IUI December Buddies

Girls... I really don't know what the heck to think right now.

I had my follicle check this morning. The ultrasound tech said that I have one follicle on my left and two in the right (the opposite of my wednesday ultrasound)... I told her that my wednesday ultrasound yielded three follicles at 10, 11, and 12mm. She said to me I don't know how that can be because your three biggest follicles right now are measuring 9, 10 and 11mm. WTH?!?!?!

Not to mention that I had loads of EWCM all day yesterday and today. With cramps in my left side for hours. I'm thinking that I ovulated and the three follicles from today are left over ones? IDK.... I told the blood technician to make sure she tested my progesterone today! LOL... I should be getting a call this afternoon but I have no idea what to expect at this point.
Just wait to see what they say. It can be very confusing! On my CD5 they said I had 8 on one side and 4 on the other. Then on CD8 they said I had 7 on each side! Then CD10 I had 8 one side and 5 on the other. My doctor had to call them to figure our what was going on. And they kept screwing up which ovary was which because my ovaries are placed weird. I think my left one is kinda above/behind my uterus and my right one is waayyy to the right. It got to the point where I had to practically instruct the techs where they would find them. So don't get discouraged. Hopefully your bloodwork will answer your questions. Fx!
Got the call literally just a few minutes ago. I didn't get to talk about the follicle but you know what, they must know what they are doing so I'm going to just go with what they say at this point.

I've been taking 150iu of Bravelle every night. I'm to take only 112.5iu of Bravelle tonight and tomorrow night along with 10iu of lupron tomorrow morning and then return for another ultrasound on Monday morning. It's looking like a wedneday/thursday IUI for me.
August~ I absolutely hate the feeling of not really knowing what's going on, but then like you said we just have to trust our doctors.

So, how are you mixing 112.5 of bravelle? I'm kinda a math dummy and the vials are 75 iu each, so I'm not understanding.
Hi everyone, I missed alot since I haven't checked in for a few days. This is a very busy thread!!

For those how got BFN, I'm sorry :hugs: This is such a difficult process.

For those who are still on stims, grow follies grow!!!

AFM, I'm on day 4 of femara and my first u/s isn't until cd12, so this coming Friday. I usually ov on CD 14 or 15 so I'm guessing I may trigger the night of my u/s or the next day, but who knows???
Okay, blonde moment. I searched the thread looking for AFM. And finally realized it means : as for me! Wow. I thought surely I haven't seen anyone by the username AFM. Lol

It's Saturday and I'm at work. Blah
Okay, blonde moment. I searched the thread looking for AFM. And finally realized it means : as for me! Wow. I thought surely I haven't seen anyone by the username AFM. Lol

It's Saturday and I'm at work. Blah

:rofl: It's ok we all have those moments.

As for the 112.5 iu of bravelle..

You pull back 2cc of water, place the 2cc of water into one 75iu of Bravelle vial, but you only pull back 1cc which means you pulled back half of the 75iu of Bravelle. Then you put the 1cc into a second 75iu of Bravelle and pull back 1cc again. Now you have 75 plus 37.5 and that gives you 112.5iu of Bravelle.

It took the nurse a long time to explain it to me. LOL
:dohh: makes sense. I also referred to my eggs in inches my first go at all this and then someone was like that's not right an I said oh yeah it's centimeters... Yeah it's mm! :dohh:

Well fingers crossed for some good sized follicles. I on the other hand am having a pity party with myself, trying not to tell anyone my feelings. I just do not feel one bit pregnant. Nothing. A co worker who is prego said something about my age and hers and she said I'm 33 and about to have my first, and I automatically said, at least you can have one :( I hope I didn't hurt her feelings but I'm in just a sour mood about this whole process. I hope I don't bring anyone down! But I'm trying to snap out of my funk, got to put on a brave face and apply makeup , do facials, waxing and all that people person stuff!
Okay, blonde moment. I searched the thread looking for AFM. And finally realized it means : as for me! Wow. I thought surely I haven't seen anyone by the username AFM. Lol

It's Saturday and I'm at work. Blah

Hahaha gotcha bma! I working today too, so I feel your pain on that one. Fortunately I'm in an office so nobody's around so it's not too bad. It's so hard to be personable when you're feeling like being anything but friendly, so I'm proud of you for putting on a brave face. And remember, for some women, they don't feel ANYthing when they're first pregnant, so don't read too much into it.
Okay, blonde moment. I searched the thread looking for AFM. And finally realized it means : as for me! Wow. I thought surely I haven't seen anyone by the username AFM. Lol

It's Saturday and I'm at work. Blah

:rofl: It's ok we all have those moments.

As for the 112.5 iu of bravelle..

You pull back 2cc of water, place the 2cc of water into one 75iu of Bravelle vial, but you only pull back 1cc which means you pulled back half of the 75iu of Bravelle. Then you put the 1cc into a second 75iu of Bravelle and pull back 1cc again. Now you have 75 plus 37.5 and that gives you 112.5iu of Bravelle.

It took the nurse a long time to explain it to me. LOL

Wow that's complicated as heck!! As long as you get a few nice fat follies :thumbup:
Hi everyone, Iv been off for a few weeks after my 1st iui failed and husband had to have spine surgery on the 19th :( today was 2nd IUI. Thursday I had 1 follie on each side measuring 19mm, so doctor had me trigger yesterday (friday), and this am was iui. husbands count was much lower at 10million, he just had spine surgery, so we're guessing thats why, but Doctor said its good. tonight I start lovenox (blood thinner) Im a bit nervous to give myself these shots every night, but they think my thyroid antibody is causing implantation issues. i feel like i am on so much medication :( Im so happy to see some BFP's and everyone else staying strong! dont give up! we will get there :)
Okay, blonde moment. I searched the thread looking for AFM. And finally realized it means : as for me! Wow. I thought surely I haven't seen anyone by the username AFM. Lol

It's Saturday and I'm at work. Blah
:dohh: makes sense. I also referred to my eggs in inches my first go at all this and then someone was like that's not right an I said oh yeah it's centimeters... Yeah it's mm! :dohh:

Well fingers crossed for some good sized follicles. I on the other hand am having a pity party with myself, trying not to tell anyone my feelings. I just do not feel one bit pregnant. Nothing. A co worker who is prego said something about my age and hers and she said I'm 33 and about to have my first, and I automatically said, at least you can have one :( I hope I didn't hurt her feelings but I'm in just a sour mood about this whole process. I hope I don't bring anyone down! But I'm trying to snap out of my funk, got to put on a brave face and apply makeup , do facials, waxing and all that people person stuff!

I feel the same a lot of the time. Some people are never ending with the slight comments which get me down but I have to laugh them off and make excuses as no one bar our mums and best friends know what we're doing. I have 2 kids but every week without fail I hear ' when are you having the next one' or 'aren't you going to try for a boy' or ' surely your next' I feel like screaming ITS NOT THAT FRIGGING EASY! It's not till you've been in this situation that you appreciate how hard it can be.
Hi everyone, Iv been off for a few weeks after my 1st iui failed and husband had to have spine surgery on the 19th :( today was 2nd IUI. Thursday I had 1 follie on each side measuring 19mm, so doctor had me trigger yesterday (friday), and this am was iui. husbands count was much lower at 10million, he just had spine surgery, so we're guessing thats why, but Doctor said its good. tonight I start lovenox (blood thinner) Im a bit nervous to give myself these shots every night, but they think my thyroid antibody is causing implantation issues. i feel like i am on so much medication :( Im so happy to see some BFP's and everyone else staying strong! dont give up! we will get there :)

:hugs: sounds very stressful, your husbands count may be lower buts its still good and it only takes the one! Hope he's on the mend and the lovenox does the trick :)
It's so nice to come on here and read about others going through Bravelle and waiting for IUIs, etc. August, I think we're about on the same track as my nurse said I'll probably trigger Monday and have my 3rd IUI Tuesday. Good luck to you!!

Baby dust to all!!!
It's so nice to come on here and read about others going through Bravelle and waiting for IUIs, etc. August, I think we're about on the same track as my nurse said I'll probably trigger Monday and have my 3rd IUI Tuesday. Good luck to you!!

Baby dust to all!!!

KAT ~ I'm so glad to see that your cycle is right around mine. :happydance: I go tomorrow morning for another ultrasound and blood work appointment. I'm praying that my follicles have grown and continue to grow so I can trigger by at least Wednesday :shrug:

BMA ~ I get comments and questions thrown at me all the time. It's a never ending and of course it can be very frustrating. My husband's grandmother is constantly asking if there is something in my oven :rofl: I think she'll pass out the day I finally say yes to her! :rofl:

As for me ~ Tomorrow is my cd12 ultrasound. I can't wait to see what this ultrasound yield with so much confusion right now, any answer is better then more questions. :wacko: I must say that my breast are starting to hurt again and this doesn't happen until I'm at least 2dpo. So if I ovulated on Friday, then this would be why I'm experiencing this pain today. :shrug: Guess I just have to wait until tomorrow... so many dang on questions LOL

PS~ If you have seen my signature you'll see that I have a link for my blog. I'm going to work on updating that thing today. LOL I'm so bad at doing it because I have you wonderful ladies to vent to all day long LOL
Hi everyone, Iv been off for a few weeks after my 1st iui failed and husband had to have spine surgery on the 19th :( today was 2nd IUI. Thursday I had 1 follie on each side measuring 19mm, so doctor had me trigger yesterday (friday), and this am was iui. husbands count was much lower at 10million, he just had spine surgery, so we're guessing thats why, but Doctor said its good. tonight I start lovenox (blood thinner) Im a bit nervous to give myself these shots every night, but they think my thyroid antibody is causing implantation issues. i feel like i am on so much medication :( Im so happy to see some BFP's and everyone else staying strong! dont give up! we will get there :)

I know just how you feel about grieving over a failed IUI. :hugs: Was your DH's count 10 mil BEFORE wash or after wash? that's actually a good number for post wash, so it sounds like between that and having two good sized follies, you have a great chance this month. Hee hee...yeah, injectables. I'm now an "old pro" at that after doing Bravelle this month.

Hi ladies so this weekend has been so weird. On sat there was brown discharge several times and then late last night I had spotting start when I wiped. This morning it's definitely there. I'm 11dpiui. Brown discharge came at 10dpiui. I don't know what to think. I am having cramps and not feeling good.
It's so nice to come on here and read about others going through Bravelle and waiting for IUIs, etc. August, I think we're about on the same track as my nurse said I'll probably trigger Monday and have my 3rd IUI Tuesday. Good luck to you!!

Baby dust to all!!!

KAT ~ I'm so glad to see that your cycle is right around mine. :happydance: I go tomorrow morning for another ultrasound and blood work appointment. I'm praying that my follicles have grown and continue to grow so I can trigger by at least Wednesday :shrug:

BMA ~ I get comments and questions thrown at me all the time. It's a never ending and of course it can be very frustrating. My husband's grandmother is constantly asking if there is something in my oven :rofl: I think she'll pass out the day I finally say yes to her! :rofl:

As for me ~ Tomorrow is my cd12 ultrasound. I can't wait to see what this ultrasound yield with so much confusion right now, any answer is better then more questions. :wacko: I must say that my breast are starting to hurt again and this doesn't happen until I'm at least 2dpo. So if I ovulated on Friday, then this would be why I'm experiencing this pain today. :shrug: Guess I just have to wait until tomorrow... so many dang on questions LOL

PS~ If you have seen my signature you'll see that I have a link for my blog. I'm going to work on updating that thing today. LOL I'm so bad at doing it because I have you wonderful ladies to vent to all day long LOL

I used to get breast pain the week/days before my period, but since I've been taking Clomid/Femara, the breast pain has stopped. Maybe the meds have also altered your body's normal system, and your breast pain doesn't mean you O'd already.
Hi ladies so this weekend has been so weird. On sat there was brown discharge several times and then late last night I had spotting start when I wiped. This morning it's definitely there. I'm 11dpiui. Brown discharge came at 10dpiui. I don't know what to think. I am having cramps and not feeling good.

If I'm not mistaken, this is a GOOD sign. Maybe implantation?!??? Ahhh! Getting excited for you!!!!!! Just googled and here:

Implantation spotting or bleeding: Short, brief spotting (a couple of drops of light or dark blood).. Implantation bleeding or spotting does not usually look like a regular menstrual period but is scanty and usually a pinkish or brownish discharge. and it usually happens around 6-12 days after ovulation and fertilization, within 1-2 days after arrival of the blastocyst in the uterus, usually around 9 days after ovulation (dpo), with a range of 6-12 days.

WHOO HOO!! Fingers crossed and praying!!!! :test:
It's so nice to come on here and read about others going through Bravelle and waiting for IUIs, etc. August, I think we're about on the same track as my nurse said I'll probably trigger Monday and have my 3rd IUI Tuesday. Good luck to you!!

Baby dust to all!!!

KAT ~ I'm so glad to see that your cycle is right around mine. :happydance: I go tomorrow morning for another ultrasound and blood work appointment. I'm praying that my follicles have grown and continue to grow so I can trigger by at least Wednesday :shrug:

BMA ~ I get comments and questions thrown at me all the time. It's a never ending and of course it can be very frustrating. My husband's grandmother is constantly asking if there is something in my oven :rofl: I think she'll pass out the day I finally say yes to her! :rofl:

As for me ~ Tomorrow is my cd12 ultrasound. I can't wait to see what this ultrasound yield with so much confusion right now, any answer is better then more questions. :wacko: I must say that my breast are starting to hurt again and this doesn't happen until I'm at least 2dpo. So if I ovulated on Friday, then this would be why I'm experiencing this pain today. :shrug: Guess I just have to wait until tomorrow... so many dang on questions LOL

PS~ If you have seen my signature you'll see that I have a link for my blog. I'm going to work on updating that thing today. LOL I'm so bad at doing it because I have you wonderful ladies to vent to all day long LOL

I used to get breast pain the week/days before my period, but since I've been taking Clomid/Femara, the breast pain has stopped. Maybe the meds have also altered your body's normal system, and your breast pain doesn't mean you O'd already.

I don't know. I had many signs of ovulation for this past friday, not to mention the disappearance of three eggs. LOL Its all just so crazy. I'm not even going to bother driving myself crazy of it. It is what it is at this point, you know? I can't wait for tomorrow though.

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