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IVF/FET roll call April-October 2017 *12 BFPs, 3 sets of twins!

star, good point that even the control isn't a solid line.
now im anxious for mondays beta

thanks for the support ladies :)
I second the other ladies, with the lines being very spotty in sections, i wouldn't worry about the progression. It is probably just not a great batch of tests. Those are very good lines however!!
babylights- I think it's very sweet that you bought baby clothing <3 I love stripes too! I'm totally getting my little boy a red and white candy cane striped outfit for his first Christmas. :haha: How did your baseline go?

Juliet- Congratulations!!!!! :happydance: FX for a wonderful beta today. So excited for you!

mkayes- Welcome! I used Estradiol pills instead of the patches, but from what I understand estrogen is very cheap/easy to manufacture. I think you're 100% okay with the generic. Good luck!

ask- Welcome! I feel like I've seen you on another thread, maybe a long time ago?

shorty- Welcome! Congrats on 15 follicles, that's wonderful. I hope you had great fertilization!

AFM, just hit 16 weeks and everything looked great at my appointment on Friday. :thumbup:
thanks ladies!
just got back from the lab. now the waiting game... must keep my phone near me all day! i am hoping for a good beta number, will post here as soon as i can. i did fill our day with activities so won't be home a ton. last week of summer break.

how is everyone else doing today?
scooby - Christmas candy cane <3<3<3 Congrats on 16 weeks and a great scan!

Juliet - hope the day flies by and you get amazing news later today!!

afm I started stims this morning! I didn't expect this, but right after my DH gave me the shot and the anxiousness of anticipating the shots was gone, we were both so pumped to get to our baby! :)
Congrats Juliet! Another BFP! Are there really 3 sets of twins here?!

mkayes- Welcome! I used Estradiol pills also

scooby- glad you are doing well

Last day of meds/progesterone injections for me on Friday!! 10 weeks!
Finally they called while we were at a friends house and i am trying to be discrete and go to another room to take the call, beta is 180!
honestly was hoping for higher (not sure why in my head higher is better), but the nurse was really positive and said it was a strong number but to stay cautiously excited till the next beta
That's great Juliet, my first beta with dd was 87, you're all good!
This is such an exciting thread! Congrats Juliet!

Thanks scooby! I'm sure you've seen me around - been here for over a year! :)

It looks like I'm ovulating earlier than ever before this cycle - positive opk on cd 11! Means I'm even closer to starting IVF! I had a horrible dream last night that they did all these scans on my body and told me it wasn't suitable for pregnancy but that I could adopt. Glad it was just a dream!
Congratulations Juliet!! That is a great beta! So excited for you:)

Baby lights-congrats on starting your stims! It will go by fast!

Scooby-16 weeks! That's so awesome and glad you had another great scan!

Kepper-woohoo on stopping meds! I just recently stopped all mine too! It's so nice not having a million alarms reminding me to do the pills, creams, and shots.

Afm-I'm 11w2d and we graduated from our ivf clinic last week and just met with our new ob yesterday! I really like her and she is a high risk ob because of the identical twins so lots of monitoring which is nice. We had our NT scan and they both look great thank goodness! My Ob told me I need to eat 3500 calories and 175grams of protein! Eating is about to become my full time job lol. They said the super high protein is the only thing proven to cut the risks associated with multiples like preterm labor and preeclampsia. Nausea is still there a bit but thinking its getting better!

Can't wait for all of the umpcoming transfers :)
babylights- I bought 2 sets of striped jammies for the baby yesterday and thought of you! So glad you're getting excited now and congrats on starting stims!

kepper- Yes, although I'll let the third twin mama announce herself ;) Congrats on stopping injections and on 10 weeks! It might be time for a ticker... :thumbup:

Juliet- 180 is awesome! I think my first was 104? It's the 2nd beta that matters, and you don't even technically need to see it doubling (although that's usually a good sign).

ask- That's a terrible dream :hugs: I've had a lot of anxiety dreams while TTC and still have them now occasionally. So exciting that you're getting started soon!

kj- I didn't get a scan, only got to hear the heartbeat. It's actually going to be a full 8 weeks between scans for me, which has been torture! Congrats on graduating. I'm so glad you like your new doctor. Yikes, that is a lot of calories and a LOT of protein! Do they recommend adding protein powder to shakes/smoothies? Do you eat red meat? I hope they're giving you some tips on how to hit that number every day!
Oh I'm sorry scooby I misunderstood and thought it was a scan. That is so nice to hear the heartbeat! 8 weeks seems like forever but I know we all get kind of spoiled with extra ultrasounds compared to most people. I know you said you bought some clothes, have you gotten anything else yet?

The protein is going to be tough for me but they did say I can do protein shakes and bars to help. I've been reading body builder websites lol but it doesn't seem that healthy. I definitely trust her advise I just need to get over my own ideas about it and try my best.
KJW- holy cow 3500 calories! I have our first appt with my ob next friday, I bet he will probably tell me the same. And to think I have been trying to watch what I eat cuz I didn't want to turn into a house! LOL

AFM- Hey ladies, I am one of the 3 that is having TWINS! I was shocked/scared for a day, But now I am super happy and can't wait to have them! Sorry I haven't been active on this thread, I feel that now that I am pregnant I don't feel like I should post on here because I know that it kind of made me a little sad when I was TTC that people who already were pregnant posted on here. So I am trying to be sensitive to all you mamas.:hugs:
OMG Ashley!! Congrats!!!
I remember following along so closely since we were timed the same. You transferred two 3BB's right? I am doing a 3BB and a 2BB in Sept and they made me feel like they may not be the best, but I am so happy to hear BOTH of your 3BB's stuck!!

So exciting!! xx
OMG Ashley!! Congrats!!!
I remember following along so closely since we were timed the same. You transferred two 3BB's right? I am doing a 3BB and a 2BB in Sept and they made me feel like they may not be the best, but I am so happy to hear BOTH of your 3BB's stuck!!

So exciting!! xx

Hey MNelson!!! :hugs: Thank you! Yep I had 2 3BB's transferred. They both stuck because I believe I saw 2 seperate sacs. At the time of the transfer, I asked my doctor if we could transfer 1 best and 1 "not so best" so I could decrease the odds of both of them sticking. But the Dr (who is not my Dr, just another Dr in the practice) said nope we are transferring both of the best ones.

I was so nervous because they weren't 4AA's or anything, but guess they were good enough!!!!!:happydance::happydance: We do have 5 frosties, and I know that 2 of them are 4BB's so I will put ONE of those back if/when we do IVF again! LOL

I can't wait till you have your transfer!!! Just be prepared if both stick!!!! I was in absolute shock/scared to death the day they told me. But I am overjoyed now!
thanks everyone for the support!

scooby, now i remember the nurse actually said something about it increasing 53% by tomorrow. but yeah i would just feel better if it doubled and then some!

i will report back tomorrow my updated beta! fingers crossed!

loving this positive thread with all the good things happening and support everyone gives eachother :)
Wow!! So much going on! Congrats ladies and so much positive vibes here!
AFM, so as you all know I had 15 eggs retrieved. 10 fertilized 6 made it after day 1 which was this past Friday. I didn't sleep much at all this weekend and prayed more and more. I was so worried that I wouldn't have any to progress to day 5 to freeze. (our first time cycle- our embryos were doing really good until day 5- no one could explain what happened overnight, We moved to a new clinic for this cycle which has been 5 years later. My new RE really felt it was a possible lab error because nothing made sense from our Med records- but I was still so nervous with the original plan with this cycle to freeze and do FET because i have been so worried that they won't make it just like the last)
The Dr called me this AM and we have 3 good blastocysts that we're frozen today :) sooo FET here we come!! We are going to transfer 2 back with the hopes and prayers of twins :)
I should start my cycle next week and will start BCP.
I also am going to be doing the patches- it's Estradol or something like that.
Hi ladies, can I join your lucky thread? It's nice to see some familiar faces! I just started my first IVF cycle with estrogen priming. I'm on day 3 of stims (400 Gonal-f 400, 150 Luveris), I start cetrotide on day 5 and my first ultrasound is on day 7 (Saturday). I don't feel much going on in my ovaries so far....really praying my follies are growing as they should be!

Congrats Juliet! Let's keep those BFP's coming!

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