IUI December Buddies

It's so nice to come on here and read about others going through Bravelle and waiting for IUIs, etc. August, I think we're about on the same track as my nurse said I'll probably trigger Monday and have my 3rd IUI Tuesday. Good luck to you!!

Baby dust to all!!!

KAT ~ I'm so glad to see that your cycle is right around mine. :happydance: I go tomorrow morning for another ultrasound and blood work appointment. I'm praying that my follicles have grown and continue to grow so I can trigger by at least Wednesday :shrug:

BMA ~ I get comments and questions thrown at me all the time. It's a never ending and of course it can be very frustrating. My husband's grandmother is constantly asking if there is something in my oven :rofl: I think she'll pass out the day I finally say yes to her! :rofl:

As for me ~ Tomorrow is my cd12 ultrasound. I can't wait to see what this ultrasound yield with so much confusion right now, any answer is better then more questions. :wacko: I must say that my breast are starting to hurt again and this doesn't happen until I'm at least 2dpo. So if I ovulated on Friday, then this would be why I'm experiencing this pain today. :shrug: Guess I just have to wait until tomorrow... so many dang on questions LOL

PS~ If you have seen my signature you'll see that I have a link for my blog. I'm going to work on updating that thing today. LOL I'm so bad at doing it because I have you wonderful ladies to vent to all day long LOL

I used to get breast pain the week/days before my period, but since I've been taking Clomid/Femara, the breast pain has stopped. Maybe the meds have also altered your body's normal system, and your breast pain doesn't mean you O'd already.

I don't know. I had many signs of ovulation for this past friday, not to mention the disappearance of three eggs. LOL Its all just so crazy. I'm not even going to bother driving myself crazy of it. It is what it is at this point, you know? I can't wait for tomorrow though.

Well, they'll be able to tell from your blood work if you already ovulated. I hope you didn't! Hopefully, tomorrow will give you definitive answers.
Hi everyone, Iv been off for a few weeks after my 1st iui failed and husband had to have spine surgery on the 19th :( today was 2nd IUI. Thursday I had 1 follie on each side measuring 19mm, so doctor had me trigger yesterday (friday), and this am was iui. husbands count was much lower at 10million, he just had spine surgery, so we're guessing thats why, but Doctor said its good. tonight I start lovenox (blood thinner) Im a bit nervous to give myself these shots every night, but they think my thyroid antibody is causing implantation issues. i feel like i am on so much medication :( Im so happy to see some BFP's and everyone else staying strong! dont give up! we will get there :)

I know just how you feel about grieving over a failed IUI. :hugs: Was your DH's count 10 mil BEFORE wash or after wash? that's actually a good number for post wash, so it sounds like between that and having two good sized follies, you have a great chance this month. Hee hee...yeah, injectables. I'm now an "old pro" at that after doing Bravelle this month.


Thanks Kat, Husbands count was 10mill after wash.last time before his surgery it was 33mill. last nights shot of lovenox was aweful!!! am i supposed to put the entire needle in? the trigger shot needle i didnt even feel, this one is horrible :( hope to be a pro soon too, because if this iui works I have to give my self the lovenox shot for 9 months!
Hi Gals,

I had my 4th IUI yesterday. The doctor had a difficult time because of my tiltered uterus. I took Femara (7.5 mg) ondays 3-7. As of 12/5/12 I had 2 mature follicles (18&19) on the left and one small (11) on the right. I did the Hcg injection Friday around 12:30 AM and went in for the IUI on Saturday morning. I had a lot of cramping on both sides on Saturday which was unsuall for me. My partner and I played some mood music in attempts to lighting the mood of the medical office...lol I am trying to keep positive and have no one really to talk to about the procedure because I honestly don't think they understand the emotional rolercoaster that it is.
Hi Gals,

I had my 4th IUI yesterday. The doctor had a difficult time because of my tiltered uterus. I took Femara (7.5 mg) ondays 3-7. As of 12/5/12 I had 2 mature follicles (18&19) on the left and one small (11) on the right. I did the Hcg injection Friday around 12:30 AM and went in for the IUI on Saturday morning. I had a lot of cramping on both sides on Saturday which was unsuall for me. My partner and I played some mood music in attempts to lighting the mood of the medical office...lol I am trying to keep positive and have no one really to talk to about the procedure because I honestly don't think they understand the emotional rolercoaster that it is.

Hey there! Fingers crossed for you. :) I felt different this time too after the IUI. This is my third round and we do back to back iuis. Maybe it is because we had more follicles than usual or we are just more sensitive because if the hormones. Who knows.
This is a very emotional roller coaster. Today, after deep cleaning my house, I'm laying here watching tv and sobbing. All these commercials with sweet kids or babies, make me just want to scream why me?? Ugh. My boobs aren't hurting anymore so I feel like im out this month...

But, it will happen, just not knowing when hurts.

We are here for you!!!!
Hi ladies so this weekend has been so weird. On sat there was brown discharge several times and then late last night I had spotting start when I wiped. This morning it's definitely there. I'm 11dpiui. Brown discharge came at 10dpiui. I don't know what to think. I am having cramps and not feeling good.

If I'm not mistaken, this is a GOOD sign. Maybe implantation?!??? Ahhh! Getting excited for you!!!!!! Just googled and here:

Implantation spotting or bleeding: Short, brief spotting (a couple of drops of light or dark blood).. Implantation bleeding or spotting does not usually look like a regular menstrual period but is scanty and usually a pinkish or brownish discharge. and it usually happens around 6-12 days after ovulation and fertilization, within 1-2 days after arrival of the blastocyst in the uterus, usually around 9 days after ovulation (dpo), with a range of 6-12 days.

WHOO HOO!! Fingers crossed and praying!!!! :test:

Aww thanks keep the prayers and good thoughts. I have been spotting al morning today with cramps as well. I don't know if its ad or something else. Just praying its implantation!! How are you doing?
BMA ~ :hugs: I have those moments too. Did you watch the movie "What to expect while expecting?" It's supposed to be a comedy but I cried during the whole things. :rofl:

As for me ~ I have just completed my final course for my Master's Program just now... Now I must drive an hour home, to take a nap :happydance: I graduate on January 27th! I'm so excited!!!!!!!!!!
I am in an injectable iui cycle (first time) using gonal f and hcg. First ultrasound after baseline found 4 follicles (18,17,13,12mm). The nurse said I may trigger tomorrow. This is faster than I expected at cd8 today. Would you trigger with that many follicles? I know 12 and 13 are small, but may become 15s by tomorrow eve. I want a happy, healthy baby. Twins make me a tiny bit nervous, but not terrified. I am scared of 3-4 implanting as my DH's swimmers are high count and 80+% motility. The nurse said selective reduction is an option, but i am afraid that would be hard for me to do. My insurance company does conversions to ivf. Should I push for that? Four follicles seems like a lot for iui and few for ivf. What to do? Anyone with similar experiences? What did you do?
Sending positive thoughts to all looking for a BFP for the holidays!!
Kismat~ I will and I'm pretty sure it's a very good thing! Yay. When will you test??
Today has been tough for me for no good reason other than all my symptoms have subsided and feeling down. I go in dec 14 to get my blood preg test. Praying for a bfp but not getting my hopes up.

August~ I didn't watch that movie, I won't for sure now!! Lol. You know, the first year was fine, but the last three months with RE, meds , IUI have been torture. Just feeling sad today, but I'll be fine.

My parents offered to pay for the next cycle if this one doesn't work.... My plan was to stop trying and saving up for ivf, so I'm getting ahead of myself and trying to figure what I want to do.

I originally wanted to get away from RE, and save, get on advocare and get back to crossfit and magically get prego! Lol I don't know. I'm all over the place today.

:dust: to all y'all! Despit my mood today I am praying for all of us :)
I am in an injectable iui cycle (first time) using gonal f and hcg. First ultrasound after baseline found 4 follicles (18,17,13,12mm). The nurse said I may trigger tomorrow. This is faster than I expected at cd8 today. Would you trigger with that many follicles? I know 12 and 13 are small, but may become 15s by tomorrow eve. I want a happy, healthy baby. Twins make me a tiny bit nervous, but not terrified. I am scared of 3-4 implanting as my DH's swimmers are high count and 80+% motility. The nurse said selective reduction is an option, but i am afraid that would be hard for me to do. My insurance company does conversions to ivf. Should I push for that? Four follicles seems like a lot for iui and few for ivf. What to do? Anyone with similar experiences? What did you do?
Sending positive thoughts to all looking for a BFP for the holidays!!

Hey there!!! I believe your RE will do what is best for you and if they thought they needed to cancel the cycle they probably would or they would counsel you . And they would probably talk to you about conversion if it was a possibility. But yeah, if they told me conversion or cancel an my insurance covered it, I'd do it.

This last cycle I was on bravelle injections and I can't remember the sizes but I did not that I had a 13,14,16,13,11,11. The nurse told me I probably wouldn't ovulate with the smaller ones. I believe they had me trigger that day and I was worried because the biggest one was a 16, but they grow and my blood work showed that I was already starting to surge! Hope I helped. Hope everything turns out good for you!!
Kismat~ I will and I'm pretty sure it's a very good thing! Yay. When will you test??
Today has been tough for me for no good reason other than all my symptoms have subsided and feeling down. I go in dec 14 to get my blood preg test. Praying for a bfp but not getting my hopes up.

August~ I didn't watch that movie, I won't for sure now!! Lol. You know, the first year was fine, but the last three months with RE, meds , IUI have been torture. Just feeling sad today, but I'll be fine.

My parents offered to pay for the next cycle if this one doesn't work.... My plan was to stop trying and saving up for ivf, so I'm getting ahead of myself and trying to figure what I want to do.

I originally wanted to get away from RE, and save, get on advocare and get back to crossfit and magically get prego! Lol I don't know. I'm all over the place today.

:dust: to all y'all! Despit my mood today I am praying for all of us :)

Aww thanks yeh me too I'm so not trying to read in this bi it's hard not too. I know it's very hard. But we are here for each other. I'm not sure. I will we what happens tomorrow. Then we will c.
Hello ladies,
I take my last pill tomorrow an then I go in Friday which is day 11 for scan to see how look an I'm hopeing to get a trigger that day an IUI the next but just don't know as I've never went in for a day 11 scan ever until now. :shrug: Most time its day 13 an IUI but this time different plan. I sure hope all shows good for me.

Good Luck to everyone on doing their IUI.
lady - sorry hun! I didnt know.

August - oh hun, thank you so much for those words of encouragement. I really appreciate them and needed to read them right now...as I doubt whether my December IUI will work. Perfect timing! I havent even tried to watch that movie...any movie about pregnancy I try to avoid as I know that I will have that same reaction. Did you have your scan today?

Kat - wow that is quick but hey....less time to wait for everything to work right?

BMA - that is hilarious about the AFM...that is totally something I would do! I really hope you arent out of it....are you progesterone, cuz the boob soreness will come and go when you are on it.

Clomidqueen - I hope your DH feels better soon, my DH had back surgery a few years ago and I remember how it feels to see them in so much pain. I know all of these drugs are hard but I know they will be worth it we will have our lil ones soon!

waiting - welcome to the forum...feel free to vent...we are here!

afm - af should be here tomorrow...my temps have been plummeting so I will going in for my cd 3 scan sometime this week to start my IUI cycle.
Bigger - good luck at your scan tomorrow...I usually do a scan on cd 11....
TTC baby- awe man, well at least you get to move on!! Good luck.
Yes I'm on progestrone suppositories. I know it will come and go and last cycle they didn't hurt at all! But I just know my body and I just don't feel pregnant. Oh I am annoying myself with this poor pitiful me bit!! LOL
TTC baby- awe man, well at least you get to move on!! Good luck.
Yes I'm on progestrone suppositories. I know it will come and go and last cycle they didn't hurt at all! But I just know my body and I just don't feel pregnant. Oh I am annoying myself with this poor pitiful me bit!! LOL

Bma - nothing wrong with being a little "poor me". We're all entitled when it seems like the :witch: is coming on. Nevertheless, I'm holding out hope for your BFP. We REALLY need some in this thread!!

Hello ladies,
I take my last pill tomorrow an then I go in Friday which is day 11 for scan to see how look an I'm hopeing to get a trigger that day an IUI the next but just don't know as I've never went in for a day 11 scan ever until now. :shrug: Most time its day 13 an IUI but this time different plan. I sure hope all shows good for me.

Good Luck to everyone on doing their IUI.

Hi biggerfamily! You're almost on the same schedule as me - I finished my femara yesterday and go in for a 12 day scan on friday. I hope this different schedule works out for you. I'm hoping for a weekend iui so my hubby doesn't have to stress about getting to work after taking care of his business hahaha.

lady - sorry hun! I didnt know.

afm - af should be here tomorrow...my temps have been plummeting so I will going in for my cd 3 scan sometime this week to start my IUI cycle.

ttcbaby - Sorry about af :( :hugs::hugs: I totally know what you mean abot getting emotional over babies on TV :(
Hi Gals,

I had my 4th IUI yesterday. The doctor had a difficult time because of my tiltered uterus. I took Femara (7.5 mg) ondays 3-7. As of 12/5/12 I had 2 mature follicles (18&19) on the left and one small (11) on the right. I did the Hcg injection Friday around 12:30 AM and went in for the IUI on Saturday morning. I had a lot of cramping on both sides on Saturday which was unsuall for me. My partner and I played some mood music in attempts to lighting the mood of the medical office...lol I am trying to keep positive and have no one really to talk to about the procedure because I honestly don't think they understand the emotional rolercoaster that it is.

Yep, it's definitely an emotional rollercoaster, and I know we're all ready to get off this ride!! I hope you get your BFP this month!!

Hi ladies so this weekend has been so weird. On sat there was brown discharge several times and then late last night I had spotting start when I wiped. This morning it's definitely there. I'm 11dpiui. Brown discharge came at 10dpiui. I don't know what to think. I am having cramps and not feeling good.

If I'm not mistaken, this is a GOOD sign. Maybe implantation?!??? Ahhh! Getting excited for you!!!!!! Just googled and here:

Implantation spotting or bleeding: Short, brief spotting (a couple of drops of light or dark blood).. Implantation bleeding or spotting does not usually look like a regular menstrual period but is scanty and usually a pinkish or brownish discharge. and it usually happens around 6-12 days after ovulation and fertilization, within 1-2 days after arrival of the blastocyst in the uterus, usually around 9 days after ovulation (dpo), with a range of 6-12 days.

WHOO HOO!! Fingers crossed and praying!!!! :test:

Aww thanks keep the prayers and good thoughts. I have been spotting al morning today with cramps as well. I don't know if its ad or something else. Just praying its implantation!! How are you doing?

How are you doing today Kismat? I'm praying it was implantation bleeding!!

BMA ~ :hugs: I have those moments too. Did you watch the movie "What to expect while expecting?" It's supposed to be a comedy but I cried during the whole things. :rofl:

As for me ~ I have just completed my final course for my Master's Program just now... Now I must drive an hour home, to take a nap :happydance: I graduate on January 27th! I'm so excited!!!!!!!!!!

Woohoo on finishing your Masters coursework! Such a good feeling isn't it!!

I am in an injectable iui cycle (first time) using gonal f and hcg. First ultrasound after baseline found 4 follicles (18,17,13,12mm). The nurse said I may trigger tomorrow. This is faster than I expected at cd8 today. Would you trigger with that many follicles? I know 12 and 13 are small, but may become 15s by tomorrow eve. I want a happy, healthy baby. Twins make me a tiny bit nervous, but not terrified. I am scared of 3-4 implanting as my DH's swimmers are high count and 80+% motility. The nurse said selective reduction is an option, but i am afraid that would be hard for me to do. My insurance company does conversions to ivf. Should I push for that? Four follicles seems like a lot for iui and few for ivf. What to do? Anyone with similar experiences? What did you do?
Sending positive thoughts to all looking for a BFP for the holidays!!

Welcome TTC422long :) I wouldn't do the IVF because that's not very many follicles and I wouldn't want to waste an IVF try, but that's just me...I hope you get some guidance from your RE's office.
Hi Gals,

I had my 4th IUI yesterday. The doctor had a difficult time because of my tiltered uterus. I took Femara (7.5 mg) ondays 3-7. As of 12/5/12 I had 2 mature follicles (18&19) on the left and one small (11) on the right. I did the Hcg injection Friday around 12:30 AM and went in for the IUI on Saturday morning. I had a lot of cramping on both sides on Saturday which was unsuall for me. My partner and I played some mood music in attempts to lighting the mood of the medical office...lol I am trying to keep positive and have no one really to talk to about the procedure because I honestly don't think they understand the emotional rolercoaster that it is.

Yep, it's definitely an emotional rollercoaster, and I know we're all ready to get off this ride!! I hope you get your BFP this month!!

Hi ladies so this weekend has been so weird. On sat there was brown discharge several times and then late last night I had spotting start when I wiped. This morning it's definitely there. I'm 11dpiui. Brown discharge came at 10dpiui. I don't know what to think. I am having cramps and not feeling good.

If I'm not mistaken, this is a GOOD sign. Maybe implantation?!??? Ahhh! Getting excited for you!!!!!! Just googled and here:

Implantation spotting or bleeding: Short, brief spotting (a couple of drops of light or dark blood).. Implantation bleeding or spotting does not usually look like a regular menstrual period but is scanty and usually a pinkish or brownish discharge. and it usually happens around 6-12 days after ovulation and fertilization, within 1-2 days after arrival of the blastocyst in the uterus, usually around 9 days after ovulation (dpo), with a range of 6-12 days.

WHOO HOO!! Fingers crossed and praying!!!! :test:

Aww thanks keep the prayers and good thoughts. I have been spotting al morning today with cramps as well. I don't know if its ad or something else. Just praying its implantation!! How are you doing?

How are you doing today Kismat? I'm praying it was implantation bleeding!!

BMA ~ :hugs: I have those moments too. Did you watch the movie "What to expect while expecting?" It's supposed to be a comedy but I cried during the whole things. :rofl:

As for me ~ I have just completed my final course for my Master's Program just now... Now I must drive an hour home, to take a nap :happydance: I graduate on January 27th! I'm so excited!!!!!!!!!!

Woohoo on finishing your Masters coursework! Such a good feeling isn't it!!

I am in an injectable iui cycle (first time) using gonal f and hcg. First ultrasound after baseline found 4 follicles (18,17,13,12mm). The nurse said I may trigger tomorrow. This is faster than I expected at cd8 today. Would you trigger with that many follicles? I know 12 and 13 are small, but may become 15s by tomorrow eve. I want a happy, healthy baby. Twins make me a tiny bit nervous, but not terrified. I am scared of 3-4 implanting as my DH's swimmers are high count and 80+% motility. The nurse said selective reduction is an option, but i am afraid that would be hard for me to do. My insurance company does conversions to ivf. Should I push for that? Four follicles seems like a lot for iui and few for ivf. What to do? Anyone with similar experiences? What did you do?
Sending positive thoughts to all looking for a BFP for the holidays!!

Welcome TTC422long :) I wouldn't do the IVF because that's not very many follicles and I wouldn't want to waste an IVF try, but that's just me...I hope you get some guidance from your RE's office.

Hey GreenOrchid!! i hope you are feeling better now after the procedure!! i know it's very hard to talk to anyone of the procedures....but we are here for you!!

AFM i'm doing good, had a little breakdown this morning because i was still spotting. I'm 12dpiui and don't have the courage to take a test yet. but the spotting has stopped for the last few hours. i woke up at 3:30 this morning to pee and there was nothing, but then at 5:30 there was a little when i wiped. but now it has stopped. let's see how the rest of the day goes. i don't know what to think. the cramps have also subsided and i just have some twinges down there.
Kismat it sounds like it could be promising :) Keeping fingers crossed that the spotting is over! We really need some BFPs in here!
Thank you so much for your kind words. unreal how much strength we actually have to do the things we thought we couldn't handle.
OMG girls!!!! I just got to work after my ultrasound this morning. :cry:

On Saturday I only had 3 follicles at 9, 10 and 12mm. And a few tiny ones not even measuring 5mm. They lowered my dose of Bravelle for the last two night and then I went in this morning for another ultrasound. I HAVE 17 EGGS ALL BETWEEN 12mm &18mm :cry::cry::cry::cry::growlmad::cry::cry::cry::cry:

I kept it together at the fertility center. I didn't want to cry there so I held strong and pretended that I was ok with the information I got next... They are trying to get my insurance to approve IVF because of the over stimulation. If they don't approve the IVF then the cycle will be cancelled and I will return in Feb. 2013 to start another IUI w/injectable cycle. :cry:

On the bright side... the FS did say that my lining was at optimal numbers for IVF. If the IVF gets approved my egg retrieval will be on Friday.

As soon as I get the call today, I'll update.

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