IVF/ICSI at RVH??? Cycle buddy OCT/NOV xx

Im so sorry I dont know about the prog gel wifey but hope you have answer frm hospital and also know by now about ET timing. Keeping evrything crossed for you. :dust:
Sorry wifeyw I can't answer ur question either. I will need to check this tomorrow also bacause my schedule is totally messed up now! Keeping everything crossed for you today. Let us know how it goes if they go ahead today.

I triggered last night at 11. I've woken this morning an I feel like I constantly need to pee. I've been up since 5:30 thinking I need to go. Was anyone else like this?
Hi wifey. I too was confused by the schedule and went ahead and used the progesterone the day before ET. No problem with transfer of anything but the nurse told me this was a NO, NO and looked horrified. You take it AFTER ET.
In origin you took it every day except the morning of transfer as its a bit messy.
So I wasn't too bothered about her horrified expression. If they know their notes are wrong then why the hell do they not cross it off the schedules. Honestly!!
Babiesrus can't say I needed to pee but if you've been drinking lots of water to prevent ohss then maybe thats why?? Plus your kidneys are working hard to filter medication in your system.
Good luck for your EC. Xx
Hi girls :-)

So i phoned this morning, i was so nervous i didn't think that i could even speak my stomach was in knots. I actually was going to get DH to only i needed to ask about progestrone etc. They said that the 4 embies made it and there was 8 cell 2x 7 cell and a 6 she said one of the 7 cell and the 6 cell was low quality the fragmentation on them were low so they weren't gonna freeze them.. so not frosties but they put 2 back in so the 8 cell and 7 cell she said they weren't great quality but they weren't low either so... yeah PUPO woohoo!

i've been really uncomfortable on the side they went through bladder so when i went in they done another scan which they don't normally do at that stage they said and theres access fluid on that side but she said lining was 15mm and they look at anything above 7 so thats good!

Thanx girls for replying i asked dr williamson about the gel and she said the same to take it after ET because it was messy and at night time because it gives it time to soak in so.. not looking forward to that but i'm so glad that i can try relax and hopefully take my mind off the whole thing abit. x

babiesrus - i did need to pee all time and felt as if someone was sitting on my stomach. i do pee alot anyways but i think its water aswell if your worried say to them and they will scan you again just to be one the safe side. i'm so excited to see how you get on tomarrow how are you feeling? what time is Ec at? x

mumstheword - yeah i got that impression off the dr the same because i mentioned to her the nurse when i was in recovery said to take it anyway she made a funny face and said noo after so. how are you? x
Hi girls :-)

So i phoned this morning, i was so nervous i didn't think that i could even speak my stomach was in knots. I actually was going to get DH to only i needed to ask about progestrone etc. They said that the 4 embies made it and there was 8 cell 2x 7 cell and a 6 she said one of the 7 cell and the 6 cell was low quality the fragmentation on them were low so they weren't gonna freeze them.. so not frosties but they put 2 back in so the 8 cell and 7 cell she said they weren't great quality but they weren't low either so... yeah PUPO woohoo!

i've been really uncomfortable on the side they went through bladder so when i went in they done another scan which they don't normally do at that stage they said and theres access fluid on that side but she said lining was 15mm and they look at anything above 7 so thats good!

Thanx girls for replying i asked dr williamson about the gel and she said the same to take it after ET because it was messy and at night time because it gives it time to soak in so.. not looking forward to that but i'm so glad that i can try relax and hopefully take my mind off the whole thing abit. x

babiesrus - i did need to pee all time and felt as if someone was sitting on my stomach. i do pee alot anyways but i think its water aswell if your worried say to them and they will scan you again just to be one the safe side. i'm so excited to see how you get on tomarrow how are you feeling? what time is Ec at? x

mumstheword - yeah i got that impression off the dr the same because i mentioned to her the nurse when i was in recovery said to take it anyway she made a funny face and said noo after so. how are you? x

Oh my goodness go u mrs I'm soooooo happy for you. That's it all over you now. Jus gotta try and relax, be positive and pray. I'm excited for you!
EC is 11am
I'm pretty nervous now don't know what to expect as I'm sure we all feel the first time. Is there anything you did the day/night before? You are describing exactly how I feel. It feels like Im gonna burst lol but I can't pee everytime I go.. hopefully it's normal just I'm worried about every twing now 😢 xo
Again I'm so happy for you huni.. The wait is on. Congratulations on being PUPO yeaaaa x
That's great wifey. Excellent result. Congrats on being PUPO. I hope you get that BFP soon. I'm alright. Babysitting my younger sisters children last night. She has a boy at 1 and a girl at 2&a half. They're so good and such fun to be around. Keeps me occupied. Having a quiet day before I start my new job tomoro. I'll have 30 children to look after then. I'll definitely be busy.
I am relaxing as we speak i went straight and had accupunture right after transfer the girls doesn't work but said she would go in just for me to let her know what time i leave the hosp at which was lovely of her so i think thats helped me be more relaxed too.

I'm sure your are i was nervous but i didn't show until i actually went into the room the nurse called my name asked if i needed the loo i said i needed to go so she took DH on up to the room i felt really over whelmed at that point when i walked in. they take your details give you gown make you change up on bed go over details again and while putting thing in your arm give you morphine and it made me feel like i was heavy eyed and was gonna sleep but i was awake and felt really stupid when i opened my mouth lol weird feeling but i'm sure if it wasn't there it'd be much worse. it's over before you know it thats all i kept thinking it only take roughly 10 minutes.

Thats bursting feeling isn't nice even when you bend very comfortable. hang in there not long to go woohoo the waiting will be worth it some lovely juicy follies and eggs in there by now. I worried about the least wee thing and you will. Just make sure DH lends you his hand to squeeze when the needle goes in the wall thats the worst but but its bareable feels almost like a shooting dart after it's in the pain was ok its more of a crampy feeling when they extra the fluid.

No missus i just try to put it out of my head as hard as it is went to cinema kept busy sorted ironing etc and meals for that night because i am mrs organised Dh calls me. just kept doing the usual hot water bottle protein water and made sure i moved around too for blood flow to uterus but from what i can remember thats about it.

I will keep everything crossed just focus on it will be over soon xx
mumstheword - it's amazing how they can say something or do something and it puts a smile on your face isn't it my little niece and nephew are the same. oh my 30 you certainly will have your hands full you will prob need to grow a few extra sets along with the set you have lol i hope it all goes well for you nerve wrecking the first day i'm sure but amazing at same time xx
hello ladies,
sorry couldn't keep in touch.. as hubby banned laptop, as I was constantly reading symptoms and was going crazy… Today he let me have it for 30 mins :)
How s things..

Wifeyw, Very happy for you.. :flower:

BabiesRus, I was constantly peeing.. But I was drinking lots.. I felt really dehydrated… I had really dry face… Gud luck for tomo.. Drink water till 7 (if thats what they said).. As we would feel really dry, especially with nerves and stress.. My prayers and thoughts with u…

Mumstheword, Good luck with ur new job.. 30 Kids… I can't imagine :hugs:

just read the thread.. bleeding for 3 weeks???? I didn't get u… doesn't feel right with me.. R u monitored… What is ur Hb?? are u taking iron and folic acid?
Does ur nurse know U have been bleeding 3 weeks while on pills??

Also ladies.. two gud news..
My hubby snapped and asked my mil to get out of the house :happydance: She said something like, " IVF babies doesn't have a soul…bla..bla" *(she knew I was 80'sIVF baby).. He lost it and asked her to get out.. :happydance: :haha: She was shocked,… :wohoo::rofl: My father-in-law scolded her for being insensitive, and hurting us and took her home this morning :happydance: :happydance:

The second gud news is I have got a faint BFP.. :flower: :yipee: 10dp3dt.. No other symptoms.. Mild pain in the ovaries.. thats it.. I had a faint BFP yesterday with first response and faint BFP today on First response and Tesco HPT:flower::flower:
Oh ruby. Fingers crossed that sounds great!! :0) delighted fir you!
Your mil sounds awful. God love you and your hubby. She'll think differently when she meets her new grandson/daughter. Best if luck for the next few days. Xx
hello ladies,
sorry couldn't keep in touch.. as hubby banned laptop, as I was constantly reading symptoms and was going crazy… Today he let me have it for 30 mins :)
How s things..

Wifeyw, Very happy for you.. :flower:

BabiesRus, I was constantly peeing.. But I was drinking lots.. I felt really dehydrated… I had really dry face… Gud luck for tomo.. Drink water till 7 (if thats what they said).. As we would feel really dry, especially with nerves and stress.. My prayers and thoughts with u…

Mumstheword, Good luck with ur new job.. 30 Kids… I can't imagine :hugs:

just read the thread.. bleeding for 3 weeks???? I didn't get u… doesn't feel right with me.. R u monitored… What is ur Hb?? are u taking iron and folic acid?
Does ur nurse know U have been bleeding 3 weeks while on pills??

Also ladies.. two gud news..
My hubby snapped and asked my mil to get out of the house :happydance: She said something like, " IVF babies doesn't have a soul…bla..bla" *(she knew I was 80'sIVF baby).. He lost it and asked her to get out.. :happydance: :haha: She was shocked,… :wohoo::rofl: My father-in-law scolded her for being insensitive, and hurting us and took her home this morning :happydance: :happydance:

The second gud news is I have got a faint BFP.. :flower: :yipee: 10dp3dt.. No other symptoms.. Mild pain in the ovaries.. thats it.. I had a faint BFP yesterday with first response and faint BFP today on First response and Tesco HPT:flower::flower:

Congratulations huni I'm soooooo happy for you. Such fab news luv. Well done. I hope that line just keeps getting clearer an clearer. Yeaaaaa. xoxoxo
As we both had similar kind of cycle, Jus wanted to let you know.. My egg retrieval was very painful.. But as I asked them, (the nurse), to give me something stronger... they gave me Co-codamol… It really helped.. (downside co-codamol leads to constipation)… I don't want to scare you.. But if I were you, I would ask for pain killer, the minute I come out of theatre, and ask for something stronger to take home (even if u r not in pain, pretend so).
It is better to have something in hand given by ur RE, than running to GP, if needed… Better to be safe.. If I wouldn't have asked, they would have sent home with paracetamol…
Also ask them, how many follicles were drained,
how many eggs were collected and
Quality of eggs..
otherwise they will just tell the number of eggs..
Also ask them what time to call the next day or if they would call?
if they would call what time do U need to expect the call?

If possible write all your questions in a paper and take it with u. Ask DH to keep it handy. I forgot to ask about the quality of the eggs and was worrying till the next day morning…

After EC, on your way back start drinking water.. If possible, try to pass water, in the clinic, before u head home.. Because, only then U will realise the pain.. If u pass water once, U will get used to the pain…

I will keep everything crossed for u.. If I remember something else I will come back :hugs:
Oh ruby. Fingers crossed that sounds great!! :0) delighted fir you!
Your mil sounds awful. God love you and your hubby. She'll think differently when she meets her new grandson/daughter. Best if luck for the next few days. Xx

Thank u mumstheword,
Hopefully, She will change.. Now I have started worrying, if the BFP is real :) OH has banned me from reading, any stories, even if they are success stories :)
welcome to 2ww.. eat walnut ( a handful) everyday, do not stand for long time doing ironing.. eat egg everyday if possible.. I had one spoon of manuka honey everyday, 7 types of fruits (got to be different colours).. (i had clementines, plum, apple, mango, grapes, banana and strawberry), 2 litres of water and 1 glass of milk and fish every other day... (whole diet prescribed by my sister's RE in singapore).. My only mistake was I had a little chocolate truffle everyday.. I couldn't stop myself.. but it destressed me.. so my OH agreed :)

Other advice, stay away from laptop.. I kept checking like 1dp3dt symptoms, then 2dp3dt symptoms, and I was going crazy… So hubby took laptop away and gave me some nice books to read… which really helped mind stay calm..

Main thing keep away from inlaws :haha: Keeping everything crossed for your little embies :)
Eeeek Ruby so excitex for you :hugs: Keeping everything crossed for ya. Are you testing again in morning?? xxxx
As we both had similar kind of cycle, Jus wanted to let you know.. My egg retrieval was very painful.. But as I asked them, (the nurse), to give me something stronger... they gave me Co-codamol… It really helped.. (downside co-codamol leads to constipation)… I don't want to scare you.. But if I were you, I would ask for pain killer, the minute I come out of theatre, and ask for something stronger to take home (even if u r not in pain, pretend so).
It is better to have something in hand given by ur RE, than running to GP, if needed… Better to be safe.. If I wouldn't have asked, they would have sent home with paracetamol…
Also ask them, how many follicles were drained,
how many eggs were collected and
Quality of eggs..
otherwise they will just tell the number of eggs..
Also ask them what time to call the next day or if they would call?
if they would call what time do U need to expect the call?

If possible write all your questions in a paper and take it with u. Ask DH to keep it handy. I forgot to ask about the quality of the eggs and was worrying till the next day morning…

After EC, on your way back start drinking water.. If possible, try to pass water, in the clinic, before u head home.. Because, only then U will realise the pain.. If u pass water once, U will get used to the pain…

I will keep everything crossed for u.. If I remember something else I will come back :hugs:

Thank you very much for all ur helpful tips. I will definately do what youve said. Thanks.
I have to say I'm feeling very nervous now. I just pray really hard that its all worth it. (Like we all do I'm sure.) Hopefully in a few weeks ill be spreading my good news like you Mrs... 😃 Ill definately be gettin my hubbie out to the shops for lots of fruit which I love anyways. Hate the milk but I've been drinking it to try an help my follicles along an it helped so I will continue that also.
ps glad mil is gone that was horrible for you, she will not be saying that when ur little baby comes along. Glad ur hubbie stepped in and stood with you!😘
Wifeyw - fantastic news :hugs: on being PUPO :) keeping everything crossed xx

Babies r us - good luck for EC can't believe it's finally here :hugs: im sure your so nervous this morning but it will be okay....let us know how you get on sweetie and it will be over before you know it xx

Ruby84- huge congrats that's fab news :hugs:

So excited for you girls xxx
Well girls I'm home already what an emotional rollercoaster today again..
I got 15 eggs which is fab news.
But..... due to the high number of eggs I'm at a very high risk of OHSS. They won't be putting any eggs back they will all have to be frozen until my body recovers. I'm so so disappointed you wouldn't believe it's hard no to be I was hoping to have transfer back in this Thursday. I now have to wait until I have a bleed then another natural cycle to begin the process for frozen embryo transfer. Prolonging this agonising journey! 😭 Cried sore all day.
Well girls I'm home already what an emotional rollercoaster today again..
I got 15 eggs which is fab news.
But..... due to the high number of eggs I'm at a very high risk of OHSS. They won't be putting any eggs back they will all have to be frozen until my body recovers. I'm so so disappointed you wouldn't believe it's hard no to be I was hoping to have transfer back in this Thursday. I now have to wait until I have a bleed then another natural cycle to begin the process for frozen embryo transfer. Prolonging this agonising journey! 😭 Cried sore all day.

Aww sweetheart I'm so so sorry :hugs: that is so disappointing for you :( I'm sure u just want to be at the end of this roller coaster :hugs: hopefully these next 4wks fly by but it's so hard after waiting as long as you have :hugs: xx

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