IUI December Buddies

bma - thank you for the hopes.....It is nice for someone to hope for me. I will test next week friday because I would like ot have some wine next friday night at a xmas party....that is if AF doesnt come before then. I am 6 dpo today so still a way to go...if I was pg I dont think I would be showing flu symptoms at 4 dpo which is when they started and finised at 5 dpo...dont you think that it to early?
bma - thank you for the hopes.....It is nice for someone to hope for me. I will test next week friday because I would like ot have some wine next friday night at a xmas party....that is if AF doesnt come before then. I am 6 dpo today so still a way to go...if I was pg I dont think I would be showing flu symptoms at 4 dpo which is when they started and finised at 5 dpo...dont you think that it to early?

I would think yes it would be too early. But you never know. If I see my co worker again today I will ask her how far along she was when that happened to her!
So, I just saw her and she said she was probably 2 weeks when she had those flu like symptoms because a week later she went to dr and they did a blood pregnancy test. She said she was sick before that too, like sinus. So you never know..... I just know that se had flu like symptoms and that is not unheard of symptom for pregnancy!!
I thought I would pipe in with my experience as well. I am not trying to give false hope at all but the cycle that I got my BFP, I got a stuffy nose and felt like I had a head cold coming on at 4piui. I kept a journal for both cycles and I just looked at it. I didn't get that on my cycle for my BFN.

But keep in mind that everybody (and every pregnancy) is different. I'm keeping my fx for you!!!

Bma & Mrs. T - I'm a poas addict! I just ordered new cheap test from amazon :blush: I'm also a huge symptom spotter but I know that trigger shot will cause lots of false symptoms the first couple data after triggering. I'm not sure if I'm going to test my trigger out or not.

Ttcbaby- so glad to have you back and already at 6dpo!!! How exciting!!! I can't wait to see how you progress thorough out the following days to come :hugs: praying you get that :bfp:

Afm- my baseline appointment went amazing! I'm so used to getting bad news and I usually leave feeling really down and discouraged but yesterday was the complete opposite! I had no cyst! :happydance: The bcp & the lupron did they're job in suppressing my ovaries so I had very little follicles to count in each ovary. They did b/w and called me yesterday afternoon with new dosage instructions. Today I start taking only 5 units of lupron in the morning and 150 units of bravelle in the evening. They didn't give a time. What time did you ladies take yours? I'm so excited!!!!
Bma & Mrs. T - I'm a poas addict! I just ordered new cheap test from amazon :blush: I'm also a huge symptom spotter but I know that trigger shot will cause lots of false symptoms the first couple data after triggering. I'm not sure if I'm going to test my trigger out or not.

Ttcbaby- so glad to have you back and already at 6dpo!!! How exciting!!! I can't wait to see how you progress thorough out the following days to come :hugs: praying you get that :bfp:

Afm- my baseline appointment went amazing! I'm so used to getting bad news and I usually leave feeling really down and discouraged but yesterday was the complete opposite! I had no cyst! :happydance: The bcp & the lupron did they're job in suppressing my ovaries so I had very little follicles to count in each ovary. They did b/w and called me yesterday afternoon with new dosage instructions. Today I start taking only 5 units of lupron in the morning and 150 units of bravelle in the evening. They didn't give a time. What time did you ladies take yours? I'm so excited!!!!

Haha! I only test 3 days before blood test. It is hard to wait, but feeling disappointed everyday is worse!

So, I took my bravelle at 9:15 every night. I knew I'd be home at that time every night. Also, my nurse told me to do it after 6 just in case they have a busy day and can't call me until 5:30 and tell me to up or down the dosage of bravelle. You should be excited, good luck and :dust:

Okay!!!!! So the days after this IUI is so different. I hope it is all okay. Just as an example when I sit down it hurts, like all up in my uterus area. Has anyone had the same experience???
Hi everyone! Can I jump in? This month will be my first IUI, so I'm trying to keep low expectations, but maybe, just maybe, it will work the first time???

I had a lap about 2.5 weeks ago to remove endo and to check on my tubes, because the HSG showed one might be blocked. BUT I got lucky and the lap showed both open!!

At this point just waiting for AF to show so I can get going on the IUI prep. I starting spotting this morning so it looks like the :witch: will be here tomorrow :happydance: and the IUI will fall around Dec 17.

I'm not sure which meds I'll be doing, but I have a feeling it will be femara. Also don't know if I'll be triggering. I have two different RE's - it's kindof a long story but due to health insurance idiocy. One RE took care of all my testing and did the lap. We're seeing the other RE starting this cycle, after an initial consultation months ago.

Anyways I was told to call the RE's the first day of full flow and the nurse will take care of everything and that I would not be seeing the doctor at all. Is this normal?

To all the ladies already in the 2ww, fx'd for you and looking forward to some BFP's!!
Good luck to you GreenOrchid! I also did Femara and trigger my first IUI and it worked! Unfortunately I had a mc but your first try can work.

And it is totally normal to just deal with the nurse for everything. I call her and report my cd1 and she instructs me from there. I only see my doctor for the procedure.

Fx for you too. :)
Good luck to you GreenOrchid! I also did Femara and trigger my first IUI and it worked! Unfortunately I had a mc but your first try can work.

And it is totally normal to just deal with the nurse for everything. I call her and report my cd1 and she instructs me from there. I only see my doctor for the procedure.

Fx for you too. :)

Thanks Mrs. T. I hope our first one works too, although if it doesn't that's okay too - our baby will come to us one way or another when the time is right :)

Hopefully I'll be making the cd1 call tomorrow, and thanks for the reassurance about the nurse.

It's been interesting to read through everyone's posts and see all the different meds people are using and to get a feel for how they all work and affect people, in case we do injectables down the road. Thanks to all the ladies on this thread for that!
Hi everyone! Can I jump in? This month will be my first IUI, so I'm trying to keep low expectations, but maybe, just maybe, it will work the first time???

I had a lap about 2.5 weeks ago to remove endo and to check on my tubes, because the HSG showed one might be blocked. BUT I got lucky and the lap showed both open!!

At this point just waiting for AF to show so I can get going on the IUI prep. I starting spotting this morning so it looks like the :witch: will be here tomorrow :happydance: and the IUI will fall around Dec 17.

I'm not sure which meds I'll be doing, but I have a feeling it will be femara. Also don't know if I'll be triggering. I have two different RE's - it's kindof a long story but due to health insurance idiocy. One RE took care of all my testing and did the lap. We're seeing the other RE starting this cycle, after an initial consultation months ago.

Anyways I was told to call the RE's the first day of full flow and the nurse will take care of everything and that I would not be seeing the doctor at all. Is this normal?

To all the ladies already in the 2ww, fx'd for you and looking forward to some BFP's!!

Good luck. I sure hope it works the first time!!

It is completely normal to only see the nurse for bloodwork & ultrasounds. In fact this last IUI, the dates fell on days when none of the RE's in the practice were at this specific location and the nurse did both of mine. Only one nurse does them and she has been doing the, for over 20 years. The very first iui my RE & another RE did the IUI. Second time, nurse and another RE. I'm a little annoyed that my RE isn't there to do them, but its a whole practice with locations all over to better help everyone in our situation, so I try not to be selfish. Lol first IUI I was like no nurse, doctors only. Lol after it didn't work, I wasn't too controlling about it.
Hi everyone! Can I jump in? This month will be my first IUI, so I'm trying to keep low expectations, but maybe, just maybe, it will work the first time???

I had a lap about 2.5 weeks ago to remove endo and to check on my tubes, because the HSG showed one might be blocked. BUT I got lucky and the lap showed both open!!

At this point just waiting for AF to show so I can get going on the IUI prep. I starting spotting this morning so it looks like the :witch: will be here tomorrow :happydance: and the IUI will fall around Dec 17.

I'm not sure which meds I'll be doing, but I have a feeling it will be femara. Also don't know if I'll be triggering. I have two different RE's - it's kindof a long story but due to health insurance idiocy. One RE took care of all my testing and did the lap. We're seeing the other RE starting this cycle, after an initial consultation months ago.

Anyways I was told to call the RE's the first day of full flow and the nurse will take care of everything and that I would not be seeing the doctor at all. Is this normal?

To all the ladies already in the 2ww, fx'd for you and looking forward to some BFP's!!

Good luck. I sure hope it works the first time!!

It is completely normal to only see the nurse for bloodwork & ultrasounds. In fact this last IUI, the dates fell on days when none of the RE's in the practice were at this specific location and the nurse did both of mine. Only one nurse does them and she has been doing the, for over 20 years. The very first iui my RE & another RE did the IUI. Second time, nurse and another RE. I'm a little annoyed that my RE isn't there to do them, but its a whole practice with locations all over to better help everyone in our situation, so I try not to be selfish. Lol first IUI I was like no nurse, doctors only. Lol after it didn't work, I wasn't too controlling about it.

Lol, you know, sometimes you get better care from nurses anyways!! As long as you have confidence that the RE is doing the right things for you in terms of meds then it should be fine, right? I like your attitude Bma11 !! It's all a crapshoot and in the end we hope the sperm and egg cozy up and make a baby, whether it's our OH or a doctor or nurse making it happen.
I do 2 B2B IUIs each cycle.

Day 1 IUI - Doctor performed
Day 2 IUI - Nurse performed (being guided by doctor)

Day 1 IUI - Doctor performed
Day 2 IUI - Doctor performed

Day 1 IUI - Doctor performed
Day 2 IUI - Nurse performed (being guided by doctor)

I am hoping for another BFP! I took it as a good sign she was there today to perform my day 2 IUI like she was in my BFP cycle. DH felt the same.
Called in my script for Menopur and Follistim waiting on the witch to show her face.. tick tock tick tock.. time is running out for DH to be home, praying IUI works this month. Nervous seeing as we've never gone this route before and excited and having Faith that this will be our month... BABY DUST TO ALL!!!
Had my IUI this morning. DH sperm looked good. Been resting and having a little bit of cramps. Nice to have the weekend day to lounge. Each other time it was on a weekday and I went right to work.

Bma11 - Going to try not to symptom spot during the TWW. The last couple cycles, I would have things like sore breasts and get excited, but I know it's just the meds, like you said.

Greenorchid- welcome! I'm new here too!

Mrs. T - :dust: TWW buddy!
Cindylou - Sorry, I missed a lot of this thread - is your DH leaving soon? My hubs is in the military and I remember when he was gearing up to deploy and nothing happened the last few months before he left and I was crushed that we lost a whole year of trying. On the other hand, my friend got pregnant 2 months before her hubs deployed and they had been trying for a year. I hope you have an experience like hers!!

KerryB - It's a beautiful Sunday and I'm glad you get to relax. Hope the sperm and eggie are cozying up right now!

Mrs. T - Hope your nurse is your good luck charm!!
Kerryb2001, I feel the same about it being a weekend. I was hoping it would happen that way since I have such a hectic job. I am really crampy today too so it's nice to lay down and nap as much as I want. :)

I see you're on your 3rd try as well. Hoping the 3rd time's a charm!

:dust: to you!!!
Called in my script for Menopur and Follistim waiting on the witch to show her face.. tick tock tick tock.. time is running out for DH to be home, praying IUI works this month. Nervous seeing as we've never gone this route before and excited and having Faith that this will be our month... BABY DUST TO ALL!!!

At your doctors office is it a possibility to have your husband give his sperm and they freeze/store it for you? If mine worked out of town, I'd do that.
That was an option for me as I was so nervous, when my hubby works days, he leaves at 4:30 am and my appointment is at 8, and I live an hour away(with traffic). So, I thought about doing that. But my RE assured me that putting the cup in my bra until I got to the clinic would be fine. 3.5 hours :}

Kerryb-- sorry if its listed on your signature or you have written this before... BUT, is this your first IUI ever? Let me know how you feel in the days coming. I did IUI Thursday and Friday and its not pain, but I definitely still feel heavy and if I bang my side on the door(to help open) it hurts my uterus! Weirdddddd.... My first and second round was not like this I'm afraid to :sex: lol

Kerryb-- sorry if its listed on your signature or you have written this before... BUT, is this your first IUI ever? Let me know how you feel in the days coming. I did IUI Thursday and Friday and its not pain, but I definitely still feel heavy and if I bang my side on the door(to help open) it hurts my uterus! Weirdddddd.... My first and second round was not like this I'm afraid to :sex: lol[/QUOTE]

Bma- this is my 3rd time through iui. I usually have some cramps and really thought I felt pregnant last cycle, but then AF showed up. I felt bloated as well. I also wonder if I feel things because I'm paying close attention or if I really had symptoms. Hopefully all this means good things are happening in our bodies.

Also...I'm laughing about keeping the cup in your bra! That's one way to keep it at body temp!

Kerryb-- sorry if its listed on your signature or you have written this before... BUT, is this your first IUI ever? Let me know how you feel in the days coming. I did IUI Thursday and Friday and its not pain, but I definitely still feel heavy and if I bang my side on the door(to help open) it hurts my uterus! Weirdddddd.... My first and second round was not like this I'm afraid to :sex: lol[/QUOTE]

Bma- this is my 3rd time through iui. I usually have some cramps and really thought I felt pregnant last cycle, but then AF showed up. I felt bloated as well. I also wonder if I feel things because I'm paying close attention or if I really had symptoms. Hopefully all this means good things are happening in our bodies.

Also...I'm laughing about keeping the cup in your bra! That's one way to keep it at body temp![/QUOTE]

I sure hope so! Third time is hopefully a charm! It's just weird that I feel this way, maybe it's just because I had more than one egg this time.

Yes, my RE told me to keep it in my bra and when I went in the first time and had to pull it out I was like "he told me to keep it there" lol she giggled as said of course he did. :)~
LOL! DH holds the cup under his armpit to drop it off. But we're lucky because we live just down the street from the clinic (not even 5 mins away).

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