IUI December Buddies

ok ladies so i had a thought in my head which my hubby is good with. i'm going to call my doc and see if i can just take the clomid this cycle and no IUI. i already have started AF and it's day 3 today so i feel like why waste a cycle. what do you ladies think? take the clomid get my eggie and try on our own!!!!
Hi ladies, I'm jumping in late so I don't know how far into this you guys are. I'm officially at 2 years ttc. We are going to try IUI next cycle. I'm very nervous. Mostly about being on an emotional roller coaster and what if it doesn't work:(. Also I am paying out of pocket for absolutely everything, including a pregnancy, bc my insurance doesn't cover it. It's getting so expensive just to GET pregnant. Sigh...
ok ladies so i had a thought in my head which my hubby is good with. i'm going to call my doc and see if i can just take the clomid this cycle and no IUI. i already have started AF and it's day 3 today so i feel like why waste a cycle. what do you ladies think? take the clomid get my eggie and try on our own!!!!

Sounds like a good plan to me, it can't hurt... Right??
Hi ladies, I'm jumping in late so I don't know how far into this you guys are. I'm officially at 2 years ttc. We are going to try IUI next cycle. I'm very nervous. Mostly about being on an emotional roller coaster and what if it doesn't work:(. Also I am paying out of pocket for absolutely everything, including a pregnancy, bc my insurance doesn't cover it. It's getting so expensive just to GET pregnant. Sigh...

Welcome lanet! Are you going to do any meds or injectables with your IUI cycle?
It is an emotional roller coaster just trying to get pregnant in general! I had to pay out of pocket for my IUI as well, and even though 2 cycles so far have failed I don't even really care about the money. I have to try every option before I just give up, you know?? Just try to go into your first cycle happy & positive that its going to work!!!!
Hi ladies, I'm jumping in late so I don't know how far into this you guys are. I'm officially at 2 years ttc. We are going to try IUI next cycle. I'm very nervous. Mostly about being on an emotional roller coaster and what if it doesn't work:(. Also I am paying out of pocket for absolutely everything, including a pregnancy, bc my insurance doesn't cover it. It's getting so expensive just to GET pregnant. Sigh...

Welcome lanet! Are you going to do any meds or injectables with your IUI cycle?
It is an emotional roller coaster just trying to get pregnant in general! I had to pay out of pocket for my IUI as well, and even though 2 cycles so far have failed I don't even really care about the money. I have to try every option before I just give up, you know?? Just try to go into your first cycle happy & positive that its going to work!!!!

Agreed BMA just keep positive thoughts and all will workout!!! IUI is not bad, some of the side effects of the meds can be a bit roller coasterish...but you get used to them, and so does your hubby!!!
Hey girls, sorry for such a late update... I've been sick as a dog on all these medications that I've been taking this week.

I went in yesterday for u/s and b/w I had 10 follicles between 16mm and 20mm... and then 7 other follicles between 10mm and 15mm. The doctors thinks at least half of the 7 will be matured by tomorrow morning. I did my trigger shot yesterday (it's pregnyl and it's done in the butt)... I didn't feel a thing! I don't have to take any medications today except the antibiotics. Tomorrow at 7am I report to the FS for my egg retrieval... Many couples have 2 or more months to prepare themselves for IVF... I've only had 3 days. So everything is kinda crazy. Like I said... the Menopur has made me soo sick. I haven't slept in 3 night because I can't find a comfortable position. My back is swollen so at this point I can't wait for the retrieval. LOL
ok ladies so i had a thought in my head which my hubby is good with. i'm going to call my doc and see if i can just take the clomid this cycle and no IUI. i already have started AF and it's day 3 today so i feel like why waste a cycle. what do you ladies think? take the clomid get my eggie and try on our own!!!!

Sounds like a good plan to me, it can't hurt... Right??

Yeh that's what i'm thinking too hun. why waste a cycle...if i know the clomid is going to help me produce the follies then why not just take it. just no IUI this time. hubby and i can actually have fun!!
Hey ladies my iui went wonderful....hit perfect timing as I ovulated yesterday when the iui was done :0) good thing it was close to ovulation..due to hubs swimmers

The only thing I worry about is that I had a bm shortly after iui and had some leakage...hope some of the swimmers stayed up there lol sorry if tmi
Yes, my RE said injections & IUI or plan b IVF. I said how about clomid & IUI! I was so afraid of injections & still scared of IVF ONLY because its not guaranteed!
So, definetly try the IUI, because it works. :)

Yeah, I'm so ready to start a new cycle and give IUI another try. I'm still waiting for AF to show.

After my IUI, my doc gave me something called Duphaston (progesterone) which I have to take for 21 days (until Monday). But I've had brown spotting ever since last Sunday and got a BFN on the following day. So, I know I'm not pregnant and wonder why I still have to take the progesterone since all it seems to do for me at this stage is to prolong my cycle. :wacko:

Hey ladies my iui went wonderful....hit perfect timing as I ovulated yesterday when the iui was done :0) good thing it was close to ovulation..due to hubs swimmers

The only thing I worry about is that I had a bm shortly after iui and had some leakage...hope some of the swimmers stayed up there lol sorry if tmi

Good luck!!:flower:
Hey ladies my iui went wonderful....hit perfect timing as I ovulated yesterday when the iui was done :0) good thing it was close to ovulation..due to hubs swimmers

The only thing I worry about is that I had a bm shortly after iui and had some leakage...hope some of the swimmers stayed up there lol sorry if tmi

Yay! Awesome! Good luck. So, do not worry about leakage, no sperm is coming out! The catheter knocks stuff loose and that is the leakage. That was on my information forms about IUI. No worries. All positivity!!! :)
Yes, my RE said injections & IUI or plan b IVF. I said how about clomid & IUI! I was so afraid of injections & still scared of IVF ONLY because its not guaranteed!
So, definetly try the IUI, because it works. :)

Yeah, I'm so ready to start a new cycle and give IUI another try. I'm still waiting for AF to show.

After my IUI, my doc gave me something called Duphaston (progesterone) which I have to take for 21 days (until Monday). But I've had brown spotting ever since last Sunday and got a BFN on the following day. So, I know I'm not pregnant and wonder why I still have to take the progesterone since all it seems to do for me at this stage is to prolong my cycle. :wacko:

Hey ladies my iui went wonderful....hit perfect timing as I ovulated yesterday when the iui was done :0) good thing it was close to ovulation..due to hubs swimmers

The only thing I worry about is that I had a bm shortly after iui and had some leakage...hope some of the swimmers stayed up there lol sorry if tmi

Good luck!!:flower:

3 days after my second IUI they have me take endometrin suppositories. Progestrone. I started my period on Wednesday and still had to take it. Ugh. Went in today for my blood test, I negative then I quit the endometrin. But luckily well normally the endometrin doesn't prolong my cycle.
woooohooo so my doc said that's perfectly fine and to go ahead and start it today!! i'm really excited...this way i know i'm doing something.
August~ good luck girl! Sorry you are so uncomfortable.

AFM~ I just got to work after my blood preg test appt. cried all the way to work. $ in the office nurse asked me what is wrong and I nearly broke down there, just told her I knew it would be negative. She told me they would get me there, & the pessimist in me wanted to say something g snarky, but I just said okay. After all, it's not her fault, it's my body. It really doesn't help that my husband and I argued last night and this morning about IVF and everything. He thinks its so ridiculous that I am so far ahead when I don't even know yet if I'm pregnant or not. I see his point but hello, it's my body! So, he said "we"ll see" in reference to IVF. And I'm trying to have a good Christian marriage and well it's hard, I'm a sinner and I'm not perfect, and I did make the mistake and said that if IVF would never be a possibility then there is no reason to continue our marriage. Because to me that means you don't care enough. Anyways, he didn't even say no to IVF, I'm Just letting everything get to me. I'll be glad When They call me today around 1pm and give me the news. Then I can relax and not try, not protect this month and hopefully get my relationship with my hubby back on track. Y'all, my love for him Is so overwhelming, I could cry about that alone. I never want to be without him, but I also have to try everything in my power to have my own baby from my own womb. Sorry for rambling. But it feels good to get this off my chest as I do not like to talk about my relationship dents to many people, because I love my husband.

I'm clinging to the 1% chance that I am pregnant.
August~ good luck girl! Sorry you are so uncomfortable.

AFM~ I just got to work after my blood preg test appt. cried all the way to work. $ in the office nurse asked me what is wrong and I nearly broke down there, just told her I knew it would be negative. She told me they would get me there, & the pessimist in me wanted to say something g snarky, but I just said okay. After all, it's not her fault, it's my body. It really doesn't help that my husband and I argued last night and this morning about IVF and everything. He thinks its so ridiculous that I am so far ahead when I don't even know yet if I'm pregnant or not. I see his point but hello, it's my body! So, he said "we"ll see" in reference to IVF. And I'm trying to have a good Christian marriage and well it's hard, I'm a sinner and I'm not perfect, and I did make the mistake and said that if IVF would never be a possibility then there is no reason to continue our marriage. Because to me that means you don't care enough. Anyways, he didn't even say no to IVF, I'm Just letting everything get to me. I'll be glad When They call me today around 1pm and give me the news. Then I can relax and not try, not protect this month and hopefully get my relationship with my hubby back on track. Y'all, my love for him Is so overwhelming, I could cry about that alone. I never want to be without him, but I also have to try everything in my power to have my own baby from my own womb. Sorry for rambling. But it feels good to get this off my chest as I do not like to talk about my relationship dents to many people, because I love my husband.

I'm clinging to the 1% chance that I am pregnant.

awwwwww honey i am right there with you...please know we all understand your emotions and feelings!!! it is perfectly natural for all of this to happen. just wait for the call and you will know soon and then you can move on!! believe i was right there with you 2 days ago. and i'm such a better person today. one of my cousin's had a baby girl last night and i just cried. i am sooo happy for them but just cried and my hubby got mad at me for that. saying i'm jealous and to get over this and we have to move on. i know it was wrong of me to do that but it was also natural. i saw the baby's pics this morning and she is absolutely perfect and i am so very happy for them. i know it's human and woman nature to feel all that we are feeling. just give it some time and everything will be ok!!
BMA ~ :hugs: Oh sweetie I know how frustrating and upsetting it can be. I'm praying for you and hoping for a positive. I drive myself to a near panick attack everytime I have bloodwork to check for pregnancy.
August~ good luck girl! Sorry you are so uncomfortable.

AFM~ I just got to work after my blood preg test appt. cried all the way to work. $ in the office nurse asked me what is wrong and I nearly broke down there, just told her I knew it would be negative. She told me they would get me there, & the pessimist in me wanted to say something g snarky, but I just said okay. After all, it's not her fault, it's my body. It really doesn't help that my husband and I argued last night and this morning about IVF and everything. He thinks its so ridiculous that I am so far ahead when I don't even know yet if I'm pregnant or not. I see his point but hello, it's my body! So, he said "we"ll see" in reference to IVF. And I'm trying to have a good Christian marriage and well it's hard, I'm a sinner and I'm not perfect, and I did make the mistake and said that if IVF would never be a possibility then there is no reason to continue our marriage. Because to me that means you don't care enough. Anyways, he didn't even say no to IVF, I'm Just letting everything get to me. I'll be glad When They call me today around 1pm and give me the news. Then I can relax and not try, not protect this month and hopefully get my relationship with my hubby back on track. Y'all, my love for him Is so overwhelming, I could cry about that alone. I never want to be without him, but I also have to try everything in my power to have my own baby from my own womb. Sorry for rambling. But it feels good to get this off my chest as I do not like to talk about my relationship dents to many people, because I love my husband.

I'm clinging to the 1% chance that I am pregnant.

awwwwww honey i am right there with you...please know we all understand your emotions and feelings!!! it is perfectly natural for all of this to happen. just wait for the call and you will know soon and then you can move on!! believe i was right there with you 2 days ago. and i'm such a better person today. one of my cousin's had a baby girl last night and i just cried. i am sooo happy for them but just cried and my hubby got mad at me for that. saying i'm jealous and to get over this and we have to move on. i know it was wrong of me to do that but it was also natural. i saw the baby's pics this morning and she is absolutely perfect and i am so very happy for them. i know it's human and woman nature to feel all that we are feeling. just give it some time and everything will be ok!!

I don't want you to feel like it's wrong to cry. Only God knows how much you've been working towards having a pregnancy of your own and sometimes our emotions do get the best of us. So know, that I completely understand you crying. I just found out on Tuesday night that my cousin and his wife who have been married for only 2 months announced on Saturday that they are 4weeks pregnant. I was shopping with my mom when she 'accidently' let it slip to me. It all about ruined the entire night for me. Although I'm so happy for them, I just couldn't help but get angry at the fact that it happened to fast for them and look at me... five years and still nothing. It's like a self-pity party that I like to think is normal so... HUGS BIG HUGS TO YOU AND BMA AND EVERYONE ELSE ON HERE :hugs::hugs::hugs:
woooohooo so my doc said that's perfectly fine and to go ahead and start it today!! i'm really excited...this way i know i'm doing something.

Whoo hoo! Good luck, Kismat!!
Hi ladies, I'm jumping in late so I don't know how far into this you guys are. I'm officially at 2 years ttc. We are going to try IUI next cycle. I'm very nervous. Mostly about being on an emotional roller coaster and what if it doesn't work:(. Also I am paying out of pocket for absolutely everything, including a pregnancy, bc my insurance doesn't cover it. It's getting so expensive just to GET pregnant. Sigh...

Welcome lanet :flower: Yes, I'm right there with what the other ladies have said. It's definitely an emotional roller coaster and the financial aspects are so daunting. It's hard to get through some days. But we're all here to support each other through this journey and we're here for you lanet!!

Hey girls, sorry for such a late update... I've been sick as a dog on all these medications that I've been taking this week.

I went in yesterday for u/s and b/w I had 10 follicles between 16mm and 20mm... and then 7 other follicles between 10mm and 15mm. The doctors thinks at least half of the 7 will be matured by tomorrow morning. I did my trigger shot yesterday (it's pregnyl and it's done in the butt)... I didn't feel a thing! I don't have to take any medications today except the antibiotics. Tomorrow at 7am I report to the FS for my egg retrieval... Many couples have 2 or more months to prepare themselves for IVF... I've only had 3 days. So everything is kinda crazy. Like I said... the Menopur has made me soo sick. I haven't slept in 3 night because I can't find a comfortable position. My back is swollen so at this point I can't wait for the retrieval. LOL

August, thank goodness your retrieval is tomorrow so you'll feel better soon!! I guess it's a mixed blessing to have three days to prepare for IVF. On one hand, so fabulous that your insurance agreed to it, but yes, you haven't really had time to prepare emotionally. Just hang in there girl and we'll get you through the 2ww :thumbup:

Hey ladies my iui went wonderful....hit perfect timing as I ovulated yesterday when the iui was done :0) good thing it was close to ovulation..due to hubs swimmers

The only thing I worry about is that I had a bm shortly after iui and had some leakage...hope some of the swimmers stayed up there lol sorry if tmi

Glad you hear it pooka!! It's always such a relief when you know the timing was right :)
August~ good luck girl! Sorry you are so uncomfortable.

AFM~ I just got to work after my blood preg test appt. cried all the way to work. $ in the office nurse asked me what is wrong and I nearly broke down there, just told her I knew it would be negative. She told me they would get me there, & the pessimist in me wanted to say something g snarky, but I just said okay. After all, it's not her fault, it's my body. It really doesn't help that my husband and I argued last night and this morning about IVF and everything. He thinks its so ridiculous that I am so far ahead when I don't even know yet if I'm pregnant or not. I see his point but hello, it's my body! So, he said "we"ll see" in reference to IVF. And I'm trying to have a good Christian marriage and well it's hard, I'm a sinner and I'm not perfect, and I did make the mistake and said that if IVF would never be a possibility then there is no reason to continue our marriage. Because to me that means you don't care enough. Anyways, he didn't even say no to IVF, I'm Just letting everything get to me. I'll be glad When They call me today around 1pm and give me the news. Then I can relax and not try, not protect this month and hopefully get my relationship with my hubby back on track. Y'all, my love for him Is so overwhelming, I could cry about that alone. I never want to be without him, but I also have to try everything in my power to have my own baby from my own womb. Sorry for rambling. But it feels good to get this off my chest as I do not like to talk about my relationship dents to many people, because I love my husband.

I'm clinging to the 1% chance that I am pregnant.

Aww hun :hugs::hugs::hugs: We've all been there - this process can be so hard on marriages because men and women approach infertility in totally different ways. We want to do everything we can as soon as possible to have a child, and men are so much more relaxed and whatever about it. I'm still praying you'll get a positive beta, but if not, use this next month to step back and enjoy each other and prepare for the next step.

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