IUI starting September! Anyone with me...


I'm keeping my fingers and toes all crossed for all of you!!!!

Keep us posted.

I had my CD9 u/s this morning and RE was "not impressed" with response to meds this month. There are a few "small" follicles, and only one that appears to be "growing". I am waiting for the call from his office with Estradiol results to see if we even get to continue :-(

Wish me luck!

Oh weewen, that's not the best news, I'm so sorry! But there is still time for them to kick it into gear! I had 2 eggies this month, and one went from 16x14 to 17x15 in 5 days, and they are supposed to grow 1-2mm every day! So that wasn't normal, but !0 days later it was 23x23! So sometimes they just play games with us. Can they alter any meds to make them speed up a bit? Keep us updated, but don't lose hope yet! FX'd for you!
Scomar, how are things feeling for you? Any "aha" signs going on? Fx'd for you too!
Megg, everyone calls me Dezi! My husband wants me in the room too! This place has like a sofa/bed thing and they have fresh sheets there, and a t.v. with adult movies (which happen to be so hilarious that we usually die laughing at them!) and dimming lights. So it's a little weird, but we've been in the same room every time so it's weird how comfy you can get after a while. This was our 3rd time there doing "the deed". GREAT numbers tho!! I have a really strong feeling this could be your month!!! I'm definitely not psychic but I think there's no many things going right for you this month! Then we just need to get the little beaner to stick and keep the momentum going forward! Mine wasn't comfortable either, both the one Sat and Sunday. I was crampy for about an hour, but husband and I wanted to go to the fair, so we drove an hour to the fair and walked around and I felt much better walking. I only had one "stop and ow" pain that lasted for about 20 seconds. I asked my husband if it was weird that I already just assume I'm pregnant and he said no, he'd rather I did assume that actually. He thinks it's safer if I do, because he feels I will eat better and be more protective. I have an issue with no eating breakfast or lunch, and only eating dinner. I can't get the momentum up to cook for myself, because it's just ME! So he said he wants me eating breakfast and lunch now. Oh the silly bits of men! So glad yours went well Meg, those numbers are fantastic!!!! Did they give you your forward progression score? It's usually 1-4. We had a 4, so they were happy with that. I guess it means THEY CAN SWIM! lol =)

No "Forward Progression" score! :shrug: I guess it was good, he seemed very happy! :) I'm also just assuming I'm pregnant... even now before they could have even met and fertilized! That's how we plan to proceed! LOL

I hope we both get the news we want ASAP! I have a good feeling for you too!!! :hugs:


I'm keeping my fingers and toes all crossed for all of you!!!!

Keep us posted.

I had my CD9 u/s this morning and RE was "not impressed" with response to meds this month. There are a few "small" follicles, and only one that appears to be "growing". I am waiting for the call from his office with Estradiol results to see if we even get to continue :-(

Wish me luck!


Thank you! :hugs:

I'm sorry, honey! Did they not give you more specific info? :(
It was over when you wrote that! :)

Its done! 11.5million perfect swimmers chasing up to 6 eggs! It wasn't comfortable, and I'm crampy. But nothing unusual! *hugs* I love you all dearly! Thank you SO much for supporting me in this! xxx

THATS FABULOUS !!! well done to both of you !! esp DH for that amazing sample!! ahhhhhhhh let the 2WW begin !! x
Scomar, how are things feeling for you? Any "aha" signs going on? Fx'd for you too!

Hi love, am good thanks. Am now 5DPIUI and literally feel nothing !! i just dont know what to think ! i want to think positive but i always feel like i jinx it if i do !!!
considering my history of spotting i reckon i will know by Thursday if witch is coming. i ALWAYS spot 7-9 days before she arrives.
I had a dream last night that i spotted and was SO pleased when i woke up and realised i was still in the game !!
It was over when you wrote that! :)

Its done! 11.5million perfect swimmers chasing up to 6 eggs! It wasn't comfortable, and I'm crampy. But nothing unusual! *hugs* I love you all dearly! Thank you SO much for supporting me in this! xxx

THATS FABULOUS !!! well done to both of you !! esp DH for that amazing sample!! ahhhhhhhh let the 2WW begin !! x

Thank you! I know very little about all of this, so I didn't even know if that was a good sample. But the doc seems ecstatic... So, I'm happy! LOL
i really hope we all get our BFPs this month and can be bump buddies !!!
ooooooooooooooohhh am wanting it so badly this month !! really cant be arsed to start IVF - its going to be a total mare and really expensive !
i really hope we all get our BFPs this month and can be bump buddies !!!
ooooooooooooooohhh am wanting it so badly this month !! really cant be arsed to start IVF - its going to be a total mare and really expensive !

Yeah... I'd like to avoid IVF if possible! We'll just get BFP's in a couple of weeks and call it done! :)
Hi All...

just got the call from the RE's office. My Estradiol level has raised tremendously to 592 and follies measure 12mm, 6mm, and 6.7mm at CD9. So, not giving up yet! They stated Estrogen levels rising and largest follie on the move so they want me back in tomorrow morning for another u/s and labs! Hopefully it will continue growing today and will show some growth tomorrow.

Last month I got off to a slow start as well, but ended up with 4 good sized follies for IUI (unfortunately none fertilised).

It only takes one right???? Maybe that little 12mm follie will be it!! I can pray!

Thanks everyone!

Wow Wendy, that's FANTASTIC! I had a feeling you shouldn't give up. I kinda gave up a bit when they said I had only gone from 16mm to 17mm in 5 days, and I knew I had to be at 20+. I was kinda thinking that I wasn't getting either fully developed follies, or over developed follies. I'm still wondering if they were maybe over-developed because if they are 23x23 on day 13, and I never ovulated until day 16+, maybe the eggies had started to cave in on themselves. So I'm hoping the trigger might have kicked them out at the right time! So take a good deep breath and relax, they have their own minds I swear, and it will work out =)
Okay so from being mega upbeat at the start of the week my hormones have started feeling quite pre menstrual and i am finding myself REALLY moody. I was really nasty to DH last night for no reason really as I just had this odd feeling of frustration inside.
I have a strong feeling that the witch is slowly creeping up on me – am pretty in tune with my body and am feeling all the usual lead up signs. Just this feeling in my womb that is all too familiar.
I am feeling down about it all. I really don’t want to move to the next step and IVF I don’t think i’ll cope with that very well ! and am hating myself for feeling sorry for myself !!
This is all so hard !
It is hard, honey! But, you're still 8 days out before you should be testing. Maybe you shouldn't count yourself out so soon? :hugs:
I know, i feel really negative. I cant stand this waiting !! wish i was upbeat and carefree as a i was a few days ago !! just want to know now so i can move on to the next cycle or not...........

why do we all put ourselves through this ladies ?!?!?!

do you think the guys have it easier ?!?!
I know guys have it easier... I don't know why we put ourselves through it though! You're PUPO (pregnant until proven otherwise)... Just enjoy it! :)
Hey, ladies! So, I start injectables on Wednesday. Gonal F and Repronex. Anyone else doing the same? If so, any tips on the injections?
The injections are no biggie! Don't stress over them! I think Gonal F and Follistim are the same thing... and I used Follistim. Is it a pen injector thingy? Its nothing!!! Worry not! Hell, if you get too worried, I could come instruct. I'm only 2 hours away! :rofl:
Hey ladies;

Scomar, don't give up yet!!! Remember, pg symptoms are so similar to af symptoms, you're nowhere near out the game yet. PUPO!!!!!

So I had my US scan on Monday, have lots of 9mm follies on one side, and 2 12mm on the other, lining is 5.1mm and I've to go back on Thursday. She said it was progressing well but don't really know what to think, I should have asked more questions really!!!
Thats awsome !! lots of follies = bigger chance of BFP !!
your right i shouldnt be so negative - i need to do positive afirmations and all that ! picture the bean............

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