IVF/ICSI at Guys? Anyone else?

Shame your sister isn't being a bit more supportive Isabela - it doesn't take a genius to work out that you need support whilst going thru ivf and saying maybe it just isn't meant to be is a bit mean! Things have progressed so much that most people can be successful it just may take 3,4,5 or even more goes but there is always hope. Plus I'm sure you'll make wonderful parents & it will happen for you just might take a bit longer. It's great news for her that she's pregnant but it might be nice if she thought about your feelings too sometimes!!

Went to kiddicare at lakeside yesterday which is huge and completely overwhelming & thought we'd decided on travel system but the one we like the car seat can only be secured in car by seatbelts it won't fit normal or isofix base so now we're not sure again!!!

K xx
Thanks Key. This is what I like about this thread everybody is so supportive and understanding really gives me courage to keep trying until I get our baby. And obviously your stories girls keep me positive.

Good luck with picking up the right car seat. Are so many cute baby equipment out there hard to decide which one is the best. You need to follow your instinct in the end. What colour pram have you choose. X
How's everyone doing? Izabela how have you been feeling hun, have you had any more info on the FET for next mth?

Had midwife appt today & everything fine, little heart beating at145 bpm! They also start measuring bump from here on in and it was 26cm today.

Hope you're all enjoying beautiful sunshine. Serena how's Rosalie getting on? Kazza it's not long til you finish work is it?

K xx
Hi ladies, hope you enjoy your weekend away Izabella! I hope your sister settles back down into support mode! Maybe he's just super excited for herself and once the novelty where's off she will realise she shoud be more supportive!

Key fantastic news about your nct classes!

Serena how are you?

Afm 29 weeks today! Fuming with queen Mary's ! When I see my midwife on the 18th I'm going to request tat my obstetrician care is moved to pru they are useless! My day started off with yet another ob appt which is a complete waste of time! Had to wait ages as they were short staffed again! Then the ob basically asked how I am, said fine but... Ave been getting a lot of cramping for 2 days! To which I was ignored, not put in my notes and then said see you in 7 weeks when your 36 weeks to discuss the birth! I might have already had them by then! He said oh no average for twins 37 weeks ! oh great give me one weeks grace to prep for birth thanks a bunch! Then... Went to antenatal at QMH rushed about to get there and it's cncelled! Had a right moan up! Said I tried to call midwives and the antenatal ut know one answers the phone! AS USUAL!
Oh and he was totally blasé about if he could find both heart beats! Useless!!!
Kazza - that's terrible. Definitely get moved to PRUH, you can't wait until 36 wks to discuss the birth, that would be pushing it with one baby let alone twins. How's the cramping now? Did they tell you what it might be?

Key - brilliant that you got booked in for NCT. Did you have to convince them to let you go or did a space become available? And lovely that you're 26cm - are you 26 wks? Do you have appts every 4 wks at this stage? X
I definitely find the isofix base useful, only takes a second to click her in. But I'm crap at fiddly things anyway so would struggle using the belt x

Izabela - that's tough that your sister said that to you, that's not fair at all. And it's a shame she's being so self-involved and thoughtless as it's very hurtful for you. Hopefully she'll calm down & be more supportive soon. Until then you have us!

Monkeyfeet - how are you?! Haven't heard from you for ages - hope you're well.

AFM - just been to the dr again for yet another load of antibiotics. The stitches still aren't healed! It's been 7 wks so hoping it won't be much longer.
Kazza that's rubbish - definately try and get yourself moved if poss. i'm sure both babies are doing great but it would be nice if you were given the chance to hear both heartbeats! How is the cramping doing, any better?

Serena - so sorry to hear you haven't healed properly that's a nightmare and must be so uncomfortable. I really hope that this next lots of medication works and you start to feel 100% again! Know what you mean about the isofix but we are still tempted by the travel system even though it would mean strapping them in a seatbelt. Think we're going to leave it til we get back from hols (we go a week today :happydance:) then look again. I was 24 weeks yesterday so don't know if i'm measuring a bit big but they didn't mention anything so sure all fine. The other lady decided not to take the NCT place so that's how we got in - a bit of luck really in the end.

Have to say midwifes at Beckenham beacon are very nice, you're not in there for long but they do make sure that everything is covered and you hear heartbeat etc.

Goldfishy - isn't your Guys appt next week, bet you are so excited. Let us know how you get on and who you see & good luck!

Tcreasey - any news from your end, are things progressing ok?

k xx
Sorry key I must of missed your post about midwife! How many weeks are you now?

I've got midwife on the 18 th so I will mention my concerns to her!

Any news anyone ??
I'm 24+3 now & next appt will be beginning of Oct, also got to have glucos test for diabetes at around same time as my grandad had it. Everything good with me - except seem to have severe chocolate cravings!!

Kazza when do you finish work, can't be long now?

K xx
So are you measuring 26 weeks? Your pregnancy seems to be flying along!!!!

I do my last Saturday next week and finish work on the 18th October at 35 weeks unless anything changes!

I wasn't offered a glucose test. Is it just if there's family history of diabetes?

This might be too much info but.... I've got this pain in my bum!! It's more of an ache! No visible piles, just this ache! I hope it's not the start of them!!!
Kazza you are already 29 weeks so quick. So exciting. Good that you asking for a transfer to a diff hospital their attitude is really annoying. You do need a plan to be able to relax. How big are your babies now? Have heard both heart beets at your last appointment. Great that you are doing well and you have energy.

Key good news that you booked for classes and your baby is a good weight and healthy 24 weeks great!! I am sure some chocolate is good for you.

Serena how is Rosalie she is 2 months now? Is breast feeding getting better? Your stitches sound a pain, must be uncomfortable. Hope the antibiotics would sort it out soon. It's all the pain worthy when you have such a great bundle of joy.

Thanks for support girls. X
I had a great time with my FAM without no internet. Spent a lot of time with my sister and she keeps talking about her twins but I am genuinely happy for her and being away from home I was able to disconnect from my IVF which was great. But now I am back to reality. My AF came smack on time on Friday - great I din not have the transfer the Sunday before as was scheduled on day 5 (if was to be a blastocit.)

I been to Lister today and looking to do a natural cycle. I will only get thee trigger around day 13 which is about 19 Sept. Lister is thinking to have the transfer on 26 September but I want the embies back the same day as are only 2 and is no point to wait. They want to take them to day 5 but I don't think would make it and I lose any tiny chances. They give me a FET info where is written the early they can put it back is the next day.
Ovitrel costed 30 pounds so not too bad.

Serena how are you hun?

Key hope you are well!

Izabella great news that things are moving so quickly!! I suppose I can see both sides! Having both embies put bk into there natural environment to thrive has to be a good thing! You want them Both back so what's the harm! Lister probably think if you don't want to risk twins then grow them to blast, I suppose that way you'd also have an idea of quality and then only place one bk to avoid the risk. If your happy to have twins as long as there's no clinical reason not to put them back the next day what's the harm! Glad you had a nice break! Sister is just excited, she will get better x

30 weeks today scan next week bubs are about 3 lbs now I guess! I've put on 2 stone 1 lb so far!
Happy 30wks for yesterday Kazza - not long to go now. I'm 25 wks today exactly 5 behind :) dread to think how much I've out on about 2 stone I reckon

Izabela great news that they are doing a natural cycle for FET I'm sure that will help chances as the less drugs the better. I can understand your views on wanting to transfer straight away and like Kazza says I'm sure being back in the natural environment has to be best. Really really hope things work out with this frozen cycle

Serena - how you doing hun, things going well with Rosie?

I'm off to Turkey tomorrow for a week & can't wait. Hope you all have nice weekends & I'll catch up when back

Hi all,

Sorry I'm so bad at writing on here, I really do check in and think of you all often though.

Key & Kazza - can't believe you are 25 and 30 weeks already! Amazing news, hope its speeding by for you. Kazza, your Hosp sounds really frustrating and I totally agree you should look into changing. You want to feel prepared and comfortable for the birth etc.

This time is so exciting - getting rooms ready and meeting new nct pals and just counting down really. Hope you're both feeling well and babies are treating you nicely.xxx

Serena, lovely to hear from you, and thanks for asking after us. We are really good thanks. William is sitting up and babbling and making signs that crawling is on the way. It has all gone so quickly and it feel like he is growing up so fast :-( mark is not back to and has been for 3wks and its sooooo nice. For all of us but the help is the biggest thing.
Sorry to hear you've not healed very well. My section scar has not healed brilliantly but I'm told it can take up to a year for scars to heal. Hope you're ok. How's is the feeding going now? You've done so well as its so hard and I know you were having a hard time of it. I really believe that you have to do what's right for you and rosalie on terms if comfort and happiness - whether that be boob or bottle. How're you finding your nct girls for support?
I still see mine at least once a week and they're a god send.

Anyways... I'm babbling again.

Izabela, wishing you all the luck and love on the world for this next cycle. You've had such a tough time but you will get that bfp. Keep positive. Xx

Jhoney, I hope you and Scarlett are well too.

Much love to all.xxxxx
Kazza 30 weeks a and your babies are such a good weight. Do you think is very different carrying twins. Not long left until your maternity leave.

Key 25 weeks wow.. You are not too far from Kazza. How are you NT classes going. When are going on maternity leave?

Serena hope your antibiotics work soon and you feel better. How is Rosalie does she has favourites.

Monkeyfeet lovely to here William and you are doing great. Are thinking of a sibling for William.

Thanks everybody for your kind words. I decided to go ahead with Lister plan not to push for day 2 as they want to see the quality against the body's reaction to learn for further cycles. And I ask thinking to have the next cycle with Lister hope does not coast more than 8 k and I can have antagonist cycle. They have learn/ reveled so much about my body is worthy to keep them happy.
Izabela - great news that you're so positive again, and that Lister have found out so much. I really believe that as frustrating as it is to wait until day 5, and possibly have more treatment every step brings you that much closer to the BFP. I'm hoping next month is your month & you'll soon be able to compare bump stories with your sister! X
Rosalie doesn't have any favourite toys yet really apart from a small rabbit teddy she likes to eat. She does however love me clapping her hands to "If you're happy and you know it"!

Key - have a lovely time away. Such a good idea to have a holiday at this stage, I wish I'd done that! I bet the last few weeks of pregnancy fly by when you get back. When do you start your classes? I hope you get a good group.

Kazza - 30 weeks! Yey! So close now - how are you feeling? Do you still have the bum pain? Could it be the babies getting into position? Hope it's not piles, that won't be fun! Did you sort out moving midwife teams? And did you get to go to an antenatal session after all? My friend with twins mentioned that twins group in Bromley but she hasn't been yet but she wishes she'd spoken to them before the babies came as she's too busy to organise it now! Did I tell you I saw the twins? They are gorgeous x

Monkeyfeet - SOOO good to hear from you. Glad to know you still check in on us! And lovely to hear William is so happy - is he 7 or 8 months now? I bet you can't believe how it's flown. And crawling soon! Better start baby proofing everything! All breakables will be moved up to head height. I second Izabela's question - are you thinking of baby no.2 any time soon? I was considering talking to Guys around 7/8 months about starting FET again but I might feel differently by then!
The breastfeeding is going so much better this week. Last week I had blocked ducts every day & one the size of a lemon for a few days which was awful. I read a random blog that mentioned trying a different bra so as a last effort before quitting I bought 2 from amazon & within a few hours my ducts were normal & have been fine since! I can't describe the difference in pain, I am gutted it took me this long to try changing this but none of the experts even mentioned bras! My other ones were from Mothercare so I'd have thought they'd be good. Anyway, all good now at least! Monkeyfeet - are you still breastfeeding?
The stitches are a lot better too now which is great. That's awful that your csection scar is still not completely healed, I guess most people take a long time as episiotomies & sections are done on skin that then shrinks or is moved a lot from all the baby carrying & feedings!

I went to a baby sensory group this week with my NCT friends - it was quite fun but a bit shameful as it involved lots of singing & waving bunting around! I've seen the girls a few times but now we're all through the first few tough weeks we're going to meet each week & planning various pub trips with our partners too. It was such good advice, thanks Monkeyfeet. More than anything it's nice to have someone to email at 5am moaning about being covered in poo!
Serena so lovely you are thinking to go for FET. Rosalie would like a brother or a sister. She sounds so sweet with her little toy and enjoying your singing. Do you go to baby groups often. I bet she loves watching other children. X
Great that you found a bra who supports you breastfeeding.

I hope everybody is well. X

AFM back to Lister on Thursday for scan and blood test.
Thanks Serena x

I had the scan today and not ready yet. Folie at 11mm, lining 6.6 and a previous corpus luteum still dissolving. But all OK. Back on Monday. I will buy an ovulation kit tomorrow to check the natural surge just in case.

The lady I donated to has not got a positive test. So upset for her and feel guilty for not donating them all. The positive part is all her 4 eggs fertilized with Icsi and she had 2 good blastocits transfered, so I hope she learnt something about her body and next time she gets her positive.

Hope everybody is well. X

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