Serena great to hear all is going well at the check up. Maybe she likes the sunshine so that why she's been going a bit mental today! I wouldn't worry that your nct group are Chislehurst I'm sure you'll meet people local too and it's not far to drive down for a coffee and visit to ponds 
Izabela it's lovely to get outside now the suns shining isn't it. Have you made any decisions on where your going for treatment next if you're think June time? Another kitten sounds like a good idea to take your mind of things in meantime.
Kazza the next few months are going to fly for you with pregnancy and planning a wedding,I'm so excited for u
Yes I'm definitely going to hold off until Thurs now - let's hope my little ones were just a bit slow to implant and I'll see the positive then
K xx

Izabela it's lovely to get outside now the suns shining isn't it. Have you made any decisions on where your going for treatment next if you're think June time? Another kitten sounds like a good idea to take your mind of things in meantime.
Kazza the next few months are going to fly for you with pregnancy and planning a wedding,I'm so excited for u
Yes I'm definitely going to hold off until Thurs now - let's hope my little ones were just a bit slow to implant and I'll see the positive then
K xx