hi amoeba, I injected in the evenings, I was told it doesn't really matter as long as you stick to the same time for every injection, to be honest its just a rough guide but as long as its around the same time you will be fine.... these next few weeks will fly for you! they really will its scary how quick collection day comes. please keep us posted.
I was very sore towards the end, but in a way that's good, I got 12 eggs collected, so no wonder I had pain, even the fluid that came out was loads. I had dr agbaje, for collection, absolutely lovely man. and nurses fantastic. they beat the pain relief into me, and to be honest I felt the odd cramping, but my experience was not bad at all. emotionally it was worse, to think the things we have to put our bodies through.... but hopefully you will come out of it and say like I did.... " I would do that again right now if I had to!"..... rooting for you! try your best to be relaxed, take things easy and when in for collection get taking deep slow breaths to help relax ur insides. I am excited for you.... we are due another wee positive miracle on this thread... I have a good feeling for you!