IVF BFP 'S .. The journey, the hope, the success.

So here are Postalmom's 3D baby pics. Uploading them on her behalf :)


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Okay the 6th one for PostalMom... wouldn't let me add more than 5 pics!


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postal great pictures , 3d or 4d ? they are so cute

plex - congrats on the numbers. I haven't done anything different to get my bfp. Straight after transfer I got on my pushbike and cycled home. I was only taking vitamins. I don't drink but I was already planning my next cycle because I was convinced this one won't work so I guess I was a bit more relaxed...and look at me, got pregnant from ivf and natural at the same time. I guess you never know.

I am having my 20w scan in couple of days. I am nervous, still can't feel the babies kick and it makes me worry :-(
Anyone know if Disney has had her baby yet?

Plex - Everything seems to be going well.

Postal -How come you're on bed rest?

Arya - Great Pictures!

Have any of you ladies have morning (all day) sickness return? As you can see i'm 19 weeks and I have been sickness freefor4/5 weeks but I think its come back with a vengeance. I'm not impressed at all.
Bizzibii, thanks. They are 3d when is a still image and 4d while in video. So i got to watch them in 4d moving around and received the 3d images to take home. I'm having dh blow up 2 of the pictures to frame and hang for my baby shower on the 20th this month.
Arya posted my pics for me. We're best friends. Love her. Any way, I'm on bed rest because I have a set of twins already that were born at 34 weeks when I was 21. I fought off labor for a couple months. I'm showing the same signs. I'm 36 now. This is a very painful pregnancy. I can't stand or walk long, I have horrible groin pain all the time. Being up right seems to bring more contractions which I'm trying to avoid. Dr thinks I'm doing great but in not allowed to do much. We are being extremely cautious. When I have these babies I want them to be able to come home with me and not spend time in the nicu. My girls were in nicu 12 days. I already have bladder leakage now too. They said it's because the boys have big heads and robbie is pushing on it all the time. Wyatt likes to kick my bladder as well. Very very active babies. :)
Postal - LOVE those 3d scan pictures :cloud9: theyre handsome lil boys :) Did you get a dvd with your 3d scan?

A glass of red wine sounds nice lol :wine: may ask hubby to get me some, i think im more chilled now as im not at work now until august 7th! :happydance:

Did you get a maternity belt? If you did is it helping at all? I can only imagine the discomfort you're in :hugs: Hope your managing to get some sleep xx

Bizzi - Thanks hun :) I think not stressing out has a lot to do with success - ive got to really stop myself stressing about trying not to stress out :haha: xx

Mish - I had morning sickness all day through out my pregnancy with my lb - I was never sick though, thankfully. I burped a lot :dohh: and ate small amounts regular. Its awful that ur ms has come back - what are you doing to cope? xx
bizzibii - no worries, i did not feel mine until 22 weeks..

postal - great pics and great quality. i did 3/4d but mine did not cooperate at all! Hope times go by fast for you, it can't be fun. I used to have major pains under my right rib, but it eventually went away, also my back pain, i honestly feel better now physically then in 2nd tri. just uncomfortable.

arya! how are you??? nice to see ya.

plex - looking good! i kept my belly covered a lot after transfer, with blankets etc. i was not allowed alcohol since starting stims. also, took it really easy for 2 days after transfer. no pineapple for me. guess everyone is different. took baby aspirin though!

mish - i was quite lucky and only had a sickness for a short period of time, definitely was gone by 15/16 weeks.

disney - where are you?? maybe it's a good news :)

dovkav - hope all is well with you!

AFM - nothing new really, maybe except (TMI) more bowel movements, as opposed to constant constipation before. babies are pushing down on my bottom, my bones hurt around my you-know-what, all over, can't sit for too long. and hemorrhoids, dont even get me started, not painful but itchy... hungry. and yes, house might close this friday or beginning of next week, eek. my homeowners insurance wants us to move in by 8/11, argh. i was hoping for more time, and no, nothing packed yet!!
Flagirl - Eeeek!!! Omg thats no time at all with 2 lil ones coming so soon too!! Can you get anyone to help pack all ur things up? xx
Flagirlie7, lol. I'm in the same boat with a sudden increase of bowel movements. Before I was always trying to balance out the constipation. I have horrible crotch pain from the babies pushing down and ligament pain.im so proud of you making it this far. I really hope to follow in your footsteps. I also really hope I'll feel better in my 3rd tri. I'm almost there.

Has any one else had red bumps on the belly? Like little acne. It so wierd and embarrassing.
Postal mom, adorable boys!
I felt a movement yesterday at 15w 1day!
I was sitting on the coach very relaxed, my legs spread apart and I felt it!
It was a feeling I have never felt before: wave, tickle, flutter. It lasted for a few seconds and than again repeated and lasted for a few seconds. Can't wait for more! Sitting and waiting for another Hi!
I bought some maternity pants and some dresses regular ones (one size bigger).
I feel I am growing bigger every day. Can't wait for MOnday. This is my day when I weight myself and to measure my belly.
When I lean forward I feel the resistance. I feel little orange there!
Sending you best wishes to all!
Ugh!!! I just got a call from the drs office. I failed my 1 hr glucose test. I have to go Monday to take the 3 hour test. And may I add. My injection site has my entire arm and shoulder sore.
Postal - GD is surely not fun, especially all the tests leading to it :( but it's totally manageable... I have a terrible crotch pain too, just all that pressure, my bones are achy! No wonder, u/s showed today they each weigh like 6 lbs! 11 more days... eeeeek.

Plex - my bro is flying down shortly after we leave the hospital, so he can help my DH move, poor thing. He knows!
Postal - sorry to hear about the GT.
Dovkav - happy you felt the movement

Flagirl- `I d feel for you hun

Ive had my 20w scan. All good, my boy is probably a girl now which is strange because I have defo seen something sticking out :).
Feeling heavier now and starting to have problems moving etc.
Hi ladies. Sorry I've been absent for so long. I finally learned why the baby never dropped and why I wasn't dilating.

Audrey was born on July 5 at a whopping 9 lbs, 5 oz and 21 inches long! DH and I are both small, and it was a complete shock to everyone!

My waters broke around 4:00 am on July 4. I called my doctors office and spoke with the on-call OB. I was told to go to the hospital as I was overdue, and I was also bleeding. After getting checked in at the hospital, I learned that I was only 1 cm dilated. :dohh: Although I was not feeling painful, regular contractions, and they weren't positive that my waters broke due to the presence of blood (I knew it had, though), I was admitted. The baby's heart rate was fine on the monitor, and regular contractions were being picked up by the monitors. I was allowed to try to progress on my own until 12:30 when a cervical check showed no significant progress. Pitocin was started shortly after. I originally went in not wanting an epidural (or pitocin) - I gave up that idea after I was upped to the third dose / level of the drug (OMG the contractions were so painful, and I was only 1.5 cm dilated by 5:00 pm). I got my epidural shortly after 6:00 pm and felt so much better (I was finally able to rest!). :thumbup:

July 4 eventually became July 5, and I still wasn't progressing. My Pitocin was suspended for a few hours in the middle of the night because L&D got very busy. I must say it's very disheartening to arrive when it's quiet, and have all of the birthing rooms fill up and then empty while you are there. The on-call OB from my doctors office changed on July 5. She prefers to avoid c-sections whenever possible (like me) and advised that we wait a little longer to see what an increased dose of Pitocin would do. They were closely monitoring the baby's heart rate and watching for signs of infection (due to broken wasters for more than 24 hours) and determined that there were no risks to the baby to wait a little longer. I started getting heavy pressure feelings below, and based on that and the big, constant, overlapping contractions seen on the monitor, the nurse thought I might be getting close. I allowed my epidural to wear off a little so that I'd know when to push, and the nurse checked my cervix - 2 cm. :growlmad: The contractions were so intense as I waited for my epidural to catch back up. After a couple more hours, the doctor came in to check on me. I was given the option to keep waiting up to a couple more hours or to go for a c-section. She got paged for another delivery, so we ended up waiting, though I knew where we were headed. When she got back, she checked my cervix one last time, and I was only 3 cm. After 39 hours in L&D, off to surgery we went.

The operation went well overall. Audrey was out in no time and received a loud collective "Wow! BIG baby!" From everyone in the room. Hearing her first cries was simply amazing, and I was in love with her as soon as I saw her. DH went to take photos while they looked her over, and I of course remained on the table. My hands and arms were jittery and shaky throughout the operation and afterwards. I lost a lot of blood but luckily did not require a transfusion.

We were in the recovery area of the maternity ward for 4 nights. Between a painful recovery and struggles with breastfeeding (and Audrey losing weight), it's been a tough journey. We've been home since Thursday night. I am so in love with Audrey that I'd go through it all again in a heartbeat. :cloud9:
Oh Disney I am glad to hear from you :hugs:

Sorry to hear that the labour wasn't progressing and that you had to have a csection in the end but the main thing is that she is here safely :hugs:

Audrey is a lovely name :flower: 9lbs 5oz! Ouch!!

Have you got any photos you don't mind sharing? :)

Glad to hear all is well now, even if you had a tough time of it for a few days :hugs: Given her size I'm guessing she skipped the newborn clothes and has gone straight into 0-3 months!
Disney!!!! Congratulations, honey! Audrey is a lovely name!

Flagirlie how are you doing hon? I'm sorry it took me a while to read and respond. I haven't been lurking often.

After that early mc in the last cycle, it was a wait and watch until AF arrived before we could start a fresh one. I'e gone 40 days without AF arriving, and I haven't ovulated this month. Everything is quiet inside. So the RE finally got me started on BCP two days ago to get moving ahead. That's where its at, for now. Starting a fresh cycle, with tentative ER on Aug 8-10 and transfer 3 or 5 days later, depending on how many follies they get. Right now its 10 days of BCP then a week of lupron, then stims...

The last 5 weeks have been a roller coaster ride for DH and me, besides this early MC, there's been other challenges that DH had, from being falsely accused by a local crazy woman to having a horrid new boss and having to change jobs... PostalMom has been like the rock who's been with us through it all. She's a rockstar!
Just hanging in here. Guess we are next! Eek. 10 more days max. House might close on Wednesday, thank god. As long as kiddos last until after that, they can come anytime after! Had some insomnia lately, after long period of sleeping long and hard and being tired, so weird. It was nice to get out of the house and see peeps at work yesterday and today... im still ok to walk, drive and work... Anyway, just excited it's weekend and hopefully some good soccer on tv :)
Disney, so sorry for all the struggles, but I am glad it's all good now! Congrats!!!
Oh Disney I am glad to hear from you :hugs:

Sorry to hear that the labour wasn't progressing and that you had to have a csection in the end but the main thing is that she is here safely :hugs:

Audrey is a lovely name :flower: 9lbs 5oz! Ouch!!

Have you got any photos you don't mind sharing? :)

Glad to hear all is well now, even if you had a tough time of it for a few days :hugs: Given her size I'm guessing she skipped the newborn clothes and has gone straight into 0-3 months!

Thanks! :hugs: I'll share pics as soon as I get a chance. :thumbup: She actually does fit some of the newborn clothes that we have on hand. She barely fits newborn diapers. Her discharge weight was 8 lbs, 5 oz when we left the hospital. We are having to supplement breast milk with formula until my supply increases. Apparently it's common to have a low supply if fertility issues also exist. :shrug:

Disney!!!! Congratulations, honey! Audrey is a lovely name!

Flagirlie how are you doing hon? I'm sorry it took me a while to read and respond. I haven't been lurking often.

After that early mc in the last cycle, it was a wait and watch until AF arrived before we could start a fresh one. I'e gone 40 days without AF arriving, and I haven't ovulated this month. Everything is quiet inside. So the RE finally got me started on BCP two days ago to get moving ahead. That's where its at, for now. Starting a fresh cycle, with tentative ER on Aug 8-10 and transfer 3 or 5 days later, depending on how many follies they get. Right now its 10 days of BCP then a week of lupron, then stims...

The last 5 weeks have been a roller coaster ride for DH and me, besides this early MC, there's been other challenges that DH had, from being falsely accused by a local crazy woman to having a horrid new boss and having to change jobs... PostalMom has been like the rock who's been with us through it all. She's a rockstar!

Thanks! It's great to hear from you. I've been wondering how you've been. I'm so sorry about your MC and the other recent challenges you have been faced with. :hugs: Hang in there, and best of luck with your next cycle!!

Just hanging in here. Guess we are next! Eek. 10 more days max. House might close on Wednesday, thank god. As long as kiddos last until after that, they can come anytime after! Had some insomnia lately, after long period of sleeping long and hard and being tired, so weird. It was nice to get out of the house and see peeps at work yesterday and today... im still ok to walk, drive and work... Anyway, just excited it's weekend and hopefully some good soccer on tv :)

Exciting stuff! I hope you get some rest soon!! :hugs:
Congrats Disney and wow that is a big baby!
Postal sorry you failed ur 1 hr test but if u do end in gd it's totally manageable.
AFM we are planning on moving out of state with me going 3 wks ahead of dh. I also had my car broken into so I've been extremely overwhelmed....I make 25 weeks on Monday ;)

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