Hello all
Seems I have loads to catch up on, Key & Kazza I can't believe how far along you both are now, seems to have flown by, haven't read everything that I've missed yet but hope pregnancy is treating you both well
Serena, how are you doing? Rosalie sounds like she is doing fab, how old is she now?
Izabela, congrats on being PUPO, will be keeping everything crossed for you and glad to hear both embryos thawed well.
AFM - I had the endo scratch on Monday, it wasn't the most pleasant of procedures

but thankfully was very, very quick and just hoping it really hopes, have read such positive things about it helping implantation so keeping everything crossed and we'll also be using embryo glue with thransfer as well, well as long as our little embryo thaws well enough

So I'm just waiting for AF now who should be here next Wednesday and then our FET cycle begins, it will be completely natural so as I ovulate CD 15/16 I'm taking a guess at transfer being 28th/29th October