Yikes, had injection training today and HOW COMPLICATED?! I am useless with practical things, thank God hubby's offered to do it all.

Anyway, am on the most intense protocol offered by the group of clinics I'm with. 0.5ml buserelin for down reg, 450iu of GonalF (gonadotrophins) followed by GonalF 375iu, and 75iu Menopur from day 8 so 3 lots of injections from day 8, yikes!
Good luck for Turkey Tansey!

Sounds like quite a few of us are in the 'system' now so to speak. I have my scan a week on Tues and will hopefully start the injections on the Wednesday.

Had a lovely dream last night that I gave birth to a baby boy and am feeling all positive about it now. It will happen for all of us ladies!!


H xx
^^ i'm hoping for the same, although i wouldn't mind having my scan on monday hehe

anyway, i just came here to say "happy holiday tansey!" have a great time making a miniyou :)
Happy hols Tansey!

I just had my first injection, and it was eassssy! Well, hubby did it all but it didn't hurt. Now, how to sneak out of friend's wedding tomorrow to do it? Ha ha!
just wondering... is your partner coming with you when they do the ET?
i asked mine if he wanted to see the 8cell embryo on big screen (i mean, i LOVE that stuff)
and he said no, bc he'll feel too horrible again if it doesn't work out
RE:injections, am getting hubby to do them as I am useless at stuff like that (but I will probably have to do them some time if he's out or something) so we're gonna have to go to the loo together or do it in the car, imagine the scene: me walking out all flustered with hubby from the disabled loos! To make it worse, I've snogged several of the men at the wedding today during my single days, ha ha!

Yes, think hubby will come to EC with me. It'll be weird though cos so used to having 'legs akimber' medical precedures without him there.

Right, better get ready for friend's wedding....
well, to EC he has no choice but to come with me, he has to provide his cup then too *lols at the thought*, plus he has to drive me afterwards bc i will not be allowed to.
but he doesn't mind, he usually comes with me to things like that

have fun at the wedding!!!! haha will be a bit weird idd knowing you kissed so many of them,
oh well, as long as the OH doesn't get jealous for some odd reason.

and i really think you should try and walk out of the bathroom stall with a big grin on your face making others think you just had sex!
ok, i wouldn't do it myself, but i really think that would be great lol
hi everyone i found out yesterday that as long as i ov in the next couple of weeks i will be able to go ahead with my FET. I havent had a normal cycle since my d&c but the clinic has agreed to do it because the whole thing ended up taking so long. I had retained products of conception which landed me in emergency twice and meant that it took a whole 4 weeks for my Bhcg to get back to 0. So i should have been expecting AF but instead i am really only just beginning to get back to normal.
They have only agreed to do this month because we have 4 moderate grade blasties on ice, if we had less they said they wouldnt risk them because our chances are a bit less because of the no cycle in between. She said that my endometrium would be a bit more fragile than usual because of this. we have decided to risk it because i dont think my mental health could handle the wait.... i think AF for me is at least 4 weeks away and then another 2-3 until the transfer could be done. This would have meant 12 weeks in total from d&C to next transfer and it would just be too long i am soooooo desperate to be pregnant again i cant think straight!

I hope we are doing the right thing, i just need to be moving forward again! Bring on Ovulation!!!!!

good luck to everyone stimming and down regging. Have fun in turkey tansey! I like the idea of a IVF holiday!
ooh good luck Gracy, i agree, it would be a veeeerrry long wait!
they'll probably give extra progesterone shots to make sure you build up a good lining for the embryo's to settle in,
positive thinking!
Hello from Turkey Ladies :wave:
Started stimming yesterday - don't think I'll have a lot of eggs as the antral follicle count was low but hoping the quality makes up for it. Next scan Tues.
Hi girls! I am in Cape Cod for the next week but I'll try to stop by this week and update on my scan. So far, all is well. No side effects!
Sending lots of hugs and luck. :dust: :hugs:
Hey Tansey! My AFC was low so in same sitch as you but positive thoughts, positive thoughts.

Wedding was crazy yesterday. Had road rage incident on way down - this guy threw what we think were coins at our lovely car cos we wouldn't let him squeeze into half a space on the motorway! Then we turned up at 3.01pm cos traffic was so horrendous ... and bride was already at the front, yikes! Injection went fine, we did out outside in our (dented) car and no-one saw us. I saw one of my best friends at the wedding, she's been trying same amount of time as us but is going for adoption and it's taking her ages. It was good to chat to someone who's in same situation as us though but choosing a different route.

I feel a bit groggy and felt a little faint yesterday but I think I'm imagining side effects as down reg doesn't have many. Having weird dreams though - dreamt I was dating Christopher Reeves WTF? x
hahaha good date?

glad you had fun at the wedding and it is nice to find somebody irl to talk about these things.

i thought down regging gave similar symptoms as menopause, lol, i hope i'm wrong.

yay, 6 more pills to take, yeppieeeee
Yay, only 6 more pills tinybutterfly!!!!

The date with Christopher Reeve was awesome, took place in his condo and was when he was younger (as opposed to dead, which he sadly is now).

Nurse said down regging was often symptom-free but am feeling a bit odd. Maybe she was saying that to make up for the fact that stimming drugs is gonna be insane as am on the highest volumes. Can't wait *she says through gritted teeth*.

Right, off to walk the pooch. xx
ah man, i'm so jealous, you saw christopher's condo! grmbl ;)

i rechecked how much you were going to have to take...it is a high dose idd.
somebody told me "you're going to be laughing one minute and be crying the next"...oh dear.
BUT...in the end, it's for a great cause!
What a crazy dream Trixie!! I'm cracking up!!

Glad you got your injection at the wedding with nobody spotting you. During my first IVF, I was in my brother's wedding. DH and I snuck into the women's restroom at the church during rehearsal for a shot. Then a friend and I crowded into the handicap stall at the reception as I hiked up my giant bridesmaids dress for her to stick me in the behind! The things we do!!

I started stimming Saturday. Still on a low dose of Lupron that I take in the morning with Menopur. Then Follistim at night. I'm a bit worried as we had an accident with the Follistim last night. We went out of town for the afternoon/evening, so we loaded up the injection in a little cooler and went out. We had opened a new pack of 900 units, and I take 225. Well, I go to give myself the injection, and it only gave me 150! For some reason, the vial of meds was messed up and I needed 75 more. We were over an hour from home, so we packed up and came back home, but I didn't get the other 75 until two hours later. I'm really scared that it will screw something up. I go back for more bloodword tomorrow morning, so I will ask then. I still got it all within the three hour time frame, and I'm hoping that since it was the first day, it won't be that big of a deal. That stupid pharmacy for sending me a bad vial of meds!!

Anyhow. I hope everyone is doing well! Tansey, hope you are enjoying Turkey!
it should be fine, i've read a story on another forum of a woman who did it for the first time
and nothing came out so she missed a whole day (her first day) and it was alright, the
doc office said it didn't really matter that much.

still, i'd like to know... when do you all start the stimming, CD1?
bc my doc said something about call on CD1 to make an apointment for CD3,
but on my sheet it says that i start the gonal-f on CD1.
can't give him a call as the clinic is still closed for another week
Hello from Turkey Ladies :wave:
Started stimming yesterday - don't think I'll have a lot of eggs as the antral follicle count was low but hoping the quality makes up for it. Next scan Tues.

Tansey, don't worry about the antral count too much! mine showed 6 on left...but the scan later showed 8 :) my guy said that they can't see them sometimes even if they are there!

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