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IVF/FET roll call April-October 2017 *12 BFPs, 3 sets of twins!

Hi Juliet

With first fet I used a one step cheapie 5dp5dt and looked like a negative, dipped a frer and got a faint line so since then only used frers

Second fet I got a faint line on a frer 4dp5dt but it was a blighted ovum at 7 week scan

Third get was my worse I tested early again, kept getting indents on frers, had to test daily after I started and drove myself insane!! For a week I barley left the house and was so miserable when every day was a negative

Fourth fet (this one) I waited until 7dp5dt and got a dark line on a free straight away
I know if I do this again in the future I won't be testing early, it was nicer to see a dark line that wasn't questionable like the first 2 as they were so faint but did get darker daily

Good luck, I hope you get your bfp!
star, yep i am so with you! better wait longer and get a more definite answer then the wishy-washy ones.
should i count transfer day as day 1 or the day after? my transfer was last thursday, so this thursday would be 7dp5dt or would friday be 7dp5dt? i am excited and i know overthinking everything
count the day after transfer as 1dpt so this Thursday will be 7dp5dt, excited for you!
i wish they would let me just do a beta on friday! that would be 8dp5dt,,, but in the meantime i ordered frer :D :D
Hi All! Can I join in on the fun? I am in the process of my 2nd IVF. My first IVF was in 2012. My Husband and I have been TTC for 6 1/2 years and have been through a lot. We are experiencing infertility due to male factor. After many years of being told my husband had a "blockage" we decided this past February to have a very intense surgery performed to fix the blockage so we could try naturally. When the urologist got in there, it was much more difficult. He was actually born without a Vas Defern on the right side and the left side had a leak. It was a very rare scenario so the Dr cut the vas on the left and tried to reconstruct to the right. It was very intense. My husband was bed bound for 8 weeks and on a 2lb lifting restriction. We went for our follow up in June for a semen analysis and nothing was there. The surgery didn't work. So, we were back to square one and IVF w/ ICSI is our only option. We still had 5 vials of sperm frozen from our first cycle. We chose to go to a different clinic this time- started with genetic testing and my husband is a carrier of CYstic Fibrosis. Luckily I am not so we started the process.
This new clinic is def doing things different than my first time around but I also know a lot has changed with IVF since 2012. My clinic prefers FETS over fresh transfer. I started the process and I actually triggered tonight. Today, I went for my last scan before retrieval and I have 36 plus follicles that look really good. She saw more but my left ovary was hiding behind my uterus and it was pretty painful trying to get by it. I am scheduled for ER Thursday morning. Hopefully we will have good fertilization and we will move on to FET. They are planning to transfer 2 embryos

What is everyone else's cycles like now?
Shorty, sounds like you've already been through a lot! 36 follicles sounds great! Are they worried about OHSS? That's one reason I think they prefer FET. My clinic recommends it for pretty much everyone, with research showing more success letting the body chill from the stims. I'm preparing for my FET in about a month.

Question for ladies who have done an FET or are doing a cycle now. My prescription is for Vivelle patches, written for brand name only. Only other option is Minivelle. My insurance only covers 8, the rx is for like 50. Pharmacist says generic Vivelle is exactly the same, but Dr will only use brand name. What have you used for estrogen leading up to FET?
Shorty, you have been through a lot, sending you all the luck for ec tomorrow

Mk, I was on progynova, 8mg daily
I am on oral estrogen, so I can't be much help with the patches.
Honestly, if the pharmacist thinks they're identical, I would go with that. I have seen Dr.'s write those types of prescriptions all the time and its just because they usually get a kick-back from the drug company for using certain brands.
Pharmacists study and are knowledgeable about these drugs for a living. If they say the generic is identical to the brand name, i would trust them.
Welcome Shorty, sending you good thoughts for a smooth and successful retrieval tomorrow!

Juliet how are you feeling??

afm baseline tomorrow whee!
Thanks everyone!
MK- they haven't even mentioned OHHS so doesn't seem like they are worried. They prefer to do FETs if at all possible.

I am heading to the clinic now for me retrieval. Prayers for good fertilization and good embryos :)
Retrieval went good. 15 eggs retrieved. Prayers for good fertilization and good embryos
Great news shorty, hope you're feeling ok and can get a good nights sleep
That is awesome shorty!! Hope you get some good fertilization!
you guys!!! i am trying to stay level-headed...
i am 7 days past 5dt. FET was a week ago. i just took a frer that came in the mail, and i had just gone pee before i checked the mail. anyway i got enough pee out to see 2 pink lines! i would say the first one has a tiny gap in the middle, but its not super light or anything, i don't have to squint or anything, there is definitely TWO lines!
could i be getting a false positive with afternoon pee?
That's great Juliet! You won't get a false positive because it's afternoon urine, yay!

Can you post a pic? Just because I love to look at lines haha
Shorty, 15 retrieved sounds great. Hoping you get a good fertilization report! We had 16 retrieved and 9 fertilized.

Juliet, how exciting!! I agree with star, post a pic if you can!
omg, I just came back to check in on everyone and what do i see... another BFP!!!

congrats Juliet!!!!! 2 lines is 2 lines! so happy for you!!! and yay for the lucky thread!!

Hello new comers!! you've found the luckiest thread ever :)
i haven't done a pic post in forever and forgot how... so not sure how this will turn out.
the left is today, 8dp5dt and the right was yesterday 7dp5dt


what do you guys think? i wish the line was darker... i have one test left.
Oh yay congratulations! They're probably just not very good tests as he control line doesn't look very solid but they look great!

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