IUI/IVF Aug/Sept/Oct/November

crc-:cry: I'm so sorry.....ugh that sucks so bad-such a good thing you can at least leave work. I find copious amounts of wine ARE truly best for AF day : ( :hugs:
great to hear you are feeling good today, thats great! yes, eating well has got to be good as i usually feel great if i stick to a good diet for a few days. I'll be feeling a bit sluggish later as we're having pizza as a treat for having to have my legs open today!! back on a good diet tomorrow.

Oooh i didnt test out last IUI, i dont think im going to this time either, i have to pay for the IUI will have to pay for the IVF next cycle if we go that far so have to save all my money for that now. We have private health care in UK but it doesnt cover fertility treatment which is crap.

Hi CRC, i have short cycles like you, last IUI, i started spotting 7 days after IUI and then AF came on day 10, you still have another day to go and I've read SOOOO many posts from ladies who had no symptoms at all on the cycle they got their BFP, so FX for you!!

weird I thought that there were so many rounds of IVF, etc. that were free to you in UK...... it is crazy expensive. We have DOLLAR STORES here and they've become my best friend for hpts. They are a $1.00 here. In the drug stores they are $15-$25+, so I bought a whole bunch of cheapies. I hope I don't get what I pay for !

mmmmmmmm pizza. I'm wanting to eat really good for the 2ww too but it's really hard. I love food so much and have been eating crazy healthy last 2 weeks trying to get nice eggies, etc. that I'm dying by now.
Sorry AF arrived, CRC! :hugs:

I had my 3rd IUI this morning, so we'll probably BD tonight just to cover our bases and then I'll be in the 2WW. Yay!
So sorry CRC! never fun to have the witch arrive early especially after IUI. My thoughts are with you :) Sorry I don't think I replied to your last post, in comparison to the IUI drugs (clomid for 3 rounds, then repronex for 1 round) the IVF drugs definatley take it out of you more. I have been much more tired and achey on them than I ever was with IUI. That being said it it very bearable and if it meant a baby I would do it all over tomorrow :) Thanks for all the good luck wishes, can't wait for Sunday!
Little bird, CP, and Titi, hope your TWWs go by quickly and painlessley :) I have everything crossed for you ladies. Sorry if I missed anyone else who has had IUI recently, my brain is mushy too!
Sorry about AF CRC:( hope you get the BFP next cycle

We just got my DH sperm results back with the same answer- no spermies... At all... Not one :(

I figured the results would be the same even with the changes he has had to diet, etc, but there was still that small, tiny hope there would have been a mistake and he would have millions. No such luck though, so we're moving forward with a donor in a few weeks. We'll still do IUI on the 17th as planned
Man, that's rough Angie! :hugs:

I tested this morning to see if trigger was still in my system and it was stark white... I'm 8dpiui. Probably will start testing on Sunday, 10dpiui, though I'm well aware that's very early. I have just found I HAVE to do it for my own sanity.
Good luck LittleBird! What were your "stats" today at your apt? and did you do a 24 36 of 40 hour post trigger?

I made DH BD me the same night of our IUI and again the next morning. We skipped yesterday and now I feel ov pains again (wtf???) and wondering if we should have kept going or if there is no way you ovulate later than 40 hours after trigger?

angieloo-I'm sorry about those results.....that is super rough. Is IVF any option at all to you? I did hear about a couple (another BNB girl saw them on "A Baby Story" where the husband had similar SA results but they were able to do a biopsy and recover like 6 sperm. They did IVF with those results and actually got pg!!!!! I know those are super crazy odds though-again, I'm sorry.

SG-glad I have an early testing buddy. I don't think it's too early. I'm going to start testing pretty continously or maybe ever other day after trigger is gone. If its - then I can major depression away by telling myself it's too early while mentally preparing myself that it probably didn't take.
Man, that's rough Angie! :hugs:

I tested this morning to see if trigger was still in my system and it was stark white... I'm 8dpiui. Probably will start testing on Sunday, 10dpiui, though I'm well aware that's very early. I have just found I HAVE to do it for my own sanity.

Good luck Squirrel! FX this is your month :thumbup:
Sorry for your bad news Angie, hope your IUI works out though :)
Thank you everyone for the kind words and sympathy. I did in fact go out and drink quite a lot and eat a huge pizza last night. My husband and I laughed which we haven’t done in a long time! I’m going out again tonight with the girls so a really good weekend. Today I’m going to Body Pump which I’ve really missed the last few weeks. We talked about the treatment last night and next steps and surprisingly my husband said we should go straight into it with another round, but make it our last round this year. If it hasn’t worked we are going to book up skiing for Christmas and then hopefully start IVF in January. I guess this seems like a good plan. I’m not sure I’m ready to go right into another round but knowing there is a good holiday if it doesn’t work I suppose is worth it. I guess if he is prepared to put up with my raging mood swings then I can do it....

Mrs C P – re the bathroom, that did make me laugh because I’m always the same when I get back from IUI. Last time I lay on the couch for ages trying to hold it in until I told myself I was probably doing more damage straining to hold it in! I have the Zita West book and she clearly says they can’t fall out – so I think we are fine! Good luck for the 2WW.

Little Bird – good luck. We never BD after – perhaps that’s where we are going wrong. To be honest that is the last thing I feel like doing that night. I’m sure it can only help though!

Harvest – thanks for the advice comparison if IUI meds and IVF meds – it’s good to know, from what I understood I thought it was be horrendously worse but as you say if the outcome is more positive then it’s worth it but you make me feel better about the symptoms as they don’t sound so bad. Good luck tomorrow!

Angieloo – has your husband dried fertilaid or any of the herbal/vitamins (sorry if you’ve already said he has)? Good luck anyway!

Titi – re the cramps, they are probably more symptoms of the meds – I feel like I’ve had constant cramps for months, literally – if it’s not the puregon injections and pre ovulation then it’s the trigger or pains after the IUI. Try not to worry (my favourite words!) and relax for the rest of the 2WW. I definitely wouldn’t BD anymore now.

Positive vibes and a lovely weekend to everyone! Enjoy some cake or nice treats!
By the way has anyone tried Chinese Herbs? I have read lots about how much they can help and just wondered if anyone has tried them or heard anything about them and if they are worth it/safe etc. Thanks!
CRC- I'm so glad you had a good date and have a nice weekend lined up. I really understand not wanting to jump into another round (I'm dreading having to do this again and probably one of the big reasons it took me so long to get started in first place) but I think your plan of doing one more, than an amazing holiday, then back is perfect!!!!!! Holidays really help during this....not only does it give you something to focus on and look forward to during the treatment, it is a great "booby prize" if it doesn't work and at least get to enjoy some life aside from ttc.

I am trying to get hubs to book a one night getaway for this month if our IUI doesn't work. I'm down to drinking only during the first day or so of AF and also have stopped doing exercise (besides from walking/yoga) during the 2ww.

I have never tried Chinese Drugs-tried just about everything else under the sun, except.

Thanks for clearing up my "ov" pains! : )
Yeah, Titi, I was going to say last night and then promptly mushy-brained forgot.... I get lots of little weird cramps and feelings too, that would normally make me wonder what the heck is going on, but it must be the drugs.

Eh, and now we're on to a new page and I'm too lazy to go back and see the user name of who asked about the Chinese herbs (sorry for being so lazy, but I blame the hormones! :haha:) I have not taken chinese herbs. But I do go to acupuncture. I think some doctors are ok with it, and others probably aren't so progressive. You could ask your doctor what he thinks, and then see an acupucturist/herbalist and get some recommendations from them?

My acupuncturist wanted to start me on herbs but I wasn't quite ready for that, so he told me to eat a lot of shrimp. I've had shrimp 6 times this week alone! :haha:
Hello ladies! I hope everyone is having a great weekend so far. My AF showed up today with the worst cramps I've ever had, but I've read that it's pretty common after having a laproscopy. At least now I can schedule my cd12 appointment, although since my cycle is normally 29 days I'm kind of tempted to make the appt for cd13. Anyone have any thoughts about that?
What are they doing at that appointment? I've only had CD3 and 7DPO appointments for ones that had to be a specific time...
My RE schedules CD10 appts (for ultrasound to check follie size) ... then we normally do one more depending on what CD10 shows ;)
Semen Collection for IUI.. HELP! (lubricant, special condom?)

My husband and I have been ttc for 18 months. For 6 months we used clomid and timed intercourse. We also did three months of IUI. My nurse told me that it was okay to collect his semen sample from interrupted intercourse (i.e. unprotected sex, pulling out into cup).

I'm now going to a new office and they say that the sample must be collected via masturbation with no lubricant. This is just not going to happen for my husband.

I looked online and found that Preseed personal lubricant is "fertility friendly, safe for use while ttc" as it does not harm the sperm. Has anyone ever used this or heard of it?

I have also heard of a special condom for collecting the sample. Has anyone used this special condom? If so, is it comfortable? Has anyone used it in combination with the preseed?

Why can't we just collect the sample from intercourse with no protection? Can my cm cause harm to his sperm?

Good luck LittleBird! What were your "stats" today at your apt? and did you do a 24 36 of 40 hour post trigger?

Well, DH had 10.5 million sperm, that's basically the only stat I ever remember to get. :) He had 6 million for IUI #1, and 12 million for IUI #2, and we really slacked off on the vitamins this time around, so I'm pretty happy with the results.

The trigger was 36-37 hours before the IUI this time. It was about 24 hours for IUI #1 and 22 hours for IUI #2, so this schedule was a little different, and I'm hoping that it gives us a better chance.
I made DH BD me the same night of our IUI and again the next morning. We skipped yesterday and now I feel ov pains again (wtf???) and wondering if we should have kept going or if there is no way you ovulate later than 40 hours after trigger?

I really doubt you'd ovulate later than that. Plus, if you BD after the IUI, that sperm is going to live longer than the washed sperm. So even if you ovulate a little later, hopefully there are spermies hanging out in the right place.
Little Bird – good luck. We never BD after – perhaps that’s where we are going wrong. To be honest that is the last thing I feel like doing that night. I’m sure it can only help though!

You know, I didn't BD after my first IUI, it seemed like my FS didn't think it would really make a difference and I definitely felt like crap. Plus, they talk about the risk of infection after the IUI and that was enough to turn me off to ANYTHING being up there for at least a few days! :haha:

But after talking with some of my BnB buddies, it seems like other doctors encourage/recommend BD the night after the IUI. If it increases the chances, why not? With IUI #2, DH and I got into a little argument the night of, so we didn't BD until the next morning. But this time, he was more cooperative.

I was joking around with him, trying to see if he's up for DTD again tonight. He said, "I thought I was done!" I told him, we may be done TTC for this cycle, but that doesn't mean I don't want to be with him. Unfortunately, he said he's retired until next cycle. We'll see about that! :winkwink:

It's definitely more fun when you're not aiming for TTC and you can just relax!
Semen Collection for IUI.. HELP! (lubricant, special condom?)

My husband and I have been ttc for 18 months. For 6 months we used clomid and timed intercourse. We also did three months of IUI. My nurse told me that it was okay to collect his semen sample from interrupted intercourse (i.e. unprotected sex, pulling out into cup).

I'm now going to a new office and they say that the sample must be collected via masturbation with no lubricant. This is just not going to happen for my husband.

I looked online and found that Preseed personal lubricant is "fertility friendly, safe for use while ttc" as it does not harm the sperm. Has anyone ever used this or heard of it?

I have also heard of a special condom for collecting the sample. Has anyone used this special condom? If so, is it comfortable? Has anyone used it in combination with the preseed?

Why can't we just collect the sample from intercourse with no protection? Can my cm cause harm to his sperm?


Hi and welcome!

For us it was really our first choice to have our samples done by IC so we asked this and were told that for the Semen analysis we could but only with a special condom (and NO lubricant!) and for the IUI sample it must be collected via masturbation with no lubricant..

Even sperm friendly lubricants can throw off the tests they do and contaminate the sample for the SA, same with anything coming from the vagina. For the IUI-they need something very very pure as to not only collect the best sperm but it IUI is actually very different then regular sex via the canal and it's very dangerous for them to introduce ANYTHING besides pure washed sperm directly into your uterus.

We used the condom for the SA. It was a nightmare. It is a special condom they give you-it looks normal but there is absolutely NO type of lube so unrolling it AND putting it on was practically impossible and took about 15 super long minutes. Then it BROKE when DTD :doh:........so he ended up having to do it himself anyways.

Do you mind if I ask why this is a problem for DH? Is it a religious thing or embarrassment or what? I only ask so can help offer some suggestions. If he is super embarrassed then if you are close enough it's usually okay to get the sample at home-as long as it's within an hour-we just don't like to do this b/c we want it as fresh as possible.

The room they have there has some magazines and diry videos I guess to help the guys if that could be his cup of tea. I know this is standard for a lot of the couples and not judgemental but DH and I did NOT want to conceive our baby to porn and we were allowed to go into the room together. TMI alert but I just wore a normal skirt and shirt with something naughty underneath and let dh look at me and I sort of bent over and let him kinda do his thing behind me and let him touch me and it REALLY helped him. Made it more of a couple thing to. Also have some religious solutions too, if you need. It is the worst part of the whole IUI I think.....but we tried to make it halfway like normal babymaking. Sorry for oversharing just hope it helps you.

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