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IUI/IVF Aug/Sept/Oct/November

Twinkle when did you decide to test? How are you feeling? Fingers crossed for two big fat lines:)

Springy: hoping for lots of growth, lots of luck Friday! Chug that water:) happy thoughts and vibes for you

I ll wait till 11th nov, date whn im expecting my af hope so it doesnt showup this time..Yesterday i felt totally bloated and pain in my back like af will start anytime..Today I am 8dpiui totally dry cm and feeling low and emotional...Just wishing i get pregnant this time..:wacko:

Hopefully you are feeling implantation! I hope you are pregnant!

Well - did my IUI this morning. Was kind of a stressful morning. The lab guy gave my DH a hard time about his health card (it's kinda in pieces). Last month the scientific director told him not to worry about it so he didn't bother getting a new one. Then when I got there they tried giving me the fellow or the resident. I refused and told them I wanted a Doctor who has performed many, many IUI's. Then I found out that it was my DH's worst numbers yet - 11.6 mil post wash. I know it isn't terrible, but it is a 1/3 of what it was last month and the numbers were the same pre wash.

Okay, rant over - just had to get it out! Now I am PUPO and will hope that this is it. If not, my Doc said to do one more IUI. We are set to meet with her on the 30th of November regardless of what happens.

PCOS - can't wait to hear all about it! Good luck.

Twinkle - hope Remembrance day is awesome for you.

Springy - how's it going? I did a 24 hour IUI, if there is a next cycle I am going to ask to trigger myself at home and do a 36 hour.

Hey EOE! Gotta run. I am actually going to tell my Mom what we are going thorough. We have decided to let our parents in on our big secret because the lies are piling up and causing us some stress.

Sorry the IUI was so stressful! They should know better than to mess with you on IUI day! My DH's numbers were 10 mil this time so just keep reminding yourself that it is possible. PUPO!

The transfer time is at 12:30pm (Mountain Standard Time) which I think we are the same time now anyways.

I have to be there at 11:45am though ... I wish I could take a valium tomorrow ... cuz I'm gonna have MAJOR anxiety until around Friday 1pm :)

yeah we are on the same time until we "fall back" which is soon i think. just remember to chillax girlfriend.. nothing to stress about! my acupuncturist made me feel better on transfer day when she said "you have embryos inside of you.. you ARE pregnant.. now you just have to stay that way!" so lay back and be happy that you are PUPO!! i'll be thinking of you!

:thumbup: I like this mindset!
The transfer time is at 12:30pm (Mountain Standard Time) which I think we are the same time now anyways.

I have to be there at 11:45am though ... I wish I could take a valium tomorrow ... cuz I'm gonna have MAJOR anxiety until around Friday 1pm :)

I will be thinking of you and praying for you!!! You are 3 hours behind me so I'll be thinking and praying when I'm getting ready to leave work. When do they start the thaw? or do they actually implant them frozen? I'm not up on that part of the IVF cycle yet!!!

:hi: Everyone!!!!

Not much to report on my side. I'm on cycle day 10, only two more days until my ultrasound on cycle day 12...

Last night was supposed to be a BD night but I got home at 11pm from work and school. I was so tired and my husband was playing some game on the xbox so needless to say I fell alseep and now I'm like a crabby patty with him :blush::haha:

Maybe my 4 mile walk/jog this afternoon will help bring me back to my bubbly self.

I always find that going for a run, going to a spin class or a bodycombat class help me feel better! Yesterday after my bad start to the day with the scan I went spinning and by the time DH got home from work I was in a much better mood and not as crabby with him!!!

Just BD tonight on a "non planned" day, might add some excitement back to the BD'ing!!

Well - did my IUI this morning. Was kind of a stressful morning. The lab guy gave my DH a hard time about his health card (it's kinda in pieces). Last month the scientific director told him not to worry about it so he didn't bother getting a new one. Then when I got there they tried giving me the fellow or the resident. I refused and told them I wanted a Doctor who has performed many, many IUI's. Then I found out that it was my DH's worst numbers yet - 11.6 mil post wash. I know it isn't terrible, but it is a 1/3 of what it was last month and the numbers were the same pre wash.

Okay, rant over - just had to get it out! Now I am PUPO and will hope that this is it. If not, my Doc said to do one more IUI. We are set to meet with her on the 30th of November regardless of what happens.

PCOS - can't wait to hear all about it! Good luck.

Twinkle - hope Remembrance day is awesome for you.

Springy - how's it going? I did a 24 hour IUI, if there is a next cycle I am going to ask to trigger myself at home and do a 36 hour.

Hey EOE! Gotta run. I am actually going to tell my Mom what we are going thorough. We have decided to let our parents in on our big secret because the lies are piling up and causing us some stress.

I am doing ok. Just hoping that the upped dose increases my follicle count for Friday's scan, I believe it will so I'm holding onto that hope. Our family has known all the way along what we are doing, as have all of our friends but this time around we didn't tell anyone! It has been SO hard for me to be quiet about it, especially yesterday when I was crying at my desk after the scan. We just felt with the constant looking at us and questioning if the treatment worked or not was adding stress to our situation that we would try this IUI with nobody knowing what we were going through. Hence why I feel like I'm on BnB as you ladies are the only ones who know what I am going through this month!!!

I know how upsetting the lower numbers of sperm can be but there are a LOT of women on here who have gotten pregnant with way less than 11.6 million. Hang in there!

Twinkle - Really hoping that remembrance day is your day to celebrate!!!
GL PCOS-I will think of you Friday! I ate pinneapple and looks like it worked like a charm:)
Springy FX for some good follie growth!
Snowbunny-sorry your IUI was stressful, FX that it works for you :)
Twinkle-keeping FX on the 11th for you!
Hi August :) Hi Touch :) Hi Anyone I missed :)
AFM-I am back on the couch with a mild case of OHSS, symptoms started last night so I went to the Dr this morning and he put me on bed rest for the rest of the week. More TV time (boring) and lots of gatorade! Any other tips for me ladies who have been through this? Anyone see any good movies lately, I am looking for recommendations.
Springy, I totally know how you feel about everyone checking in on you all the time. I've decided to only tell my mom that I'm going for round 4 right now. I'm not saying anything to my friends because I just can't stand to tell people over and over again that it didn't work. This way if it does work I'll have a fun surprise for everyone!

Hope you get some good follies soon!
I went and bought walnuts too ... heard that somewhere!

As for the ladies who used pineapple ... WHEN did you start eating it??
I went and bought walnuts too ... heard that somewhere!

As for the ladies who used pineapple ... WHEN did you start eating it??

here is what I found..was researching too and gonna try it this month :happydance:

For IVF [in vitro fertilization] cycle: one pineapple core, divided into 5 portions - consume one portion each day, over five days, beginning on the day of your embryo transfer.

IUI [intra-uterine insemination] cycle: one pineapple core, divided into 5 portions - consume one portion each day, over five days, beginning on the day of your IUI.

Timed intercourse cycle: one pineapple core , divided into 5 portions - consume one portion each day, over five days, beginning on the day after ovulation.
Hi ladies, I'd like to join in here. If all goes as planned I'll be doing my first IUI later this month. I'll be using Follistim after a failed cycle with Bravelle and Menopur (slow response so my RE cancelled me). Today is day 1 of Provera.
Harvest & Touch -- Were you taking baby aspirin too?? I heard that taking both may not be a good idea. Eek!!! Let me know. See what happens when you become OCD on researching!!!
Harvest & Touch -- Were you taking baby aspirin too?? I heard that taking both may not be a good idea. Eek!!! Let me know. See what happens when you become OCD on researching!!!

I did take baby aspirin too, from ET to pregnancy test. For the pineapple I divided 1 whole pineapple in 5 portions and ate 1 portion per day (I ate the core and meat) for 5 days starting on ET day. I also read it wasn't good to take both at the same time because they are both blood thinners but I didn't have a problem.
What did u do when u had ohss? Anything other tha Gatorade? How long did it take to go away?
Harvest & Touch -- Were you taking baby aspirin too?? I heard that taking both may not be a good idea. Eek!!! Let me know. See what happens when you become OCD on researching!!!

I did take baby aspirin too, from ET to pregnancy test. For the pineapple I divided 1 whole pineapple in 5 portions and ate 1 portion per day (I ate the core and meat) for 5 days starting on ET day. I also read it wasn't good to take both at the same time because they are both blood thinners but I didn't have a problem.
What did u do when u had ohss? Anything other tha Gatorade? How long did it take to go away?

It took 1 solid week for it to go away ... or at least relieve the pressure in the tummy. I drank gatorade and ate salty foods.
Harvest & Touch -- Were you taking baby aspirin too?? I heard that taking both may not be a good idea. Eek!!! Let me know. See what happens when you become OCD on researching!!!

I did take baby aspirin too, from ET to pregnancy test. For the pineapple I divided 1 whole pineapple in 5 portions and ate 1 portion per day (I ate the core and meat) for 5 days starting on ET day. I also read it wasn't good to take both at the same time because they are both blood thinners but I didn't have a problem.
What did u do when u had ohss? Anything other tha Gatorade? How long did it take to go away?

It took 1 solid week for it to go away ... or at least relieve the pressure in the tummy. I drank gatorade and ate salty foods.
Salt and vinegar chips perhaps :haha: my favorite!
Pcos: I had one pineapple core divided in five parts and ate it before I had anything else each morning starting on the day of IUI. I also kept drinking 70oz of water a day to keep myself uber hydrated
Thanks girls!!!! So, I will prepare the pineapple tomorrow (the core) and nibble on the sh*t like crazy on Friday :) teehee
pcos - pineapple starting day of transfer. also asprin starting day of transfer and STILL on it! hopefully i'll stop after my 10 week check on monday.
SnowBunny in my case it was 5.5 mill post wash:spermy:..how are u feeling?:dust:
PCOS praying for u.lots of luck:dust:
Springy lots of luck for ur follices:dust:
Harvest for movie suggestion last weekend i saw Case39(little scary) and precious(drama) they were good..How r u feeling?
Little Bird How r u?:flower:
Angie how r u?when is ur beta test?
SnowBunny in my case it was 5.5 mill post wash:spermy:..how are u feeling?:dust:
PCOS praying for u.lots of luck:dust:
Springy lots of luck for ur follices:dust:
Harvest for movie suggestion last weekend i saw Case39(little scary) and precious(drama) they were good..How r u feeling?
Little Bird How r u?:flower:
Angie how r u?when is ur beta test?

Hey Twinkle - I'm feeling good, a few mild cramps last night and the:sex: was a little uncomfortable, but other than that all good.

How about you?:dust: right back at you!

hey all!
Thanx dear..I am feeling good right now no pains or bloating..4-8dpiui were bad for me cramps and twinges..
:hi: Everyone!!!!!

Snowbunny ~ I didn't have :sex: after my first IUI as I was so tired from such a busy day, but dh and I are aiming at trying to get the deed done the day of IUI and the morning after. but I heard that it is common to feel a little discomfort. I'm just a few days behind you :happydance: I go for my Follie check tomorrow morning.

Twinkle ~ I'm glad to hear that you are feeling much better :hugs: How manys days until af is due?

AFM ~ not much to report, but that's because I'm only at cycle day 11...

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