IVF BFP 'S .. The journey, the hope, the success.

Sorry I have been a bit quiet this week, just been really busy :wacko:

Serneyx - Totally not looking forward to those clexane injections!! glad to hear theyre not too bad though - although if you take something for long enough then you get used to it :) ill keep telling myself that anyway as it makes me feel better!

As far as names go hubby and I decided that he should pick a girls name and me the boys name, in the end he chose Samuels name anyway cos im so indecisive lolol :haha:

Omg! all that waiting NOT to get ur injection done - i wouldve been really pissed about that! Have you had ur injection now? xx
That's true! I have been taking them for so long now, but I have to stop next week :wacko: I'm a bit worried about that given that everything has been going well whilst I am on them but my consultant won't let you take it too close to birth (I stay on the aspirin though).

My DH is the indecisive one :p So I probably will get the final say on the name :haha:

I had my whooping cough injection last Monday - Monday it was all fine, I even asked my DH if he could see the injection site as there was nothing there, but come Tuesday it had all swollen up and was rather red, sore and itchy! It also hurt a bit. It's pretty much gone down now though, just a red patch and the itchiness is left.

My first OB-Gyn meeting was yesterday. He is a nice guy; however I am soooo used to women DR. I don't wait a moment to undress.
They checked my urine, blood pressure and my weight. The blood test we'll do next week cos I'll bring him my vaccine history.
He wanted to check the baby on the u/s but I didn't want to. I am feeling great, my tummy is showing and that's all matters. He couldn't have any other instrument like fetoscope to listen to a baby's heart. That was sad. I am sure I hear it's heart on my stethoscope at home. It's louder every week.
He wanted to make sure if the baby still there... If it was a m/c it comes with a bleeding but it may take a month.
If the baby is sick, he couldn't be able to help.
I am just going with a nature..
I'll wait for a 20 week anatomy scan. We'll see more, organs will be bigger.
We'll not check baby for a chromosomal abnormalities. I am not old and my hubby's dna fragm test was very good. We don't have genetic disorders in our families. We'll hope and pray for only healthy baby. If we are not lucky, we'll love the child the way it is..
Those tests are not 100% and sometimes very bad results doesn't cause big child imparement. Those tests cause only stress during a happy pregnancy.
My dr. wants to do a pap smear. Pregnancy could cause abnormal cell growth in the cervix. Mild cases they just monitor and the sever cases they let them be, they wait for a delivery first....So why even test now? I had it done last Sepember. I'll wait till next January. Webmd.co states that "abnormal cervical cells resolve after pregnancy." It soinds like a false positive test to me.
I don't want to do it now. I am negative on HPV. However, I have had abnormal pap smear 9 years ago. Dr. did colposcopy, scraped some cells from my cervix to check under microscope and caused quit a bit bleeding. It was a mild case, and it resolved on it's own. I have never had abnormal pap smear since then.

I think my dr. is a very easy going, he'll listen to my wishes and help me stay healthy with unnecessary testing.
Glad to hear all went well at your Ob appointment :thumbup: To be honest I have not heard of pap smears being done during pregnancy unless you are high risk, normally you just get one done after due to the fact it can throw up false positives.

Anyway, it's really not what my timeline shows below, it's 15 days max, due to twins and having a scheduled C section on 7/21 (37 weeks and 6 days)... How's that???
You are so close now Flagilie! Only 9 days until your LO's will be here :hugs:

Had my second stimm scan today - collection is pencilled in for Friday now!!

I have another scan on wed am which im excited about

Todays scan -

right - 10, 10, 11, 13, 16, 16

left - 9, 6, 18, 16, 15, 16, 15, 11

Ive been told to disregard the 18 and the 6 as they may be over mature /under mature at the time of collection but either way thats 12 growing nicely!! :happydance:

Im feeling quite optimistic about numbers of follicles now, im starting to worry about collection and fert rates now :dohh: the worry never ends!!!!!! :grr: xx
That is a great number of follies Plex! How did it all go??

I am having my 20w scan in couple of days. I am nervous, still can't feel the babies kick and it makes me worry :-(
I didn't feel anything I was positive was the baby until after 20 weeks and my placenta is at the top so wouldn't block movement :shrug: I wouldn't worry too much :hugs:

AFM - nothing new really, maybe except (TMI) more bowel movements, as opposed to constant constipation before.
I'm glad it's not just me :blush:

I felt a movement yesterday at 15w 1day!
I was sitting on the coach very relaxed, my legs spread apart and I felt it!
It was a feeling I have never felt before: wave, tickle, flutter. It lasted for a few seconds and than again repeated and lasted for a few seconds. Can't wait for more! Sitting and waiting for another Hi!
I bought some maternity pants and some dresses regular ones (one size bigger).
I feel I am growing bigger every day. Can't wait for MOnday. This is my day when I weight myself and to measure my belly.
When I lean forward I feel the resistance. I feel little orange there!
Sending you best wishes to all!
Congratulations on feeling your LO move :thumbup: It's a wonderful feeling isn't it :hugs:

Ugh!!! I just got a call from the drs office. I failed my 1 hr glucose test. I have to go Monday to take the 3 hour test. And may I add. My injection site has my entire arm and shoulder sore.
Sorry to hear this :( I hope you pass the 3 hour test but GD is manageable thankfully!

Lovely 3D pictures of your boys! We got a few of our LO but she wasn't really co-operating :haha:

Ive had my 20w scan. All good, my boy is probably a girl now which is strange because I have defo seen something sticking out :).
Feeling heavier now and starting to have problems moving etc.
OH! Well I wouldn't buy too many gender specific clothes then, it might be best to stick to neutrals unless you have another scan booked where they can confirm it :wacko:

At our 20 week scan we were told 'probably girl' but she wasn't really co-operating, however we had a private 3D scan where they confirmed a girl :cloud9:

Thanks! :hugs: I'll share pics as soon as I get a chance. :thumbup: She actually does fit some of the newborn clothes that we have on hand. She barely fits newborn diapers. Her discharge weight was 8 lbs, 5 oz when we left the hospital. We are having to supplement breast milk with formula until my supply increases. Apparently it's common to have a low supply if fertility issues also exist. :shrug:
Looking forward to seeing your pictures :hugs:

Glad to hear she fits a few of the newborn clothes, I was wondering what size to get so it looks like i'll have to be prepared and get some newborn and some 0-3.

I didn't know that it was common to have low milk supply if you have fertility issues - definitely something I will need to keep in mind! I was planning on breast feeding but also getting LO used to taking a bottle as I want my DH to be able to do one of the feeds to help with bonding :hugs:

AFM we are planning on moving out of state with me going 3 wks ahead of dh. I also had my car broken into so I've been extremely overwhelmed....I make 25 weeks on Monday ;)
Sounds rather eventful - sorry to hear about your car :nope:

Congratulations on making 25 weeks :hugs:

AFM - it has been rather hectic here recently but hopefully things are starting to wind down a bit! I had a big project due in which I submitted last week - that is a load off my mind, then I break up from work this Friday - can't wait for that! I am so tired at the end of the day due to the stresses of work that I come home and fall asleep!

My consultant appt. went ok but they didn't do a growth scan as I had an emergency scan the week before where they checked the growth and they will only do them 2 weeks apart. They did a doppler scan though and the blood flow looks fine. Due to my abnormal ctg the week before the consultant wanted me to have another one, the midwife cheerfully told me it would only take 20 mins and then I could go home. Well 1hr and 20 mins later I was still hooked up to the machine :dohh: My LO wasn't co-operating (this seems to be a bit of a recurring theme :haha: ) so they had to give me some ice-cold water to drink to wake her up so they could see her heart accelerate. I am back in again in two weeks time for another growth scan and a ctg.

Hope you are all doing ok :flower:
Sorry I cant put much without getting upset all over again - but i wanted to give a quick update, they got 9 eggs in total, 8 were mature but none, NONE fertilized :cry: im beyond devastated. Great quality eggs great quality sperm just nothing, nada, ziltch. Anger has over-ridden crying at the moment.

Will update tomorrow if i can - the embryologist said he was shocked as we'd had such a good response last time re-fertilization (both the mature ones fertilized - the only 2 we had) He going to leave them over the weekend and call me back 2moro to see if there is any change - which he says would be 'EXTREMELY RARE'. He will also speak with his senior/consultant on monday - cant remember why hes going to do that though :dohh:

Luckily we do have one :cold: which we could transfer providing it survives the thaw.

Sorry for the depressing update :hugs: I so wish it was a better one xxx
Plex - Sorry to hear this. I hope you're ok and your frostie is a strong one.
Dovkav - Yey excellent news on feeling movement.

Flagirlie - Do you know where you're moving to? I hope the bowel movements sort themselves out! I have constipation which is bloody awful! Wow 6lbs twins that's great although I don't trust u/s for guessing weight as I know too many people who have been told they're having small babies and they've had average sized ones.

Postal - Oh dear what do you have to do for the GT tests and how do they decide if you fail? Good luck with the next one.

Bizzbii - Congratulations on your girl, I assume they told you its a boy?

Disney - Huge congratulations on the birth of your daughter glad you are both healthy and home. Wow wasn't she big I bet you're glad you have a section ...lol How are you finding motherhood?

AFM - The sickness isn't to bad it comes and goes so i'm lucky its not constant. I'm off to the doctors today because i'm so itchy its getting that bad that i'm not sleeping on a night. I had blood tests ran about a month ago which showed low creatinine levels but I don't think it was anything to be too concerned about. Also off for my 20 week scan on Thursday... yey
Sorry I cant put much without getting upset all over again - but i wanted to give a quick update, they got 9 eggs in total, 8 were mature but none, NONE fertilized :cry: im beyond devastated. Great quality eggs great quality sperm just nothing, nada, ziltch. Anger has over-ridden crying at the moment.

Will update tomorrow if i can - the embryologist said he was shocked as we'd had such a good response last time re-fertilization (both the mature ones fertilized - the only 2 we had) He going to leave them over the weekend and call me back 2moro to see if there is any change - which he says would be 'EXTREMELY RARE'. He will also speak with his senior/consultant on monday - cant remember why hes going to do that though :dohh:

Luckily we do have one :cold: which we could transfer providing it survives the thaw.

Sorry for the depressing update :hugs: I so wish it was a better one xxx
Plex I am so sorry to hear this :hugs:

I hope you get some answers, it does seem strange that after both fertilised last time they all failed to fertilise this time! I remember Rurin(?) had the same issue last year and decided to go for ICSI on a subsequent IVF try. I hope this is something you can consider x you must be so angry right now but there are some small positives, you know this protocol worked and produced a good number of eggs which gives you hope for the future x I hope your little frostie thaws well if that is the route you decide to go down :hugs:
MischC -I am expecting twins and yes they told me I have a boy and a girl but now they are saying the boy is probably a girl, which is great regardless because they are both doing well. The only problem ( or not ) is I already got some presents from friends/family and have a lot of blue clothes :). Good luck on ur scan on Thursday .

Plex - I agree with what Serenyx is saying . At least you know the protocol works but having to pay all the money only to find out there is not even one is so upsetting. I remember when I was doing my IVF I have asked about the ICSI and my doctor told me they decide on the day depending on how it all looks. I don't know how it works but I am surprised they haven't done the ICSI.
Disney, congratulations! !! I'm so happy for you! ! I am also so sorry you had such a painful delivery. That's always a pregnant woman's nightmare. I'm glad it's over and your lovely baby girl is here. Big hugs to you.

Plex, I'm so so sorry. I just can't find the words. Praying that your frosty is strong enough. Maybe ICSI is the way to go for you. That's what I did. Big hugs to you as well!

Mishc, they made me take the 3 hr glucose test today. It wasn't pleasant. I arrived at 8:10 and had my first blood draw at 8:15. I drank the solution in less than a minute, and was instructed to come back at 9:15, 10:15 &11:15 for the next 3 blood draws. My mom took me to 3 different stores for 30 minutes at a time so we wouldn't be too bored. My baby shower is this Sunday so we did get some things accomplished. I was stuck 4 times in the left arm the 2 veins on the inside of my elbow. So each vein got it twice. My arm is sore now. Now I have to wait for a call or no news tomorrow. I hope for no news. I asked her how often is the first test wrong. She said 50% of the time. Great. Lol. I have no clue what I'm in for if I do have gd.
I am gaining weight fast now. About 2-3 lbs a week. 32 lbs so far. My belly is so heavy now. I'm. Trying to remember to straighten my back when I stand instead of letting it curve. For my shower this Sunday I decided on finger foods. I think the memorable will be the blue jello jigglers shot squares I'll make. I'm excited for it. My mom has done great buying a ton of stuff at yardsales, but it will be nice for some new stuff too. There are so many of us moving at the end of our pregnancy. I haven't talked about mine for a while. There have been so many unexpected setbacks. We should have moved over a month ago. Hopefully we will move before summer ends. I'm trying not to think of everything. I do know that we plan on me not going back to work after the twins come. That will require selling our current home. Once we do that, we should be able to manage off of one income. Fxed.
Please pray for me and my babies! !!!!!!# on my way to hospital. Bleeding heavy. Babies are still kicking.
No time to catch up now, but I hope to soon. I just wanted to send :hugs: to Plex and prayers to PostalMom and her precious babies.
thought id pop back and give an update -

Postal :hugs: im sending u and ur babies all my prayers and massive hugs :hugs: xxx

im going in 2moro for a transfer of my frozen blast (if it survives!) Will update then xx
Postal - Sounds like the 3 hour GD test it horrible!

I really hope you & your babies are ok I have everything crossed for the 3 of you. xx

Plex - Good luck with your transfer tomorrow.
Hi ladies, I've been back for a while now, but haven't had a chance to post (so busy at work). I did read all your updates.

Postal - I hope everything is ok, fingers crossed for you hun :hugs:

Plex - sorry to hear about your eggs not fertilising. At least you have a frostie left and I hope the transfer goes well and the little bean sticks! :dust:

Disney - congrats on your baby girl! Audrey is a beautiful name. I love reading detailed posts about the actual birth - you don't hear about all the details too often.

dovkav - it's so exciting to feel the movement, isn't it? It's so comforting.

Bizzbii - that's so weird that they changed their mind on if it's a boy or a girl. I thought these things are pretty accurate. Anyway, like you said, as long as they are healthy. Do you have any other children?

AFM - being away was nice, but also a bit stressful. I was very busy during the first part of the trip (I was in Italy for work), which caused me some contractions (BH, I suppose). It freaked me out of course, especially being in a foreign country. I nearly went to teh ER one day when the contractions wouldn't stop, but in the end I decided against it. At my last doc's appointment they told me that I have a low lying placenta, which means that I can't have any intravaginal examinations. I didn't know how I would explain this to the doctors in Italy (i dont speak Italian). Anyway, the worst part is that my doc has forbidden any vaginal intercourse :( Luckily other types of fun are still ok (sorry TMI) :blush: Anywho, otherwise everything is going well, had my 24 week milestone last week (v-day!) and now I just have to look forward to the glucose test in a few weeks.
Hi ladies. Thank you for your prayers and well wishes. After a few scary hours that seemed like an eternity, the babies are doing fine. I'm great considering I get to keep my boys in still. They examined me and they aren't sure where the blood came from, so they believe it was most likely caused from sex. Dh and I had sex around 4:30 am that morning. It didn't hurt. I didn't bleed. Everything was fine. I did my glucose 3 hour, came home. So last night I was teasing my dog about it being bed time. She's so cute. She walks down the hall about 5 steps and turns and looks at me to make sure I'm still coming. Well, I decided to hide from her next to the t.v. as I was standing there, my mom and dh were on the couch laughing about the dog looking for me. All of a sudden a felt a gush. Like my heavy af just showed. I started saying. .. please let me be peeing myself , over and over again as I walked to the bathroom. I sat down and looked at my panties and v they were soaked with blood. I yelled .. Mom! Robert! Call the dr! ! I'm bleeding! ! My Dh although calm was like a deer in head lights. My mom saw all the blood in the toilet and so did I. I lost it. I started crying .Dh was in shock. He said. . My phone is dead. So my daughter 1 of 3 grabbed my phone. Dh says.. his number is with my phone. . I said just give it here! I called my Dr who said to get to the hospital immediately. Poor dh was just staring into my panty drawer confused. I just needed a fresh pair, shorts, and a pad. My other daughter was fighting with a drawer that doesn't open all the way trying b to find me a pad, all while my mom is barking out orders. I'm just sitting on the toilet crying. We finely got into the car, dh did a good job telling me I had to calm down and hold it together for him while he's driving. So i did. I really thought my babies were going to die. Thank god everything is ok. It really showed us all how unprepared we are. On the bright side. . My registration is complete now. Lol. I was absolutely terrified though. Then to have them tell me it was probably from sex! ?!? Well dh won't be touching me for the rest of this pregnancy.lol he made that very clear. He did say that he realized that he should be more affectionate . That's good. So we will see how things go. I'll keep all of you informed. Hugs!!
omg, postal, that is so scary!!!!
I'm glad to hear everything is ok. :hugs:

But the explanation, that it's because of sex, is just weird. I guess the bleeding stopped by itself? And since they could find out where it's coming from, they just assumed it was from that?
anyway, that really scares me, because I have to admit, although my doc said no vaginal sex due to low placenta, we have not been 100% compliant :blush: Now though, I think I will listen to her.
:hugs:postal - glad all is good:hugs:

Mizuno - Yeyy for being 24w . No I do not have any other children and if we do not get to have any more I will be happy anyway. I just want them to be born healthy .
Glad all is ok, Postal! Yeah, we have been avoiding sex like a plague, not worth it... Had my last appt today, babies are doing great, just waiting on Monday. Doc did a group B strep, plus I asked her to check me. She said she could tell I was effaced, but only 0.5 cm (or fingertip dilated)... Girl did drop though, as doc could feel her head... Six more days :)
Postal - That happened to my brother ex when she was pregnant. I'm glad you're ok and your little babies are doing well too.

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