IVF/ICSI at RVH??? Cycle buddy OCT/NOV xx

Sunshine have you been to royal at all?? If not I imagine you will be given lots of forms to complete for consent etc, be given the time scale & mayb your 2nd app is blood work etc. Or have you already been on their waiting list & this is you at the top of the list now??
I done it abit different so I'm not 100%, my doctor referred me for IVF. (3 month waiting time to get called to see ivf consultants) so I paid private to see a consultant on the Lisburn road, I completed all my forms with him & he brought them to royal. He told me 12-18 month waiting time on NHS. Or 1-2 month private list. So me being me I went on both lists & started my ivf private treatment about 2 weeks later.. When I went to the royal I got bloods done then started treatment pretty much straight away.
Nette might be able to give you more info on these appointments..

Nette I'm going to beg for a scan next week when collecting my notes. Where you in a room with scan machine? I had a bleed last Friday. Red when I wiped, went straight to admissions and got checked, baby fine but I was so scared. I go on Hols next week so I would really love a scan before I go.
No never done maya massage or heard of it really, I done nothing sunshine.
Hi girls im new to this. Congratulations on all ur bfp. Abit of background on me, well had my first fresh cycle of icsi in September 2013, collected 7 eggs, 5 made it to 3 days and 3 made it to 5 days. I got 1 transfered which ended with a bfn with 2 frosties. I then had a fet in march with my 2 frozens embryos which also ended in a bfn. I am currently going through my third cycle fingers crossed, i got my endometrial scratch on the 19th july and atm I am on my nasal spray 4 times a day and start my injections this Tuesday 13th August. Is there anything people are eating or doing differently. I will try anything xx
hey sunshine, oh my word tis all seems like a long time ago, considering all which has happened in the mean time.

my first app, was basically a blood test, and to check your BMI and as long as all these are clear, they will give you a second app, which will be a chat with your nurse, she will see u briefly then send u to the hospital pharmacy to collect a BIG bag of drugs. once you have ur drugs, ur nurse will see u again. if ur app is before day 21 of ur cycle she will probably give u ur schedule (basically a calendar of what drugs to take, how much etc.)

jackdoll: oh my word so glad all is ok.did they give u any reason why?
nah they take u too room 7 which is at the very end on the right... just scales and drugs in the room. its so nice to get ur green folder!!!....
Denise, I had a cycle July 2013 ended up BFN. I had no frosties and had my 2nd cycle this year which I'm currently 15 weeks pregnant. I didn't do anything different. And really didnt do anything at all. The only thing I done both cycles was drink pure pineapple juice after ER. I went into my 2nd cycle with a completely different attitude that more than likely the treatment won't work. (1st time around I just thought it would 100% work, why wouldn't it. Their was nothing wrong with my eggs or hubby's swimmers) but as you know it really doesn't work like that.. I wish you all the luck in the world and hope you get your BFP.. Do check in & keep us updated.

Nette, got my notes yesterday. I just wanted to scream and shout look I have a green folder.. Lol lol
I practically begged for a scan but no wasn't getting one. Bleeding is common in pregnamcy and they said everything is fine.. I have lost 7Lb and have no bump really for 15weeks. I jet off tomorrow on my happy holidays. Really looking forward to it.. Last holiday abroad with just me & hubby..xx
Hope your keeping well.. Not long for the big scans, are you finding out gender..
lol... i knew they wouldnt give ya a scan!! the next one will be worth it, yeah i think i will find out the gender, i have the names already picked ( flip i hav had long enough thinking about it) so i think it will help it sink in a bit more if i can start referring to him or her and by name... as i am still waiting for bad news, i guess it just comes with all the chaos this last few years, you always expect the worse, however if they cant tell me the sex, i am happy to wait and find out. i know the green folder is like a certificate of normalness!! crazy!!.

i cant believe you have lost weight!! i have put on about 4lbs and yes the bump is defo there, still fit in my normal jeans and tshirts, but the maternity ones are slightly more comfortable, i find i look like i am pregnant more if i wear the maternity jeans it just shapes u better so ya dont just look fat!
enjoy your hols jackdoll... what is you due date? flip they could probably even give us the time and second we should be giving birth!!

too all you other ladies.... there is good things to come, in what form we just dont know yet.... i hope us rambling on doesnt annoy you ladies who are in the middle of things.

i am hoping our posts are signs of hope and encouragment.... big hugs to you all. XXX
Due 3rd feb, what is yous? I had no appetite from 8weeks to about 13 weeks. So bascially I lost half a stone and still haven't gained it back on. but I'm sure I will soon enough. I'm going to go shopping once I'm home from Hols. Where is good for maternity jeans? I am living in leggings, can't bare jeans round my belly..
I am diffently not finding out the sex. I had a dream last night the doctor told us it was a boy without me asking and I woke up really annoyed because I didn't want to know. Can't wait to go shopping and buy everything after 20 week scan xxx
Thanks jackdoll. I'm trying to have a different attitude this time round, but im feeling very negative thinking if it hasnt worked before y would it work now, but hopefully im wrong. This time the only thing im going to do differently is take 2 weeks off work after egg transfer.
hey all you new ladies... of course your very welcome and we all love to hear about new journeys.

it really is a killer waiting for those first appointments at RVH, but believe me once you get the first one over, time goes by so quickly, get plenty of weekend breaks away... works a treat!

keep us posted on your appointments and how your feeling and please feel free to ask any questions we all have been through different things and treatments and there is a load of advice on this thread. I hope you all find it as useful as I have.

Jackdoll, how was your hols??... my due date is the 21st jan. I cant believe I am half way through this Wednesday... I am still finding it hard to sink in. so I have my big scan 10th sep.... am so nervous! ( I feel like its my last hurdle... fingers crossed!) are you feeling any movement yet?

how is all you ladies getting on with your treatments?
Hi everyone. Had my egg collection last Wednesday they got 7 eggs, 6 were injected and I had 2 transferred at day 5. 1 was graded 4ba and the other 3 ab. Phoned back today and unfortunately I had no embryos to freeze, so hopefully fingers crossed this time its works. I hate the 2ww drives me crazy lol xx
Hey nette, I had a brilliant holiday, just what I needed.. Not be long now to your big scan, mine is the 17th. I am starting to feel movement at night time. Well think its the baby. I can't wait to get my scan and start shopping. are you feeling any movement?

Good luck Denise in the 2ww. Hope alls well and you get your BFP. Everything crossed for you. Are you attending the royal?
Hi jackdoll yes I am attending the royal this is my 3rd time. I am now 6pt5dt and ended up testing this morning and got a bfn, I feel like this is the end for me now. Did anyone else get a bfn on 6dp5dt then get a bfp on a later day xx
Hi Denise yes I've heard that its took people right up to test day to get BFP, so don't be panicking, stay positive, what tests are you using? I'd advise first response. that great the royal transferred 2 on day 5. I thought they were strict on their 5 day transfer policy.x

Nette how are you? Not long now to the big one. ;)
I just used the test the royal gave me on the day of transfer. They gave me a option of 1 or 2 blasts so I z to transfer 2. I also had the scratch done before this treatment. Im not going to test again until Wednesday then il b 9dp5dt. Hopefully get my positive answer then xx
Diffently get first response tests if ur testing early before test date. Possibility of twins then Denise, that's amazing. Both times in the royal I was only aloud 1 blast but maybe a 3rd cycle is different.. How are you feeling? Any twinges?

Nette all the best for ur big scan. Think you said it tomorrow. Be thinking of yous xxx
Hi jackdoll today im 10dp5dt and my period came this morning im davasted. The cramps are terrible. Does anyone know if it is possible that maybe 1 embryo has implanted and maybe the other hasnt and thats y im bleeding. Going to test in the morning but not very hopeful xx

I have been referred to the RFC for ICSI and I have got my appt through today for the 13th Oct, I am not sure what to expect when I get there and I am pretty nervous, can anyone tell me what the process is like? I think I am going to see Prof McClure, been referred for ICSI because of DH low morphology.

thank you :-) xx
Denise I really don't know. I'm so sorry if this hasn't worked for you. have you been goggling? Anything online about it?? Why don't you give the royal a wee phone?? Nurses are really lovely xxxxxx

Hey cald, welcome to the thread. I would imagine you will be getting bloods took and a brief discussion with the nurses, i really can't remember what happens at the 1st appointment be ause I went private first then transferred over etc, but nette on here will inform you more detail what happens. Anyway stay positive, think positive and let your body do the rest, the fertility nurses in the royal are amazing and truly understanding. I really hope this is a lucky cycle for you and 2015 brings you your bundle xxxx
hey Denise! I have no words that could possibly make this any easier for you..... big hugs! I hope you get answers that you need and long for and hopefully some kinda information will be gained form this hard time.

Car: welcome to the forum as you can see its a whirl wind of emotions, situations, heart aches and joys...so I hope you find it helpful. your first app at the Royal will just take your bloods to be screened and your BMI will be checked, it literally takes less than 5 mins, but nurses are great, if all is good with the results then you will get another app which will be with your nurse and she will start going through your treatment schedule, you literally will get a wee timetable (calendar) if your second app is before CD 21 you will possibly be given you egg collection dates also, if not and you are over Day 21, then you will have to phone , tell them when you have started your cycle and then they will work out your collection and implantation days from that.... keep us posted I hope all is as stress free as possible really excited for you.

Jackdoll: I had my 20 week scan on Wednesday!!!..... everything is perfect... I am in such shock and also so thankful!..... you don't need to check in with the wee electronic desk and you will be called to the 20week scan room on the right hand side before you go to the desk in CAH.

baby has been very active so I wasn't that worried, she was able to tell me that the heart rate was very strong and perfect... "her words ' Text book perfect' and called a trainee in to see it so I was happy with that.... then she takes about 10 mins of measuring kidneys, lungs, limbs, brain function lips mouth, for cleft palate etc. I asked if it was a boy or girl at the end.... but the little squirt was keeping one foot tucked up in.... so she managed to get them moved slightly, and then said it looks like a little Girl, but couldn't be 100% sure... even I could see on the screen what I was and wasn't looking for. so we are about 65% its a girl.... to be honest I would love both for different reason but am happy that all is well. you will get plenty of photos.... there is a cutie one I have with their hand up rubbing their eye.... its the most precious thing I will ever own... I cant stop looking at it. .... when is your big scan Jackdoll?

I hope everyone gets something good from reading this thread... and hopefully you will feel comfortable in sharing, and that you will find someone who is going through the same emotions and ha a similar story to yourself.... some on here have not had an easy time, and are still on a long journey some have got their BFP on the first cycle ( like myself) and some on theire second or third cycle ( like jackdoll) so please try not to give up at the first hurdle its a struggle and we hope to share it with you..... big hugs to all.

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