IVF/ICSI at RVH??? Cycle buddy OCT/NOV xx

Hi everyone :hugs:

Babies r us :hugs::hugs: sorry this is such a tough road, thinking of you & hoping things get better for you soon xxx

Wifey, good luck at hosp this morning, hoping all goes well and your wee bean/s are snuggling in well :) xxx

Gemma hun can't believe you're at 18 wks either, so fab :-D Sorry I havent made it on to your preg journal much but im looking forward to catching up. Hope you are feeling fab & blooming xxx

Twinkle, yikes not long to wait now. Hope you have a stressfree as poss lead up to starting the drugs in a few days time. Will be cheering you on & keeping everything crossed for you xxx

This wk will also see DH & me one step closer - screening apt & apt with dr to get pill prescription.

Yay for it being Friday, heres to weekend! :hugs: xxx
Hi girlies:hi:

Gemma - i think i will ask my GP whenever i go down for the cyclizine because i can't handle it lol i sound like a moan lately don't i lol aww i'm sure your over the moon i thought seeing it would sort of hit home i guess not lol, i think this whole experience we walk on egg shells and i was speaking to DH yesterday saying i think the only time it will feel real will be the day that the little bambino gets placed in our arms so i'm sure that will be the case for you too. i didn't know you have a pregnancy journal can you post the link and i will keep in touch with you that way xx

Threebirds - thank you. omg screening appointment :happydance:can't believe your at that stage it won't be long now excited for you, i hope everything goes well. xx

AFM just back from the royal got a different Dr this time i can't spell his name lol but he said that nothings changed but nothings got worse and my bloods all were ok so thank god so we have to keep doing what we are doin, He said sorry for TMI that i was backed up and sometimes the bowel pushed the ovaries into places they shouldn't be, i asked them if theres anything i could take and he said just drink plenty.He wanted me back up next friday for check up again.

Does any of you girls have any tips worked for you?:shrug: The nurse and the Dr was saying congrats and booked us in for our scan for the 4th of april so excited and nervous these 4 weeks will prob drag in now lol

I just want to let you girls know that i am so grateful to everyone on this forum you girls are so great and i really do appreciate it from bottom of my heart all the advise and chats. :hugs: so thank you so much Everyone deserves their chance and i hope everyone gets there dreams good luck to you all xx
Hey wifey, I really hope the sickness goes away and all the aches and pains, so u can enjoy ur pregnancy, I look forward to seeing how u get on and finding out how many are in there! xo

Gemma, I'm good thanx, just counting down to Wednesday for our pretreatment visit and starting drugs on Thursday, also it's my birthday on Friday so next week is definitely one to look forward to. I can't believe u are so far along now! Almost half way there. Ur bump must be fairly big now lol! U must be counting down to ur maternity leave now too!

Threebirds, glad ur moving forward too, hopefully they won't keep u on the pill for as long as me and you'll get started pretty quickly. As for no stress, it's quite the opposite - we got an offer accepted on a house today!!! I'm over the moon, but it'll be pretty stressful as we're aiming for completion the week after we find out if our treatment has worked or not. If its a bfn it'll give me something to focus on, but if its a BFP, it'll be some craic as the house we're buying is an 80's throw back and I'm chief DIYer! Anyway, I never do things by halves so why change the habit of a lifetime now! I'll just have to sit and boss people about!
hi twinklemama - hows things with you? how is everyone else? x
Hi everyone :hugs:
Twinkle thats fab news about the house! Wow you have a lot going on :) tell us more about the house, how xciting hun xxx
Has anyone has ICSI with RFC in last year where they were put on contraceptive pill?
I was put on it last year but this year i am not - just wanted to know if anyone else has found this to be the case or if they have forgotten to prescribe the pill for me?
Hi girls,
Almost30, I'm on my first cycle with RFC, and have been on the pill for an absolute age. I had a cycle with origin last summer and wasn't on the pill, so u don't have to be on it. If ur concerned, ring the nurses at the clinic to confirm. They can be difficult to get through to sometimes but generally they have been fairly helpful any time I've had to phone.

Threebirds, how are u? Have u had ur screening appt yet? I had my pretreatment appt today and collected all my drugs. Start tomoro! Scary! As for the house, its a bigger house (room for bambino's!) on the other side of Holywood from where we live at the mo. There's a fair bit of work to do but it'll be worth it in the end. We'll probably move in at the start of the summer and rent our house out if it hasn't sold by then. I keep thinking we're mad taking this all on at once but we couldn't let the house pass us as we missed out on one we loved before Christmas.

Wifey, how are u pet? I'm sure u can't wait for ur scan! I'd be beyond excitement! I'm starting my nasals tomoro, can't believe it's finally here!

Hope everyone is keeping well xo
Has anyone has ICSI with RFC in last year where they were put on contraceptive pill?
I was put on it last year but this year i am not - just wanted to know if anyone else has found this to be the case or if they have forgotten to prescribe the pill for me?

hi & welcome almost30
Ive finally reachec top of the list for NHS ICSI at RFC & they are putting me on the pill. Def worth giving them a ring. Good luck x
Hi girls,
Almost30, I'm on my first cycle with RFC, and have been on the pill for an absolute age. I had a cycle with origin last summer and wasn't on the pill, so u don't have to be on it. If ur concerned, ring the nurses at the clinic to confirm. They can be difficult to get through to sometimes but generally they have been fairly helpful any time I've had to phone.

Threebirds, how are u? Have u had ur screening appt yet? I had my pretreatment appt today and collected all my drugs. Start tomoro! Scary! As for the house, its a bigger house (room for bambino's!) on the other side of Holywood from where we live at the mo. There's a fair bit of work to do but it'll be worth it in the end. We'll probably move in at the start of the summer and rent our house out if it hasn't sold by then. I keep thinking we're mad taking this all on at once but we couldn't let the house pass us as we missed out on one we loved before Christmas.

Wifey, how are u pet? I'm sure u can't wait for ur scan! I'd be beyond excitement! I'm starting my nasals tomoro, can't believe it's finally here!

Hope everyone is keeping well xo

Hiya Twinkle, good luck today starting the drugs!!! :hugs::hugs::hugs:
What do they have you on? How long? What does the nasal spray do? (Didnt have that on my origin cycle) And the house sounds fab :) Congratulations!

Ive had my screening apt - yay!
All went well. Both had bloods done & my BMI is 31 (im trying to get it down at the moment). Also saw Dr same day & got my pill prescription sorted. I was given pill packs with 28 tablets - 21 active & 7 dummy pills. I assume I dont take those 7 and just start the next pack of 21 right after the first 21... Is that right?
So thats us now until we hear to go back for drugs. I expect I'll get AF & start pill sometime between now & end of the month. Issue of mc did come up as I was asked about last period and had to explain why it was start of Dec but it didnt seem to be an issue (fingers crossed).

How are you girls doing wifey & gemma?

Have a good day every1 xxx
Hi girls,

Gemma how are you missus? what thread do you be on?

babiesrus - how are you?

three birds - it's all exciting now for you your on the long protocol are you? the pill is to suppress your ovaries close them down basically make them think your going through menopause so that they can control them with the drugs to make the follies. i hope everything goes well for you. i''ll keep my fingers crossed for you. Have they moved the BMI from 35 yet? when i went through it they hadn't moved it down yet xx

twinkle - your house will be a lovely distraction to take your mind off everything but try not to get to stressed easier said than done. nasals aren't as bad as i thought they were going to be. i'm sure you will be grand. can't beleive your at that stage finally woohoo! the nasal stage for me dragged in abit but the injections flew in and in no time it was over.. wish you all the best it all starts now goodluck missus xx

almost30 - i agree i think you should phone up the nurses and ask them instead of waiting around they will look it up for you and tell you. xx

AFM i'm grand, just wishing the weeks away until the scan then i can put my mind at ease, pain isn't as bad now thank god but i'm still trying to take it easy. can see belly going now weather its bloat or because ovaries are so big i don't know but i can feel it growing, it's exciting but nerve wrecking lol morning sickness has went comes now and again but the tiredness knocks me off my feet.. it's all good though i can't complain as it's all for a good reason and i will go through anything as you girls would too.
Ladies thanks for all your help and support as always.
I rang RFC yesterday and apparently I will be the next person to be scheduled for treatment and I will not be on the pill.
Start treatment on 28 March - hopefully!!
So excited but also dreading the outcome if we are unsuccessful again!
The emotional and financial consequences are very stressful!
Happy Friday vibes to everyone!
Good luck almost30. It's great that they've done away with the pill. They used to put people on it for months and months which is the last thing you want to be on Eden your trying to get pregnant. I think it was responsible for my treatment failing. It suppresses your ovaries and then they try to stimulate them. I only got one egg! The last treatment I did without the pill I got 9! Huge difference!

Hi everyone else! Hope your all keeping well. Xx
almost 30 you should get your schedule in soon then good luck and i hope everything works out this time for you. any questions you have write them down for your injection training appointment and they will answer them. so glad that the pills done away with too x

hi mumstheword how have you been missus?
Hi everyone :)
Happy st patricks day!
Im having a lazy weekend but gonna get off my bum and tidy up a bit and get out for a walk. Hope you're all keeping well xxx
Hi everyone! Hope everyone is having a nice long weekend! Well I'm on day 4 of my nasal sprays now, going well, no real side effects yet except a bit of sinus pain which I suppose is to be expected when ur squirting stuff up ur nose 4 times a day. Also have a bit of a headache but its not enough to take a painkiller or anything. Also the bleeding seems to be stopping at long last, I assumed I'd get a really heavy period, maybe that will come after I take my last pill tonight!
Hope everyone else is well! Xo
Hey twinkle :) whoo hoo for your last pill! Take care of yourself. Enjoy the long wkend xxx
Hi girls

How is everyone??? Quiet in here lately!!

Wifey how are you feeling pet has the sickness subsided? I'm just jumping between threads 2nd tri and twins thread.... Never got my lazy bum around to starting a journal kept meaning to do it :dohh:

Twinklemama you must be starting your injections soon :) how is everything going?

Threebirds how are you??? Have you got your start date yet?

AFM nothing much going on........over the halfway mark:thumbup: cannot believe how quickly time is going by counting down the days until my next 24wk milestone and they should be viable by then so think I will start to relax after that! Starting the nursery soon which is exciting and have my big scan on Tuesday so will pop in and let you's know how we get on :) x
Hi Gemma, good to hear ur keeping well! I cant wait to see ur little babies arrive, the first of hopefully many for this thread! I'm doing grand, day 8 of down reg now, start injections on Thursday. Had a wee visit to the dr today, found out on Wednesday that we have a genetic blood clotting disorder in the family so was finding out if I need to be tested for it (which the gp will let me know on Monday), but I read that it can cause repeated ivf failure and puts u at a high risk of miscarriage so want to know if I have I or not! And there was me thinking everything was healthy with me lol! Nothing is ever straight forward for me!
Hope everyone else is keeping well and surviving the snow! xo
Hi everyone
Sorry I havent been on for a bit. Hope you are all really well :hugs:
Twinkle, hows the treatmeng going?
Gemma, hope you are gettin to put your feet up :)
Wifey, sorry to hear about you having to get test done, im sure all will be well hun. Thanks for your wee message from a while back asking about protocol. Im assuming it is long protocol, which im new too as was on short protocol at Origin. Thanks for explaining a bit about it hun. Havent started pill yet but AF on her way so that might be tomorrow. BMI threshold is still 35, but I worked at getting mine down a bit and am 30-31.

This is all such a rollercoaster & theres good days & bad days. At the moment im a bit down but will pick myself up again soon.

Also, wanted to ask, is/has anyone had accupuncture or trad chinese medicine to compliment fertility treatment?

Thinking of you all & looking forward to your updates.

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