IUI December Buddies

Alright so i just spoke to my doc and it was a BFN...ughhh!! still hurts but i know i have to move on!! so we are going to see my doc next tuesday to see what our next step is...i don't want to continue with the IUI's since they are not working. so just more waiting now...but atleast i'm not waiting for a period...but this will be good too no meds right now and we can try naturally this month!!

Alright so i just spoke to my doc and it was a BFN...ughhh!! still hurts but i know i have to move on!! so we are going to see my doc next tuesday to see what our next step is...i don't want to continue with the IUI's since they are not working. so just more waiting now...but atleast i'm not waiting for a period...but this will be good too no meds right now and we can try naturally this month!!

Sorry kismat. :hugs: I'm ready to find out for sure , and get back to having a normal month and fun spontaneous :sex: with my hubby. I know we will still be thinking about it even trying naturally, but I think the most I will do is use the left over ovulation sticks my cousin gave me.

Looks like we are both in the same boat. I think I'm done with IUI. I've spent a mini fortune on it. Half of what IVF costs! :shrug: so, I booked a consult with my RE for next Wednesday to see what I should, or shouldn't do to get my body ready for IVF. and how much my plan will cost. I also booked a consult with the acupuncturist they work with and an appointment on jan 7.

I'm here for you!
Kat~ good luck! Praying for you!!! Oh what a great Xmas present if that :witch: stays away.
Alright so i just spoke to my doc and it was a BFN...ughhh!! still hurts but i know i have to move on!! so we are going to see my doc next tuesday to see what our next step is...i don't want to continue with the IUI's since they are not working. so just more waiting now...but atleast i'm not waiting for a period...but this will be good too no meds right now and we can try naturally this month!!

Sorry kismat. :hugs: I'm ready to find out for sure , and get back to having a normal month and fun spontaneous :sex: with my hubby. I know we will still be thinking about it even trying naturally, but I think the most I will do is use the left over ovulation sticks my cousin gave me.

Looks like we are both in the same boat. I think I'm done with IUI. I've spent a mini fortune on it. Half of what IVF costs! :shrug: so, I booked a consult with my RE for next Wednesday to see what I should, or shouldn't do to get my body ready for IVF. and how much my plan will cost. I also booked a consult with the acupuncturist they work with and an appointment on jan 7.

I'm here for you!

That makes 3 of us on this no more IUI route...i only had one but after speaking with RE about it he suggested that i try one last one this month but that IVF with ICSI would be our best bet. So for DH its such a big production to produce a sample that i know that if i go the IUI route with slim chances and it fails....its going to lead to an argument with DH. I rather not spend money on another IUI if i dont have to....so on to IVF!!!
Lucinda~ I'm sorry I can't remember your status... Are you on meds yet with an IUI date??

I'm wondering when ill do ivf if I'm for sure not pregnant right now. Do you know if you'll go straight to ivf or give your body a rest?
Alright so i just spoke to my doc and it was a BFN...ughhh!! still hurts but i know i have to move on!! so we are going to see my doc next tuesday to see what our next step is...i don't want to continue with the IUI's since they are not working. so just more waiting now...but atleast i'm not waiting for a period...but this will be good too no meds right now and we can try naturally this month!!

Sorry kismat. :hugs: I'm ready to find out for sure , and get back to having a normal month and fun spontaneous :sex: with my hubby. I know we will still be thinking about it even trying naturally, but I think the most I will do is use the left over ovulation sticks my cousin gave me.

Looks like we are both in the same boat. I think I'm done with IUI. I've spent a mini fortune on it. Half of what IVF costs! :shrug: so, I booked a consult with my RE for next Wednesday to see what I should, or shouldn't do to get my body ready for IVF. and how much my plan will cost. I also booked a consult with the acupuncturist they work with and an appointment on jan 7.

I'm here for you!

awww thanks i'm here for you as well. You should take a test!!!! I was pretty happy about knowing before hand, it made the NO easier on the phone this morning. Even though it sucked. But yeh i agree with you IUI isn't getting anywhere so atleast we know we tried with it for sometime. now we have to move onto something else. We will talk to our doc next tuesday, so we will see what to do then. get all the options out there and then go from there. i'm pretty sure IVF will be one of them. is AF officially there for you, or are you still spotting?
Alright so i just spoke to my doc and it was a BFN...ughhh!! still hurts but i know i have to move on!! so we are going to see my doc next tuesday to see what our next step is...i don't want to continue with the IUI's since they are not working. so just more waiting now...but atleast i'm not waiting for a period...but this will be good too no meds right now and we can try naturally this month!!

Sorry kismat. :hugs: I'm ready to find out for sure , and get back to having a normal month and fun spontaneous :sex: with my hubby. I know we will still be thinking about it even trying naturally, but I think the most I will do is use the left over ovulation sticks my cousin gave me.

Looks like we are both in the same boat. I think I'm done with IUI. I've spent a mini fortune on it. Half of what IVF costs! :shrug: so, I booked a consult with my RE for next Wednesday to see what I should, or shouldn't do to get my body ready for IVF. and how much my plan will cost. I also booked a consult with the acupuncturist they work with and an appointment on jan 7.

I'm here for you!

That makes 3 of us on this no more IUI route...i only had one but after speaking with RE about it he suggested that i try one last one this month but that IVF with ICSI would be our best bet. So for DH its such a big production to produce a sample that i know that if i go the IUI route with slim chances and it fails....its going to lead to an argument with DH. I rather not spend money on another IUI if i dont have to....so on to IVF!!!

wooohooo we'll be in this together then!! i'm still not sure which route we will take next but next tuesday we'll get all the options. we are also going on a big 3 week vacation at the end of jan to mid feb. so if it is IVF it won't be until after the trip...a little disappointed about that but i'll be fine, India/Dubai will be tons of fun. and i believe that will be the best medicine ever to start back up after we get back!!

when do you think you will start IVF?
Lucinda~ I'm sorry I can't remember your status... Are you on meds yet with an IUI date??

I'm wondering when ill do ivf if I'm for sure not pregnant right now. Do you know if you'll go straight to ivf or give your body a rest?

no worries about not remembering....i just finished IUI #1 with Clomid 50 mg and Ovidrel trigger. I am currently 16dpiu and began spotting yesterday so i had a talk with RE about next steps and that is when he stated that we should move onto IVF. He stated that since im about to start CD1 pretty soon....i could try another IUI but increase the clomid, but that he still suggests moving to IVF. So im going to have a repeat SA and if we obtain the same results the plan is to move onto IVF .
Kismat~ I have been testing every morning. :wacko: it is negative, and although I'm preparing myself but the sting of the negative will be there tomorrow when they call me. But I had full flow yesterday and today! I'm still holding on to what little hope is left for this cycle... I still could be pregnant and this could be implantation . It happens to women all the time . (I Doubt it is, though)

I think it is perfect that you aren't going to jump right into ivf. Take your vacation have a beautiful time with your hubby and unwind get in touch with everything that you have neglected since trying too hard to conceive! :) that is my plan. I want to give my body a break from all these medicines. And just live life with out taking a pill or stabbing myself at certain times every night!!! Hopefully in a few months I will be ready for IVF. My menstrual cycle never varies so to have bleeding 5 days before my period is due is totally random and if I'm not pregnant it is a sure sign that these hormones could be throwing off my cycle! Oh my gosh!!! Have so much fun on your trip!! I'd give anything to be laid up on the beaches of Hawaii with just my hubby.
Lucinda~ gotcha, and if the SA is different will you do IUI #2? Has your doctor said anything about injectables instead of clomid? I started with 100mg of clomid and still only produced one egg. :shrug: well good luck, definitely keep us posted!
Fast update & may have iui this weekend

I got a ultrasound tomorrow & started opk testing today which is day 10 an my CBFM it's a high already which is great. I may ovulate Saturday. I also used a internet cheap opk stick an it's already showing 2 lines so that is a +.

Just now waiting see RE tomorrow at 2:15pm. Praying for more follies this time around & really hope to get a BFP this cycle. I love femara..

Good luck everyone on trying to get a BFP. I hope we all get a BFP before this year is out as I would love to get a BFP this cycle as my DH has a birthday coming up at end of year. Just be great if could tell him on his BD I'm pregnant.

Will update after appt Friday let all know where we stand on this cycle.
Lucinda~ gotcha, and if the SA is different will you do IUI #2? Has your doctor said anything about injectables instead of clomid? I started with 100mg of clomid and still only produced one egg. :shrug: well good luck, definitely keep us posted!

I along with the doctor dont think the SA will show anything different...perhaps i should explain a little more. My DH has been on a cocktail of medications for over a yr and they led to erectile dysfunction and most recently he added 2 more meds and has problems even producing a sample. So im not very hopeful about there being any substancial change. That being said...i would like to be realistic and move onto IVF because its been a whole production to get to IUI #1......so onword and forward. I will most likely just prepare myself this month to start IVF process next month.
About injectibles....RE did not suggest them as from IUI #1 he suggested IVF and he left it up to me as to what i wanted to do; i was feeling optimistic and went for IUI.
Alright so i just spoke to my doc and it was a BFN...ughhh!! still hurts but i know i have to move on!! so we are going to see my doc next tuesday to see what our next step is...i don't want to continue with the IUI's since they are not working. so just more waiting now...but atleast i'm not waiting for a period...but this will be good too no meds right now and we can try naturally this month!!

Sorry kismat. :hugs: I'm ready to find out for sure , and get back to having a normal month and fun spontaneous :sex: with my hubby. I know we will still be thinking about it even trying naturally, but I think the most I will do is use the left over ovulation sticks my cousin gave me.

Looks like we are both in the same boat. I think I'm done with IUI. I've spent a mini fortune on it. Half of what IVF costs! :shrug: so, I booked a consult with my RE for next Wednesday to see what I should, or shouldn't do to get my body ready for IVF. and how much my plan will cost. I also booked a consult with the acupuncturist they work with and an appointment on jan 7.

I'm here for you!

That makes 3 of us on this no more IUI route...i only had one but after speaking with RE about it he suggested that i try one last one this month but that IVF with ICSI would be our best bet. So for DH its such a big production to produce a sample that i know that if i go the IUI route with slim chances and it fails....its going to lead to an argument with DH. I rather not spend money on another IUI if i dont have to....so on to IVF!!!

wooohooo we'll be in this together then!! i'm still not sure which route we will take next but next tuesday we'll get all the options. we are also going on a big 3 week vacation at the end of jan to mid feb. so if it is IVF it won't be until after the trip...a little disappointed about that but i'll be fine, India/Dubai will be tons of fun. and i believe that will be the best medicine ever to start back up after we get back!!

when do you think you will start IVF?

Thats exciting that youll get your options soon....it conforts me to know "the plan". Your trip sounds definitely exciting and your are right that it sounds like the best medicine to get started back up. I dont know when ill be starting as i have to repeat DH's sement analysis which will determine how soon we start......RE is thinking next month as today is CD1 for me.
Kismat, I'm so sorry this wasn't your month :( Believe me when I say I know how that feels.

Well, I had my ultrasound yesterday, and it turns out I don't have one follicle in each ovary, but I have two in the left. One of them seems like it'll be big enough for the deed. Really wishing the Bravelle had resulted in the release of more healthy eggs than that, but at least I got one. They scheduled our 3rd IUI for Friday!!

My husband gave me the trigger shot this morning. I explained how it tells the follicles to release the eggs, and said, "So it's as if you are saying, "Release the Kraken!" LOL!!! I know, I'm a dork-- but it was funny!

I tend to get my period about 11dpiui, and that is Christmas Day! That is one thing I DON'T want for Christmas!!

Best of luck Kat....a Christmas BFP would be awsome!!!!
TypeA - I had 3 follies and after my IUI I needed to lay down as I had cramping from ovulation. I also had a doc and a nurse do my IUI...Mine were back to back in the same cycle.

Bma - sorry hun! I know what you mean about IVF.....scary, expensive, and not a guarantee...enjoy your drinks hun...you deserve it!

Pook - Good luck hun! I hope this is your BFP IUI!

Kismat - sorry about your BFN hun! I think you should go on your vacation and let this go as much as you can and enjoy yourself....after that you will be in a better place mentally to deal with IVF. This is just my opinion of course I am sure you know better than anyone else what you need.... ;)

AFM - I have been running round crazy getting my xmas shopping done before I leave on Monday to go to Florida for my IUI. I started Femara last night and have already had a hot flash...Joy...LOL....anyway that is all I am dealing with now.....but I do want to say to you ladies who have now done their IUI that this is my second one and it will also be my last. IVF is on the table if we can find the funds!
TTC baby- thank you :hugs: good luck and look forward to hearing this journey to your BFP!!
He'll come around it might just take a little time!
TypeA - I had 3 follies and after my IUI I needed to lay down as I had cramping from ovulation. I also had a doc and a nurse do my IUI...Mine were back to back in the same cycle.

Bma - sorry hun! I know what you mean about IVF.....scary, expensive, and not a guarantee...enjoy your drinks hun...you deserve it!

Pook - Good luck hun! I hope this is your BFP IUI!

Kismat - sorry about your BFN hun! I think you should go on your vacation and let this go as much as you can and enjoy yourself....after that you will be in a better place mentally to deal with IVF. This is just my opinion of course I am sure you know better than anyone else what you need.... ;)

AFM - I have been running round crazy getting my xmas shopping done before I leave on Monday to go to Florida for my IUI. I started Femara last night and have already had a hot flash...Joy...LOL....anyway that is all I am dealing with now.....but I do want to say to you ladies who have now done their IUI that this is my second one and it will also be my last. IVF is on the table if we can find the funds!

awww thanks!! wish you all the best of luck this cycle!! yes for me it's definately going to be a great for 2 months and we'll start back up after we get back in feb. the time away from meds, temping all of it will be great for me and my hubby!! now i am actually looking forward to our trip instead of stressing about whether i'm pregnant or not....like BMA said we can BD every night and enjoy it, LOL...
Alright so i just spoke to my doc and it was a BFN...ughhh!! still hurts but i know i have to move on!! so we are going to see my doc next tuesday to see what our next step is...i don't want to continue with the IUI's since they are not working. so just more waiting now...but atleast i'm not waiting for a period...but this will be good too no meds right now and we can try naturally this month!!

Sorry kismat. :hugs: I'm ready to find out for sure , and get back to having a normal month and fun spontaneous :sex: with my hubby. I know we will still be thinking about it even trying naturally, but I think the most I will do is use the left over ovulation sticks my cousin gave me.

Looks like we are both in the same boat. I think I'm done with IUI. I've spent a mini fortune on it. Half of what IVF costs! :shrug: so, I booked a consult with my RE for next Wednesday to see what I should, or shouldn't do to get my body ready for IVF. and how much my plan will cost. I also booked a consult with the acupuncturist they work with and an appointment on jan 7.

I'm here for you!

That makes 3 of us on this no more IUI route...i only had one but after speaking with RE about it he suggested that i try one last one this month but that IVF with ICSI would be our best bet. So for DH its such a big production to produce a sample that i know that if i go the IUI route with slim chances and it fails....its going to lead to an argument with DH. I rather not spend money on another IUI if i dont have to....so on to IVF!!!

wooohooo we'll be in this together then!! i'm still not sure which route we will take next but next tuesday we'll get all the options. we are also going on a big 3 week vacation at the end of jan to mid feb. so if it is IVF it won't be until after the trip...a little disappointed about that but i'll be fine, India/Dubai will be tons of fun. and i believe that will be the best medicine ever to start back up after we get back!!

when do you think you will start IVF?

Thats exciting that youll get your options soon....it conforts me to know "the plan". Your trip sounds definitely exciting and your are right that it sounds like the best medicine to get started back up. I dont know when ill be starting as i have to repeat DH's sement analysis which will determine how soon we start......RE is thinking next month as today is CD1 for me.

well best of luck to you..definately keep us posted!!

AFM yes i compeltely agree with you, it will comfort me more next tuesday. i already read up on IVF enough where i feel ok with it. see what he says next week. also see if our insurance will cover it...hopefully and praying it will be!! so a fresh start soon!! but for now i have AF and after it's done i'll enjoy my time with my hubby!!!
Wow I got way behind in this thread...

Kismat and Bma :hugs::hugs: to both of you. This has been a strange one for both of you with the unusual spotting and the :witch: being all tricky. I'm truly sorry and I know you will both have success with IVF. For now enjoy some time off from meds and just enjoy being with your hubbies. You never know, there could be a surprise natural bfp when you least expect it :)

Lucinda - if you end up starting IVF next cycle, I wish you great success!!

Biggerfamily - My u/s is also tomorrow. I hope we both have plenty (but not too many!) nice follicles!

Pooka - how did your IUI go?

Kat - Good luck tomorrow. I really really hope this is your cycle!

August - Good luck with ER!! Can't wait to hear how many they get!!

AFM, I will report back tomorrow after my cd12 scan. I'm feeling like I will ovulate in the next couple of days so still hoping for IUI this weekend!

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