IUI starting September! Anyone with me...

The injections are no biggie! Don't stress over them! I think Gonal F and Follistim are the same thing... and I used Follistim. Is it a pen injector thingy? Its nothing!!! Worry not! Hell, if you get too worried, I could come instruct. I'm only 2 hours away! :rofl:

Megg...LOL! I am mostly worried about this crazy intramuscular injection that DH has to give. YIKES!! That needle is loooong. Lovely weather here this week in IL :)

That's the one I posted the video of me getting! LOL


There it is! Not so bad, I promise!

Weather is lovely!

Hi all....

Scomar - I was on 200mg Suppositories 3x daily with last cycle and was told that AF would not come until i stopped those. I stopped and period came 2 days later.

Megg - still crossing just about everything for you! Hopefully implantation bleeding - the timing is right!

Update on me - I had my scan again this morning. One dominant follie on Monday was 12mm, Tuesday 14.7mm and today 16mm! It's growing. RE says maybe 2 more days on meds and then trigger! So hopefully IUI on Friday or Saturday!!!

Can I ask how big your RE wants the follies before triggering? Mine says 18-20mm, but that seems low compared to a lot of others?????



Mine said 18-20mm. Of course, we didn't look at mine after they were 13-14mm, because he said 2 more days of meds would be enough.

Implantation bleeding? Who? What are we talking about? I haven't had any bleeding. LOL

OKAY - dont laugh Meggs but i just went to the loo at work to check on my nips - they hurt a wee bit when i gave them a pinch !!!!!!!!!
eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek i hope this is a good sign !!!

Oh! YAY! :yipee: I think its a good sign! :)

AFM... I'm back to worried I haven't ovulated. He said I wouldn't have a choice, but my chart says differently. Unless I take out the first few temps in the beginning, and then it looks totally different. What do I do? I'm so scared that suddenly it didn't happen and my PMA is for NOTHING!
Sorry I have been away, everyone sounds to be progressing beautifully! I wouldn't worry about any cramping yet, those can always go both ways. I think this will be the month! I finally got a job interview tomorrow. I'm rediculously overqualified for this position, but you have to take what you can get. The downside, it's daycare, I'm going to be taking care of babies all day long, 6 weeks to 5 years. I figure if it's going to take forever to have ours, then I will be able to spend time with someone elses! Crazy thinking I know. No changes in the 2ww. No pain anywhere, no extra having to goto the bathroom, eating a bit more but that might be from the stress of finding a job. I'll update if I have anything else. Fx'd for EVERYONE!!!
OMG, Megg, I needed that video..I am laughing so hard at the look of that cat/dog creature that is staring at you while you do this...
OMG, Megg, I needed that video..I am laughing so hard at the look of that cat/dog creature that is staring at you while you do this...

Aww! That's Shadow... He's a kitty, and my friend (his owner) gave him a full body mohawk! They both have mohawks now... its cute! :)
Lol I love the video, at the end she says "that's not good" lmao! Megg... adorable! I think it is fantastic the guys were so helpful!!! You definitely should give them a hug from all of us, they were so cute!
Hi all....

Update on me - I had my scan again this morning. One dominant follie on Monday was 12mm, Tuesday 14.7mm and today 16mm! It's growing. RE says maybe 2 more days on meds and then trigger! So hopefully IUI on Friday or Saturday!!!

Can I ask how big your RE wants the follies before triggering? Mine says 18-20mm, but that seems low compared to a lot of others?????



Ooh I will prob be having my IUI Fri or Sat too!!!!! My clinic says 17-23mm for mature follies; I had 2 at 12mm on Monday, same as you, I'm going back tomorrow morning to find out if they've got bigger so fxed!!!!!
Thanks! :) I love to watch it actually... It always makes me laugh at myself! I'll definitely give them both hugs from you all! :thumbup:
Megg that video was just BRILLIANT!! How brave of you to film it! I'm starting IUI next cycle and it really helped to watch it and see just what i had coming up! So helpful!!
I hope so too scomar!!!!! Just don't pinch them too much or they will hurt no matter what! LOL!!!!
Megg....LOL...I'm so sorry....i guess I was in a rush when I typed about the "implantation bleeding" - I actually meant "implantation cramping" and wasn't meant for you!!! I apologize!!!!!

FLAKE-Y - How exciting!!!! We may actually "go" the same day! My RE does 'daily' scans after reaching about 12mm to watch growth. I'm a little depressed, RE doesn't have much hope because only 1 follie (had 3-4 last month)....he said today "if this one does not work out, will try adding DHEA prior to injectibles next month". Ah well - it only takes one right??? Hopefully this is the one!


Aww! Thanks, Millie! I"m really glad I did film it! It makes me smile to watch it... but it makes me smile even more to know that its helping people! :hugs:

No problem, Wendy! I was just really confused! LOL I'd love some implantation cramps.. but not at 2dpiui!
Hello Ladies can I join you. I should have my iui next week. I just had my trigger shot delivered. The video is a big help. I told dh he has to give me the shot but he is nervous. I will have him watch the video. I think it will ease his mind.

I was given femara starting cd 3-7 and I was told to return on cd 13 to check my follicles. Then if all is well I will trigger. I am a little nervous. Right now I am on cd 4
Aww! It wasn't so bad! I promise! You can tell when the stabs the needle in and my reaction that it couldn't have been awful. I'm terrified of needles! LOL

Good luck, sweetie! :hugs:
scomar - I had my second failed IUI in August and start injectables for the next one at the end of this month. I am being treated on the NHS but I am really not sure about the clinic. They are only open Monday to Friday, I get scanned on a Monday (cd10) and I have to have the IUI by the Friday no matter what size my follies are (unless they are way too small where the cycle gets abandoned). I only get one scan so have no clue what my follies are doing after cd10. If I were paying for that I really wouldn't be too happy! Your symptoms are sounding good, beware though the progesterone can mimic lots of pg symptoms!

Megg - I am not sure on an injectable cycle if your temps would show ov as I am not sure if you get an LH surge because the meds and trigger do that job for your body iykwim? Are you taking any progesterone? I guess taht could also have an effect? I don't temp though so I'm only making guesses, I could be talking out of my bottom! lol!

Weewendy - can I ask what is DHEA and what do they think it would do for you? Good luck for your cycle!

Good luck everyone starting cycles or in the tww, fingers crossed for you all!
scomar - I had my second failed IUI in August and start injectables for the next one at the end of this month. I am being treated on the NHS but I am really not sure about the clinic. They are only open Monday to Friday, I get scanned on a Monday (cd10) and I have to have the IUI by the Friday no matter what size my follies are (unless they are way too small where the cycle gets abandoned). I only get one scan so have no clue what my follies are doing after cd10. If I were paying for that I really wouldn't be too happy! Your symptoms are sounding good, beware though the progesterone can mimic lots of pg symptoms!

Megg - I am not sure on an injectable cycle if your temps would show ov as I am not sure if you get an LH surge because the meds and trigger do that job for your body iykwim? Are you taking any progesterone? I guess taht could also have an effect? I don't temp though so I'm only making guesses, I could be talking out of my bottom! lol!

Weewendy - can I ask what is DHEA and what do they think it would do for you? Good luck for your cycle!

Good luck everyone starting cycles or in the tww, fingers crossed for you all!

Hell, I only got one scan and I AM paying... but they were 13-14mm... So the 2 extra days of stims really should have been enough to get the them to 19-20mm. It was so close to a weekend that I couldn't get a 2nd scan. The one I had was on Thur, and then IUI got scheduled for Mon! I thought they did fine though! I was sufficiently happy with that!

Thanks for the bit about the chart! :hugs: I think that's pretty unanimous. No one seems to think that the chart should look normal with the drugs and trigger and stuff. I'm not taking progesterone. He doesn't think I'll need it. He thinks a good, strong ovulation will defeat my progesterone issues. I'm trying to trust in his 30 years. Plus, I know someone who had a 2 or 3 one month after ovulation and the next month it was like 50-something. So, the ovulation can make a HUGE difference. Apparently, a good ovulation from a mature follicle will leave a good corpus luteum... and it will produce sufficient levels of progesterone if the egg was good and viable for conception. At least, that's what he said!

I hate that you're not getting more attention! :growlmad:
Hey everyone, scan this morning, & I have one mature follie at 18mm, lining 9.5mm so it's all good to go! I will be watching ur video closely for tips Megg, since I have to do this trigger shot myself this afternoon & I'm very worried about it!!! Help!!!
Megg - it is a really long saga with my clinic tbh and there is so much more than I can type in a post! My numbers were similar to yours in my first cycle, two 14mm follies but I was only given another day before trigger so that I could get the IUI within the clinic's schedule. On my last cycle I had a 14mm and a 15mm and a bunch of smaller ones and I had to trigger the next morning because they were scared of the others catching up! I had odd spotting from 5dpiui and then constant spotting for 5 days before AF despite progesterone support so I am fairly sure I didn't ovulate or that I didn't release anything mature, I don't think there's any way the follies could have been mature enough. The nurse said I could probably do with some extra estrogen but they couldn't do this until after I had seen the FS and that won't be until after my next cycle anyway and I had to request that appointment! I have seen my FS twice in 18months and not since last October. Or maybe I'm just having a grumpy day! Anyway, I am gald that you are not having these issues and hopefully this will be the last cycle that you have to go through any of this!

Flake-y - Grab a good inch of skin and just remember that it will not hurt! It will be hard because it is just not natural to jab yourself and your mind reflexively tells you not to do it! I had so many 'OK I'm gonna do this and then pull away at the last second' moments when I did my first one but honestly once you've done it once, you will not be worried again! Oh and press down afterwards for at least a minute, it really helps stop any bruising coming up. *hugs* Good luck!
Welcome new ladies! I have my job interview this morning so this will be a short post, sorry; ; It looks like everyone is doing awesome! No news here on the 2ww, still going completely normal, no indications either way. I'm 4 days post ovulation, so I'm thinking still too early to tell anything. My husband mentioned last night he thinks all these drugs are completely unnatural and he would rather we go back to trying without them. I guess mentioning he could go on Clomid for his numbers didn't sound so good to him. His answer was "Isn't that the stuff you are on that I'm not even allowed to touch...??" I said "no dear, that's Femara" and he gave me that "WHAT?!?!" look and said "I don't see how any of these drugs are helping!" So I guess he's getting a bit drug weary, which I can't blame him. He's a very low-stress type of guy, so this is all too much for him. Hopefully we all are just pregnant and we are done with all this! Fx'd for everyone!
How bad should i feel...........
just went for a work lunch and had 3 glasses of wine and now feel tipsy !! eeeeeeek
i know i shouldnt have but so convinced i wont get my BFP i thought sod it.
but now i feel a weee bit guilty !
have you guys done that before ?!?!?

PS FLAKEY amd SO excited for you. Reading your jounal you really deserve this !
Hi All......

MarsMaiden - Here is some info on DHEA and older women with pre-ovarian failure. It seems very interesting and my RE highly recommends it to increase chances by up to 25%.

DHEA Beneficial Effects
The investigators at CHR have been using the mild male hormone dehydroepiandrosterone DHEA now for a number of years very successfully in women with diminished ovarian reserve (DOR), whether their ovarian impairment is due to advanced age or premature ovarian aging (POA). In doing so, we have been able to demonstrate that in such women DHEA supplementation has quite remarkable beneficial effects (see Table 1), which all can be summarized as rejuvenating ovarian function.

Table 1: EFFECTS OF DHEA IN WOMEN WITH DOR Increases egg (oocyte) and embryo counts
Improves egg and embryo quality
Increases number of embryos available for embryo transfer
Increases euploid (chromosomally normal) embryos available
Speeds up time to pregnancy in fertility treatment
Increases spontaneously conceived pregnancies
Improves IVF pregnancy rates
Improves cumulative pregnancy rates in patients under treatment
Decreases spontaneous miscarriage rates
likely reduces aneuploidy (chromosomal abnormalities ) in embryos

Table 2: POSITIVE SIDE EFFECTS OF DHEA Improved overall feeling
Physically stronger
Improved sex drive
Mentally sharper
Better memory

During all that time of DHEA use at CHR, we have carefully monitored side effects of the medication and have been impressed by how rarely even the most common side effects, such as oily skin, acne and hair loss, seem to occur.

We, however, have been even more surprised that quite often what we really heard were anything but side effects; indeed, many more patients than complained about side effects, commented to us how much better overall DHEA supplementation makes them feel. Table 2 summarizes some of the specifics.

Now comes a study, reported in the prestigious Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism (Davis et al. 2008; 93:801-8), in which investigators from Australia report that DHEA appears to improve cognitive functions in women. Specifically, they noted that higher endogenous DHEA levels are independently and favorably associated with executive function, concentration and working memory. It seems our patients knew all along what they were talking about!

FLAKE-Y - I also had another scan this morning - 1 mature follie at 18mm, my RE wants me to have one more day of injectibles with Orgalutran (helps follie grow but prevents me from ovulating) and then trigger very early Saturday morning (about 3am) and then IUI Sunday afternoon!!! I can't help but feel a little disappointed with only one follie, as had 4 last time...but it only takes one...right!!?? DON'T WORRY ABOUT THE TRIGGER - if it is anything like mine, the needle is sooooo tiny...u honestly don't even feel it go in!!! And right now, I am doing 4 injections a day of everything combined!

BABYBUMPAGE - I understand completely....my hubby sounds just like yours. He believes that some "miracle" can happen on our own without these medications, but I believe in science and as long as it is causing no harm to myself, then he is okay with it. Hate to have things "pass us by" because we were scared of meds. GOOD LUCK!

"Sorry for the long post all" - but wanted to make sure MarsMaiden saw the DHEA information.


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