IVF/ICSI at Guys? Anyone else?

Thinkerbell great to here you had endo scratch. Did you had any painkillers or you was that strong. Embryo glue sounds fantastic I wished had with my first one so I could had a baby not ectopic. Your embie should defrost just fine. Not long left.

Key great news that your baby grows just fine. How big is now.

Hope everyone is well.

AFM very busy at work so day gone quick plus 2 hours overtime. I am testing everyday and now the trigger is out which makes me more nervous but I try to stay positive.
Hi ladies

Tinkerbell lovely to hear from you! Great news on endo scratch I've heard lots of great things about that! Can't wait for you to cycle again! Everything crossed or you!

Izabella great that you've tested out the trigger, when you start seeing lines you'll no thy are the real deal!how a you feeling? Natural to be anxious! Now they've controlled your cycle I have an excellent feeling! How many dpt are u now?

Key how was the glucose test? Are you feeling lots of movement now? Are you more or less sorted yet?

Serena rosalie sounds like a joy! What's she weighing now? How's her sleep pattern treating you?

Afm I'm 33 +2 and feeling huge! Started getting some stretch marks :( but I am the size of a full term singleton! Finish work two weeks today and I so can't wait! Sleep deprived and uncomfortable sums me up! I have midwife on Monday and a scan on Wednesday so I'm looking forward to those!

Hope everyyonevis well!
Poor you Kazza can't believe your size of full term for 1 and still have nearly a month to go - no wonder you're feeling exhausted!

Izabela when is your OTD are you going to test early do you think? Hope you're doing something lovely this w/end to keep your mind off things

Tinkerbell - here's hoping AFcomes quickly so you can get started, so excited for you.

really hope by NYE we'll have 3 new babies & a couple more on their way with you guys.

Serena hope you are doing well and enjoying every minute of seeing Rosie change & grow :)

Glucose test was ok although having 3 blood tests in 2hrs isn't fun but we've all got used to needles with all our treatments! Forgot to say that at midwife appt they want me to see consultant at 34 weeks - apparently with ivf babies they don't like you to go much over due dates so meant to see him to discuss this. Which I guess means whatever happens little ones should be here before end of year :)

ladies can I ask your advice on trigger shots. i had mine on monday 11 pm and the transfer was yesterday. I do not usually test (too heartbreaking seeing those bfns) but I may be tempted to test this time as this is our first IVF and i feel we may finally have a real chance. It would be heartbreaking to get a false positive though. i know trigger shots can give you false positive. when do you think is it going to be save to test?

also, do you get blood thinning injections in TWW? I am on daily shots of Clexane 20 mg/0.2ml, they are quite painful actually.

Izabela - how are you getting on? Any symptoms yet? Hope you're ok, thinking of you & keeping my fingers crossed for good news very soon x

Tinkerbell - lovely to hear from you, glad everything is progressing well & FET starts soon. Rosalie is 11 weeks now, it seems to have flown by in some ways and in others I can't believe she hasn't been here more than 2.5 months. Looking forward to hearing how your halloweeny transfer goes & fingers crossed for a Nov BFP - not long now!

Briss - I'm not sure about the tests as I didn't test early - Kazza is the Queen of the test & can tell you more. I'd guess around 10 days (so 5dp5dt or 7dp3dt) but not sure. Good luck!

Key - good news on the glucose test. It's interesting about you saying they don't let IVF babies go much over due date as I'd read that online but every time I brought it up to the midwife or dr they just seemed to shrug it off & say it was fine! I kept asking for an earlier induction than I had but they said no - weird! How are you feeling? Do you feel ready yet?

Kazza - how are you getting on? You must be getting uncomfortable now if you're the size of a full term singleton! Time to put your feet up & relax. Let everyone start looking after you. How often are you seeing the dr now and have they talked to you about the details of your birth plan? So exciting x

Monkeyfeet - hope you & William are doing well, looking forward to your next installment! Are you going back to work?

AFM - had a lovely busy weekend with friends & my niece's Christening. We gave Rosie her first bottle of formula as I was hoping to give her one a day for times I need to get out without her, but she screamed the place down so breastfeeding it is for the foreseeable future! X
Hey guys

Sitting at work with no power!! I fancied an easy day but this is boring!!

Briss the trigger was out my system by 3 dp5dt. Stark white then with my twins I had the faintest line at 4dpt and then clearer by 5dpt. Frozen embies take longer apparently. Good luck!

Key great news about the glucose test! I be not been told about ivf babies not going over the due date! But still at least you no you'll have you bubba by Xmas!

Izabella how you doing?

Serena 11 weeks that's flown by!! Oh bless her she only likes the boob! You've done a great job there!!

AFM midwife today and measuring 41 weeks if I was having a singleton! I'm 33+4 haha no wonder I'm tired and big! Roll on Wednesday for a scan!

thank you ladies, I tested yesterday 2dp2dt and it was a very faint positive, i guess it's just too early and the trigger shot is still in my system. I had a bit of brown spotting yesterday and that got me worried. the doc increased my progesterone to 3x400mg a day. hoping my wonderful embryo is still fighting and growing in there.
Briss i would say it is a bit early, few more days I'd say!!
Hi guys I will catch up and post personalized shortly but wanted to write this.

I have tested daily but I used different brands. I had negative on 7 and 8 day post ovulation (5,6 day post 2day transfer) all negative. On day 9 in the morning I had very faint positive on One Step stick and later positive on First Respond . Yesterday on day 10 I had positive on Superdrug faint, thinker than First Respond but lighter and a negative n the stick I had on day 9. This morning much lighter on Superdrug- DH can not see it. When I thought was over...This evening I have light pink line on brand of the stick which was negative since day 7 and was also yesterday.
Very confusing I thing is a chemical since the trigger was 13 days ago and was low dose only cost 30 pounds from Lister can't remember ml.
Oh my god Izabela, that's fantastic! Sounds like a positive to me! When is your official test date? Also please don't be put off by any spotting or bleeding, I had this sometimes for the first 12 weeks so it doesn't mean it's over necessarily. I'm so excited for you, can't wait to hear about any more tests you do x

Briss - might be a bit early but who knows! Fingers crossed x

Kazza - 41 weeks! Woah! I was jumbo by that point so I feel for you! With twins when do they usually come? I know you said they'd give you a csection at 38 weeks but is it likely they'll arrive sooner? I cannot wait to see a pic of them. Good luck for Wednesday x

Key - hope you're well hon x
Briss hope you doing well with the 2 ww. My advise is use the same brand of test otherwise you may get muddled like me. Test the same time as hormons may vary. I mean don't drink much for 2 hours before testing. Mornings is not ideal for me as I drink lots of water during night and I go out few times. Sticky baby.

Kazza over 33 weeks and already full term, poor your tummy. Great you are soon on Maternity Leave. I can imagine how uncomfortable must be sleeping with a huge tummy. Do you have everything ready for the babies. So exciting time with two.

Key glad your glucose test is good. How big do you measure? Are you not curios if is a girl or a boy? What does your instinct says.

Serena Rosalie sounds gorgeous and she likes your milk too much, so sweet. The weather was lovely this weekend great for christening. I bet she was so pretty in her tiny outfit.

Thinkerbell how long until your FET.
Izabela - ignore what I wrote about the spotting I completely Mis-read your post & thought you said you'd had pink spotting not a pink line on the test - dumbo! I blame the lack of sleep x
Thank Serena no spotting so far. I don't know how I would cope with that too. My sister said she had a full day of period.
I am not too positive but I will hang in there until Thursday/Friday ODT day. On day 5 or 6 post ovulation I had a weird pain in my uterus for 2 hours like I had a frying pen inside. Some nausea and bitter test but I think may be thee progesterone.
Izabela, you should be positive all of these symptoms sound great. I understand you don't want to get your hopes up but so far so good. Can't wait until Thurs & you will know for sure. I bet you won't get much sleep before then! X
Isabella post pics!! I'm a testerholic!! Sounds great! I've still got all my test pics and I used all different brands! My SuperDrug one at 4dp5dp so 9 days looked this barely visable! And the next day on a frer was the same!


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On frer
So it would be faint hun! This is great news!


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You might not be able to see it on these pics it was that faint! You have to keep us updated!!!
I have loads more! I drove myself mad!

41 weeks yes I'm huge! Babies are head down so they should induce at 38 weeks. Hopefully by 37 they'll get hear! I'm
All sorted for the nursery! And things! Cant wait for their arrival now!!

What blankets did you use Serena did you just put Rosalie in a baby grow, vest and then a Moses blanket at night or a fleese blanket? I feel so unprepared!!
When I had Rosie it was boiling & 30 degrees in our room so some nights she was just in a vest or her nappy. As the temp dropped I added blankets, at first using the light cellular ones and after a few weeks I used a cellular & a bit heavier one and she wore a babygro & vest or just a baby gro. However she is a proper wriggler & would kick all the blankets off & be cold which would then wake her up. I started using grobags at about 6 weeks I think and they are brilliant, they can't be kicked off obviously but they also stop her wriggling around as much. At first she had a 1 tog & I put her in either a baby gro or also a vest but now she is in a 2.5 tog & in a long sleeved but leg less vest.

Are you thinking or using babygros & cellular blankets at first when they are little? I'm not sure about fleece blankets as maybe there might be a risk of suffocation as no holes in them? I'm so looking forward to hearing all about the twins when they come. Is Joshua the heavier twin? They are going to be so cute!
Also what are they going to sleep in at first? My friend with twins said getting two nursing pillows (the little u shaped ones) were great for feeding them with bottles at the same time x

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