Kismat, I'm so sorry this wasn't your month
Believe me when I say I know how that feels.
Well, I had my ultrasound yesterday, and it turns out I don't have one follicle in each ovary, but I have two in the left. One of them seems like it'll be big enough for the deed. Really wishing the Bravelle had resulted in the release of more healthy eggs than that, but at least I got one. They scheduled our 3rd IUI for Friday!!
My husband gave me the trigger shot this morning. I explained how it tells the follicles to release the eggs, and said, "So it's as if you are saying, "Release the Kraken!" LOL!!! I know, I'm a dork-- but it was funny!
I tend to get my period about 11dpiui, and that is Christmas Day! That is one thing I DON'T want for Christmas!!