IVF BFP 'S .. The journey, the hope, the success.

I'm sure your LO is fine, but I'll keep my fingers crossed anyway! :hugs:
Well they scared me half to death yesterday! I went in and was sitting in the waiting room for almost 2 hours before I was even seen (how they can be running so far behind at 11am I don't know :dohh: )

They checked my urine and decided it was within acceptable limits but wanted to do a ctg trace. They then didn't like the results of the trace so sent me for a scan :(

The scan showed LO is growing fine but they want me to rest up today and monitor movement and if she isn't moving enough then I have to go back in :( She doesn't tend to move that much anyway though :shrug: Although what with all the stresses of work I probably just don't notice it whilst I am there hence why they want me to rest up. Only two more weeks to go though until we finish :flower:

AFM I feel they are getting heavier each day, added few more pounds, inches in my waist, belly super itchy. My last full day in the office today. Some days I freak out over little things and feel as if it's coming, other days like they are in no rush to get here. U/S tech sort of confirmed the latter as well, and called my kids crazy, apparently they were moving a lot during BPP. And I did not even really feel them then. So imagine how they move when I do indeed feel.

Stressing about the timing to close on my house (week of 7/14 per the latest news), and not be in the hospital at this time, plus get them all the paperwork over and over. Also, I have this urgent need to think of what else I need to buy for them and stock up on before I go to hospital... Is this part of nesting?? I surely don't feel like cleaning with this gigantic belly.
Congratulations on finishing in the office - did they agree to let you work from home for a bit longer?

Oh don't talk to me about the stress of house sales! The one we like might be off as the survey threw up quite a few issues :( Then to top it off we found out our buyers couldn't now get the full amount they needed on their mortgage due to new regulations over here that came in a few weeks ago so if they can't find another company to lend them the money they will have to pull out!

I hope you manage to get all of yours sorted before your LO's arrive :hugs:

Still hardly any progress. Baby hasn't dropped into the pelvis yet, and I'm still only dilated about 1/2 cm. :dohh: Good news is that the baby appears to still be doing fine, and my fluid levels are still ok. I'm also having contractions, though I can hardly feel them. We scheduled our induction for Sunday night. My doctor is on call at the hospital on Monday, so she will deliver the baby if she comes after 7:00 am on Monday.
She really likes it in there doesn't she :haha: At least you have a date for the induction now if she isn't here by then - exciting times :hugs:

Plex - didn't you have an appt yesterday? How did it go :flower:

Dovkav - wasn't your first Obs appt yesterday too? Busy day for a lot of people :)
I'm in L&D now. My water broke this morning. I was admitted to the hospital even though I'm still only 1/2 cm dilated because I'm overdue and am experiencing bleeding. Contractions are becoming more noticeable and stronger, so I'm hoping to get enough progress to avoid induction meds. Wish me luck. :flower:
I'm in L&D now. My water broke this morning. I was admitted to the hospital even though I'm still only 1/2 cm dilated because I'm overdue and am experiencing bleeding. Contractions are becoming more noticeable and stronger, so I'm hoping to get enough progress to avoid induction meds. Wish me luck. :flower:
Good luck Disney! Fingers crossed for a nice, fast, uneventful delivery :hugs:

So exciting :hugs:
Disney - Good luck hun, I hope everything goes smoothly for you all :hugs: xx
Im getting a bit fed up now with my laptop - i keep writing long replies only to then loose the damn things!! :grr:

5th try to reply (sorry if its brief, i just wanted to not seem ignorant :haha:)

Serneyx - Totally not looking forward to those clexane injections!! glad to hear theyre not too bad though - although if you take something for long enough then you get used to it :) ill keep telling myself that anyway as it makes me feel better!

As far as names go hubby and I decided that he should pick a girls name and me the boys name, in the end he chose Samuels name anyway cos im so indecisive lolol :haha:

I had a scan on thursday and am due another one on mon then wed - hopefully collection will be on Fri! :happydance:

Omg! all that waiting NOT to get ur injection done - i wouldve been really pissed about that! Have you had ur injection now? xx

Postal - How are you coping with the bed rest? Theres only so much reading and tv watching you can do :hugs: Ive not heard anything bout ivf and heart problems im afraid, its good that ur docs are checking everything out though :thumbup: Doesnt help when pregnancy is one big worry in the first place though :hugs:

Happy V-week hun!! I hope the appointment goes well on Monday :hugs: xx

Flagirl - Heya hun! Hows things going for you? I cant believe ur 35 weeks! This thread is exciting as most of you are getting so close now!
How do you feel now youve finished work? Its all a bit surreal when babies are iminent :) surreal but nice :)

Are you moving house too? Thats a lot all in one go - I hope everythings sorted for when they arrive :hugs: xx
Had my scan on thursday and i was a bit shocked!

I had 14 follicles in total! 7 on each side -

right - 10mm and 6 smaller ones

left - 12mm, 11.5mm, 11mm, 10mm and 3 smaller ones

Will continue on the menopur x4 vials - scan mon am and wed am. Hopefully collection on friday morning! :happydance:

Im eating lots of protein, drinking pineapple juice and lots of milk, water and sports drinks, eating nuts (HATE nuts!) Im trying to keep relaxed too. Im taking loads of supplements as doc said they were ok to take.

Anyone have any other info on things i could do to help?

Plex, your count looks great!

I still have to work for 2 more weeks (from home), so not much rest, plus attend some meetings in the office in person, which is fine. My mortgage was approved, closing date was originally stated as 7/11 but now looks like the week of 7/14, hope before 7/21 or whenever my munchkins decide to show up. Little stressful, but just happened, this was not planned at all...
Just checking in!! Plex - that's wonderful!!!!!!!! Fingers crossed everything continues to grow!!
Disney - so exciting!!!!! Thinking of you!
Flagirl - Thanks - much better count for me this time!

:( boo for 2 more weeks work and for attending meeting etc :( sounds like everything will tie in nicely, finish work move house have babies :) hopefully all stress free. I just read how many weeks u are and thought, sill a while left for you, then i saw how many days '31' eek its weird how much shorter that sounds xx

Chickadee - Thanks! :) How are you getting on? Im sure i read that uve had u lil bubba now? lol my brain is all wobbily :wacko: cannot remember jack with all the drugs :haha: xx
Had my scan on thursday and i was a bit shocked!

I had 14 follicles in total! 7 on each side -

right - 10mm and 6 smaller ones

left - 12mm, 11.5mm, 11mm, 10mm and 3 smaller ones

Will continue on the menopur x4 vials - scan mon am and wed am. Hopefully collection on friday morning! :happydance:

Im eating lots of protein, drinking pineapple juice and lots of milk, water and sports drinks, eating nuts (HATE nuts!) Im trying to keep relaxed too. Im taking loads of supplements as doc said they were ok to take.

Anyone have any other info on things i could do to help?


Plex! You are doing great! Eating healthy. Your ovaries are doing great too!
You should keep doing what you do. If you are interested please read my list. What have I done different a BFP month.

I did many different things this time and my embryo quality was not better. It is always A or B. This one was B.

1. No castor oil packs this cycle
2. we did assisted embryo hatching
3. we BD'ed before ET and after ET (w/o orgasm) THIS ONE WAS NEW!!!
4. I walked slowly but long the day after ET, stayed active, climbed stairs...
5. aspirin 100mg enteric coated started after ER, quit only for a day for ET(procedure could cause bleeding).
6. I ate lots of fish. I am taking 3g fish oil a day
7. 1000mg green tea extract with vitC after ET till BFP. (reduces inflammation responce)
8. Black carraway oil 20 drops a day. now I slow down to 3 drops
9. spoonfull avocado oil a day
10. pinapple and pinapple core after ET till BFP
11 increased vit D from 2000iu to 3000iu a day
12. iron 100mg a day, quit after BFP
13. Green chlorella increased from 1 pill to 3 pills a day
14. Probiotics one pill a day from ET til BFP
15 Sandorn and lemon juice
16. dandelion salats
17. alfa alfa and sweet peas sprouts
18. layed down 30min after ET
19. ate dried plums and abricots
20. drank ginger root tea, with clove and cinammon
21.ate water soaked walnuts and brasil nuts
22. I have used organic menstrual pads for 2 months.
23. banana a day(aspirin can thin my intestines and banana thickens them)
24. spicy food, hot peppers in 2ww
25. one egg a day

I ate good stuff and I should follow this list and keep going....
I did a lot. I'll never know what helped us this time
Best luck for you! Everything crossed for you! (my baby's fingers and toes)
My first OB-Gyn meeting was yesterday. He is a nice guy; however I am soooo used to women DR. I don't wait a moment to undress.
They checked my urine, blood pressure and my weight. The blood test we'll do next week cos I'll bring him my vaccine history.
He wanted to check the baby on the u/s but I didn't want to. I am feeling great, my tummy is showing and that's all matters. He couldn't have any other instrument like fetoscope to listen to a baby's heart. That was sad. I am sure I hear it's heart on my stethoscope at home. It's louder every week.
He wanted to make sure if the baby still there... If it was a m/c it comes with a bleeding but it may take a month.
If the baby is sick, he couldn't be able to help.
I am just going with a nature..
I'll wait for a 20 week anatomy scan. We'll see more, organs will be bigger.
We'll not check baby for a chromosomal abnormalities. I am not old and my hubby's dna fragm test was very good. We don't have genetic disorders in our families. We'll hope and pray for only healthy baby. If we are not lucky, we'll love the child the way it is..
Those tests are not 100% and sometimes very bad results doesn't cause big child imparement. Those tests cause only stress during a happy pregnancy.
My dr. wants to do a pap smear. Pregnancy could cause abnormal cell growth in the cervix. Mild cases they just monitor and the sever cases they let them be, they wait for a delivery first....So why even test now? I had it done last Sepember. I'll wait till next January. Webmd.co states that "abnormal cervical cells resolve after pregnancy." It soinds like a false positive test to me.
I don't want to do it now. I am negative on HPV. However, I have had abnormal pap smear 9 years ago. Dr. did colposcopy, scraped some cells from my cervix to check under microscope and caused quit a bit bleeding. It was a mild case, and it resolved on it's own. I have never had abnormal pap smear since then.

I think my dr. is a very easy going, he'll listen to my wishes and help me stay healthy with unnecessary testing.
Oh, Plex, we will barely close before babies are here, so no moving anytime soon... Maybe by the end of August we'll manage something. Anyway, it's really not what my timeline shows below, it's 15 days max, due to twins and having a scheduled C section on 7/21 (37 weeks and 6 days)... How's that???
O wow - so cool to have a date for you to see ur babies!! If not a bit scary - theyre so imminent! :D Hopefully then you will be in some form of routine by the time you move, it will probably involve no sleep though which sucks :( Are you able to stay where u are for a little while after you close on the new house? xx

Dovkav - Thanks!! Im doing some of the things you have on your list, some ive never heard of! What does the black carraway do? Also what does Green chlorella do?

Exciting that you have had ur first appointment now! Its great that the doc didnt force you into doing anything you didnt want :thumbup: Do you have a date for your 20wk scan now then? xx
Theoretically our lease expires on 9/23, but i kinda told landlord we should be out by the end of August, preferably by 8/23.
Flagirl - crikey, so itll be all happening at the same time! Have you started packing things away yet? xx
Had my second stimm scan today - collection is pencilled in for Friday now!!

I have another scan on wed am which im excited about

Todays scan -

right - 10, 10, 11, 13, 16, 16

left - 9, 6, 18, 16, 15, 16, 15, 11

Ive been told to disregard the 18 and the 6 as they may be over mature /under mature at the time of collection but either way thats 12 growing nicely!! :happydance:

Im feeling quite optimistic about numbers of follicles now, im starting to worry about collection and fert rates now :dohh: the worry never ends!!!!!! :grr: xx
Fantastic news, Plex! Cheering for you!Can't wait for your update!

Black caraway seed oil is similar to a Flaxseed oil that contains the essential fatty acid alpha-linolenic acid (ALA). It may help with inflammation....and other chronic conditions.

Chlorella is a type of algae. It detoxes your body, takes out heavy metals like mercury and lead.
thanks! Ill have a look around and see if i can find any :D anything to help! xx
Plex your numbers sound great! ! Try not to worry. I ate pineapple core for 3 evenings after my ET. I read not to eat the meat of it because it causes contractions. The core makes the uterus sticky. I also drank red wine every night. I didn't see the dr much at all because I was in the study, but the lady who was in charge was a hoot. She told me to drink whatever but preferably red wine during my entire ivf process. After ET to take it easy but not too easy. And that I could continue to drink red wine until a possitive test. It's good for circulation, and relaxes you. I tested the day of ET and the next day I walked for about 2 hours around a store. . Ikea... very slowly. I pretty much took it easy for a week. I didn't want to do anything to mess it up. I was drinking some but only about 3 oz a day . I was told I could have 6 oz. I still drank some twice a week for a couple weeks but found I couldn't drink it any more. Lol. The lady that handled my case has been doing this for 20 years. She said she was part of a study in Europe that encouraged drinking like you weren't trying. Just don't get slap down fall down drunk. Those who drank had higher numbers. They believe it was mainly due to being more relaxed during the ivf process.

Bed rest isn't fun. I try to keep entertained. I haven't slept well the last week. I have this horrible pain below my ribs the my Dr today said is my uterus stretched so far . He recommended a maternity belt to help hold the wieght up. I had more 3d scans today. My boys are so beautiful! I will post pics. They are big boys. The have big heads which runs in dh family. Kinda makes me glad I'll be having a c sec. They should weigh around 1 lb 4 oz each. They are 1 lb 12 oz each. Nearly 2 lbs already! !! I'm in shock. I'm only 5'2 so my other babies were 5 lbs 5 oz at 39 weeks. And 4 lbs 8 oz and 4 lbs 5 oz at 34 weeks. So you can see why I was shocked to have babies this big. I saw on line that at 28 weeks they should be 2 lbs roughly. Not sure how accurate that is. But I'm 24 weeks 5 days. So the pics I will post. .. there are more of baby b (Wyatt) because he's always my camera hog. Baby A (robbie) was facing my spine at first. But my sonographer came back in the room and finally got a 3d of robbies face. .... my Lil camera hog felt the need to once again. . Stick his foot and leg in the picture. I hope they show well. . Let me try. ..

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