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Im so sorry I dont know about the prog gel wifey but hope you have answer frm hospital and also know by now about ET timing. Keeping evrything crossed for you. 

Hi girls
So i phoned this morning, i was so nervous i didn't think that i could even speak my stomach was in knots. I actually was going to get DH to only i needed to ask about progestrone etc. They said that the 4 embies made it and there was 8 cell 2x 7 cell and a 6 she said one of the 7 cell and the 6 cell was low quality the fragmentation on them were low so they weren't gonna freeze them.. so not frosties but they put 2 back in so the 8 cell and 7 cell she said they weren't great quality but they weren't low either so... yeah PUPO woohoo!
i've been really uncomfortable on the side they went through bladder so when i went in they done another scan which they don't normally do at that stage they said and theres access fluid on that side but she said lining was 15mm and they look at anything above 7 so thats good!
Thanx girls for replying i asked dr williamson about the gel and she said the same to take it after ET because it was messy and at night time because it gives it time to soak in so.. not looking forward to that but i'm so glad that i can try relax and hopefully take my mind off the whole thing abit. x
babiesrus - i did need to pee all time and felt as if someone was sitting on my stomach. i do pee alot anyways but i think its water aswell if your worried say to them and they will scan you again just to be one the safe side. i'm so excited to see how you get on tomarrow how are you feeling? what time is Ec at? x
mumstheword - yeah i got that impression off the dr the same because i mentioned to her the nurse when i was in recovery said to take it anyway she made a funny face and said noo after so. how are you? x
hello ladies,
sorry couldn't keep in touch.. as hubby banned laptop, as I was constantly reading symptoms and was going crazy Today he let me have it for 30 mins![]()
How s things..
Wifeyw, Very happy for you..![]()
BabiesRus, I was constantly peeing.. But I was drinking lots.. I felt really dehydrated I had really dry face Gud luck for tomo.. Drink water till 7 (if thats what they said).. As we would feel really dry, especially with nerves and stress.. My prayers and thoughts with u
Mumstheword, Good luck with ur new job.. 30 Kids I can't imagine
just read the thread.. bleeding for 3 weeks???? I didn't get u doesn't feel right with me.. R u monitored What is ur Hb?? are u taking iron and folic acid?
Does ur nurse know U have been bleeding 3 weeks while on pills??
Also ladies.. two gud news..
My hubby snapped and asked my mil to get out of the houseShe said something like, " IVF babies doesn't have a soul bla..bla" *(she knew I was 80'sIVF baby).. He lost it and asked her to get out..
She was shocked,
My father-in-law scolded her for being insensitive, and hurting us and took her home this morning
The second gud news is I have got a faint BFP..![]()
10dp3dt.. No other symptoms.. Mild pain in the ovaries.. thats it.. I had a faint BFP yesterday with first response and faint BFP today on First response and Tesco HPT
Oh ruby. Fingers crossed that sounds great!! :0) delighted fir you!
Your mil sounds awful. God love you and your hubby. She'll think differently when she meets her new grandson/daughter. Best if luck for the next few days. Xx
As we both had similar kind of cycle, Jus wanted to let you know.. My egg retrieval was very painful.. But as I asked them, (the nurse), to give me something stronger... they gave me Co-codamol It really helped.. (downside co-codamol leads to constipation) I don't want to scare you.. But if I were you, I would ask for pain killer, the minute I come out of theatre, and ask for something stronger to take home (even if u r not in pain, pretend so).
It is better to have something in hand given by ur RE, than running to GP, if needed Better to be safe.. If I wouldn't have asked, they would have sent home with paracetamol
Also ask them, how many follicles were drained,
how many eggs were collected and
Quality of eggs..
otherwise they will just tell the number of eggs..
Also ask them what time to call the next day or if they would call?
if they would call what time do U need to expect the call?
If possible write all your questions in a paper and take it with u. Ask DH to keep it handy. I forgot to ask about the quality of the eggs and was worrying till the next day morning
After EC, on your way back start drinking water.. If possible, try to pass water, in the clinic, before u head home.. Because, only then U will realise the pain.. If u pass water once, U will get used to the pain
I will keep everything crossed for u.. If I remember something else I will come back![]()
Well girls I'm home already what an emotional rollercoaster today again..
I got 15 eggs which is fab news.
But..... due to the high number of eggs I'm at a very high risk of OHSS. They won't be putting any eggs back they will all have to be frozen until my body recovers. I'm so so disappointed you wouldn't believe it's hard no to be I was hoping to have transfer back in this Thursday. I now have to wait until I have a bleed then another natural cycle to begin the process for frozen embryo transfer. Prolonging this agonising journey! 😭 Cried sore all day.