sounds like a lot has been happening as always!
tinkerbell - great news about the no. of follicles and that you've been monitored really well this cycle. they do the same at lister much more blood tests to help keep an eye on things. i'll have everything crossed for Monday and that you get a great number of egg.
serena great news on the house, moving next week how exciting. Also glad that scan went well earlier this week and that you know the injection you had to had hasn't effected the baby at all - that brill news

Can't believe you've only got 7 weeks to go it's going to fly by..
Kazza brilliant scan pictures they both look like they are doing brilliantly you must be so delighted. also good news that you've now been given all the correct info finally. Great to hear that your doing so well and symptom free, and if you decide to go for scan at 16 wks not long til you know the sex. Currently me and OH disagree on this - he wants to find out and I want it to be a surprise - so we'll have to see who wins!!
Izabela - not long til Thurs and your Lister apt, I really hope you get on with the clinic and get a good feeling from them as I think that's hugely important. All I can say is that you are definitely in safe hands and have every reason to feel positive
Monkeyfeet lovely to hear from you and glad William has had his first trip abroad, really hope he's not suffering too much with the tooth bless him
AFM - sickness symptoms have been so much better this week but don't know if that was because I was rushed off my feet with work so didn't have time to think about it. OH came out to join me thurs evening so we're having a lovely few days relaxing over here and seeing the sights. I'm actually feeling really good at moment, bit tired towards end of day but otherwise great and I've had no bleeding from second sac thank god as was a bit worried about that. I'm going to book a scan for next weekend when i'll be just over 9 wks to see what's happened with second.
we fly back tomorrow and quite looking forward to getting back home now -
have a nice weekend all and Tinkerbell good luck again for Mon
k xx