IUI starting September! Anyone with me...

thanx all for ur warm welcome...i m so happy i m on the right forum..:thumbup:
..Blondemop, weewendyg and Flake-y sorry about the negatives, Bluebeech
sorry about ur cycle too.:hugs:...fingers crossed for next time.

i m using 75 ml fostimon injections on cd4,5,6,8,10 and 12...today is
cd 12..yesterday my scan showed 2 follicels on my right ovary only..i m due for another scan on cd14...any one with me using fostimon+iui this month?

good luck!
any one with me using fostimon+iui this month?
Don't know what I'll be injecting, I'll find out on Tuesday.
Don't know if I'll be doing IUI either, since I forgot to ask about it in the midst of getting the 'no ov' news...

Good luck on your scan Monday!:happydance:
Megg, I can't believe af has still not arrived!

Mine came at lunchtime today, but it's already pretty much gone, & was really really light which is VERY unusual for me, I'm normally pretty heavy so I'm a bit worried!

Will speak to clinic on Monday though.
Already gone doesn't sound like much of an AF, hun. Definitely ask them.

Yeah, definitely not here and no sign either!
Could those of you who had unusual AFs have had some sort of chemical?:hugs:

@January81, my DH works abroad, and can't take time off for fertility treatments:blush: while my work is more flexible, so I'm over in Singapore for this.

Have to come back to the UK in Nov though.
Will meet DH again late Dec:sleep:
No chemical for me. My HCG was less than 1... That's just not possible with a chemical. Its not even an actual period... just a couple of incidents of pink on my tissue after going to the loo! No blood at all... just pink CM.
So sorry for no AF Megg, hopefully they give you more news soon? Are you all set up to start IVF now? Husband and I decided to take a few months of natural trying only, we've just gotten so darn upset with all the doctors and costs that we're just done with all that for a while. We already owe over 2k and that's just from 2 months of trying IUI and it didn't work! I'm starting to wonder if it didn't work because IUI just stressed me out WAY too much! I hope things start looking up for all of us!
So sorry for no AF Megg, hopefully they give you more news soon? Are you all set up to start IVF now? Husband and I decided to take a few months of natural trying only, we've just gotten so darn upset with all the doctors and costs that we're just done with all that for a while. We already owe over 2k and that's just from 2 months of trying IUI and it didn't work! I'm starting to wonder if it didn't work because IUI just stressed me out WAY too much! I hope things start looking up for all of us!

I should know more Monday... about a day plus a bit left. I'll test Monday morning, and when its BFN, I'll go a scrip for Provera and start taking those. I'm set up for the Nov 1 cycle for IVF. I just need to get to CD1, start birth control, and then follow the written protocol that I'll receive when I go in to get my birth control. I'm ready to have papers to read through or something.

They do say that stressing is one way to surely lower chances with IVF... Seems like it would hold true with IUI too. Could have had something to do with my failure... I've definitely thought of that! I'm going to learn to meditate and do my best to stress less for giving myself the highest possible chance on IVF #1! I'm excited but nervous!

I hope you guys get it naturally and never have to go through this awful crap again! :hugs:
They do say that stressing is one way to surely lower chances with IVF... Seems like it would hold true with IUI too. Could have had something to do with my failure... I've definitely thought of that! I'm going to learn to meditate and do my best to stress less for giving myself the highest possible chance on IVF #1! I'm excited but nervous!

Don't let it worry you too much Megg, I would say that if you're under a huge, huge amount of stress it might affect ttc in general (ie when I'm stressed I don't ov), but I wouldn't worry about stress seriously affecting a cycle. Don't worry about worrying!!! lol

I was thinking yesterday, IUI really isn't any better than a normal :sex: cycle!
The sperm has to reach the egg (which is prob a bit easier in IUI), it has to break through the shell of the egg, fertilise it properly, the fertilised egg has to divide properly, then it has to implant properly. Therre are so many reasons for it not to work it's no wonder the odds are rubbish.

IVF is sooo much more likely to work. I'll still give IUI another 2 goes though, just cause of the cost issue. Kind of want to just do IVF though!!!
They do say that stressing is one way to surely lower chances with IVF... Seems like it would hold true with IUI too. Could have had something to do with my failure... I've definitely thought of that! I'm going to learn to meditate and do my best to stress less for giving myself the highest possible chance on IVF #1! I'm excited but nervous!

Don't let it worry you too much Megg, I would say that if you're under a huge, huge amount of stress it might affect ttc in general (ie when I'm stressed I don't ov), but I wouldn't worry about stress seriously affecting a cycle. Don't worry about worrying!!! lol

I was thinking yesterday, IUI really isn't any better than a normal :sex: cycle!
The sperm has to reach the egg (which is prob a bit easier in IUI), it has to break through the shell of the egg, fertilise it properly, the fertilised egg has to divide properly, then it has to implant properly. Therre are so many reasons for it not to work it's no wonder the odds are rubbish.

IVF is sooo much more likely to work. I'll still give IUI another 2 goes though, just cause of the cost issue. Kind of want to just do IVF though!!!

I know! I'm just still a bit flustered because I had this gut feeling that the IUI was going to be it for us. I NEVER have good feelings like that! So, it was SO awful to hear that my beta was <1! When I think about it logically, it really isn't much better though! :( I just had it built up in my mind as being so much better than it was. The IVF is a good option. I mean, Chance of conceiving within 3 cycles is ~85+%. That's remarkable! And, as Leilani pointed out in my journal, us IUI girls get a leg up on our first IVF cycle because we've already had the meds. So, the docs already know how we respond to the drugs and can go from there. Most IVF girls end up with the first cycle being more trial and error... but we already went through that experimentation with IUI and are prepared. So, we get a higher chance for 1st cycle success with IVF.
True. If you think about it, with IVF, they get say, 10 eggs? And they don't all fertilise, and out of the ones that fertilise, maybe not all of them go on to blasto stage, so you get prob 1 blasto put back in, then a couple of frosties; so out of 10 eggs, maybe 3 or 4 have a chance of becoming babies. So that's less than half of the eggs turning into a baby...so...

...with IUI, you have one egg, what chance does the poor thing have? I want IVF!!!! Damn damn damn!!!!!

Oh it's so difficult, do we give IUI 2 more goes, or straight to IVF? Any advice girls?

IUI is £750, plus the meds, £46, so say £800. IVF is £2990 plus meds, think they were about £600 for me. There's quite a cost difference.

3.000 for ivf isnt as bad as i thought, i thought it wud be 5000 plus x
We're doing IUI #3 on Friday. I usually get 3 eggs so we'll see on Thursday how many I actually have.
We're doing IUI #3 on Friday. I usually get 3 eggs so we'll see on Thursday how many I actually have.

Good luck!!!:thumbup:

Yeah, costs are not bad, but still much dearer than IUI. I guess we'll have another go at IUI anyway, & see how we get on, & we can decide from there. It might work, you never know!!!
flakey i read ur while journal the other day and found myself in tears at point,, u deserve a bfp,, as does vry1 but i am relly rootiung for u x

Converting to IVF wasn't given to me as an option even though it was mentioned to us when we we told we were having IUI. I guess because it's our first cycle and we managed to produce the follies they want to carry on donw the IUI route ???

No sign yet of my AF or whatever's going happen by continuing with the suprecur. I do know that I've got a very bruised stomach though !
Ok....so today is 14dpIUI. Yesterday I decided to give up and had a few glasses of wine at my brother's place over dinner..

Now...this a.m. - I thought what the heck...I'll take another test with an internet cheapie I have laying around....I SWEAR TO GOD THERE IS A LINE! It is about as faint as it could possibly be and I keep wondering if I was just seeing things!!!!???? It's been hours now and each time I go back to look, it looks fainter than it did earlier.

AM I LOSING MY MIND? I'm thinking about going out and grabbing a digital to try tomorrow morning....but I'll just be wasting money right?

After everything MEGG went thru, I just can't believe it at this point. I really think I "thought" I was seeing more than I was this morning! UGH!

Does anyone know which HPT picks up at the lowest HCG level?

Get a digital! Or at least a frer. How exciting!

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