IUI starting September! Anyone with me...

Yeah, be positive for def!!! The waiting is hard but not long to go now!!!

Yes, very pleased about the 2 follies, but wondered if my lining was too thin; in all honesty, I was thinking about that anyway, cause af only just finished last thurs/fri, so how could the lining all come back so quick? Maybe it'll be better on Thurs though, I should practice what I preach & be positive!!!!!!
Sorry for not responding for a bit... we have BABIES in the house! Unfortunately, not the babies I was hoping for us, but I'm still a mommy to 9 little Fry Fancy Guppies! They are SOOO tiny! I have to take the mom out of the tank, she would eat them if she could. They are in their own breeder container, and they are slowly swimming and eating, they are SOO cute! Im so thankful tho, she only had 9! She could have had over 100 fries! So now I'm back to baby duty with the fries. They have to eat every 2 hours! Oh, and the husband called. He's getting a free ride on a brand new 767. The perks he gets at work are CRAZY! MEN!
are they fish ???!?!

i have SUCH bad AF pains !!!!!!!!!!! so bloody pissed off, they kicked in after me so called relaxing bath and are now in full flow. Am due one week tomorrow and this is the first sign of AF i normally get.
excuse my language !!!:growlmad::growlmad::growlmad::growlmad::growlmad::growlmad::growlmad::growlmad::growlmad::growlmad::nope::nope::nope::nope::nope::nope::nope::nope::nope::growlmad::growlmad::witch::witch::witch::witch::witch::witch::witch::witch:
It still might not be af!!! Remember, cramps are a sign of early pg too; don't give up hope unless the :witch: turns up!!! And she'd better not...
Hi All.....

Flake-Y - congrats on the 2 follies at 12mm - that's great!!!! Fingers and toes crossed (but not legs! LOL).

Scomar - It sounds very early yet for "witch pains" - are you sure it itsn't implantation cramping? The timing sounds about right. Prior to finding out I was preggo last november, I had horrible cramps and had to keep checking to see if the witch had arrived everytime I headed to the toilet! ... but she never did! It felt so much like pre-menstrual cramps...BUT IT WASN'T!

Babybumpage - how goes the 2WW? how many days post IUI is it now?

Update on me - well in for another scan this morning! Looks as though I am at the "daily scan" period of all of this again! I have one lead follie at 14.7mm! (2.7mm larger in just one day!) There are 2 smaller ones at approx 7mm, not much chance of them catching up, but as my RE said - it only takes one!!!! A little disappointing still, since last month for IUI I had 4 mature follies, and only one this month (on a higher dose of Gonal F!!!) But I'm thinking all the swimmers just got confused last month with so many follies to choose from and couldn't make up their minds - or maybe just wouldn't stop and ask for directions! LOL. This month may just be one dominant - but hopefully it's the only one needed! Much less confusing for the swimmers! My Estrogen is apparently creeping up nicely too!

I have to start the Orgalutran tonight (to stop ovulation but let follie continue to grow) and back in for the next of my "daily scans" to check progress. My RE likes them 18-20mm when triggering - so hopefully in another few days we can trigger!

Good Luck Ladies - and as I said - fingers and toes crossed for you all (but not my legs)...LOL

scomar- yes, they are fishies. SOOO CUTE!

My 2 ww- so far completely uneventful. I have a few mild pains, but nothing unusual. Overall, nothing is going on. No pains anywhere, so I'm going to continue to be happy and PUPO!

Wee, I have my fingers crossed for you! Hopefully it will be the one =)

Scomar- don't worry yet, it's still too early to worry. The ladies are right, it could totally be implantation cramps, and sooo many women think they are about to get AF and find out they are +! Don't worry until you know for sure. Crossing everything for you!
Agreed! The cramps don't mean anything. I mean, implantation is usually 6-12 days after O! You can't be ready for the witch before bubs has hardly even had a chance to attach! C'mon now! :hugs:

AFM... I have pain in both ovaries today... I'm worried I'm just now ovulating... which would SUCK! EEK! We DTD last night, and we will tonight too... but ugh! Maybe 2nd ovulation? I had pains last night too! Hmmm...

Also... for PMA... I'm doing "baby thoughts" in my journal. I've done one each day since CD1. They're AWESOME for PMA! For real!!! I'll post them behind a spoiler tag in case anyone thinks I'm crazy and isn't sure what I mean!

Baby Thought #1: I'm feeling very hopeful today. I already love you so very much, and I can't wait until I finally get to meet you!

Baby Thought #2: Regardless of cost, emotionally, physically, mentally, or financially, I WILL bring you into this world safe and sound!

Baby Thought #3: I can't wait until you can meet your grandparents! They're going to love you so much and spoil you rotten!!!

Baby Thought #4: The shots don't hurt at all, little one! And even if they did hurt, you're going to be SOOOOOO worth it! *cloud9* I'm excited to be doing this just for you!

Baby Thought #5: I want you to know that I believe in you! And, I can't wait to spend the rest of my life believing in you and watching you grow!

Baby Thought #6: We started putting your furniture together tonight, and its proving to be harder than we expected! But, we love you so much already, and you're so incredibly worth it!

Baby Thought #7: I'm very excited to go see my doctor tomorrow. He's going to show me a "sneak preview" of how you're going to start! I wish ever so much I could see you already!

Baby Thought #8: Today was a brilliant day! I think we may get you really soon, and I absolutely cannot wait! You're already my life, my world, my heart!!!

Baby Thought #9: Today is all about us! I was really stressed last night, but I'm taking a day off from stress to give you a fighting chance at a healthy start in a few days!

Baby Thought #10: I can only hope that today was my last Saturday without you! Its was a rough day, but it will all be worth it to hold you in my arms!

Baby Thought #11: If today is my last day without you, it can't pass quickly enough.

Baby Thought #12: I hope more than anything that you're going to be with me from this day forward. But, even if you aren't... I will do whatever it takes and wait as long as I have to for you, and I will love you more each and every day until the one where I can hold you, look into your eyes, and tell you just that!

Baby Thought #13: I feel like I've already lost you twice, but this is the beginning of my time with you on earth! You'll love it here!

I'm going to make a book of them with a pic or two per week of everything that happened from CD1 of the cycle I conceived. And, if it takes more than 1 cycle, then the baby will have a longer book! It doesn't matter! This is my journey, and I want to share it with my baby! :)
So ladies ! thanks for the positive vibes ! i didnt have any bleedin HPTs in the house last night so after holding my pee coulnt test ! am buying some tongiht.

I have the IUI 7 days ago today. still no sore boobies ! but no spotting as yet !!!!!!
Last IUI i spotted from 7DPIUI unitl i got AF. My doc has doubled my progesterone this cycle, so that could account for the lack of spotting - but at least it makes me think that i might actually still be in the game !!

I need to start thinking PUPO
scomar - can I ask what progesterone were you on before and what did they put it up to? I was on cyclogest pessaries 2 x 400g twice a day on my last cycle but still spotted for five days before AF started, am interested to know if I should be on an even higher dose! Did you have a trigger for your IUI? If so, you could be testing a bit early as it would probably still be in your system (unless you are testing to see if its out of your system?!) Good luck, hope this is your cycle!

have jumped in here a bit ladies so will just wave and say Hi to everyone and sprinkle some babydust! Good luck to you all!
scomar - can I ask what progesterone were you on before and what did they put it up to? I was on cyclogest pessaries 2 x 400g twice a day on my last cycle but still spotted for five days before AF started, am interested to know if I should be on an even higher dose! Did you have a trigger for your IUI? If so, you could be testing a bit early as it would probably still be in your system (unless you are testing to see if its out of your system?!) Good luck, hope this is your cycle!

have jumped in here a bit ladies so will just wave and say Hi to everyone and sprinkle some babydust! Good luck to you all!

hi hon, i was on cyloges 400mg one a day, just at night
now am 2x cylogest 400mg per day

hopefully that will stop the spotting !! it sends me so crazy !! the spotting that is - i hate it ! as you dont even get to enjoy the TWW as you know as soon as you spot its probably a failed cycle ! grrrrrrrrrrrrr:growlmad:
just been looking at IVF on NHS - it looks like a total postcosde lottery - check this out
It all depends on which PCT (primary care trust) your doctors is in.
Buckinghamshire PCT gives 1 free IVF cycle

Westminster PCT gives 2 free IVF cycles.

But as to waiting lists i have no idea ?!


check out this article please when you have a mo !

Also remember if you go private for one IVF and it doesnt work then you may not be eligible for IVF on the NHS - as each PCT has different rules !

As a result i may do one IVF on NHS then do rest private if necessary ?! depends on the waiting list. That will be my decider as i dont want to wait more than 3/4 months

The injections are no biggie! Don't stress over them! I think Gonal F and Follistim are the same thing... and I used Follistim. Is it a pen injector thingy? Its nothing!!! Worry not! Hell, if you get too worried, I could come instruct. I'm only 2 hours away! :rofl:

Megg...LOL! I am mostly worried about this crazy intramuscular injection that DH has to give. YIKES!! That needle is loooong. Lovely weather here this week in IL :)
hi hon, i was on cyloges 400mg one a day, just at night
now am 2x cylogest 400mg per day

hopefully that will stop the spotting !! it sends me so crazy !! the spotting that is - i hate it ! as you dont even get to enjoy the TWW as you know as soon as you spot its probably a failed cycle ! grrrrrrrrrrrrr:growlmad:

Ah OK, so your higer dose is what I was on anyway and still spotting through! It is so frustrating! Things can't be doing what they're meant to be doing if we are bleeding that early. Ah well, hopefully the no spotting for you is a good thing this time!

I know exactly what you mean about the postcode lottery and it is so frustrating! My PCT only offers one cycle! One! One paltry little cycle even though all the literature says that it takes an average of 3 goes. I am trying not to think about it too much yet as we would really struggle to pay for a private cycle and I just can't bear the thought of my one and only free go failing! Also, down here in deepest darkest Cornwall, the only private clinic is the NHS clinic!! And I have to be honest, I do not have much faith in them if my treatment for the IUI cycles is anything to go by.
Hun, don’t worry if you cant go private and need NHS, remember lots of the private doctors do NHS shifts so you often end up with the same people ! i think the downside of the NHS, which you will no doubt be aware, is that they are more time pressured, have wait lists etc.
But i think the doctors themselves are probably just as good – so if you ever went down that route you would be fine am sure.
Anyway – its not going to come to that !
Have you just done an IUI ?
Hi all....

Scomar - I was on 200mg Suppositories 3x daily with last cycle and was told that AF would not come until i stopped those. I stopped and period came 2 days later.

Megg - still crossing just about everything for you! Hopefully implantation bleeding - the timing is right!

Update on me - I had my scan again this morning. One dominant follie on Monday was 12mm, Tuesday 14.7mm and today 16mm! It's growing. RE says maybe 2 more days on meds and then trigger! So hopefully IUI on Friday or Saturday!!!

Can I ask how big your RE wants the follies before triggering? Mine says 18-20mm, but that seems low compared to a lot of others?????


Scomar - I was on 200mg Suppositories 3x daily with last cycle and was told that AF would not come until i stopped those. I stopped and period came 2 days later.[/QUOTE said:
yeah my doc said the same
said test at 14DPIUI, if -ve continue taking progestrogene for 2 more days then test again, if still -ve then stop progestrogone and then AF will come

OKAY - dont laugh Meggs but i just went to the loo at work to check on my nips - they hurt a wee bit when i gave them a pinch !!!!!!!!!
eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek i hope this is a good sign !!!

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