm at the top of the uterus so it floods the tubes and has a shorter distance to travel to the egg!

Good luck, fingers crossed that it works on your first try!!!
Alright ladies so i'm in the 2WW....You know you are not supposed to but of course i've been googling my symptoms. Last night the lower back pain was just horrible, i had to use my warm bottle on my back and that's the only way i fell asleep and was comfortable. definately was up early again at about 5, ver unusual for me as well. i just don't know what to think, if this is my body playing tricks on me or what. my lower back ache is still there, it's not a constant like last night but is still there and pains shooting down my left and right thigh...also FF took off my ovulation for last thursday so not sure what to think about that. my temps have been staying above the coverline. ahhhhhhhhh is all i can say.
Morning ladies... Cd6 today... Last nights bravelle injection wasn't as bad as the first night but I must say the knowing it would burn made me hesitate giving the injection :haha: tomorrow morning I have my follicle check and I'm praying to see and get good news!
welcome Aura - sorry for your bfn! I know they are just so horrible! I believe an average luteal phase is 14 days...but you would have to track your cycle when you are not doing fert drugs to try and figure that out. It seems that supplemented progesterone will make your LP longer than it naturally is. Do you use Fertilityfriend.com? Have you ever temped during a natural cycle?

skerfan - Yes it is possible to get pg on the first cycle...of course the reason you are doing IUI has a lot to do with your increased chance of pregnancy. It seems to help with male factor infertility as well as cervical mucous issues. It is also used a step before going into IVF...which is what I am doing. I have basically been diagnosed with unexplained infertility so they are basically taking a shot in the dark with me. If this IUI in December doesnt work then I will be going for IVF next year sometime. Once I can save up the money that is!

Kismat - congrats on getting into the tww...I know the symptom spotting is addictive!

august - hopefully they have some wonderful follies in there tomorrow!
Alright ladies so i'm in the 2WW....You know you are not supposed to but of course i've been googling my symptoms. Last night the lower back pain was just horrible, i had to use my warm bottle on my back and that's the only way i fell asleep and was comfortable. definately was up early again at about 5, ver unusual for me as well. i just don't know what to think, if this is my body playing tricks on me or what. my lower back ache is still there, it's not a constant like last night but is still there and pains shooting down my left and right thigh...also FF took off my ovulation for last thursday so not sure what to think about that. my temps have been staying above the coverline. ahhhhhhhhh is all i can say.

I am on my 2WW too! I'm symptom spotting too. Trying so hard not to, but when it's obvious like nausea, & some other things having, it's so hard not too. I just know that doing IUI and all the meds and progestrone makes you have symptoms, so after ever symptom I tell my mom or hubby I end it with but I'm taking progestrone suppositories or well I have been injecting hormones in me ..etc. just in case I'm not really pregnant , I try to not get my hopes up all the way!

So, did your FF tell you , that your were ovulating & then take it back? I don't use them anymore nor do I temp. When I did, I found my self even more stressed. But it is a good thing to do if you can handle it. :)
Evening ladies.
Had my cd8 scan today & not the news I was hoping for :-(
Got too many follicies,biggest one being 10mm, lining is 7mm
SO, they have reduced my doseage AGAIN, they are scanning me again Friday so will now more then. Feeling really deflated now & was so positive this morning.

Anyways, how's eveyone else doing ? Good I hope x x x
Evening ladies.
Had my cd8 scan today & not the news I was hoping for :-(
Got too many follicies,biggest one being 10mm, lining is 7mm
SO, they have reduced my doseage AGAIN, they are scanning me again Friday so will now more then. Feeling really deflated now & was so positive this morning.

Anyways, how's eveyone else doing ? Good I hope x x x

That stinks ladyluck! Hopefully the dosage reduction will work. I forgot, what are you stimming with?
Evening ladies.
Had my cd8 scan today & not the news I was hoping for :-(
Got too many follicies,biggest one being 10mm, lining is 7mm
SO, they have reduced my doseage AGAIN, they are scanning me again Friday so will now more then. Feeling really deflated now & was so positive this morning.

Anyways, how's eveyone else doing ? Good I hope x x x

That stinks ladyluck! Hopefully the dosage reduction will work. I forgot, what are you stimming with?

I really hope so & thanks. I'm on Gonal F x x x

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