IVF/ICSI at RVH??? Cycle buddy OCT/NOV xx

Hi girlies :flower:

twinklemama - how is everything going? how did you find nasals? good luck tomarrow starting your injections, it goes so quick from that point. hope you don't have clotting it's all art of the rollercoaster ride of infertility but fingers will be crossed for youxx

gemma - how are you missus? i'm still feelings the sickness it's not as constant as it was but it is worse some days than others dizziness is knocking me off my feet and my sense of smell god! lol i think it's hard to keep up with everything and journals. i will be joining you soon. half way through wow amazing where does the time go? it will all be real when nursery is all set up. xx

threebirds- well done on the weight loss you have done so well. i had accunpunture and even though i don't think it's for me i just thought every little helps i had it every 2 or 3 times during stims and after embyro transfer there is good reports on it so i said id do anything to help the chances and it did relax me abit. do you live in belfast? i went to sharon campbell shes a lovely girl and specializes in IVF etc shes trained as a nurse also. i'll put her link below.. i don't know if your in belfast but you can have a look. she doesn't work sundays but opened up especially for me because my transfer was on sunday and came down which was so nice of her.


AFM - :cloud9: i actually can't believe it but i had early scan today and got to see the heartbeats.. we are having twins!!! :happydance: felt like i've been walking around in a bubble all day DH was sobbing at the scan and i could do nothing only smile i thought i'd break down but i was just in shock.. Dr said everything looked perfect i'm 7 weeks tomarrow.. i've had pains last night and was so worked up because it was same pain as OHSS on one side and i was thinking all sorts so phoned the nurse today because i've had some spotting too, but they said my ovaries are still big and the uterus growing is making me feel uncomfortable.. i keep saying to DH it doesn't feel real and we feel so lucky and blessed to have such a good out come. Thank you girls so much and i hope that it's the start of the good news with all our recent BFP's and i hope everything works out for you's xxx:hugs:
Hey everyone :wave:
Any news or no news, what y'all up to? Hope weather not too terrible for any1. The pictures on the news of the poor farm animals have been really sad. Anyone got any easter plans? Ive a few days off wrk so hoping to get out for a few wee walks & just generally potter about the house xxx
Hi girlies :flower:

twinklemama - how is everything going? how did you find nasals? good luck tomarrow starting your injections, it goes so quick from that point. hope you don't have clotting it's all art of the rollercoaster ride of infertility but fingers will be crossed for youxx

gemma - how are you missus? i'm still feelings the sickness it's not as constant as it was but it is worse some days than others dizziness is knocking me off my feet and my sense of smell god! lol i think it's hard to keep up with everything and journals. i will be joining you soon. half way through wow amazing where does the time go? it will all be real when nursery is all set up. xx

threebirds- well done on the weight loss you have done so well. i had accunpunture and even though i don't think it's for me i just thought every little helps i had it every 2 or 3 times during stims and after embyro transfer there is good reports on it so i said id do anything to help the chances and it did relax me abit. do you live in belfast? i went to sharon campbell shes a lovely girl and specializes in IVF etc shes trained as a nurse also. i'll put her link below.. i don't know if your in belfast but you can have a look. she doesn't work sundays but opened up especially for me because my transfer was on sunday and came down which was so nice of her.


AFM - :cloud9: i actually can't believe it but i had early scan today and got to see the heartbeats.. we are having twins!!! :happydance: felt like i've been walking around in a bubble all day DH was sobbing at the scan and i could do nothing only smile i thought i'd break down but i was just in shock.. Dr said everything looked perfect i'm 7 weeks tomarrow.. i've had pains last night and was so worked up because it was same pain as OHSS on one side and i was thinking all sorts so phoned the nurse today because i've had some spotting too, but they said my ovaries are still big and the uterus growing is making me feel uncomfortable.. i keep saying to DH it doesn't feel real and we feel so lucky and blessed to have such a good out come. Thank you girls so much and i hope that it's the start of the good news with all our recent BFP's and i hope everything works out for you's xxx:hugs:

:) absolutely delighted for you! Must be an immense feeling seeing 2 heart beats. In a way I'm scared knowing I've this roller coaster to come but just hope I can be a success story too :) does wonders for morale seeing women on here get positive results!

Congrats and enjoy it !!!
Wifey :hugs: twinnies is amazing :happydance: congratulations & hope you're keeping well xxxxxx

I had been seeing a fertility acupuncturist in Holywood & found her vg, but it wasnt that convenient so now Im seeing a chinese dr closer to home to help for fertility & ivf. DH seeing him too. Both on chinese herbs & acupuncture.

Wifey, Gemma - did either of you do anything in particular in preparing for your ivf cycles? X

Twinkle, good luck starting the injections X

Just popped in again to say OMG, your news is amazing wifey :hugs::hugs::happydance::happydance:

So pleased for you xxx
Wifey OMG congrats!!!!!!:wohoo: :wohoo: :wohoo: :wohoo: what amazing news!!! Aw so happy for you...... Yay i was right :) I just had a feeling it was twins!!! The sickness and groggy feeling will subside so hopefully not long but it's all worth it :hugs:

Threebirds I didn't do anything different really just tried to stay relaxed and not to stress about it! I stayed off work and spent most of time just taking it easy x
oh wifey ur so lucky
i would love wee twins (or even just 1)!!
started the nasal sprays 2day - bring on the headaches!!!
Hi almost30, good luck with the nasal spray! And hope u dont get headaches. I hope im not too far behind you. RFC have me on the pill so fingers crossed not too long xx
Hey girls!
Wifey, I'm delighted for u honey! Amazing news!!! Hopefully this thread will produce anothe few sets of twins!!
Threebirds, hopefully ur schedule won't take as long as mine did, I was on BCP for 97 days in total!!!
Almost30, hopefully the headaches won't come for u, but I'm afraid to say that my head is currently killing me! I wasn't too bad the first week, but it's getting progressively worse. Apparently it gets better when the stims start to take effect, fingers crossed!
AFM, I started my injections this morning so feel well on the way now. I wasn't so sur e about the gonal-f pen as opposed to the syringes but its far handier, especially at 8am in the morning. Have my first scan on Easter Sunday, will be drinking plenty of water and milk and am boiling the kettle now to get the hot water bottle on my tum! Any other tips?
Hope everyone is keeping well xoxo
threebirds & twinklemama we r kind of on the same cycle - its good 2 have someone 2 compare experiences with. I had pretty bad headaches with the nasal spray last time so im expecting same problem this time. headaches do disappear after a few days on stimms though.
im on nasal for 37 days b4 i start stimms so im expecting some serious headaches!
Just feels so good 2 get started! good luck 2 u both!
Ah congratulations wifey!! You lucky duck that's great news! So pleased for you and your husband. Here's for a healthy and happy 9 months. Keep us all posted here like Gemma. Like to see you guys progress! Xxx
Afm I'm still waiting on the sperm to be sent to clinic and hope to get starting again in may. Would you recommend the acupuncture wifey? Is it very dear? How many sessions did you have? Xx
Thanks girls hope everyones keeping okxx

mumstheword - we are over the moon hopefully the little peanuts stay in there and keep strong.. i will keep you's posted. As for the accupunture i tried it before i started for 2 sessions to see if i liked it which i didn't but i heard the percentage of success along with ivf was good so i thought why not, we will try anything and if i didn't and it failed then i'd be kicking myself and saying what if.. it is expensive thats why i couldn't do it alot i wanted to more around the time but it wasn't possible. Then when i started stims up until egg collection before each scan i done another 2 to give them a boost.. and then again after transfer like an hour after. Some people say it doesn't help i think it's a personal choice its £40 each session. I did think it helped with my lining of my womb because it was super thick even dr williamson said to me but as this was my first ivf i don't know had i not done accunpunture would it had been that way to but i believe it did. and the thicker the lining the cozier and more the little embies bury in and attach. wish you every bit luck after so long you deserve to be a mum xx
Gemma - i know you did lol you were right i had a feeling but i didn't want to get my hopes up it is so worrying isn't it i can't wait to get another scan to see if they are ok. when did you start buying little things or your first thing for the babies ? the sickness isn't as bad as the start but theres good and bad days the dizziness is knocking me for 6 tho lol but i can't complain id take it all. hows things on your side? xx
almost 30 - i know its such a blessing and i'm sure you will get your BFP thinking positive xx good luck

twinklemama - i ate lots and lots of eggs as they say eggs make eggs sort of got sick of them and have went off them now but i tried making omlettes etc french toast trying to get eggs in where i could and i took the zita west vits sat with hot water bottle on and drank water and accupunture good luck i'll keep my fingers crossed for you xx
Hey ladies, just a quick update, I had my first scan today. Saw Dr mcFaul, he was nice enough, didn't say a whole lot really. Womb lining was good, 5 follies on right, 5-6 on left. Everything as would be expected at this stage apparently. He confirmed my doses up until the next scan but forgot to check if I had enough gonal-f so I realised when I got home and phoned straight away. The nurse will leave out a prescription for me, which my mum will collect on Wednesday, she'll look like she's gotten lost - a 64 year old in a fertility clinic lol!!
Anyway, hope everyone is well and enjoying the long weekend! Happy Easter xo
Twinklemama that's a great start. Very positive. Fingers crossed for you. Xx
Wifeyw I bit the bullet and emailed her this morning. Sent her my case history. Hopefully she'll email me back and not run a mile. I think my frame of mind is set to self preservation! I always go in to fertility treatments expecting the worse. Maybe acupuncture can help relax me and improve implantation. Will keep you posted. X
twinklemama - thats a great amount of follies.. your doing a great job keep us posted xx

mumstheword21- aww glad you made a move iw as the same but shes a really nice girl and whenever your there goes over everything with you anyway. i think it's only nautral to think the worst especially having been through so much i always was 80% positive 20 % trying to be real and saying well there can be that chance it won't work because if i had that in the back of my mind then i wouldn't be as hurt if it did happen. but it's okay to feel like that but as hard as it is try see a positive with every negative. hopefully it will help you i kept thinking i didn't feel it done much but thinking back now i know it did for me personally but everyones different even if you go once or twice it something good luck xx
Hi Gemma G. I just spent the last hour reading through 74 pages of all your messages, so lovely to read your journey and especially that it has resulted in twins! So happy for you.

I had one ivf cycle at origins privately that didn't work, now I am waiting for rfc private go, should be in July...NHS go will be end of 2013 - hopefully wont need it!!

Did anyone recommend you take coenzyme and royal jelly?

Lots of luck for the rest of your pregnancy xxx
Thanx wifey, hopefully the follies will continue to grow, I've had a hot water bottle surgically attached to my belly and am drinking loads of milk! Hope ur feeling ok xo
Hi angel, sorry to hear ur first cycle didn't work, hopefully it'll be second time lucky for both of us! I haven't heard much about the royal jelly and co enzyme. I've mainly just been trying to eat healthily, and cut out caffeine and alcohol, and taking my folic acid and multivitamins. I've heard that acupuncture and maya massage are supposed to be good but I haven't bothered. Will probably try them if this cycle doesnt work.
Hi girls

Sori been MIA the last week my Internet has been down!

Twinklemama how are you?? Your first scan sounds great :) how have things been since then??

Wifey I started buying a few things around 14 weeks would have started earlier but I was afraid to tempt fate lol

Angel thank you :) hopefully this thread will bring more BFP's!!

Hi to everyone else xx

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