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IUI/IVF Aug/Sept/Oct/November

:hi: Everyone!!!!!

Snowbunny ~ I didn't have :sex: after my first IUI as I was so tired from such a busy day, but dh and I are aiming at trying to get the deed done the day of IUI and the morning after. but I heard that it is common to feel a little discomfort. I'm just a few days behind you :happydance: I go for my Follie check tomorrow morning.

Twinkle ~ I'm glad to hear that you are feeling much better :hugs: How manys days until af is due?

AFM ~ not much to report, but that's because I'm only at cycle day 11...

thanx august and lots of luck for tomorrow.8 days left for testing
Ok IVF gals, I got another question!!

If you took prednisone, did it give you WILD dreams??? Or is that the Progesterone??

I'm on so many things I don't know what is causing what? BUT, I did just start the prednisone yesterday and last night I dreamed someone was trying to kill me. I woke up so scared, it felt so real and lasted the entire night. It was a huge long drawn out dream and I remember it all so vividly. It would really make a great thriller movie cuz I was darn near poopin twinkies in my dream!
Oh titi I'm sorry to hear that :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Twinkle: I hope these eight days fly by!!! I can't wait to hear how it goes:) positive thoughts your way. No beta for me since I'm out of town. Ultrasound on the 18th :) can't wait to see.

Pcos: you're down to hours now!!!! So excited for you:)
IUI #2-21 day cycle BFN. :cry:

Titi I'm SO sorry :hugs::hugs: A BFN is never easy. Hang in there! Take a few days and be angry & upset then start to look forward to the next cycle and be hopeful & positive for it.

Thanx dear..I am feeling good right now no pains or bloating..4-8dpiui were bad for me cramps and twinges..

Glad to hear the cramps and twinges have gone away! Hoping that this is your month for the BFP!!!

:hi: Everyone!!!!!

Snowbunny ~ I didn't have :sex: after my first IUI as I was so tired from such a busy day, but dh and I are aiming at trying to get the deed done the day of IUI and the morning after. but I heard that it is common to feel a little discomfort. I'm just a few days behind you :happydance: I go for my Follie check tomorrow morning.

Twinkle ~ I'm glad to hear that you are feeling much better :hugs: How manys days until af is due?

AFM ~ not much to report, but that's because I'm only at cycle day 11...

I have never BD the day of the IUI mainly because we do back to back IUIs so don't want to decrease the numbers too much but this time if I can't trigger on my own the we'll be BD'ing at 36 hours and then the IUI the next day as well. I really want to hit that 36 hour mark this month!!!! Having some cramping and twinges so I'm hoping that is my ovaries working overtime with the 100IU Gonal F to make me more follicles!!!

PCOS - 25 hours and COUNTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
no-surprise ovulation cd8. Wayyyyyyy wacko. Was always super normal until IUI 1.
Oh, that's right. I had a couple of those crazy cycles, only since TTC with the FS. Before that I was always on schedule.
Titi, I'm so sorry about the bfn. Are you going to try to do another IUI with meds? I hope you can get back to a more normal cycle this time.

PCOS, I bet you're getting so excited!! I can't wait to hear how everything goes tomorrow.

August, do you have a cd12 scan tomorrow? Good luck!!

Hope those follies are growing like crazy, Springy!

AFM, I think I'm getting sick! My appetite is way off, I feel kind of nauseated, and I'm freezing cold. I can't believe this - I hope it doesn't mess up this round. I'm leaving sub plans at work just in case I can't make it in tomorrow. Blech.
Titi - so sorry sweetie! It is so hard to get that BFN.

PCOS- just hours now. Good luck tomorrow.

Springy - let's hope those ovaries are working overtime.

August - we didn't do the deed after IUI number one, but did for number 2. I'm not sure if it actually helps considering we weren't having any luck on our own, but I guess it doesn't hurt to try.

Anyone else looking forward to having sex just for fun??
Anyone else looking forward to having sex just for fun??

ME ME ME!!!!! I cannot think of the last time we had sex just because we wanted to without the agenda of getting pregnant!!!!

Hubby and I actually had that conversation last night that regardless of what happens this month with the IUI we need to get back to a place where we enjoy each other again and its not just for a purpose!
Anyone else looking forward to having sex just for fun??

ME ME ME!!!!! I cannot think of the last time we had sex just because we wanted to without the agenda of getting pregnant!!!!

Hubby and I actually had that conversation last night that regardless of what happens this month with the IUI we need to get back to a place where we enjoy each other again and its not just for a purpose!

DITTO!!!! With AF gone, I plan on jumping DH all weekend! We are a couple not a bunch of bunnies going at it for the sake of more bunnies.

well I am proud of myself today!! :happydance::happydance: Did my first injection of Puregon! did not feel a thing!! 42 IU in my abdomen....the only thing that worried me was a huge drop of blood when I removed the pen...anyone take Puregon and have that occur? My CD3 went well and apparentely on one of my ovaries I have a 10 mm follie....can it really be a follie or is it a cyst?? doc said it was a follie but this early????

going back on CD8

so sorry Titi for your BFN.....it is never easy :hugs::hugs:

good luck PCOS! xxxxxxxxxx :dust:
DITTO!!!! With AF gone, I plan on jumping DH all weekend! We are a couple not a bunch of bunnies going at it for the sake of more bunnies.

well I am proud of myself today!! :happydance::happydance: Did my first injection of Puregon! did not feel a thing!! 42 IU in my abdomen....the only thing that worried me was a huge drop of blood when I removed the pen...anyone take Puregon and have that occur? My CD3 went well and apparentely on one of my ovaries I have a 10 mm follie....can it really be a follie or is it a cyst?? doc said it was a follie but this early????

LOL! go get him! I do gonal f - not sure how different it is. On occasion I have had a bit of blood - depending on how clean it came out.

Was it a follicle or a resting follicle? Usually on day 3 they measure your resting follicles to determine you dosage. How did your day 3 us go?
Anyone else looking forward to having sex just for fun??

ME ME ME!!!!! I cannot think of the last time we had sex just because we wanted to without the agenda of getting pregnant!!!!

Hubby and I actually had that conversation last night that regardless of what happens this month with the IUI we need to get back to a place where we enjoy each other again and its not just for a purpose!

Have fun enjoying each other! LOL - love it!
Anyone else looking forward to having sex just for fun??

ME ME ME!!!!! I cannot think of the last time we had sex just because we wanted to without the agenda of getting pregnant!!!!

Hubby and I actually had that conversation last night that regardless of what happens this month with the IUI we need to get back to a place where we enjoy each other again and its not just for a purpose!

DITTO!!!! With AF gone, I plan on jumping DH all weekend! We are a couple not a bunch of bunnies going at it for the sake of more bunnies.

well I am proud of myself today!! :happydance::happydance: Did my first injection of Puregon! did not feel a thing!! 42 IU in my abdomen....the only thing that worried me was a huge drop of blood when I removed the pen...anyone take Puregon and have that occur? My CD3 went well and apparentely on one of my ovaries I have a 10 mm follie....can it really be a follie or is it a cyst?? doc said it was a follie but this early????

going back on CD8

so sorry Titi for your BFN.....it is never easy :hugs::hugs:

good luck PCOS! xxxxxxxxxx :dust:

It's normal to sometimes have a little bleeding. You may have nicked a blood vessel or something. :hugs:
Well I just got back from another dissappointing cycle day 12 ultrasound... there was no follicle bigger then 9mm so I was told to come back on Monday. If none of the eggs are greater then 15 by then, then I will not be getting an IUI done this cycle... AGAIN...

Words can't describe how upset I am right now. I'm trying my best to remain positive but these stupid tears just keep getting in the way.

I offically HATE clomid and my ovaries for not working properly.

On the bright side...

Springy ~ I hope your scan goes a lot better today!

PCOS ~ You're in my prayer girlie!
Well I just got back from another dissappointing cycle day 12 ultrasound... there was no follicle bigger then 9mm so I was told to come back on Monday. If none of the eggs are greater then 15 by then, then I will not be getting an IUI done this cycle... AGAIN...

Words can't describe how upset I am right now. I'm trying my best to remain positive but these stupid tears just keep getting in the way.

I offically HATE clomid and my ovaries for not working properly.

On the bright side...

Springy ~ I hope your scan goes a lot better today!

PCOS ~ You're in my prayer girlie!

OH August I'm SO sorry that you're scan did not go well :hugs: Have you thought about using injectable drugs? I was a non-responder to clomid and the injectables seem to have done the trick for me.

AFM - CD10 scan went MUCH better than earlier in the week. I now have 4 follicles, 2 on the left and 2 on the right measuring 1.3, 1.2, 1.1 and 1.1. The doctor said that this is looking much better than my previous injectable cycle as they are all around the exact same since and a good number of them without being too many! I'm back there again tomorrow to make sure that I don't start to overstimulate .... the doctor told me today its a fine balance now between giving the follicles enough "food" to keep going but without getting more developing - he actually referred to it like Miracle Grow for plants .... and my thought was "did you seriously just relate my ovaries to plants!?!?!"

Hang in there August!!!!!!
Anyone else looking forward to having sex just for fun??

ME ME ME!!!!! I cannot think of the last time we had sex just because we wanted to without the agenda of getting pregnant!!!!

Hubby and I actually had that conversation last night that regardless of what happens this month with the IUI we need to get back to a place where we enjoy each other again and its not just for a purpose!

DITTO!!!! With AF gone, I plan on jumping DH all weekend! We are a couple not a bunch of bunnies going at it for the sake of more bunnies.

well I am proud of myself today!! :happydance::happydance: Did my first injection of Puregon! did not feel a thing!! 42 IU in my abdomen....the only thing that worried me was a huge drop of blood when I removed the pen...anyone take Puregon and have that occur? My CD3 went well and apparentely on one of my ovaries I have a 10 mm follie....can it really be a follie or is it a cyst?? doc said it was a follie but this early????

going back on CD8

so sorry Titi for your BFN.....it is never easy :hugs::hugs:

good luck PCOS! xxxxxxxxxx :dust:

YAY YAY YAY for you doing the injections yourself!!!! Told you that they are a piece of cake :) Now grow follicles grow!!!!!! :happydance:

And like the others on here have said a little bit of blood is normal. I have had it a few times myself and the first time I saw it I was a bit panicked but now I just know its normal!
Oh no, August! I'm sorry this happened! :hugs:

I hope something pops up by Monday. Keep drinking that water. Have they talked to you about what they'll do if you need something in addition to the Clomid? I can't believe you're in the same spot as last month -- they should have figured things out since then and had a better plan to get you ovulating. Sorry. :(
Springy ~ I'm so happy that your scan went better today :happydance:

On Monday when I go in for my next check. I will be asking about going on injectables the next cycle if this one fails. I was going to ask today, I had so many questions but I was so upset at the ultrasound news that I completely shut down.

I read that I should shug alot of water, that water helps the eggis to grow so I'm going to try to drink as much as I can over the next three days.

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