IVF/FET roll call April-October 2017 *12 BFPs, 3 sets of twins!

Hope embies are doing well wish,do you get an update today?

Ask, sorry I wasn't on birth control so not sure on that one, good luck for when iu start though, all sounds promising already!

Babylights, you're right to stay positive , good luck with trigger and hope ec goes well
Thanks Wish, Babylights & Star!

Looking forward to hearing your updates soon Wish & Babylights!
Good news today! Day 3 and our 2 embryos are both looking good, both grade 4 quality (where 5 is best), one 8 cell and one more than 9 cells. We went to the clinic fully prepared to transfer one today, but the doctor advised against it due to the hydrosalpinx and recommended growing them to day 5 to try to get 1 or 2 blasts to freeze! So that's what we're doing. Really praying at least one of our embies makes it to day 5!
Rooting big time for you and your embryos Wish!!

Question for you all...DH and I have been kinda loose over the summer with regards to our fertility "diet". We've been pretty religious about taking vitamins and supplements (coq10 ubiquinol, maca, multi/prenatal, fish oil, d3) but have definitely engaged in more social drinking and summertime party snacks etc. After over a year of being so good and having multiple early losses I kinda said screw it, I need a break. All of sudden IVF is upon us and I'm set to start next cycle. We are paying out of pocket and I'm staring to wonder if we should wait a month or two and focus on clean/healthy living before doing IVF. My FSH and AMH were great at the end of June but we haven't been as "good" the last 2 months. Thoughts?
Triggered last night and retrieval will be at 8:30am tomorrow!

Wish sending you so much luck for tomorrow, hope it's great news for both of us!!
Thanks Ask! Honestly, I doubt it will make a big difference if you wait another month or two. It's good that you were still taking your supplements, and as long as you guys are both back to eating healthy and limiting alcohol, sugar and caffeine during your birth control cycle and through stimming, it should be fine. It sounds like you had a fun summer! I feel like I had the driest summer on record for me, and if we don't do a transfer tomorrow, I am going to have a GIANT glass of wine!

Babylights, thanks! I really hope we both have great news tomorrow!
Congrats on your trigger babylights, enjoy a day off before retrieval. Hoping for some strong, healthy eggs!

Ask, I personally only did diet changes the cycle of my stims including my estrogen priming and again now for FET cycle. No caffeine (which isn't too hard for me, not a coffee drinker and only occasionally have soda, they even restrict me on chocolate with the minute amount if caffeine, that's been harder). No alcohol. Granted I haven't had success *yet*. I try to cut back on processed foods and sugar, but I'm a sugar addict so that's hard. I personally don't think enjoying some indulgences over the summer should set you back much. I know nothing abiut the Mosaic Turner Syndrome, can diet impact that?
Hi ladies, good news today! Both our embryos made it to day 5! We had a 4BB blast which we are freezing and a M2-3 morula which couldn't be frozen, so we transferred it today! I'm PUPO! The chances of it sticking with the hydrosalpinx are less, but there's still a small chance. Trying to stay positive! Now I just have to survive until my beta Sept 8...I will likely cave and test on Labour Day, which will be 8 days post transfer.
Congratulations on being pupo wish! Don't blame iu for caving earlier than otd!
Great news about the blast too

Babylights, I hope ec has gone well and pure having a good rest now

Ask, I wouldn't really worry, if you're going to stay a bit healthier now I think you will be all good, it's better not to stress about these things and stay relaxed as you can, I never did anything special before my ivf in 2014 and pretty much carried on as normal up to it, plus you have been taking vitamins too so i would go ahead with your cycle, lots of luck for when you start
Thanks star! We got 6 eggs! Hoping for a good fert report tomorrow. Headed to McDonald's for some fries!

Congrats Wish on being PUPO!!!!!
Ooh well done babylights! Exciting fert report tomorrow
Wish-congrats on being pupo and on your frozen embryo!! Sending lots of posit vibes your way!

Baby lights-congrats on your egg retrieval!! That is awesome and hope you get some great fertilization reports in the upcoming days!

Ask-I think you will be fine if you just try to have a good diet during your bcp month and throughout stimming. I just cut out caffeine and alcohol and upped my protein because they say it can help with egg quality. I think I did bcp for 5 weeks then Lipton shots then started stunning for maybe like 11 days? I was on an antagonist protocol
Not such great news today, of the 6 mature eggs only 3 fertilized normally, although they said there were 2 that didn't show signs of fertilization yet but they'd watch until Day 3, don't know what that means. We will definitely cycle again, waiting on making an appointment with our doctor probably early next week. Looking forward to moving on!
Babylights - 50% fertilization seems to be pretty common, that would be great if those other two are just a little slow but catch up and fertilize!

AFM...I'm a week and a day away from my FET! I go in on Thur to check my lining and adjust my estrogen as needed. I hope things are going well! I'm struggling with my no chocolate instructions, is there really that much caffeine in chocolate? Feeling really hopeful and don't want to be disappointed!
No chocolate???? Who suggested this? I would have SUCH a hard time with it.
As far as the caffeine level in it goes, I believe the darker the chocolate, the higher the content, but it is definitely WELL below the 200mg they have deemed very safe in pregnancy.
Thanks MKaykes! I was super surprised at their chocolate restriction too. And now I'm cycling two more times, that's a long time of no chocolate!! One more week to go for you ahh!!
ask- Wonderful that you had such good test results. 16 eggs would be awesome! I think I had a 5 day break between stopping BCP and starting stims. As far as waiting, personally I wouldn't bother. I'd just recommend no alcohol & limited caffeine during stims. Drink plenty of water and eat lots of protein. (I ate tons of eggs on my successful cycle, and also drank a lot of milk.) Good luck!

wishn- That's fantastic news!!! Congrats on being PUPO! :dust: So exciting that you have a 4BB embie waiting for you too.

babylights- Hooray on 3 embies!! What is your plan if they all make it? How many are you willing to transfer at once?

mkayes- Hooray for your FET coming up so soon, how exciting! As for no chocolate... :saywhat: I understand limiting it but... lol. That's as far as I'd be willing to go ;)

AFM, had my anatomy scan yesterday and all is still well. Whew!
First round of IVF starting tomorrow! 300mg Gonal F. Only 3 follicles this month.. keeping fingers crossed x
Thanks scooby! Great to hear your scan was good! I already weening off of caffeine again and plan on no alcohol after this weekend (I should be starting birth control on Sunday). I'll stock up on organic eggs and whole milk! I've been taking my vitamins and eating my Brazil nuts like a good little IVF patient. DH too. Lol. How he loves his vitamins.

Is Maca ok to take during IVF cycles?

Babylights - any updates?

Wish - how are you feeling? And can someone tell me what pupo means? :)

Welcome MissE and good luck! I'm right behind you!

Heading to my cardiologist to have a heart ultrasound done and be cleared for IVF! I don't have any known heart issues but they are common with Turners. So far I have no markers of this mosaic monosomy x (Turner Syndrome) aside from repeat chemical pregnancies...hoping I'll have some good eggs in there!

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