IVF/ICSI at RVH??? Cycle buddy OCT/NOV xx

Ohhh babies r us I am speechless......I'm absolutely gutted for you and your hubby :( I am so so sorry ....... I agree with the other girls explain you don't have the finances to go again I think after everything they put you through they should give u another go if they cannot give you a medical reason why this happened it must be something to do with the lab.

Aw sweetheart it's just devastating :hugs: words will mean nothing to you right now and cant help make you feel any better but again I'm genuinely so sorry your going through this x
Well I made my review appointment yesterday which as u can imagine was really difficult. When I got there I didn't get to see my own consultant (surprise surprise) but got a Dr Traub. Well what an arrogant ignorant man. In my vulnerable state I at least would have expected a sympathetic ear but instead he slouched down in the chair an said to me "before we begin zero fertilisation is unfortunately unexplainable,your eggs looked good so did the sperm and sometimes these things just happen. Next time we'll use ICSI to prevent it reoccurring." I tried to ask him questions an with a stupid smirk and a grin on his face he shrugged me off everytime. I said to him I don't appreciate that you think this is somehow amusing and he dismissed me again. I ended up walking out of the room whilst he was doodling on my file. Absolutely disgusted! I have never been so insulted in my life! Just so hurt an let down and to top it all off I got no answers or explanations. Devastated x
Babiesrus, I am so disappointed that u have been treated like that especially in ur vulnerable state. No one deserves to be spoken to like that. In my opinion, (I work in health care myself and tend to usually still up for other health care professionals) you should make an official complaint, they think they are so superior to us, and need to be told to sort out their attitude towards vulnerable patients. All u may get is an apology, but best case scenario would be some explanations and an offer of another course of treatment (as this one is termed incomplete). They don't seem to understand what a big deal this treatment is to all of us, and it seems like they just don't care. I still can't believe how they have treated u pet, I'm furious!!!! xo
Babies r us I'm so sorry for what your going through words fail me. We were under prof mcclure at the uic and Rfc he is a gentleman but I have to tell you we were sent to the Rfc for a review and had the misfortune of seeing dr traub. He was rude, obnoxious and dismissive and told me I didn't need fertility treatment and to just go away relax and get pregnant.( after 6 years easier said than done). M husband was going to floor him. I immediately emailed professor mcclure lodged my complaint and seen by the prof privately free of charge. Don't take it COMPLAIN he is an arrogant arse! Good luck! He also told a friend of mine that she was too fat and too come back when she lost 5 stone he has her in bits!
God Traub sounds like a nasty arrogant man! So sorry babiesrus, you've been treated really poorly in what is already a devastating situation. Thinking of you & hoping so much they will give you another free nhs cycle. :hugs::hugs:

How's everyone else doing?
oh god babiesrus us... dr traub was our consultant the whole way through and we thought the same he had me in tears at our first and 2nd appointment because any questions i had he just dismissed but jesus that's uncalled for really is.. i'd rather not have went for him to basically say what they told you on the phone... i think they need to teach them to have more sensitivity towards everyone and they should go on courses to teach it. We are like just another product on the conveyor belt it's not on at all. He has actually retired but is going in to do the odd days here and there. I'm so sorry they just need to sort it out!!!
my god babies r us thats so devastating the way you have been treated im really annoyed for u and ur hubby and ur not getting the answers you so desperately need to understand what has happened my heart goes out to you and reading ur message re dr traub well i am a friend on fertilityfriend uk and if u search his name on there you will see your not the only one who thinks hes an ignorant arrogant man! reading some of the stories ohh i better not see him when i go for treatment for i will throw a wobbler! i really hope u get another treatment and get explanation for what has happened i am gutted for u really am no one deserves to be treated like that
just wanted to pop on to see how everyone is xx
Hey ladies, isn't this weather so lovely? Just puts u in a better mood. I'm counting down the days now until we start treatment, less than 2 weeks now, and praying I don't have to see dr traub, he sounds like a real charmer.
Wifey, any symptoms yet?
Babiesrus, hope ur doing ok pet xo
How's everyone? Xo
twinklemama - whenever i was at that stage i felt the 2 weeks wouldn't come in quick enough but they flew in and once you start the start goes abit slow but stims goes really quick won't b long now. what protocol was it that they have you on again? as of symptoms anything i've had i've put down to the progestrone i dunno, felt really nausious from yesterday day it comes and goes, really tired from 2 days ago ,headaches, extremely sore boobs ( but had this from stims and hasn't went away ) i have been cramp and gasey but again progestrone does that and my dreams i have been having are crazy i never dream or if i do its rare. I done a test today to see if the trigger was out of my system so i know i will get a true result and it is so i'm not gonna test again until maybe a day before the OTD. x

babiesrus - thinking of you.. theres this programme on tv just finsihed watchin it about midwives etc anways it showed couples going through the ivf process etc but there was one woman on there made me think of you. It was on that channel really.. They said everything was perfect the eggs and sperm and couldn't understand why that it never fertilised and that was there first attempt they had done IVF. They done further tests and it turned out that the outter shell of the egg was too hard for the sperm to penetrate so there 2nd attempt they done ICSI and got a positive. I'm not saying that that is why yours never but it's something to keep in mind. i hope your ok xx
Hey wifey, ur just right to try to wait until close to otd if u can, testing any sooner will just melt ur head either way. And fingers crossed u will get 2 big fat lines on ur test so theres no doubting it. xo
It's a longer cycle I'm on this time, suprecur for the first 2 weeks then adding gonal-f for another 2 weeks. They're starting me on 225iu of gonal-f, I started on the same dose of menopur at origin for stim and it only gave me 5 eggs so I might ask if they can increase it if needed. Or maybe being on the suprecur for 2 weeks will have the same effect? I dunno now, just want to get started and get on with it. Was at my friends house tonight for a catch up, 2 babies there under 4 months and my 7 year old nephew, and i couldn't even have a drink to take my mind off the fact everyone else can get pregnant at the drop of a hat. Anyway, enough rant, DH is home from his latest work trip in the morning so time for sleep!
Hope everyone is well!
Good luck wifey, fingers crossed :dust:

Babiesrus, how are you doing? Thinking of you so much & hope you are okay x

Twinkle, not long now for you! Thrilled you are at this point :)

At what point do you find out the exact protocol that you are on? We have our screening apt coming up in just over a week. But not sure what happens after that...

Thinking of all the ni ladies :hugs:

And yeh great to see some feckin better weather! X
Threebirds, glad ur moving forward again pet. We didn't find out the protocol until my schedule arrived, and even then it didn't actually say the type of protocol, I just knew from what has been said on here and from what I'd read online. Have u decided if ur gonna tell them about ur miscarriage? Hope ur feeling ok xo
Threebirds, glad ur moving forward again pet. We didn't find out the protocol until my schedule arrived, and even then it didn't actually say the type of protocol, I just knew from what has been said on here and from what I'd read online. Have u decided if ur gonna tell them about ur miscarriage? Hope ur feeling ok xo

Thanks Twinkle, each day is a bit easier and it's good to have something to focus on. Just trying to get fit & healthy. Will tell them about mc if we need to - depends how slow/fast things happen after screening apt. Ive no idea what our drug schedule will be like with RFC. With Origin there was no downregging & was on 325 (i think) gonal f. But we do know Im a poor responder so we'll really be hoping the cycle doesnt get cancelled and I have some eggs! How long were you waiting after screening apt & what is the next step after that? Thanks xx
They tell u to start ur pill on the next period after screening, then you've just got to watch the post for ur schedule. My screening appt was the last week of November, i started pill on 11th December and received schedule on valentines day. It was a long wait but I'm assuming Christmas slowed it all down. On the plus side for u, I don't think they're closing for Easter-I'm booked for a scan on Easter Sunday- so hopefully you'll get started a bit quicker than me. I would doubt they'll ask u anything regarding pregnancy since ur last appt, they certainly didn't ask me anything about that, I would just say nothing if I were u, it won't change ur treatment or anything. Fingers crossed we'll all get those bfp's v soon xo

Hi girls, what a day i've been having. yesterday i was getting really bad cramps across the lower half of my stomach and my right side but the pain in my right side hasn't went away from EC from when they went through the bladder, so this morning when i woke up i couldn't move with pain i made it into the toilet as i needed to pee but couldn't i had to sit on the floor i was dripping with sweat felt like i was gonna faint i've never had pain this worse since i had my gall bladder attacks years ago. So i asked DH to give me drink water and painkiller and pay on the floor doubled he wanted to phone the hospital but i refused i thought if i took some painkillers and got into bed and got into a sleep i'd feel better. So DH helped me into bed and i couldn't even lie there i was crawling up the bed i never go to hospitals or take tables unless i really need to, so i gave in and had to go up to maternity bit since RFC wasn't taking emergencys which i think is terrible for us women to go going through this.

They said it could be 4 things OHSS or bladder infection etopic pregnancy and appendix, so they done internals, ultrasound scan etc ruled out appendix and OHSS said my ovarys were very large but not overly.. So they said how many days ago did you have embryo transfer today is a week exactly he said we need to do a pregnancy test, i couldn't pee it was like a sharp sharp pain everytime i sat down so i forced water down me they said there was blood in there so slight infection but nothin to be concerned about. so nurse done test and walked out of the room with it the dip stick one said the light in this rooms she came back said the tests shows negative but still do your test its early days next saturday i said yeah i thought that myself. So they called for a senior dr that was on call to come down.

He basically said you know these things don't always work first time do you know that and i seen DH sink in his chair i said yes i know and he said are you nhs or self funded i said nhs he said oooo you know these procedures are very very expensive i said yeah i've looked into it he said around £6000. he didn't know anything i said i had 3day transfer he said whats that. i felt he didn't have a clue and basically told us it was over. DH filled up and i knew it wasn't. So he said we will do an MOT do white blood cells for infects couple other tests liver and HCG which will give us numbers to see if theres a pregnancy there but it's very unlikely. i just felt so mad. so i asked can i go home and they phone me with results so they let me.

We had to phone them 3 and half hours later for the results and the nurse said the bloods came back ok theres no real infection and the liver showed raised levels but they think thats down to the drugs of ivf etc but they will get the dr to look and them and ring me back and she said the HCG level was raised she said my level was 48 and usually anything below 25 is negative and the look from 25 - 50 before detecting it in HPT so I'M PREGNANT!! i can't believe it but the dr that rang me back had repeated the you have raised levels of HCG i said yeah i had ET a week ago she said yours are abit higher than normal.. so now thats got me worried... but still to go ahead do the test on saturday anyway.

I'm so sorry for this big story it's been a crazy day i will catch up with personals tomarrow i hope your all ok xx
Wifeyw :yipee: oh my goodness it's awful what you had to go through but on the plus side you found out your HCG levels :happydance::happydance: your pregnant!!!! I bet both took your levels sound like twins!! Huge congrats to you both and rest up now and look after yourself! As you know I was in hospital twice with severe cramping and they could only put it down to the treatment it did ease off and I hope it's the same for you........... I am so so happy for you :) xxxx
Wow Wifey, blimey thats been a lot to go thru. Im so excited for you, it really does seem like you are preg :-) :happydance:
Im just sorry you've been in so much pain & you & DH had to put up with stupid dr. Please rest up & take it easy. You'll be able to test in a few days to confirm. Good luck!! x

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